
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · アニメ·コミックス
522 Chs

Chapter 36

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Shun's POV

Our little argument ended as Hayate said: "Begin."

Turned out that the two Genin fighting were actually Sasuke and one random Konoha nin who was also under a sort of transformation. Probably one of Orochimaru's lackeys.

With his arrogant smirk which I need to beat out of him, Sasuke sized up his opponent as he pulled out a Kunai from his pouch.

In a swift movement, his opponent pulled out several shruikens and hurled them at him to which he hit with enough force to return them to him.

'Hmm, that reminds me of full counter. I haven't used it since I created it. Guess no one was strong enough to make me use it...' I thought as I watched the boy dodge and lunge at Sasuke.

Thanks to Sasuke's training since young, he wasn't stupid enough to engage him in a close quarter combat and threw his Kunai at him before jumping back and making the handsigns for Great Fire Ball Jutsu.

Seeing his attack fail, the Genin dodged the Kunai before rolling on the ground to escape the area of the Fireball before making another lunge at Sasuke.

'Hmm? Does his technique need physical contact or something?' I wondered. Unlike Lee, the boy had chakra, so him not using it and persisting on physical attack was kinda suspicious.

And thankfully, Sasuke was smart enough to figure this out but stupid enough to say it out.

"Your technique... Does it need you to touch me to succeed?" Sasuke asked causing me to facepalm.


The boy who I found to be named Yaroi kept mute causing Sasuke's smirk to deepen and say. "Considering your size, you'd have to be faster than me to catch me, but Taijutsu isn't my strongest suit so..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yaroi, in a burst of speed was already behind him causing my lips to twitch as he held Sasuke by the head before smashing him into the ground face first.

This didn't seem to surprise the jounins but the Genins watching were shocked. However, Shikamaru watching muttered. "Why didn't he move?"

"His Sharingan... He's not using them." Ino also intoned while watching worriedly.

Sakura and Naruto shared a glance as they knew why he wasn't using them, but still, Naruto still felt that Sasuke shouldn't have been so slow to react.

"So of a...!!" Sasuke finally reacted and turned before kicking Yaroi in the gut, sending him away tumbling.

"Hehehe..." Yaroi began laughing as he raised his Chakra coated palm and said. "imagine a little vermin like you having any strength left to oppose me."

'Oh? So he can absorb Chakra? Interesting. And he doesn't even possess a Kekkai Genkai '

I turned to look at Sasuke who was finally looking at his opponent with a serious expression as he took in deep breaths. Guess your chakra being sucked out also has that effect on ones stamina.

Tee-hee. Of course it does.

"Uchiha Sasuke... This is all he can do?" I turned to look at the Auburn hairs kid with a gourd on his back looking down like one mini-boss.

No one even refuted him as all eyes were on the fight.

"SASUKE-!" Naruto was about to give his plot changing talk when I immediately booked him on the head. "OW! WHAT'S THAT FOR NII-SAN!?"

"He's in a serious fight. Any external factor could affect the results." I said and turned back to Sasuke who looked like he'd finally gotten an inspiration from somewhere.

"Hehe. You couldn't have picked a worse time to let you mind wander. I'll absorb all of you chakra now. This is it..."

The fucker. Why don't they understand the very essence of the word 'Ninja' is to be stealthy? Look at him running towards Sasuke while gathering his Chakra.

And as if to prove me right, Sasuke suddenly disappeared in a burst of speed only to reappear below Yaroi before delivering a resounding kick to his jaw, sending him into the air.

Well, he sure looked slow to the more experienced eyes, but that burst of speed.... I guess he did copy it from Lee afterall. Wonder if Naruto also did... Who am I kidding. The kid already has this saved in his harddrive.

Amidst the shock of those who were....well, shocked, Sasuke moved with another burst of speed and appeared behind the now suspended Yaroi before placing his hands on his back.

Thankfully the Serum didn't act up now considering the amount of strain Sasuke's body was currently enduring by executing this move.

"I guess that's it." I muttered in relief.

What followed was Sasuke giving him a quick jap to his spine, temporarily paralysing him before kicking him multiple times to the ground.

'Hmm. Guess that's an improvised version of the Technique.' I thought with a smile. Sasuke and Lee were two different people afterall. Despite all his physical exercises, he couldn't possibly compare with Lee, who spent his whole life focusing on his body.

"That was a dangerous move..." Kakashi muttered.

"Nope. That little jab from Sasuke paralysed his opponent. Sasuke thought it through." I corrected. "He has fallen prey to this technique before, and despite his arrogance, he wouldn't doubt that someone could also read his movements and counter it. That's why he made sure the opponent couldn't move his hands or feet by striking at his spine."

"...I see. You taught him that?" Kakashi asked.

"Yep. But actually, I only taught Sakura, he only happened to pick it up in the meantime." I said with a smile.


Damn. The sound of them both hitting the ground makes me think a couple bone would be broken.

Hayate quickly went over to check out Yaroi's condition.

Seeing he was alive but currently paralysed, he said.

"I'm halting the match before it goes any further. In other words, Uchiha Sasuke is the winner of this round and advances to the next level."

"He did it!!" Naruto was the first to shout in jubilation. Sakura was also happy but she noticed the fatigue marring Sasuke's face and was looking at him worriedly.

'Hmm, he looks like he'd fall anytime now. Oh?' As I was thinking, Kakashi was already down there to support him before he could collapse. 'Hmm...'

"Well done, Sasuke." Kakashi said only to receive a snort from the Uchiha.

Yup. That's confirmed, I'm gonna be incharge of his one month training after this. I need to beat out that arrogance from him before it gets out of hand.

I watched the various reactions of the Genins to the first battle and saw Lee looking all bitter. Guess he finally figured out that he really shouldn't underestimate people.

Oh? Is that fear I feel wafting off him? Oh well, he's not my business, afterall, Guy seems to have also found out as well. He'll deal with it.

I was honestly considering using my telepathy to listen into all their surface thought but I held myself. Wouldn't want to cross a line now....

The medical team quickly came to escort Yaroi out of the stage and Sasuke with him.

I looked over at Kakashi only to see him giving me an eye smile. 'Oh well, seal it all you want, I'll just be unsealing it after this round of selection....'

"I'll handle him. He can come with me right now." Kakashi said to the medical team before whispering to Sasuke. "I'll seal away the curse mark."

This world and their naming sense.

Once something is beyond their level of understanding, they give it a threatening name, and when it isn't, it receives a comedic name.

This 'Curse Mark' was just a variation of Grandmaster Level Fuinjutsu that is classified as life threatening. Once something is Life threatening, it becomes a curse mark.

I dread to know what they'd call my Akashic Record if they ever get to read it.

But still, to be able to seal away a Curse Mark', guess Kakashi isn't that bad in Fuinjutsu, but still, with the exception of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, no one could possibly seal away My Seal Marks.

I saw Kakashi and Sasuke arguing over something which I assumed was over whether Sasuke could watch the remaining fights or whether he should take his own health into consideration.

I decided to keep my silence as a respect to Kakashi, considering he's their teacher. Wouldn't want to be undermining his authority now, even if we're close.

The next battle was between Shino and Zaku.

Majority of the concerned Jounins actually frowned at the match up considering their levels of chakra.

No matter how one looked at it, Shino was bound to lose considering the peak Chunin level chakra Zaku possessed in combination to his weird Sound Release.

Unlike the original, his hands weren't broken by Sasuke and was only injured by Naruto in their short clash.

'Guess, plot won't work on Shino this time around...but who knows, the boy looks intelligent...' I wonder as I watched.

"I hope Shino is up to this..." Hinata said. She could clearly see the two's chakra and could tell the stronger of the two. But in a battle between Shinobi, chakra wasn't always everything.

"He's pretty tough..." Kiba added with a nod of his head. "Out of all the people here, he's the only one I wouldn't want to go up against..." Kiba said seriously.

His instinct were pretty accurate in its reading, cause unlike with his fellow Leaf Genins, he could feel a bloodthirst unbecoming for someone that age.


"Okay, you may begin.".

As the battle commenced, Zaku wasted no time in unleashing a barrage of sound-based attacks, the intensity reverberating through the arena.

His goal was clear – overwhelm Shino with sheer force. Yet, Shino, with his calm demeanor, calmly assessed the situation.

Shino's insects, a legion of miniature warriors, swarmed into action. Cunningly, he directed them to intercept Zaku's sound waves, creating chaotic clash on the arena.

Now, I'm not gonna lie, how this is possible...Is beyond me. Even I didn't know there were sound resistance insects in this world.

'Oh-ya? Guess Shino really would win...Plot be damned. An interesting fellow, too bad this ability is limited considering their conservative way of life...'

'If a more ambitious person from this clan actually studies how the various venoms insects secrete could affect the human bodies, wouldn't there be a clan of Spider-Men? Or even Ant men? Too bad...'

I continued watching as Zaku, confident in the might of his sound techniques, underestimated Shino's strategic prowess.

The tide of battle began to turn as Shino maneuvered his insects with precision, exploiting the gaps in Zaku's defense.

Perhaps Kimizu's family came from these guy's clan. They should all have an ability related to sound, but their little understanding of it made them create this crude materials to channel them.

Thankfully, I was the one tutoring Kimizu. This guys are just releasing raw sound. No Finesse' or rhythm to it whatsoever. Maybe I should send Kimizu over to the Otogakure after Orochimaru is done with them.

Well, it's not like Orochimaru could actually beat her if it came to it.

She's my student after all.

The turning point in the battle came when Shino, seizing an opportune moment, closed the distance between himself and Zaku.

With swift and calculated movements, he unleashed a combination of taijutsu and insect-based attacks. Zaku, caught off guard by the unexpected shift in tactics, struggled to defend against the multi-faceted assault.

Unfortunately, after a few exchange, Zaku found himself unable to make any movement, be it in his joints or from his perforated palm.

"Wh-What is this?" He asked in shock as he forced his hand up, only to see it covered with tiny black insects.

"You have lost. Look behind you." Shino said calmly and Zaku turned to see a swarm of insects a few feets away from him.

"Do you like my little friends? They're call kikaichu parasitic destructive beetles. They attack in swarms and devour the chakra of their prey. There's no way you'll survive an onslaught of this magnitude..."

"So if you value your life...You'd better surrender. It's your only way out. Use your hands to strike at me once again and they'll instantly be all over your unprotected back."

"Eeekk." Zaku squirmed as he saw them inch closer to him.

Looking at his calm opponent, Zaku couldn't help but remember his embarrassing experience earlier at the hands of someone they considered prey.

'What a pitiful fellow. I bet he's always been used his whole life and is in dire need of recognition... This world really is cruel to the faint-hearted.' I couldn't help but wonder as I saw the internal dilemma the kid was going through.

Hmm? Is that..? Orochimaru's probably going to check out what I placed in Sasuke and encountered Kakashi. But isn't this Orochimaru I'm looking at the original?

Damn, even this guy is Beginning to wisen up. Interesting. At least this way, everything would go as I want it to be.


Nani!? I quickly turned to the origin of the explosion only to see Zaku armless.

Damn. He probably tried to attack both Shino and the hoard of insects at the same time, thinking his sound is all powerful. What a sad kid.

Hopefully, he doesn't kill himself due to depression....That is if Orochimaru doesn't do it first.

To Orochimaru, anyone who isn't of much use towards his goal of immortality are nothing but disposable trashes...

What a sad life.

The Genins watching all reacted differently. Some awed, some freaked out, some intrigued.

Neji had to be a busy body and use his byakugan to look at Shino, only then did he realise the boy standing with hands in his pockets was a body, chock full of insects.

Even Naruto was shocked as to how Shino suddenly became so strong all of a sudden.

"Well Naruto, being a Shinobi is not all about strength, intelligence plays a major role in winning fights. Haven't I told you that already?" I told the blond who nodded but still looked shocked.

"Don't worry yourself too much. Everyone has their own speciality."


"Kakashi-sensei!!" Naruto and Sakura cried out in shock at the sudden arrival before Sakura asked.

"What do you mean 'Yo'? Kakashi-sensei, tell us about Sasuke. Is he really alright?" Sakura asked.

"He's fine, sound asleep in the infirmary as we speak, under the guard of a black ops team, but he's asleep."

Sakura let out a breath of relief as the names for the next battles were shown.

Kankuro VS Misumi.

"Did you receive any guests?" I suddenly asked Kakashi who shook imperceptibly before looking at me warily. "Don't look at me like that, I felt your chakra rise in there for a moment."

"How? The room was sealed..." Kakashi asked in suspicion.

"Humph, that flimsy seal? Please, anyways, don't mind Orochimaru too much, he won't do anything to him."

"I doubt that."

"Something he said?"


"I see..." with that, I turned to watch the battle between Kankuro and another one of Orochimaru's clones.

I still wonder how he's able to make a life body clone. I didn't see any of these in his many laboratories, perhaps it's a takeover?

Their chakra signatures are different, yet the murky feeling they give is very similar.

Not long after, Kankuro won and the next battle was between Sakura and Ino.

Alright, gotta check up on Sasuke real quick before Yakumo has her turn. Of all the Genins here, only hers and Lee's should be the most interesting fight left to see.

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