It was almost time, Orochimaru was going to take his body as a vessel. He hated being used...he refused to be used. With that thought, he took the kunai in his hand and slashed across his eyes.
It was only an hour since Sasuke had woken up and finally after what seemed like an age, someone came to check on his condition. The door slid open noisily and then was shut with the same amount of racket. Soft, tentative footsteps approached, and there was a small screech on the floor as a chair was drawn forth. The person could be heard settling down on the chair and there was a slight rustling of papers. After a moment, the visitor cleared their throat and Sasuke determined that the owner of the voice was female, most likely a nurse.
"Where am I?" Sasuke demanded harshly at his visitor, "and why have I been restrained?"
"I am not at the liberty to tell you," the woman replied, her voice sounding vaguely memorable, but he could not put a name to it.
"I am in Konoha, aren't I?" he replied shortly.
"I'm sorry but I cannot—" the woman began again; her voice was young, probably early to mid twenties, but that was only a guess.
"Don't lie to me," he grunted sourly, "I'm not stupid."
There was a short pause, then a weighty sigh, "You, Uchiha Sasuke, are in the Village Hidden in the Leaves, better known as Konoha. Currently you are in a room in our hospital on the second floor—a building I am sure you are familiar with."
He gave a small 'tch' noise in reply, "I expected as much. Release me, and leave me alone. I have no more dealings with Konoha."
The answer he received was firm and curt, sounding completely alien from anyone he had known in Konoha, making him doubt the familiarity he had sensed earlier, "Uchiha, you are a traitor to Konoha and a S-ranked wanted criminal in the Land of Fire. You are in no position to be making demands, let alone expecting to be released."
Frustrated, he clenched his fists tightly, "What do you want with me?"
"You have committed crimes against this village, and you are to atone for them. I also am asked to inquire as to how you received the injuries you did," the woman was terse.
"I don't have to tell you anything," he replied coldly, turning his face away from the woman's voice.
"Considering that many people—the jounin team that found you, our best medical staff, and the Hokage herself—worked late into the night to keep you alive, you could repay their kindness and hard work by telling us how you acquired your wounds," the woman's voice sounded displeased, "Or at least be grateful."
"Why would I care if you kept me alive?" he replied, "I didn't ask you to."
"You are an avenger," came the simple reply.
It was a basic answer, but the words caused Sasuke to stiffen slightly, his stomach clenching unpleasantly.
"Kinda hard to avenge your clan if you're dead too."
Sasuke's displeasure deepened, but outwardly he pretended not to care. The woman's knowledge about him disturbed him—how had she known of his desire for revenge? He was doubtful that the majority of the village was aware of the circumstances under which he left, but he was certain he had never met this woman before in his life.
"Why do you want to know how I was injured?" he asked suspiciously.
The voice was patient and kind, beginning to sound recognizable again to his ears, but still the name eluded him, and he could not picture a face. "We want to know because we want to be able to treat your further. It is easier to heal someone when we know the nature of the injury. We are trying to help you."
He snorted with cynical amusement, "You were the one who said I'm an S-ranked criminal."
"That may be, but if you are helpful, it will benefit you greatly," the nurse told him, "The Hokage is willing to make at deal with you. We will help you become accustomed to your condition and do everything in our power to help you return to your strength; we will also be willing to lighten your sentence considerably if you will assist us."
"What kind of information do you want from me?"
"Information on Orochimaru and his followers mostly; the more information you can give, the lighter your sentence will become, and you may even be pardoned of your crimes," the young woman remarked, "I would accept this generous offer if I were you. There are endless benefits and at a small price. Refuse the terms, and your original punishment will be carried out—you will be executed."
The woman's voice wavered somewhat as she told him his sentence, and he sensed a touch of familiarity though he still could not place it. He brushed it aside however as he considered her words; it was true that the deal had countless benefits for him, and it was at a small price. Orochimaru had erased parts of his memory, but he could still recall clearly other information that Kabuto must not have deemed 'important'. The deal was tempting, and it showed that they trusted him to some extent—he lowered his guard slightly.
"I was tortured," he said finally, admitting it stung his pride a little, "by Orochimaru."
There was some quick scribbling on what he assumed was a clipboard before the scribbling stopped, "How?"
"I don't know."
"How were you—" the nurse stumbled over her words, but cleared her throat, "—blinded?"
"I was blinded by a kunai," was his response, but he refused to say more on the matter.
"I see," the woman replied, "Thank you. I will inform Tsunade-sama that you have accepted the deal, so we can start your treatment."
There was a scraping on the floor and the creak of a chair was the woman stood to depart.
"Wait," he called out, and he heard her pause, "In what condition is my vision?"
There was along silence before the nurse spoke, her voice serious, yet laced with an undertone of despair. "I won't lie to you Sasuke," she sighed, using his first name for the first time throughout the conversation, "Your eyes will heal perfectly, but the chance of your vision returning is just under four percent, and the use of your Sharingan is lower still."
He felt a grimness wash over him as he heard her soft footsteps receding. He had thought as much, Kabuto had said something similar, but he did not want to trust the cowardly medic's word. Unfortunately, Kabuto had been right.
"Thank you," he said quietly as the young woman opened the door.
A quiet and wavering reply came to him just before the door shut, "I'm sorry."
Outside the room, Sakura walked slowly to the elevator, and it wasn't until the doors had shut that she burst into tears.
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