
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · アニメ·コミックス
489 Chs

Chapter 45

Join my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead.}


Title: Short Timeskip


A month had passed since Shun began training Madara and Hashirama and just three days into the training, the two could already climb up the mountain with relevant speed.

Despite that, Shun still maintained it as a rule that they must climb up the mountain before any training of any kind could commence, and as they've noticed the development they've been having, they toughed it out.

A week into the training, Shun had taught them the different handsigns and their importance when it comes to Techniques.

"Handsigns are what I'll term as crutches. They're only there to help you have an easier time when circulating chakra to perform a particular technique. Don't depend too much on it, instead, practice said handsigns till you've perfected it to the point of using any technique with nothing but a thought." Shun had told them.

"Is that even possible?" Madara asked. As an Uchiha, they most often than not, use the techniques of their opponents in battle so it wasn't much of a surprise to Shun that he asked that.

"When it comes to handsigns, speed is necessary. Wouldn't it be better that you can split out your prized [Fire Annihilation] with nothing but a thought? Would you rather wasting time forming handsigns?" Shun asked back and that managed to shut the boy up.

Hashirama on the other hand wasn't really bothered, their Senju clan depend mostly on their physical strength to fight any battle and rarely have to use techniques except in special cases where they encounter some special clans.

This was what has been keeping both Uchiha and Senju clan from reigning supreme over the other.

'Imagine an Uchiha with physical strength strong enough to rival a Senju or a Senju that dedicates his time to learning techniques. They'd be unstoppable, but No.. they'd rather maintain the status quo. Oh well.' Shun thought to himself.

After that, Shun taught them unique breathing techniques to use on special occasions, nothing too spectacular just some breathing rhythm to maintain when doing certain stuff.

He had also taught them various Hand to hand combat techniques, ranging from Karate, Taekwondo, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Akido and many more he had explored over the years.

It was just the basics though, he didn't have the luxury of time to impart everything to them, at least he was sure they could hold their own against the ten year old him of back then.

On the Third day, Shun had given the two kids a book each to take to their younger brothers to learn a thing or two. To Madara he gave a book detailing Indra's research on handseal back then and to Hashirama, he gave his Akashic Record.

Yup. The big bad book of various techniques and seals that could probably end the world.

That's what he gave a 7 year old brat to study.


After a week, he immediately teleported both books back to his library. Wouldn't want more eyes seeing what they aren't supposed to be seeing now, would we?

Several techniques that have been lost to time were in that Akashic Record and Shun was sure that the little Tobirama, despite his famed intelligence wouldn't be able to understand much about the seals anyway, but at least, he should have glimpsed a thing or two about some techniques.

Especially the Shadow Clone Jutsu. This is one of the techniques Shun was furious about when he discovered it was lost in time.

Even the few lucky ones that managed to enter his training dimension didn't even bother to learn this technique, probably because of the warning about it being strenuous to the brain.

That shouldn't be an issue even at that. Someone with a stable enough chakra could produce the minimum of 8 to 10 clones before he would feel a mental fatigue.


During this period, something interesting happened to a rather close clan of Shun's.

The Chinioke clan fell victim to some political plot in the land of lightning, as one of the Daimyos wives, out of jealousy, accused the Chinioke woman the Daimyo married when he was alive, of killing him.

Out of spite, and knowing that the Chinioke clan was a strong clan in its own right, hired the Uchiha clan to chase them away from the land of lightning entirely.

Unfortunately, the Chinioke clan was not as nerfed as they were in the original adaptation.

Here, they had a visual prowess focused on Genjutsu that was higher than the Uchiha and were natural blood benders for those with the Ketsuryūgan.

With this Abilities, they were able to fight off the Uchiha clan and weren't humiliated as they were in the anime, although they were no longer welcomed in the land of lightning.

Shun sent one of his clones to go and issue an invitation to them in the name of the Tengoku clan.

At first they thought he was an impostor and attempted to kill him. Key word being attempted. Shun only needed to dodge and finally put them in an illusion they couldn't break before they could listen.

As for why he would save them, Shun thought, "Such wonderful ability shouldn't be allowed to die out with time."

Although they were dangerous as they could be considered an abominable clan, Shun didn't care. Yes, they could turn humans into bombs but in the Tengoku island, they would learn their place whether they like it or not.


Madara was sulky during this period and the cause was the deaths of his fellow clan members, both young and old alike who he had known.

Shun of course noticed this and approached him. "Why the face Madara?"

Madara confided in Shun about the tension in the clan and how his father had been after what they'd termed defeat.

"Haa... Madara, Hashirama, this is something you both must prepare yourself to face and ensure if you want to fulfill that dream of yours. The moment you desire to protect something, to gain something, you must be prepared to pay a price, whether you're the one paying it or the ones around you are paying it for you, one fact remains. A price and to be paid."

"In battle, the fact that there's a victor means there's a vanquished. Never forget that, once you take a life, you have stepped on a path of no return. This is an unavoidable truth, you either die or they die. Should you be merciful, someone else from your side will pay for that blunder. That's one ugly thing about war." Shun advised as they took a break from their training.

"As a final advice in wars, never show mercy to your enemies no matter how strong you are or how weak they are. Someone else will suffer for that, whether you're aware or not. Someone somewhere will suffer, so pick your choices carefully." Shun said, waving his hand, he said. "In war, if someone stands behind you, protect them, if they stand beside you, respect them, and if they stand against you, show them no mercy."

"Today's training is over, rethink your dreams and tell me what you've decided tomorrow."


After that incident, Shun noticed a change in both of them. They became a lot more serious and a fiery determination shone in their eyes.

Shun had eavesdropped on their conversation the day before. Both of them contemplated what he had said and concluded that they just have to the strongest of them all.

Strong enough to protect all that stand beside them and against them no matter the cost.

"They were still children and though mature die to the environment, they still lacked the wisdom that comes with age. They'll learn though, that's something that comes with time." Shun mused to himself.

Shun doubled their training after they gave him their answers and they accepted it with not a single word of complaint.

Shun's first words about chakra kept resonating within them as they strove for greater heights. "Strength doesn't come in response to desire but need."

They currently need to protect those that will stand with them and they also desired the strength to make that possible.

Shun went all out to give them his full training package before throwing them into a one time separate dimension he created just for their graduation exam.

For their graduation exam, he told them. "Acquire observation Haki or die trying."

He had already given them a rundown on all the different forms of Haki and how to acquire them.

Armament Haki was the coating of their bodies with both their chakra and will, Observation Haki was the usage of their spiritual senses to perceive an imminent attack before it arrives, Conquerors Haki came with real life experiences so he didn't bother them with that one.

Due to Madara having awakened his Sharingan after that Uchiha × Chinioke clan war, Shun had sealed it off as soon as he arrived on the mountain that day.

Madara and Hashirama had been tight lipped on their respective origins, so Madara had kept his Sharingan a secret but Shun still sealed it off before throwing them into the separate dimension.

In there, they will have to fight 100,000 clones of Shun with different appearances, techniques, and chakra levels.

Their chakra levels wouldn't exceed their though. That would then be bullying. If they were killed, they'd just respawn.

Shun had reduced the impact death would have on their psych by using his authority over the dimension, that way, they'd just feel like they were knocked out and then women up again. The pain would still be there though. They gats to know they died.

If they didn't even know that they won't strive to improve.

At the end of the session, they both had awakened a sixth sense, coupled with their future bloodline hax, they would be even more formidable.

Madara with his Sharingan and Hashirama with his Sage mode. "Hah, just thinking about it gives me chills." Shun muttered.

"You say something sensei?" Madara asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Shun's old face lit up with a happy smile.

Hopefully, the Shinobi of the Future would prove to be better canon fodder when facing him.


Shun clasped his hands in silent prayer. "Hmm? When did I become a Buddhist? This is dangerous, hopefully it doesn't affect my Universe. Wouldn't want fanatics running around in my universe now."

"That reminds me, the ten thousand year mark should be soon. I also plan on making it a hundred year long calamity. In less than ten years time, maybe this time, I'd get to show the place to the girls...."

"Now that I think about it, the time limit I gave Sebas now seem to be a little too much. Guess I'll have to go over on my own." With that, he left a clone behind to watch the snitching play out in due time and left for the closest land to where he was, The land of Lightning.

There were a lot of interesting things he wanted to check out and am adventure awaiting him.
