It was almost time, Orochimaru was going to take his body as a vessel. He hated being used...he refused to be used. With that thought, he took the kunai in his hand and slashed across his eyes.
"Hopefully over lunch the room will have been prepared," Sakura told Sasuke in a thoughtful manner, "I really want to get the new rehab started, we've already lost a day with the curse mark and all, it would really be bothersome if the room wasn't ready."
Sasuke said nothing to this, but merely listened to the closing door of the elevator, as it rumbled shut. At his side, he felt Sakura pull away from him for a moment, and there was a quick swish followed by the 'ping' of the floor button.
"The fifth floor can only be accessed with a key card specific to this hospital," Sakura said to him, explaining the soft swiping noise, "While Ino has access to one of the card keys herself, from working in the pharmaceutical branch, she doesn't yet know that you have been moved to another location—and the files still state that you are in room two twenty-one. As for the rest of your visitors—unless they are willing to scale the hospital walls, there should be no way that they can get to you."
"Naruto would attempt the hospital walls," he stated, a smirk on his lips, and Sakura laughed. There was a musical tone to her laugh that had a softer ring to it, a nice kind of laugh.
"Well, hopefully he won't try anything before tomorrow," she replied, a humorous note in her voice, "I gave him a firm talking to this morning; he seemed pretty dejected by the time he reached the end of the hall."
The elevator blundered to a halt and the doors slid open. Clinging to Sakura too much for his own liking, he allowed her to lead him from the small compartment and onto the new floor. It was quieter where they were, and he assumed it was because on the fifth floor only special cases were admitted, and therefore less people.
"You're room is just over here," Sakura said brightly as she led him a short distance before slowing to open the door to a nearby room, "Oh good—the room is prepared. Well, this should be good for starting the new exercise today, seeing as you're in a new location and don't have any idea what is where."
"What are we going to do?" he asked her without emotion, wondering how a new room could help him in the least.
"I'm going to describe it for you," she replied happily, "Now, I'm no writer, so sorry if my description is lousy."
She cleared her throat slightly, "Well, um… the room is on the east end of the hospital—so right now we're facing east. There's a medium-sized window right before us in the far wall, and a bed is resting beneath it. There's a small table by the head of the bed with a small lamp resting on top, a small vase with a fresh flower in it resting off to the corner.
"Off to our left there's a small room that's the bathroom, and from what I can see the sink and toilet are on the right hand side of the door, the shower is most likely in the back left corner. On our right, there is a counter that has a few tools and trinkets lying on it, but nothing really worth mentioning. There's a series of cupboards mounted onto the wall above the counter and other than extra supplies—I don't think there's anything in there.
"If you want details, the ceiling is undecorated, except for the florescent lighting, the floor is well polished and has an alternating pattern of matching tiles, and the curtains over the window are simply dreadful—they're rather old and are plain white."
Sasuke let her words paint a mental picture in his head so that he could see the room somewhat in his head. He knew that he would probably have a chance to get used to the area after a couple days of staying in it, filling in any details that she had missed. She had been thorough in her description, even telling him what the drapes for the window had looked like.
"I hope that was okay," she said tentatively, seeking approval.
"It was thorough," he acknowledged evenly, "but you're no novelist, Sakura."
"Sorry about that," she replied lightly, and from the tone of her voice, he could tell she was smiling.
"What did you have planned this afternoon?" he inquired, talking a step forward to let her know that he wanted to go and sit on the bed.
He was carefully led over to the edge and he let go of her arm as he sat down on the mattress—noting that it was no softer that the previous one.
"Well," he heard her setting something down on the nightstand—most likely a bag of sorts—and withdrawing a few items from within it. Sitting down on the edge of his bed, he heard a small clattering as she scattered them out between them, "I have here an assortment of different items that were taken from your home."
"My home?" he raised an inquisitive eyebrow, "You took things from my house?"
"I actually cleaned the whole place four days ago," she replied as if it were the most normal thing in the world to do—but Sasuke could hear a small tone of nervousness in her voice, she was afraid he would be angry with her.
He didn't know he felt about her going through the things in his house. He supposed he was a little affronted by the notion, and had a sense of violation of privacy on top of that, but he wasn't exactly angry. She was going to be living with him for a while after he was released from the hospital; she was going to end up in his house eventually.
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