Naruto's not the jinchuuriki, his younger brother is. After an attack, Naruto is left without something important and forgotten by his family. A hidden bunker will help him grow into a fine ninja and show his parents what they threw away. His memory...will be Avenged! This story was written by love2read69 but was unfortunately abandoned by the author. It is a great story that I have chosen to adopt and continue.
Last Time:
Cat sighed and looked downwards, her hair covering her face, not allowing anyone to see the smirk on her face.
Samui quickly cut the zip tie holding Cat's hands and moved to the one holding her feet in place. As soon as the zip tie was cut, Cat sprang into action. With a quick kick upwards, she sent Samui back. Yugito quickly got up, but was stopped as Cat grabbed the folder. "Maybe next time, handsome." Cat said with a wink and ran out the open window. Samui slowly got up and was about to give chase with Yugito following closely, but was stopped as Naruto quickly appeared before them. "Stop." Naruto said in a calm voice. "But, she's going to get away with the document!" Yugito tried to argue.
"Samui's got a bad scratch on her forehead, right now that's our biggest concern. Besides, she won't be getting out of here with anything worthwhile." Naruto said as he unsealed a small first aid kit from a scroll in his vest. He motioned for Samui to sit in a nearby chair so he could check the injury. Naruto turned to see Yugito still staring at the window. "Relax, Yugito-chan. It'll be fine." Naruto assured her as he gently sprayed hydrogenated water on Samui's forehead. Yugito sighed and took a seat near the window.
~ 2 Blocks Away ~
Cat sighed as she hid behind a large A/C unit on a rooftop. Truthfully, she had expected a lot more of a fight from those people. 'Maybe I over-estimated them…' Cat internally mused as she looked to the manila folder in her hand. "Oh well, I got what I want.." She muttered as she opened the folder. She looked at the lone sheet inside of it and cursed. 'Or maybe he's better than I gave him credit for..' She mused in a sour tone as she hung her head and went back to the small house from which she had escaped. One thing was for sure, this job had gotten a lot more interesting.
~ Back in the House ~
Naruto smiled as he finished checking the wound. The skin had parted, but not by much, and there was no debris inside the wound. "All done." He whispered to Samui, who nodded and got up. A noise by the window caught everyone's attention except for Naruto's, who was too busy putting his first aid kit back into one piece. "Right on schedule." Naruto said out loud, making Cat look at him. "Yea, I figured you were the one who did this." She said as she threw the folder on the ground. It opened to reveal a pencil sketch of her sitting in the chair unconscious. "If anything, you're damn good with a pencil.." Cat muttered as a compliment of sorts.
Naruto smirked and picked the folder up. "Thanks. Now, are you ready to listen to what I have to say, or do you want to try running away again?" Naruto asked in a serious tone, sending a cold, yet pleasurable shiver down her spine. "Oh, baby, keep talking like that and I'll be more than glad to listen. Or maybe you could chain me up so I'll be a good girl.." Cat said in a teasing tone, making Yugito and Samui fume. Naruto quickly stepped in before they could try to tear the Cat into two. "Cool it girls, we need her alive. Now cat, are you going to cooperate?" Naruto asked. Cat nodded and sat in a chair, acting serious for once. "Good. Now, what do we know about this Mob boss?" Naruto asked her.
"He usually hangs out at a strip club, he's expecting me to deliver the paper tomorrow, he owes me 5,000 ryo for the job, and he's not the most well liked Mob boss in all of Kumo." Black cat replied slowly as she took a seat. "Interesting.." Naruto thought as he took out a small sheet of paper and began writing out possible scenarios. "Hmm.. That might work. I think I have a plan, but we're going to have to work together if this is going to work." He said as he looked to Cat. "Wait, you mean we have to work with her?" Yugito demanded in a slightly enraged voice. "Yea, but if this all goes well, we all get what we want." Naruto said to Yugito.
"We get Yugo's documents back, Cat gets her payment, and we take down a Mob crime boss. What do you think?" Naruto asked Cat, Samui, and Yugito. Yugito fumed, but nodded. Samui looked hard at Naruto, then to Cat. "Fine, but you two keep this strictly business." Samui said to Naruto. He then turned to Cat. "Well?" Naruto asked. "I'm listening.." Cat said as she got comfortable.
~ Time Skip – Next day ~
Naruto sighed as he went to the locker room in the bunker. He opened Tony's locker and took out a well cut Italian suit. "Tony, do you really think this will sell 'Mob Boss'?" Naruto asked as he put on the pants and the black leather shoes. He then put on a muscle shirt and headed to the closet again. He pulled out a blue dress shirt and a matching tie and handkerchief. "Yea, that suit is worth more than half of the houses in Kumo!" Tony said exaggeratedly. Naruto smiled and put on the shirt as the door to the locker room opened. Samui and Yugito stepped in, wearing regular business shirts with a skirt.
"Looking good, Naruto-kun." Samui said as she pinched his butt, making him jump. "Samui-chan.." Naruto whined with a slight blush on his face, making the girls smirk. "Just making sure you're focused on the mission and not anything else." Samui dismissed. Naruto smiled and adjusted his tie until Yugito came up behind him and groped his butt. "Hey!" Naruto said in a squeaky voice, making her smile. It was funny to see how much power they had over him, "I still don't see why you guys don't want to go further undercover." Tony replied from his screen, focusing all eyes on him.
"I am not going to let them go in as strippers Tony, no matter how convincing it is!" Naruto replied, annoyed at the thought of having his girls naked in front of other men. "Not only that, but there's no way in hell I would do that!" Samui said in a slightly pissed tone, making Tony flinch. "What about you, Yugito?" Tony asked in a hopeful tone. He quickly shut the screen off as he saw her channeling a ball of fire chakra to her arm, turning it to a fireball. As soon as he was gone, Yugito let the ball dissolve. "Hmm, the outfits he wanted us to wear.." Yugito muttered with a slight blush on her face.
"They were rather…revealing." Samui agreed in a quiet tone, a red blush adorning her face. "I liked them.." Naruto said in a quiet tone, making both girls glare at him. "You're also a pervert, so your point is invalid." Yugito replied in a strict tone, making him deflate. "Fine, let's go." Naruto said as he finished tucking the handkerchief into the pocket of his blazer and put it on. Yugito and Samui quickly pulled their hair up and followed after him.
~ Half an hour Later – Club Cabaret ~
Naruto smiled as he and the girls stepped into the strip club. It was a dark ambient with glowing neon blue and pink lights. He looked around to see various women giving patrons lap dances and some on the stage, shedding their tops as men threw dollar bills at them. A quick smack to the side of his face quickly stopped his sight seeing. "Focus." Yugito growled into his ear, a bit jealous all of those half naked girls could hold his attention so well. Samui was thinking along the same lines as she scouted the room, looking for the description of the Mob boss. Naruto quickly headed to the bar and ordered a scotch as he looked around.
'Black spiky hair, black shades worn indoors, white suit..' Naruto thought as he looked around. A crashing sound took his attention to the VIP area, where a woman in a skimpy white thong was being berated by a man fitting the description of who they were looking for. "Think that's him?" Naruto asked as he stood besides Yugito and Samui. "That's him. He's missing his ring finger on his left hand, a sort of punishment amongst the gang. Now, how to approach him?" Samui muttered as she looked around. Naruto was already at the bar, handing the bartender a twenty ryo note. "Hey, what is Daiki-sama drinking?" Naruto asked quietly.
"Single malt scotch. Nothing too fancy, but enough to pack a good punch." The bartender replied. "Let me get the bottle of Auchroisk delivered to Daiki's table." Naruto said as he left a 100 ryo note at the bar.
~ Daiki's VIP Seating Area ~
Daiki Hiroshi was a very serious man. He had been raised on the streets of Kumo, since his father was a drunk and his mother died after the birth of his younger brother. He had a rough childhood until he had gotten a break into becoming a delivery boy for the local Mob. From then, he had made his own connections and his own moves, slowly moving up in the food chain. Now, years later, he was in charge of his own sector of Kumo, his brother being his second in command. 'Then, that damn bitch had to snitch.' He mused as he thought to the reason why his brother was in trouble with the law.
A local brothel had neglected to pay their protection money, and his brother had been sent to rectify that situation. Things somehow had gotten out of hand and his brother had killed the brothel owner. One of the whores had stepped up and given her testimony. He had a few of his boys take care of her, but the damn testimony still stood. Then, the thief he had hired to steal the damn thing had done it half assed. 'My life sucks..' He mused as he looked at his empty drink. He was about to motion for his grunt to get him another until a bottle of the stuff was put onto his table.
He looked up to see a man in a black business suit with a blue shirt under it sit across from him. His grunt was moving in to take him out, until a busty blonde woman in a business suit stopped him. She grabbed his hand and twisted it behind him. As soon as it was in position, she pushed it more and snapped it. More men were going to move in until Naruto spoke. "Please don't call any more of your men to move in, Daiki-san. You and I have some business to discuss." Naruto said. Daiki raised an eyebrow and lifted his hand, stopping his men midstep. "And what business would I have to discuss with you?" Daiki asked.
Naruto motioned to Yugito, then the bottle. She huffed and poured him and Daiki a drink. He then motioned to Samui. She handed him a Manila folder. He pulled out a picture of Black Cat and put it on the table before him, making Daiki raise an eyebrow. "I believe you know our mutual business partner?" Naruto asked in a neutral tone. "I assure you, I do not know this..person." Daiki replied in a monotone voice, internally sweating. "Really? Then I suppose I should hand the document she had in her possession over to the court house so it will be safe." Naruto said aloud, making Daiki jump slightly.
'Shit, I can't afford to let a shred of evidence that may connect my brother get back to the incident.' Daiki admitted. He turned to Naruto and spoke. "I do believe we have business to talk about, Mr.…" Daiki began, but trailed off. "Caffrey. Neal Caffrey." Naruto finished with a smile.
A/N: I Do Not Own "White Collar" or its character "Neal Caffrey". Now, I know in this story, both Naruto and the thief could have easily taken Daiki out, but as far as anyone knows, they're both just new players to the civilian organized crime. Yes, that means no jutsu, sorry. But this arc is vital to the story. It's also the second to last arc before the time skip!
That's right readers, there will be a time skip!