
Chapter 34

Last Time:

"Good luck." Was his only reply.


Naruto quietly crawled through the ventilation system. 'Shit, where the hell can I find some information in military barracks?' He wondered as he kept crawling through. He stopped at the vent over the mess hall and listened. "Hey, did you hear?" A gruff voice spoke. "About what?" Another voice replied. "The bitch that was caught in the Record's office." That caught Naruto's attention. 'Interesting…' Naruto thought. "Yea, what about her?" the voice asked.

"She's been in interrogation with the Doc for an hour now." The voice replied. 'The doc?' Naruto wondered. "No way, that guy is fucking nuts!" Another voice replied. "Yea, and Boar is the one who gets to slice her neck open." The gruff voice finished. "Think they'll let us have a little fun with her before her execution?" The other man asked with a lecherous grin as he wiped down a table. Naruto reached for a Kunai, but managed to catch himself.

'Easy boy, keep your head..' Naruto thought to himself as he looked at the two men cleaning up. "Nah, I doubt it. She was caught for espionage, that's an immediate death, no matter what time of day." The other man replied. "But.." Before the last man could reply, a large gruff form walked through the mess hall doors. The two men quieted down and looked at the tables before them. The man stood at 6'9, large muscle bound physique making him seem intimidating.

He had a tan Jounin's uniform and a tan cloak over that. He had a facemask with the kanji for "Boar" hanging around his neck and a large battle-ax clinging to his back. 'Interesting…' Naruto thought as he crawled forward. The figure walked out the exit doors opposite of where he entered, leaving the two men sweating.

~ With Samui ~

Samui inwardly screamed as a large knife was stabbed into her forearm, going through cleanly. "Interesting… Subject seems to have a strong will." The man identified as the Doc spoke into a tape recorder. He then pulled out a small vial with green serum and looked over to Samui. "The Venom of a Suna dessert scorpion.. Doesn't do anything wrong, but causes severe internal itching. Some men scratch so much, they end up removing various skin layers… And that's just a mild case." The man mused.

He then turned and poured the serum into Samui's wound. She glared at the man and tried her best to hold it in. "Holding it in, are we?" Doc mused. "Well, we still have a few minutes." The man said as he turned back to his worktable.

~ With Yugito ~

Yugito, Cat, and Dog quietly got into position atop the public executions dome while Xiomy and the other summons circled overhead. "This the place?" Dog asked in a slightly nervous tone. "This seems to be it.." Cat muttered as she looked towards the center. Various Shinobi were setting up a large chopping block and a large basket under it. The block was stained blood red from its' previous uses and caches of weapon's were being settled at the executioner's bench,

Yugito turned and Saw Xiomy approaching their position in a landing position. With precise silence, she landed and turned to them. "Nothing seems to be going on yet, but they're definitely expecting a death." Xiomy said. Yugito nodded; worried about the fate of her best friend and the man she loved… She shook her head at that. She still wasn't used to admitting it.

~ With Naruto ~

Naruto watched as Boar walked into the Men's bathroom of the barracks and followed him through the ventilation system. The man walked into a stall and shut the door. "Perfect.." Naruto muttered as he opened the vent and dropped a smoke bomb. With minimal sound, the room filled with smoke. Naruto dropped down and ran to the door, placing sealing tags and sound suppressing tags on the door. He turned in time to see Boar's hulking figure slam the stall open and run towards the sinks. He activated the hand dryers in an attempt to get minimal vision back.

'He's smart..' Naruto thought as he quietly walked up behind him. He kicked the back of Boar's knees and punched the back of his head forward, making Boar's face slam against the mirror glass. Boar angrily swiped at his back, only to hit nothing. Naruto quietly walked into an empty stall and waited for Boar's next move. Naruto lowered himself to the bathroom floor in an attempt to find Boar's feet, only to barely avoid a large Ax swung wildly where his body had just been standing.

'That was cutting it a bit too close..' Naruto thought as he slowly stepped out of the stall. The smoke still filled the room, but it was slowly getting thinner. "Who the hell are you!" Boar demanded as he went through a series of hand seals. Naruto watched in fascination as Boar finished the hand seals and swung his Ax downwards, sending various spikes of rock flying to where he had been standing. "Earth Style: Earth Spike Projectile!" The man spoke.

Naruto quickly used this opportunity to grab his kunai and slice the man's arm at the joint, making him yell out in pain. Naruto grimaced as the Ax fell to the ground and the sickly sound of blood splattering to the floor hit the room. He then ducked under a large punch and positioned himself behind Boar yet again. He wrapped his left leg onto Boar's and pushed him forwards, slamming Boar's head directly into the sink and splitting it open.

Naruto approached the downed body and took off the facemask. He put it on and walked towards the door. He ripped the sealing tag off the door and opened it, then place a new one on it. He applied a minor henge to make himself appear 6'9 and muscle bound and shut the door, letting it seal off as he made his way towards the execution Arena. No one would be able to open that door for a while, and by then it would already be too late. "Hey, Boar!" A feminine voice called out.

He turned to see a girl with black flowing hair dressed in the standard Anbu uniform walking up to him. "And where do you think you are going?!" The woman demanded. 'Shit, who the hell is she?!' Naruto wondered as he looked at the latest obstacle. "Umm.. I have an execution.." Naruto replied in a lowed timbre voice. "Is something wrong with your voice?" The woman asked. "Sore throat." He quickly replied. "But it's our anniversary!" The woman whined.

'Fuck my life!' Naruto thought. He took her hands into his and squeezed them assuringly. "Hey, chin up. I have something I have to do, but I'll be back soon. Then we can walk to a nearby restaurant and celebrate." Naruto said in an assuring tone. "But I want to celebrate now!" The woman replied. " Come on.. I have something very important to ask you, but it has to wait for a bit." Naruto told her. Her eyes widened at that and she blushed. "Alright, Boar-kun. I'll wait for you… Always." The girl replied as she kissed the right cheek of his mask.

She then happily giggled and left to get ready. 'Hardest part of the job..' Naruto thought as he was the girl walk away. He then turned and tried to find his way to the Dome.

~ With Samui ~

Samui groaned as the Doc looked at her wound an poured a yellow liquid into it. "I'm afraid our time together has come to an end, dear girl." The man said with a slimy smile. "That numbing agent should help with the itching…Can't say it will do much for the loss of your head in a few minutes though." The doctor said with a certain mirth in his voice. And then, two Suna Shinobi walked into the interrogation room. "I suppose you are here for her.." The doctor said, not even bothering to turn around.

"Yes sir." One of the shinobi responded. "Take her. She's no fun" He said in a demented tone, making everyone in the room question his sanity. If there was anything certain about the Doctor, it's that he is one of the best interrogators in Suna. If anything could be questioned about him, it was definitely his sanity. So the two Shinobi nodded and untied Samui from her chair. Her clothing was torn in places and covered with splatter marks, but she seemed to be in good condition.

They tossed her tan cloak back to her and waited for her to put it on. She put it on and pulled the hood up, then walked after them as she pulled the cloak closer to her body.

~ With Naruto ~

Naruto quickly ran through the barracks as he tried to find the Dome. 'Damn it, this place is a fucking maze!' He yelled internally. He then came to a four way split in the hallway. "Damn it, what now?" Naruto muttered under his breath. "Hey Boar." A voice called out to him. Naruto turned to see a Jounin wearing a tan flak jacket bowing before him. "The execution is taking place in 5 minutes. They need you to hurry up and report to the Arena." The Jounin finished. 'shit, how am I going to get out of this one?' Naruto asked himself worriedly.

"Hey buddy, I'm a little.. dizzy. Mind taking me there?" Naruto asked in a drunken voice. The Jounin shook his head and smiled. "Another bender, huh?" HE asked. 'He bought it..' Naruto thought with a sigh of relief. "kind of.." he replied.

~ With Samui ~

Samui fell to her knees in the piddle of the Arena. Her head was placed on a large block of wood as a man with a sword stood besides her. She closed her eyes as a man with a scroll stood up. "Woman, you are being charged with treason against Suna and espionage. You have been found guilty by the man who caught you in the act, Anbu operative bear." 'Please, I don't want to die..' Samui thought to herself. 'There's still so much I haven't done..' She went on.

"The punishment for this crime is death!" The man continued. Samui's mind flashed to her life. Her time with her team, her rivalry with Yugito, her parents, her family, and Naruto. Even if she was facing death, she still couldn't help but think of it. "The council of Suna is willing to show leniency if you name your fellow conspirators." The man over the podium said. A vision of a home in the base of a mountain of Kumo flashed before Samui's eyes. Two kids, a boy and a girl with spiky blond hair and blue eyes ran out of the home.

Behind them a pregnant older version of herself wearing a wedding ring followed . She was being helped to the yard by an older Naruto. They both smiled as they saw their kids playing in the vast yard and he kissed her, her lips savoring the taste and texture of his. That's when Samui realized it. "Any last words?" The man on the podium asked. The feeling she had gotten when she was with Naruto. It wasn't a fan girl's crush or even a passing phase. She actually saw herself building a future with Naruto. 'A little to late..' She thought as her eyes began to water and tears fell.

"Then I.." The man began, but was cut off by Samui. "Wait! One last request?" She asked the man. He stared at her with a critical look, then sighed. "What is it?" He asked in a bored tone. "In my possessions, there was a purple device. I ask that I use it one last time to say goodbye to someone." Samui said. "How do you plan to do that?" The man asked. "Does it really matter? Once I'm dead it will be useless." She replied. "Fine." The man said as he handed her the device.

An Anbu operative carefully untied her hands, despite the fact she had various chakra suppression seals all over her. She flipped the messenger open and typed her final words. "Goodbye Naruto-kun." And sent it. Her tears began flowing more and more as she closed the messenger and handed it to the guard. The Anbu then retied her hands and lowered her to the chopping block. She closed her eyes and positioned her neck on the block. The executioner raised his sword…

A/N: Evil Cliffhanger hahahaha! We're at a MAJOR point in the Suna plot! Will she live or die?