
Chapter 31: To the Land of Fire

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

"Hmm…"- Bijuu

Chapter 31:

To the Land of Fire

About a week and a half had passed since Naruto, Aika, and Haru had become an official team with Kaito taking the role as their jonin sensei. It was during that time that the jonin had worked on strengthening their individual skills since it was already cleared to the man that they were already well managed when it came to working as a team.

Under his tutelage, Haru had worked in improving his taijutsu, which was pretty much his area of weakness. It was something that the new genin was still struggling with even now. But it was something to be expected. He was better with his bow than anything else. But Kaito didn't want for the boy to be too dependent on it. Otherwise, when a day came that he couldn't rely on his weapon, he would be powerless to do anything and more than likely lose his life. It was something that Kaito wanted to avoid at all costs. So that was what the boy had worked in during the time, his taijutsu improving even more than it had already been before.

With Aika, the biggest problem that Kaito could see with the girl was her emotions. She became too quick tempered in battle, making mistakes that she could otherwise avoid if she were calm. She had great skills; Kaito couldn't deny that. But that didn't mean anything if an opponent could rile her up and get the better of her by making a stupid mistake because of her rash judgement. So with her, Kaito had her mostly training in the art of meditation. It wasn't exactly fancy, something that Aika had first protested to. But Kaito had quickly struck her objections down, letting her know that he had his reasons for doing what he was. That didn't mean that she didn't complain every once in a while, though.

As for Naruto, Kaito had not been able to see anything wrong with the blond during their first spar together. It was why he had spar with the blond one on one to get a better sense of the blond's weaknesses. And unfortunately, he could still see none. The blond was well versed in both ninjutsu and taijutsu, the latter being even more effective since he had his bo staff. And Kaito couldn't very well teach him genjutsu since he, along with his clan, weren't all that suited for the art. But it seemed as if the blond Uzumaki already knew how to counter against genjutsu, knowing to dispel it with his chakra. This rang true for both Aika and Haru as well. Not only that, but Kaito had been surprised that the three already knew that they could use each other in order to dispel genjutsu in case they couldn't brake out of one on their own. Another thing Kaito noticed during their spar together was the feeling that Naruto was amused about their whole sparring situation. And the jonin used "amused" in a loose way since he couldn't very well place what it was. It was almost as if the blond felt that the spar was amusing, as well as fighting him. But why would that be? It didn't make any sense. At least to him.

At any rate, Kaito had decided to see if he could teach the blond any new jutsu for his wind style as well as get his speed up. It was the only thing that the jonin could come up with, as embarrassing as it was. He knew that he could never let his mother get wind of it all right. But it was something that he had talked with his father about. As well as Aika's chakra chains. The jonin didn't know which one was a bigger surprise honestly. There was also the great amount of interest that his father had taken in Aika now. Not that Kaito could blame him. He had already been informed of what his father was being forced to do in the next couple of months. But it was a topic that he stayed out of, mainly because he really didn't know which was the better option.

It was after a week and a half of this that the jonin felt it was time to start taking missions. However, just like any other team, they had to start from the bottom with the D-rank ones. It was something that Naruto had loudly protested to the moment the words left his father's mouth. The blond had screamed and kicked for about ten minutes, all the while saying that they deserved a better mission than taking care of some dogs. While it was something that Kaito had also dreaded during his first few months as a genin, it was something that couldn't be avoided either. Especially since some part of him was hoping to enjoy the three suffering through the missions just like he had. It wasn't really a mature way of thinking, but he didn't care either way.

After that, the team had undertaken a total of ten missions or so of straight D-rank, one after the other. His father had promised the three genin that, as soon as they cleared enough D-rank missions, the sooner that they would be able to be assigned higher ranked ones. But so far, that had yet to happen. It was something that Naruto was quick to point out.

"I've had it, old man!"

And that brought everything to the present. Team Nine was currently in Arashi's office in the village where they had just completed their latest mission, if it could even be called that. Naruto certainly didn't think so. The others felt the same way too. They just had a bit more patience than their blond friend about the whole thing.

Meanwhile, Arashi was holding his head, knowing that this was going to happen sooner than later. Kushina had been in the exact same mood as Naruto ever since she and her team had completed their first D-rank mission. They were practically alike in personality all right.

Naruto pointed an accusing finger at his grandfather. "You told us that we would have a higher rank mission when we finished all these damn D-rank ones! Well, we've already done fourteen of them! When are you going to keep your promise!?"

Kaito sighed as he grabbed a hold of the blond by the neck, lifting him up without any difficulty. "Oi. Calm down. You're a shinobi now, remember? Stop acting like a little kid. You're not in the academy anymore, idiot."

Naruto wouldn't normally be like this. He knew that shinobi missions weren't anything to scoff at. But he had been through this once before. And the blond had been expecting to never go through it again. Seriously. He could kick anyone's ass here. So why should he have to go help someone shop? His skills demanded to be put to use dammit!

"You certainly ended up with an interesting boy, Kurama," Gyuki said with a chuckle. "One moment he's serious and with the maturity of a full fledged shinobi. The next? He's a whining brat. Quite the bipolar kid."

"You're telling me," Kurama grumbled. The fox had long since stopped trying to figure Naruto out. The brat was just the brat. Nothing more than that. That didn't mean he didn't like it, though. Kurama knew that he couldn't have handled a guy with a stick up his ass like how that Hyuuga brat used to be.

"But now we're in this together," Matatabi added with a chuckle as well.

Naruto ignored them, already knowing that what he was doing wasn't exactly professional. But he didn't care. He just wanted a proper mission. Was that too much to ask for?

Arashi looked at his son who met his gaze. They had already talked before about what to do if this situation came up. They had already known that it was bound to happen sooner than later. It wasn't something that Arashi normally tolerated. But he had read Kaito's report on the team's assessment as well as their individual skills. And he was impressed. More than impressed. Especially with Naruto. The blond had shown exceptional skills and the level head to used them in combat. Of course, looking at him now, Arashi would doubt those words if it hadn't been his own son telling him. And he trusted Kaito. Arashi knew that his son would never sugarcoat anything. If he had given them praise, it was because they deserved it. It was why he had accepted Kaito's terms to let his team build up a certain number of D-rank missions before he gave them a higher one. Of course, Arashi was hoping to draw this out until as long as possible. And it seemed as if he had just reached that line. The timing was perfect too.

"All right, Naruto," Arashi began, drawing the attention of the sulking blond, "you've made your point. And I did promise you. So, I've decided to give you a higher ranked mission. How does that sound?"

Both Aika and Haru sighed in relief, glad that they wouldn't have to do anymore chores. It got annoying and tiresome after a while. As for Naruto, the whiskered blond smirked while sighing in relief inside his own mind. His tantrum had paid off. Now, he could finally go out and do real missions. Knowing Uzu's system, it was more than likely outside of the island too. It would be fun. In the last four years, the only places the blond had been in were Uzu and Mount Myoboku with the toads. He needed to stretch his legs out a bit.

"What kind of mission is it?" Aika asked in a respectful tone. It wasn't one that she used very often, especially considering just whom she hung out with. But she still had the manners to know that their clan leader was someone to be respected.

"Escort mission," Arashi answered before he began to elaborate. "In a few days, the Land of Fire's daimyo is hosting an event in his palace. It's pretty much a party for the wealthy really. In any case, he asked if at least one of our own council members would like to attend the event as a representative of our clan and village."

Naruto, Aika, and Haru exchanged a glance amongst one another, already knowing how the council would react to that.

It was something that Arashi picked up on, making the man chuckle. They really did catch on fast. "That's right. They pretty much all turned the offer down. They already know that it's just an excuse set up by the daimyo in order to try and repair the relationship between Uzu and Konoha."

"But then who agreed?" Haru asked, curious to know which council member would actually say yes considering that they all pretty much had a distaste towards Konoha and the Land of Fire at the moment.

"Oh, just an old friend of mine," Arashi answered without elaborating. He didn't want to let them know how he had pretty much begged the man to take the offer. He at least wanted to preserve relations with Konoha, even if they never returned to what they had once been.

Kaito, however, was looking at his father with slight irritation, wondering why he would assign such an important mission to genin. The alliance between Uzu and Konoha was well in the balance here. Genin weren't meant to handle such a mission.

"Konoha has been kind enough to provide its own escort as well," Arashi continued. "It's another team that will meet with you once you touch down in the port tomorrow."

Naruto closed his eyes while hearing all of this, trying to contain some of his excitement at knowing that he would once again be going to the place where he had been born. Like Kaito, he was already thinking that this mission was too important for his grandfather to be handing it out to them like that. No matter how much he had annoyed the man, his grandfather probably had a motive for giving this to them. And while curious to know what that motive was, the blond jinchuriki just wanted to relish in the knowledge of knowing that he was going to the Land of Fire. Even if it wasn't Konoha. It would be an experience nonetheless. He had never been in the capital either. So, like Aika and Haru, it would be his first time.

"You will head out tomorrow morning," Arashi said, moving the conversation forward. "Even if it is your first time setting foot out of Uzu, I want you to remember to not take any risks. Understand?" Seeing the three genin nod, Arashi added, "In that case, you're dismissed."

Kaito locked eyes with his father, the latter knowing that there would be a discussion about this tonight. Oh well. Arashi supposed that it was about time that Kaito knew of some his future plans. It would be interesting to see his son's reaction all right.

Arashi chuckled after Team Nine had walked out of his office, absently going back to his paperwork. The trickster in him was waiting to see how things would go tonight. Unless Kaito tattled to Kazumi…..then he was screwed.

Oh well. Such was the destiny of a husband.

Haru looked curiously at a nervous looking Aika.

After they had left the clan leader's office, Kaito had dragged a screaming Naruto with him, saying that he needed to teach him some things about conduct. Haru had simply watched them go in amusement, knowing that the blond was never going to change. Not that it mattered anyway. He liked Naruto just the way he was. Anyway, after that, before he could make his leave too, Aika had pulled him to the side because she said that she wanted to talk to him about something. And so, here he was, leaning against a tree as he watched Aika struggle with whatever it was that she wanted to tell him. No one was around at the moment either, so it was only the two of them.

"You see," Aika began as she struggled with her thoughts, "the thing is….."

Haru raised an eyebrow at seeing a small blush form itself on the girl's face. He could count the number of times that he had seen the girl blush before with one hand. So this was really a rare occasion.

"The thing is what?" Haru repeated, trying to urge the girl on. He was genuinely curious to know what had Aika of all people so worked up. She was usually bold with what she had to do or express.

Aika inhaled, taking in a huge breath. She had already decided that she was going to do this. "The thing is that I'm actually planning on telling Naruto how I really feel after this mission…and well, I just wanted to see what someone else thought about it….."

The redhead finally mustered the courage to look at Haru again, trying to see his reaction. But unlike what she had been expecting, the boy was simply staring at her with a calm look and a smile to match. That could only mean one thing.

"So you already knew, huh?"

Haru shrugged, the smile still in place. "It's kind of hard not to pick up on that, Aika."

"Is it really that obvious?" Aika asked, rubbing her shoulder in an awkward manner. Knowing that anyone else could pick up on the fact that she had feelings for Naruto wasn't exactly something that she was pleased to know. Especially if the idiot already knew about them.

"Don't worry," Haru said, picking up on what his friend was thinking, "Naruto doesn't know anything. He's too dense for that."

At eased with that, Aika moved on to why she had told Haru this to begin with. "Okay. But how do you think he's going to respond? I know that it isn't really fair to ask you, but I don't really have anyone else to turn to."

"Don't worry, I don't mind!" Haru quickly exclaimed, already knowing that what the girl was saying was true. She didn't have any other friends other than him and Naruto. She couldn't really trust Kaito like that after a couple of weeks. Her mother was gone, and her father…well, he wasn't the same person anymore. So he was pretty much it. And Haru was happy with that. He didn't mind helping the girl out with her problem. Mainly her insecurity of how Naruto would respond. But thinking about the blond, Haru knew that his friend was simply too thickheaded to realize about his own emotions. Or more like, he didn't dwell on it. However, there was something else that was also troubling him.


Said girl focused back on Haru at hearing him become more serious.

"I'm not trying to dissuade you from confessing," he began, "but I just want to clarify something. Even after everything that Naruto told us, whom he really is, all that he's planning on doing…do you still feel the same way?"

"Don't thinking too lightly of me," Aika said in almost a whisper. "I know that it's weird. I know that I'm weird. But I've known that for a while now and have come to terms with it. But this isn't something that happened overnight. At first, it was weird for me. Even if he does look our age, I know that he's from the future and the implications of that. But that doesn't change my feelings for him. He's the one that turned my life around. Opened my eyes to new things. I know that it'll be dangerous being with him, given what he one day plans on doing. But that's all secondary to being with him. It doesn't matter to me, now matter how irrational it sounds."

Haru shook his head, his smile back in place. "It is irrational. But that's how emotions are supposed to be. And don't worry. I'm sure that Naruto will be happy to know that you have feelings for him. Trust me."

Aika nodded, feeling herself becoming more confident about her plan now.

"Thanks, Haru. I needed that."

Haru merely nodded, glad that he had at least been able to give Aika some support about her confession. Now, he could only wait for the best.

It was already nighttime, but Arashi's work wasn't done yet. Sure, he was home. But he was still cooped up inside his office as he was confronted by Kaito about why he had given his team such an important mission.

"I know what you want to say," Arashi began, "but you should already know that I've taken some special interest in this team. Even more so now."

"Yeah, I know," Kaito replied through gritted teeth. "I know that Aika's power is-"

"I'm not talking about that," Arashi interrupted with a shake of his head. "Although that is a part of it, I was referring more specifically to Naruto."

Kaito raised an eyebrow, his irritation disappearing only to be replaced by his interest. He had already been suspecting this. "What about him?"

Arashi shook his head. "It's not something that you should be worrying about right now. But this team that you have is special, Kaito. They may very well be the leaders of their generation. I know that it sounds farfetched, but you should already know that there is some truth to what I'm saying."

Kaito sighed, knowing that his father had a point. With that knowledge in mind that opened up the few possibilities of what his father could be planning, Kaito now understood why he had given his team this mission. "You're sneaky, father. Don't you think that it's something that you should have run by me first?"

Arashi chuckled. "Well, isn't this something? You're already so overprotective of them!"

Kaito t'ched, wanting to deny the claim but knowing that his father had him there as well.

Seeing this, Arashi chuckled some more before he said, "It pleases me to see that. But we also have to think about the future. We can't deny the fact that your entire team has the potential to become powerhouses in the shinobi world. For the future of our clan. We can't overlook the fact that we have many enemies out there. We have to be prepared at all times in any worst case scenarios, one of those preparations being to make sure that we raise the next generation to its full potential. That is my burden as the leader of this village and our clan."

Kaito sighed once more, now realizing that he had been out of line to question his father's judgment. The man might be old, but his sense of judgment hadn't dulled in the slightest. He was already looking out for the future, preparing for it while making sure that the present stayed intact. It was something that Kaito failed to take into account many times, something that he knew he had yet to learn how to do. Even now, even though he was a jonin, his father was still making him feel like he was back in the academy all over again. It was both annoying and rejuvenating.

"All that said, though," Arashi continued, "don't forget to always be careful out there. Even if things are calm now, history has taught us that it all can change in a matter of seconds."

"Don't worry about that," Kaito replied with a look of determination befalling his face. "No matter what, I won't let anything happen to them. Naruto is my younger brother, after all. And the other two have already earned a special place in my heart."

Arashi smiled, already knowing that placing Kaito with a team had been a good idea. But more specifically with this team. It was something that the man had always noticed with Naruto. Somehow, no matter the method or the person, the blond always found a way to get through to them. He had done it with Kushina, making the girl mature in her own way as well. And now, he was doing it with Kaito. It was something that always amazed him. Arashi knew that he had not made a mistake in taking the blond in as a part of his family. He had been a positive influence to them all. That also rang true with both young genin that were in his team. Kenji had already told him about how his son had used to be before he had met Naruto. Ever since meeting the blond, the boy had grown much more, turning into a better shinobi with endless possibilities. That was also the same for young Aika. The girl had never bothered to try and work hard in the academy until after Naruto had come into the picture. Not to mention how the blond had been there for her when her mother had died in action in the last war.

'I can't wait to see how things go next,' Arashi thought with a chuckle.

Aika sighed to herself as she ate her dinner in silence. Tonight her father was home eating dinner with her, something that happened once every couple of months. It didn't really change anything, however. No matter how or what she talked to him about, her father didn't budge or simply replied with nothing but two words. In other words, it was no different than as if she were eating by herself. It was really depressing for the girl. In the past when her mother had still been alive, dinners were something that she always looked forward to. They were all together, chatting and smiling. She could only wish for things to go back to how they had been. Nothing more than that.

"I hear that you're going on a mission tomorrow."

Aika paused, wondering for a moment if she had heard right. Turning her attention to her father, the girl saw how the man was actually looking at her for once, waiting for her response. Not trusting her voice for the moment, she could only nod, wondering where this had come from.

Seeing his daughter nod, Hiroshi turned his gaze to his dinner, not responding for a few moments. This made Aika wonder if that was it. But much to her relief, her father looked at her again, a worried look on his face.

"Be careful out there, okay? Things can get pretty hectic sometimes."

Stunned, Aika didn't know how to respond. But finally understanding what her father had just said, the girl smiled happily before nodding.

That comment had just made her dinner time much more exciting.

"So you're heading out to your first mission tomorrow."

Haru stopped his packing in order to look at his father who stood in the doorway leading into his room.

Nodding, he said, "Yes. Mostly because Arashi-sama must have gotten tired of Naruto complaining all the time. But I'm still glad we're not doing any more D-rank missions."

Kenji chuckled, already aware of the dread that were D-rank missions. But it was part of the system that helped genin grow a bit and make them come together as a team before they were assigned higher ranked ones. Haru and his team were one of the few exceptions in which they had already built that bond as a team way before they actually became one. In that sense, they had gotten a head start from other genin in their graduating class.

"It does appear to be an important mission, though," Haru said, a contemplating look on his face. "I'm glad that we're no longer getting D-rank ones, but this does seem to be unusual."

Kenji smirked, having already been told by Arashi just why he had assigned Team Nine this mission. But he hadn't old Haru that. It just showed the man that his son really did have what it took to be a great leader. He was always looking underneath the underneath. It was something that came naturally to the boy. It was an inspiring trait as far as Kenji was concerned.

"Nevertheless, he assigned this mission to you and your team," Kenji stated. "You must see it through. But do be careful out there. Your life is much more important than one mission. Understand?"

Haru nodded, already aware of that fact. Even if his rational side told him that his mission was much more important than his comrades, he knew otherwise. His father had always told him how his friends and comrades were the most important things he could have, regardless of success in missions. Naruto had simply reinforced this belief to him. Over the years, the blond had told them more and more about his past exploits. He had pretty much lived by abiding that principle. To Haru, it was remarkable.

Returning back to his packing after his father had left, Haru fixed his eyes upon his bow, the same one that had been with him this whole time. Picking it up, the boy once again marveled it, thinking back to how it had changed from a normal looking bow to this luxurious looking one. The boy still didn't fully understand it or all of its power. But it was something he knew that he would get the hang of as time went on.

With that in mind, Haru continued on with making sure that he had everything prepared for tomorrow. It was going to be a big day.

The next morning went by very fast. Naruto got up earlier than he usually did, that being because he had to catch up with his team in order to make sure they were in time with the schedule of the ship that was due to leave in the morning. The blond had gone through his usual routine, which included breakfast. It had only been him, his uncle, and his grandmother this time around. Arashi had gone to the office earlier than usual today while Kushina had still been in bed. Kazumi had bid them farewell with a smile and a big kiss for Naruto in the cheek, which had the blond embarrassed. But he didn't refuse it. Having not known of his family during his time, the blond knew to be thankful about such acts.

After that, Naruto and Kaito had taken off to the only harbor in the village, which was also one of the busiest ares of Uzu. It wasn't much of a surprise. That was pretty much where most commerce took place in the village. But Naruto didn't dwell on any of this as they met up with Aika and Haru. After they had checked in, the team boarded the ship. It was then that they met with the council member that they were supposed to guard these next few days. The man seemed all right in Naruto's book. For a council member anyway. He could certainly lighten up some, though. The trip after that had been a bit boring. Naruto did find some level of pleasure in it since this was the first time that he was leaving the village in the normal way. Last time, he had to use sneaky methods. But it had been for a higher cause.

Aika and Haru also made the trip more enjoyable. He was able to just talk and be laid back with them during the trip. Naruto knew that there was nothing to worry about just yet. When they reached the Land of Fire, though, the blond knew that they were going to have to be a bit more assertive since that was pretty much hostile territory as far as his village was concerned. It wasn't something that he relished much in, but facts were facts. The Uzumaki clan didn't care much for the Land of Fire right now or for its daimyo. He couldn't get around that. For now anyway.

It still took them a couple of hours before they were able to reach the mainland, however. Naruto knew that, if it hadn't been for his godly stamina, he never would have been able to make it across the sea on his own. Then again, as he thought about it, the blond realized that he could have used the toads for that instead of running for that whole hour.

"Hahaha! Always the idiot, brat!"

Naruto t'ched at hearing the amused laughter from a certain nine tailed bijuu. 'Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, you over sized furball. But I didn't see you pitching in for an idea at the time.'

"There's a reason for that, Naruto-kun."

Naruto sighed at hearing Matatabi's uncertain voice, already having an idea now. 'Let me guess: you all made a bet to see if I would realize it or not?'


Naruto's eyebrows twitched at the answer, not quite believing what he had just learned.

"We had completely forgotten about that, though," Son Goku said with a laugh. "It really was hilarious!"

'You guys…..'

Both Aika and Haru didn't know why, but their friend had been annoyed for the remainder of their trip after that.

Aika stretched her arms out after she and the others had disembarked. Kaito was behind them with the council member, no doubt going over some mission details or whatever.

"We're finally here!"

Haru was watching his surroundings, taking in the new buildings and people. This was the first time that he was seeing people that were not a part of the Uzumaki clan. He didn't count Naruto since the blond was at least part Uzumaki.

As for Naruto, the jinchuriki simply took a huge breath in, feeling himself relaxed. It was good to be back in the outside world. While he did enjoy his time in Uzu, he was also someone who enjoyed not having any limitations placed on him. And Uzu really did have many rules regarding going to the outside world. Too much in Naruto's opinion. But once again, this wasn't something that he could change just quite yet. For now, he just needed to focus on this mission.

"This is where we're supposed to meet with the team from Konoha," Kaito said from behind Naruto as he walked up to his team, the council member in tow. "So we're going to-"

"There's no need to wait for us, Uzumaki-san. We are already here."

Naruto's blood ran cold at hearing the voice, shuddering ever so slightly. But why shouldn't it make him shudder? It was none other than Orochimaru.

Kaito turned to face Orochimaru who was also being accompanied by three other Konoha chunnin. The Uzumaki jonin narrowed his eyes slightly, not forgetting how the man had come to Uzu all those years ago in order to drag them into the war. It wasn't exactly the man's fault, though. He had only been following orders. But that didn't mean that Kaito liked him. He didn't know why, but the Konoha jonin just rubbed him the wrong way.

For Orochimaru, what he was seeing in front of him was quite the surprise. He didn't think that Uzu would send a bunch of genin to such a mission at this one. After all, in many ways, the alliance between Konoha and Uzu was on the line here. It wasn't something that could be trusted to genin. He really didn't know what to make of it. But knowing better than to voice his observations out, least of all in front of the council member, he simply smiled.

"You arrived earlier than expected. We can now get an early start to our journey to the capital."

Kaito nodded. "Yes. That is for the better. We should get a move on."

Signaling for his team to follow him, Kaito began to make his way towards the main road out of the small town and towards the capital.

Sending the genin a smile, Orochimaru bowed slightly when the council member walked past him. But of course, he was ignored. He hadn't been expecting anything less really. Not caring either way, Orochimaru signaled for his team to file in behind him.

Naruto, however, was observing Orochimaru closely. With the snake having been added to the equation of this mission, Naruto knew that things wouldn't be as simple as he had first thought that they were going to be. Orochimaru was that kind of a man. Not only that, but he hadn't seen the man ever since his last visit to Uzu in which he had pretty much threatened him and Konoha as a whole. And he still had no idea what the man had done with that information.

"It wasn't exactly a heartwarming reunion all right," Gyuki said.

'Can you blame me?' Naruto said back. 'This guy has been responsible for a lot of the evils that happen in the future. You can't fault me for wanting to at least be careful with what he does next since I really have no idea about what he's planning during this time period.'

"But he's loyal to Konoha still, right?" Matatabi asked. "That should tell you that he at least hasn't gone down that path yet."

"We can't be sure of that," Kurama replied. "From what Naruto and I learned, the man still conducts his experiments while being in Konoha. And we don't really know when he starts them."

'Yeah,' Naruto agreed. 'Captain Yamato was a part of them too. That's how he's able to use the Wood style. But the point is that he isn't trustworthy. Now that he's here, I'll have to be extra cautious with this mission all the while trying not to reveal too much of my skills. I don't want to blow my cover.'

"The good news is that he's nowhere near his future self's level," Isobu stated. "At least, that's what I can gather from your memories."

'That's true,' Naruto agreed. 'But he's not a lightweight either. There's a reason why Konoha considered him to be a genius in his own right.'

Kurama scoffed. "And when has that ever stopped you from kicking someone's ass?"

Naruto chuckled in his head. 'That's also true. Anyway, if it comes down to it, I'll just have to wing it.'

Naruto's hands clenched into fists at his side. Now, he really didn't know what to expect of this mission. He was certain that it was going to be hectic all right. But then again, when was his life never that? One thing was certain, though. He wouldn't let the others come to harm, no matter what.

And so, he was on his way to the Land of Fire.

Fuka sighed in irritation as she followed behind Kakuzu who was walking in front of her at a fast pace. The duo had arrived to the capital of the Land of Fire just a few minutes ago. They had taken a few detours along the way in order to allow Kakuzu to recuperate as well as fill the man in with more info about the shinobi world today. Kakuzu had also taken to try and see if he could find any suitable replacements for his missing hearts. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how one looked at it, the man had found two other suitable replacements. Fuka didn't really know what made them suitable, but she didn't bother asking. Some things were better left unknown.

Anyway, Kakuzu had then told her that they were going to the capital of the Land of Fire in order to find his last two remaining hearts as well as see if he could start finding jobs so that he could earn some money. He was already in debt with Fuka, something that he really didn't like. Not to mention that Fuka really didn't want to spend all of her money on the man since she had even bought him some new clothes. Thankfully, Kakuzu wasn't picky. Just a black pair of trousers, black shinobi sandals, and a mesh shirt with a black cloak in order to cover his face. Fuka didn't question it really. Whatever worked for the man.

The message that she intended to give to this mysterious Uzumaki Naruto was also in her kunai pouch still. It was a good thing that Sasuke had written his name on the scroll all right. And while some part of her was curious to know what the message itself was all about, she knew that she would get some answers when she met with the Uzumaki. Whenever that was. Seriously. Kakuzu had too many things to do for a man that just gotten out of prison. And while she could ditch him, Fuka knew that she wouldn't. She had taken a liking to the man. They were too similar, something that she found fondness in. Not to mention that she was certain that Kakuzu didn't mind her company at all. Otherwise, he would have tried to kill her already. He just didn't express it very well. But Fuka didn't mind it. That was just the way that he was.

"Can you slow down a bit? It's not like the capital is going somewhere!"

That didn't mean that she couldn't complain.

Kakuzu stopped abruptly, turning to look at her. "You do know where I can find a job around here right?"

Fuka chuckled. For rogue ninja, the bigger cities always had the bigger jobs. As in, the bigger bounties which amounted to the bigger rewards. That was why Kakuzu had wanted to come here. But Kakuzu didn't really know where those spots were. He had been stuck in prison all this time, after all. It was something that must have crossed his mind, which was why he had bothered to stop at all.

Waving one of her hands, Fuka said, "Hai, hai. Of course I know them. But we've been on this nonstop for the last few days. I need some R&R. We're going to a hot spring!"

Kakuzu t'ched as the redhead walked past him and towards where the hot springs area was more than likely located. And the now rogue ninja didn't really want to cause a scene out here with all these people walking about. So for now, he would have to follow behind Fuka.

That didn't mean that he couldn't grumble, though.

Fuka smirked, almost sensing the irritation that Kakuzu was no doubt feeling at the moment. Ah, messing with others was so much sweeter when you already knew them.

Hidan t'ched in aggravation as he kicked a pebble by his feet. He was wearing the light brown and maroon uniform that the shinobi of his village, Yugakure, wore. But he wasn't feeling all that proud to be a member of his village all right.

The convoy that he was part of had arrived early this morning today to the palace of the daimyo of the Land of Fire. He had been escorting the leader of his village who had been invited to attend the grand party that was being hosted by the daimyo. It only made him sick. Not only that, but it didn't dwell well with him considering the rumors that he had been hearing about the village leader wanting to turn his back from being a shinobi village any longer. Instead he wanted for Yugakure to become a village based solely on hot springs.

'For peace they say,' Hidan thought in irritation. 'For the damn money, they mean. Well, what the fuck has money ever done? Nothing!'

That was why he was out here on a stroll in the outskirts of the capital. He and the others in the convey had been dismissed since the guards of the daimyo had taken over, assuring them that their leader was in good hands. Well, Hidan didn't give a fuck about that. In fact, he wanted to kill the man with his own hands. But that did bring him to an interesting point in his life. Just what would he do now? His shinobi career wasn't going to be lasting long all right.

"I knew I would find you here, Hidan."

Hidan turned around to look at an old man standing there with simple garments on. Hidan already knew whom this man was. He had already been approached by him in the past before.

"You again? What are you doing here?"

The man, wearing what looked to be a worn out priest outfit, said with a smile, "I'm just here to once again extend my offer to you. It must be certain to you by this point how your village is going to ruins."

Hidan t'ched. He had first been made aware of the rumors by this man. "Really now? And you're saying that your religion group will be a better place?"

The man shrugged. "I've already told you about most of the things that we stand for. And why we want you as a member. Surely, your passion is a gift given by Jashin-sama himself! One that was made for me to discover so that I may guide you in the right path!"

Hidan didn't reply. Just like before, the offer sounded tempting. But the reason he had turned the man down last time was because he was perfectly fine with all the violence that he got as a shinobi for Yugakure. But now…..

"You must see that the village you claim to serve is full of heretics!" the man continued, already knowing what was holding Hidan back. "This little event should be all the proof that you need."

Hidan closed his eyes before a smirk befell his face. Opening them again, Hidan looked at the man.

"Tell me more about this Jashin."