
Chapter 35

Last Time:

The executioner raised his sword…


Samui closed her eyes and waited for the feeling of steel cutting through her neck. "Ahh". Samui's eyes snapped open as soon as she heard the sound of a soft feminine voice come from the executioner. She turned to see deep blue eyes looking at her, the same deep blue eyes she came to love. Tears of joy began flowing freely from her eyes. "When I say run, run!" Naruto whispered to her. He lifted the sword over his head, then turned and charged towards the other ninja present.

Samui smiled as she looked away from the fighting. 'I.. I'm not going to die.. I'm going to live!' She exclaimed inwardly. 'And all because of my Naruto-kun..' She thought as she turned to see Naruto squaring off against 5 anbu and three Jounin. 'Shit, I've got to help him.' Samui thought desperately as she tried to get up. She got up for about a split second, then the pain on her legs made her fall to the ground. 'it.. can't end like this!' She mentally yelled to herself as she watched Naruto raise his hand and then slam it down.

~ With Naruto ~

"Why are you doing this, Boar!" An anbu with a hawk mask demanded. "Have you even thought about what this is going to do to Mary!" Another Anbu in a cat mask yelled. "Save your breath.." An Anbu in a blank mask with the Suna symbol said as he stood before all of them. "That's not Boar." He said, shocking everyone. 'How the hell did this guy figure it out?' Naruto wondered as he shifted the sword into a reverse grip. "It's a henge. He's using the minimal amount of chakra. Thanks to our large reserves, we barely register it. We have to really be focusing to feel it." The man finished.

He then unsealed a large battle fan and placed it behind himself. "Now, who are you and why are you here in Suna!" The man demanded. "No one of import.." Naruto replied as he slowly raised his hand. "Just the guy who's going to take all of you down!" Naruto replied as he lowered his hand downwards.

~ With Yugito and the others ~

"It's starting.." Xiomy whispered as she saw Naruto lift his hand and slam it down. "Move in and take down as many as you can, I'll get the girl." Xiomy said to the rest of the bat summons. They all nodded and Xiomy turned to Yugito and the rest of the team. "You guys provide cover and if things get too hairy, step in." She finished. Yugito nodded and unsealed the explosive kunais Naruto had given her. "Go. We'll be watching your backs."

Xiomy nodded and she and the other summons spread their wings and took flight.

~ With Naruto ~

"Was that supposed to scare us?" The commander asked in a mocking tone, then laughed. Everyone followed and began laughing. "Kill him." The Anbu finished as he motioned towards Naruto. Two Anbu wearing Dog masks sprinted towards Naruto, only to be attacked by black blurs. The black blurs pushed them to the ground and sunk large talons into their sides, making the men scream in pain.. "What the hell!" The commander demanded as both the bats took off towards the moonlight. He followed them with his eyes to see the silhouette of the bats.

"Th..That's impossible!" The man demanded. His men were then ripped in half by the summon's powerful hind legs. Blood splattered towards the Anbu and began dripping towards the ground as the carcasses were released. The Anbu then looked around as they tried to find the two large summons, being careful to watch their backs. "Screech!" A loud ear-piercing screech was heard as visible waves of sound flew towards them. They were forced to jump away from the impact zone and separate.

As soon as any of them landed, a bat quickly descended upon them and took them down. Some had their necks sliced clean, others had their throats cut off, and some unlucky ones had their entrails ripped from their stomachs. "What the hell is going on.." The commander demanded. "your death.." Naruto said as he appeared behind the man. He swung his sword vertically in an attempt to slice the man, only for him to substitute with a corpse.

"Pathetic." Naruto said as he flicked the blood off his sword. "To use a fallen comrade like that. Have you no shame?" He demanded. "I have shame. I'm also the one still alive and not dying." A voice spoke from behind him. He turned to see the Anbu descending upon him with a sword. Naruto quickly coated his with wind chakra and swung upwards, cutting through the man's own sword. As he landed, he jumped away and threw the now useless blade to the ground. "You're good. Better than I expected. You actually planned a good siege." He complimented.

"You're still alive." Naruto returned as he threw off the cloak. HE then charged at the man , only to be blown away by a large gust of wind. He landed on his feet and looked to see the Anbu holding his large battle fan. "Didn't think I forgot about my baby, did you?" The man asked. Naruto rolled his eyes, but saw various objects glinting in the dark sky. 'Shit!' HE thought as he quickly jumped away. "Oh no you don't.." The Anbu commander muttered as he jumped after Naruto. At the same time, a Kunai that had been traveling towards where he was standing exploded in mid air.

At that moment, various kunais began exploding all around the Arena, putting the poor souls who had been left on death's door by the bats out of their misery. As the commotion and the explosions set off the invasion alarms, Xiomy slowly descended to where Samui was tied up. "Shh, Naruto, sent me. I'm here to help." Xiomy whispered to the girl as she saw her tense up. Samui's shoulders relaxed and Xiomy grabbed her with her talons. "Hang on." She whispered and took off towards Yugito.

~ With Naruto ~

'Shit!' The man thought as he was sent flying to a wall. As soon as he impacted, he lifted his fan to block a strike headed towards his head. Naruto stood over him pushing the kunai downwards. With a simple flick of the wrist, the man sent Naruto flying back. "Come on kid, you didn't think something that simple was going to work." The Anbu demanded as he rose to his feet. "Wasn't supposed to." Naruto replied as he put his hands into a sign.

"Boom." He muttered. The Anbu quickly threw his battle fan away and ducked. In a split second, the kunai that had been embedded into it exploded and blew the fan to kingdom come. The man growled and turned to Naruto. "That was my favorite fan!" He demanded as he charged towards Naruto with a kunai in hand. Naruto made hand seals and charged lightning chakra to his sword. As soon as the man was in range, Naruto ducked under a swipe and slashed upwards. The Anbu managed to block the strike with his kunai, but yelled as electricity coursed through his entire system.

His hands fell limp to his sides as he glared at Naruto. "You.. you bastard!" He charged Naruto, his body fighting the electricity confusing his nervous system. He sent a vicious hook to Naruto's face, only for Naruto to smack it to the side. Naruto then clothes lined the Anbu backwards. As the Anbu fell, Naruto positioned his sword behind the Anbu and watched as the man was impaled.

He turned to see the arena was literally a bloodbath. Corpses laid everywhere and Samui was gone. He quickly jumped to the arena wall and ran towards where his team was positioned. As soon as he arrived, he saw Yugito there tending to the inured Samui. "Great invasion plan, but how are we going to get out of the middle of a ninja village without being caught?" Dog demanded. "we're going to have to jump." Naruto replied as he bit his thumb and wiped the blood on his summoning tattoo.

"What do you mean, jump?" Cat asked. Naruto quickly approached the edge of the building and began channeling chakra to his tattoo. As soon as he felt the appropriate amount was channeled, he jumped with his palms facing downwards. A massive poof of smoke enveloped the entire village. Various civilians yelled in horror and various Shinobi's began spamming out wind jutsus to clear the smoke. As soon as it cleared, Orfeo was revealed flapping his wings to stay in the air.

"Where am I?" He demanded as he looked around the terrified villagers and the Shinobi's getting ready to fire various jutsus at him. "I summoned you, Orfeo. We need to get the hell out of here before we're caught!" Naruto yelled. "Get on!" Orfeo bellowed. The Shinobi atop the Arena looked hesitantly at Orfeo's form. "Are you sure about this, Yugito-san?" The Cat Anbu asked. A large sound was heard as the doors to the Arena were slammed open and various Shinobi ran in.

"It's either that or them." Yugito replied as she picked up the injured Samui and jumped onto Orfeo's back. Cat and Dog looked to each other. Dog extended his hand and grabbed Cat's she gave his hand an affirming squeeze and they both jumped. As soon as they both landed, they channeled chakra to their feet to keep from falling. Naruto was already with Yugito checking Samui's vitals. "Go Orfeo!" Naruto yelled to the boss.

"Wouldn't kill you to put a please before that.." Orfeo muttered as he took off. "How is she?" Naruto asked Yugito as he checked Samui's face. "Few cuts around the body, one large stab mark on her arm, and the skin around the wound seems irritated." Yugito quickly summarized. "Hold on!" Orfeo yelled. Naruto quickly pulled Yugito and Samui close to him and held them tightly. Cat and Dog held each other closely and channeled even more chakra to their feet.

Orfeo quickly turned away as a large fireball flew towards him. "Pick up the pace!" Naruto yelled to Orfeo. The boss nodded and climbed upwards. By the time he had gotten high enough to avoid any injuries, Suna was a small dot in their backs. Naruto sighed, but Cat then punched him in the back of the head. "What the hell were you thinking? You almost got all of us killed!" She demanded. Naruto turned to her, soft blue eyes turned steely blue. "I was NOT going to leave her behind!" Naruto yelled at Cat.

"The siege went by better than expected, there were no casualties and we got away with everything we needed. Why are you complaining?" Naruto demanded of her. "Because you can't save everyone!" she yelled at him. "I sure as hell can try.." Naruto replied. Cat was about to yell at him more, but was cut off by a small moan. Everyone turned to see Samui slowly raising her arm. Naruto and Yugito quickly dashed to her side. "Are you ok, Samui-chan?" Naruto asked.

Samui's hand went to Naruto's face and caressed it softly. "You..You came back. Why?" She asked in a small voice. "I will not leave anyone behind. Ever. Besides, you promised me you'd take care.." Naruto said as he kissed her hand. She then smacked him over the head and smiled softly. "Baka.." She muttered, and then drifted off to sleep. Naruto smiled and he hugged Yugito and Samui close to him. They were his angels. His life. His everything. And as long as he was breathing, hell and high water would have trouble taking them.

A/N: And thus, Naruto's pairing is complete. I got a little misty writing this one. And to all of the kindergarteners high on acid who felt the compelling need to spill in reviews, congratulations! You almost messed up the Arc. Yes, I took the texting thing from Sherlock (which I sadly do not own). But I needed a good way for her to realize it was he. Now, to answer some reviews!

A. - There ya go. As far as Kushina goes, idk. Might just be verbal, she might go ape shit and attack. But if you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them