
Naruto: Blood & Pleasure

In one moment, I found myself gazing at the sky on my terrace, contemplating life's purpose and adopting a philosophical demeanor akin to a wise sage. The next moment, as I continued to gaze at the unchanged sky, something felt different. So, I turned my head slightly towards my surroundings, like any normal person would, and noticed an unusually carved mountain nearby. What I witnessed could only be described as... indescribable. There was no reaction powerful enough to capture the essence of what I was seeing. Because what I saw was a Mount Rushmore! Not just any Mount Rushmore, but the one vividly remembered in my mind—the Hokage Rushmore that defined my childhood. It was then that I realized I had departed from my so-called modern world, entering one of the most popular and cliched worlds imaginable. However, what I beheld was not the Naruto World I remembered. It was a more cruel and cutthroat reality, filled with dirty politics, bloodline racism, genocides, and much more. But it was also adorned with one more thing, and that was beauties—yes, beauties of every variety imaginable: blondes, pinks, blacks, browns, tall, thin, thick; tsundere, yandere, kuudere. And let's not forget one more thing – I also possessed something unique that no one else in this world had. What was it? Well, you'll have to read the story to find out! What are you still doing here? [Author's Note: If you'd like to support the continuation of this marvelous endeavor, check out the link below.] Patreon: [patreon.com/NexusPrimodius] Discord: [https://discord.com/invite/denoffanfics]

NexusPrimodius · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Chapter 41

Chapter 41


In a heavily fortified location, a lone man sat silently reading some scrolls intently until a knock at the door disrupted his focus.

"Enter," he commanded brusquely.

A masked shinobi swiftly entered and knelt before the man.

"Speak," the man ordered.

"Master, Yami has been captured by Hitomi Hyūga and her son Tatsuya in a secret operation," the masked man reported. "He is currently in Hokage's custody being interrogated by ANBU."

"From my analysis he should be quickly transferred to the Interrogation Division, Master."

The man's expression remained inscrutable as he absorbed the operative's report.

"Do they have evidence against him?" the man asked, his tone clipped and demanding.

The masked operative gave a terse nod. "They were able to find the location where he conducted his experiments. Most likely they currently possess full knowledge of what he was researching."

A heavy frown creased the man's brow at that disquieting news, the wrinkles around his eyes deepening. "How did they discover his base after we provided all necessary materials to conceal it and ensure it remained undetected?"

The operative paused, before replying, "Apparently, he had made his entire operation in the basement directly beneath his own residence. Which made it quite easy to find it after his whole house was destroyed."

For a beat, utter silence reigned in the chamber as the man processed those words with an air of disbelieving outrage.

"Such idiocy!" He bit out.

'I should never have given that fool a chance when he clearly cannot control his obsessive urges,' he raged inwardly. 'He destroyed so many valuable assets that can be trained to good soldiers to just sate his desires.'

The man then ordered coldy "Call Daichi back immediately. He no longer needs to protect that man."

A tense pause followed before the operative slowly shook his head. "Daichi is dead, Master. He fell by the hand of Hyúga's heir, Tatsuya Hyúga."

The words hung heavily in the air as complete silence descended upon the chamber.

For a long, drawn-out moment, the man remained motionless, his expression unreadable.

Finally, when he spoke again, his words emerged as a fury. "Tell me, how did a mere Academy student who has not even seen a day of war or death manage to kill an experienced and talented shinobi like Daichi - one who could go toe-to-toe with seasoned jonin?"

The masked operative remained silent, not daring to offer a reply. He knew better than to speak when his master's anger burned.

"Go," the man snapped after several tense moments. "Make certain Daichi's body is disposed of. We cannot risk arousing Hiruzen's suspicions again."

"Yes, Master," the operative responded with a deferential nod. Then, haltingly, he asked, "But what of Yami? Do we...eliminate him as well?"

The man seemed to consider this for a moment before shaking his head once in a tight, decisive gesture. "No. He still has some uses. I can't waste years of his research. No matter how idiotic he was."

Adding further."As for his ongoing interrogation, let him experience a taste of his own medicine out for a while longer. Let it serve as an...lesson in the consequences of such careless idiotic blunders."

"It will be done, Master," the masked man intoned solemnly before flickering away.

Alone once more, the man sat back into his seat, his thoughts unknown as he brought out a scroll from his sleeves, and wrote a name inside it.

"Tatsuya Hyúga." Danzo was surprised, intrigued and also cautioned.

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While at another place.

Panic was gripping Yami as he struggled against his restraints. "What are you doing here? Why am I here?!" he demanded, his voice laced with undisguised anxiety.

Yet the moment his gaze met those piercing violet eyes, an icy shiver trickled down his spine. Those purple orbs seemed to devour his very soul.

It made him recall one of his final conversations with Hiashi, regarding his son.

'He was right...those eyes are even worse than our own pupil-less ones.'

He had sensed quite early on that Hiashi kind of hated his own son, especially after seeing the haunting violet orbs of him. Back then, he had dismissed his words as mere bitterness, thinking that Hiashi might be suspecting his wife of infidelity.

But now, facing those eyes by himself, it made him understand why Hiashi was like that.

'T-Those eyes are unnatural...' He thought.

Swallowing hard, Yami fought to maintain his composure, which was being all the more arduous by the searing pain coursing through his body. "Wh-What do you want from me?" he rasped, hating the weakness seeping into his voice.

Tatsuya's smile widened fractionally, though it held no warmth. "Want?" he echoed, a hint of mocking derision tingeing his words. "Have you truly become such a witless fool after getting beat up?"

Leaning down until their eyes were level. "Did you honestly delude yourself into believing there would be no repercussions after what you have done?" he asked, his tone laced with biting derision.

"Look around yourself," Tatsuya continued, his lips curving into a cold smile. "Does this room not remind you of something... familiar?"

It was then that the full, horrifying familiarity of his surroundings struck Yami like a physical blow.

The room Yami found himself in was eerily similar to his own basement. And had he not been familiar with every sordid detail he might have believed this WAS his basement.

And yet...subtle discrepancies nagged at the edges of his frantic mind.

"I-I was in the Hokage's custody," Yami stammered. "Why am I here?" His instincts screamed that he would have been better off facing ANBU interrogation.

Tatsuya's smile twisted into a mocking smirk at the question. Turning away, he strode with deliberate calm towards a corner where an array of wicked instruments were meticulously arranged.

Yami felt bile rise in his throat as his gaze raked over the tools.

For the first time in his life, he felt this way. Normally, he would have been excited and eager to play with those tools himself, as he had done for years. But now, seeing them about to be used on him, he suddenly felt like vomiting.

Slowly, and almost sensually, Tatsuya selected a compact-looking tool resembling a pair of serrated, claw-like metal pliers.

Seeing the tool, Yami immediately started trembling.

"W-What are you doing?! Don't come any closer! Stop!!" Yami cried out in desperation, and tried to break his restraints. But no matter how fiercely he tried, the chains held firm, rather thrash sent searing pain through his whole body.

"Did you recognize this?" Tatsuya's smile widened as he caressed the metallic claw. "Is that why you're getting so desperate? Didn't you frequently use this on those poor women? So why the fear now?"

"P-Please, don't do this!" Yami's voice cracked with visceral terror, all vestiges of smug superiority shattered. "I'll do whatever you ask! I'll even reveal who was helping me this entire time! Just please, stop this madness!"

He fully expected that promise to give the boy a pause, to stay his hand in favor of getting those answers. But the young heir's steady advance didn't falter, that same cold smirk twisting his features.

"You are pathetic," Tatsuya stated with undisguised disgust..."But don't fret. I take great pleasure in tormenting disgusting creatures such as yourself."

With those chilling words, Tatsuya slowly brought the wicked tool towards Yami's chest. Yami's eyes widened in primal terror as the serrated metallic claws dug into his chest reaching almost to his lungs.

"Aaaaaaaahhhh! Stooooppp!!" Yami screamed, thrashing desperately against his restraints, only to have the agonizing pain intensify with each pitiful struggle.

This barbaric instrument was typically used in ancient times to tear off women's breasts as an act of punishment, a thing Yami himself had indulged in countless times before. But now, experiencing the same pain himself, all he could do was shed tears of blood as his teeth almost broke with how hard he was clenching them.

As the claws completely dug into his chest, Tatsuya regarded Yami's anguished cries and expressions of torment with a look of cold relish. Pleas for mercy fell on unmoved ears as he methodically started pulling back the claws once it had fully dug on his chest, tearing off his muscles slowly until his full left side of chest was torn open, showing off his ribs and lungs

When at last he stepped back, Yami was left a bloody, shuddering wreck of mess. Bloody tears flowing through his cheeks, half of his teeth broken and eyes blank as paper. Yet in Tatsuya's eyes flickered no pity, only a sense of ruthless satisfaction.

"This is just the beginning," Tatsuya whispered into Yami's ear, his voice laced with menace.

"And you know what, I have increased the sensitivity of your pain sensory nerves, so the agony you are going to feel will not only last longer but will be experienced tenfold." This earned a visible shudder from the captive.

But Tatsuya suddenly paused, looking at Yami closely before backing away, disgust twisting his features. "It seems I underestimated your pathetic-ness, losing control of your bladder with just this much much."

He then retrieved a small saw from the array of tools. "Let's just remove that part first, shall we? We wouldn't want any further...inconveniences such as this."

"No...no, please I beg you! Aaaaaauughhh!" Yami's pleading scream tore from his throat in a ragged wail as Tatsuya commenced his work.

"Did you think your pitiful begging would stay my hand?" Tatsuya stated, his voice devoid of mercy as he wiped the blood from his hands. "Watch and experience as I strip away every shred of humanity from your body."

What followed was a prolonged descent into torture, as Tatsuya methodically deconstructed Yami's body and senses, first through cutting of his tongue and so he couldn't speak, then plucking his eyes so he couldn't see, puncturing his ear drums so he couldn't hear and at last peeling of his skin leaving him a skin.

But Tatsuya didn't stop at that, he then cut both of his legs and arms into pieces and pulled his muscles and tendons by his hand ripping them apart.

"Do not think it ends here," Tatsuya intoned, tossing a jar full of flesh-eating maggots, which immediately started digging into his flesh, hungryly devouring it and laying their eggs.

This cruel cycle continued for hours, inflicting upon Yami the most painful torture before he finally took his last breath.

Surveying the mass of flesh, Tatsuya stood impassively for a moment looking at his hand. "I will return tomorrow," he stated to the empty air around him.

As if on cue, reality itself began cracking and crumbling into shards around him. Tatsuya found himself seated in a chair, with Yami, very much alive once more, bound before him.

"Is your heart lightened now?" A feminine voice called from beside him.

Tatsuya took a moment to respond. "Yes...my heart is lightened now."

The woman's brow furrowed with concern as she caressed his face. "You don't look well - your face is completely pale, like you're about to be sick."

She gave a rueful chuckle. "You should have allowed me to conduct the torture. I am far more adept at...those things"

Tatsuya opened his mouth to reply but then urgently scrambled towards the bathroom, violently expelling the contents of his stomach.

His female companion followed, patting his back consolingly. "I knew this would happen- even I wasn't this composed during my first...session. But I have to say you got talent in this field."

Through the violent retching, Tatsuya managed a strained reply, "It was...necessary to calm my mind. I feel...better now."

After finally completely emptying his stomach and washing his mouth, Tatsuya turned to the beautiful woman and said with a gentle smile, completely opposite to what he showed to Yami "Thank you Tsubasa san. Without you, It wouldn't have gone this well."

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