
Naruto AU: The Smut And The Healer

Synopsis: Stiff-release, wood bloodline, money, free time, Nuru-Nuru massages, hot springs, warm futons, huge ass, massive tits... Why be Hokage when you can lasciviously train to stalk, seduce, and bed young, old, bored, sick and tired, or generally overworked kunoichis? .. This is the lifestyle of a pervertedly athletic Senju in a world filled with wincest, childless feudal lords, their partying wives, and playful yoga pants beauties. XX Tags: Cringe, Prickly MC, Incest, Harem, Smut, Perversion, Awful and rotten thoughts (Don't read if you hate that or think I'm trying to brainwash you), Vulgar and foul vocabulary XX Other warnings: Good-natured Hiruzen, AU, AU jutsu, No aliens (No Rinnegan, No Tenseigan)

Sennengoroshi · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Chapter 3

Hours later,

"Good morning Nawaki; time to get up!"

With the sound of his door getting shoved open with emphasis, Nawaki heard a woman with a deep, eargasmic voice say cheerfully.

"Hmm...Ah, good morning, Tsuna. What time is it?" Nawaki raised his chest from the futon and said, rubbing his eyes.

When he yawned, Tsunade, who stood at the door, told:

"It's 8. Should I have woken you up later?"

"No, it's okay." The boy shook his head and replied. "Did you stay up all night? Let's go and get breakfast together."

"I sure did..."

"...Alright, let's go and get us some breakfast," Tsunade answered, smiling.

Staring at her, Nawaki didn't think she looked tired or drunk. She probably got better while she read like she said she would.


"Grandma, you're up. Good morning."

"Good morning, grandma."

When Tsunade and Nawaki arrived in a large kitchen, they found Mito speaking with the cooking and cleaning maids. Asking them questions or ordering them around like she usually would each morning.

"Tsunade-sama, Nawaki-sama…"

One after the other, the maids greeted before Mito replied:

"Good morning, kids. What do you want to eat?"

Contrary to her strict, refined appearance, Mito wasn't formal with her speech.

…Well, at least at home and with people she knew well.

Nawaki wasn't surprised to hear his grandmother's casual greeting. In fact, with him and Tsunade, she was the least formal.

"I'm going to have fried eggs and sausage, grandma." Nawaki was quick to say.

"How many of each?" Mito asked. She liked to feed her grandkids a lot.

"Four eggs, with grilled sausage and a tomato, please," Nawaki said, hungry and impatient to eat.

"What about you, Tsunade?" Mito turned and asked.

"I'm just going to have some coffee. You know how much I had to drink…." Tsunade replied.

"This is why you should stop drinking," Mito remarked. "You could end up dieting every morning at this rate."

"I'll try." Tsunade surprised everyone, the nosy maids included, when she replied.

Looking at her with a dismayed face, Mito asked:

"What did you say?"

"I'll try to cut down the drinking, grandma. It's no big deal." Tsunade said again, going somewhere in the kitchen.

She clutched a coffee machine when Mito looked at Nawaki and asked, "Did I hear that right?"

"I think you did, grandma…I heard the same thing." Nawaki shrugged and said.

"...This is weird," Mito said, squinting askance at Tsunade's back.


Nawaki was devouring his salty eggs with some bread. His grandma happily watched him, giving him more bread when he emptied what was on his plate.

He, Tsunade, and Mito were sitting over breakfast together in their favorite lunch room when Tsunade said:

"Grandma, I want to talk to you about something. Tonight and with Nawaki when he returns from school."

"With Nawaki? What about? It sounds serious." Mito looked at Tsunade and said.

Nawaki didn't stop eating when he stared at Tsunade too.

"It's about Nawaki and I…" Tsunade said. For some reason blushing when she did.


Everyone from the big, magnificent, and also extended Senju family was a freak. Some energetic customs even started from the Uzumaki branch.

Mito, who had a great morning secret, helped Nawaki dress up in his room. She couldn't wait for him to go to school.

"What are you going to wear today?" Mito asked her grandson. Trying not to show her impatience.

"Same old, I guess," Nawaki said; the next moment, he grabbed light-green clothes from his dresser.

"You like this attire too much, Nawaki." Impatient for her grandson to leave, Mito, however, said.

"It's either this or the black one," Nawaki replied. "You don't like me wearing dark clothes, though."

"Well, children shouldn't wear dark colors," Mito remarked. The next moment she walked toward Nawaki, saying, "Okay, change your clothes quickly. You must show the example and get to class before your classmates do."


Nawaki didn't retort when Mito spoke.

He knew how much his grandma liked to hear from the teachers that he was a model student.

Despite how casual she could be, the woman was old-fashioned at heart. Him arriving at school early was the minimum he could do.

Mito was helping him undress when his pajama pants suddenly fell down, and she exclaimed:

"Great lord! Nawaki! What is that?!"

"What?" Nawaki asked, confused.

"T-this…" Mito had a hand on her mouth and the other pointing between Nawaki's legs when she stuttered. Her face flushed like the boy had never seen.

"Hmm?" Nawaki looked at his penis and said, "You mean this?"

"Y-yes…" Mito stood. Flustered, she coughed and said, "...It definitely wasn't so big the last time I helped you…What happened?"

Understanding the situation, Nawaki grinned and said, "Guess I'm growing up faster than we thought, grandma, hehe. My birthday is round the corner, remember?"

"..." Mito kept quiet, her eyes unwillingly glued to the ridiculously large and long penis between Nawaki's legs.

After a few fast blinks, she coughed again and said:

"Alright, stop wasting time and dress up…."

"...Yes, grandma," Nawaki said obediently. Doing so, however, he couldn't help but think of something. Something very naughty and exciting.


Twenty or so minutes later,

When Nawaki left for school, Mito went back to her room.

Exhaling a long sigh, she muttered to herself:

"This family is full of freaks…."

"...And I'm the first one…."

The old red-haired said, her eyes changing from their usual solemnity and stoicism. Her two hands and back on the door.

The next moment she walked further inside the big room.

Unfastening the ties around her red and white kimono-like clothes, when she was taking them off, she looked at a picture on a shelf.

Hesitating for a moment, she eventually couldn't resist rotating the picture with her hand. Thinking sinfully:

'Forgive me for what I'm about to do, Hashirama….'


Mito didn't just have the looks; she was a ravishing, desolate old widow.

People could wonder if she felt lonely and sad.

...The truth was that she did…

Another thing that felt despairing and anguished was the spot between Mito's legs...

...Her old lively, strong but frustrated Uzumaki crotch— That hairy and stunningly ripe zone needed and had been missing important things for many years: Tender care and tumultuous love.

Like the name of her village, the village between the *Whirling Tides*, Mito was wild. She needed a storm to keep her spirits awake...a cruel squall to shake and invigorate her...

...Preferably one youthful.

And to properly fulfill her unwinding sexual fantasies, one loving, rough, and that bent things around it.

For years, that had been how Mito's been getting it down. By herself. Each morning.

Today, however, something she could never foreshadow...Something indirectly descending from her womb but which she was unprepared for...entered the picture. Sinfully and stiffly so...

That thing was her grandson's massive, incestuous, and thought-paralyzing penis.

Mito wasn't sure if dicks could grow so big in a month. She had only seen her husband's.

She also wasn't sure if 8-year-olds could enter puberty...Or why her grandson's thing was irresistibly adorable and scarily tempting at the same time...

The only sure, foolproof thing was that desire had already overwhelmed her lower body when she guiltily rotated her husband's picture...


The red-haired old widow slowly sighed and unwinded. Getting rid of any stockpiled stress in a long sigh...A mature and sexy moan...

When she started getting serious, Nawaki's picture in mind— aside from very little shame— she felt staggering exhilaration.

'I'm not hurting anybody, Hashirama, alright? I'm just jerking off...'

'...It's better if I jerk off to our grandson than Tsuna, isn't it?'

With her gentle, soft, experienced fingers over and inside her erogenous zones, Mito comforted herself. Thinking about another secret she always kept.


Minutes later, when the old widow was finally and entirely guilt-free, her body and legs arching, she convulsed and reached a climax. A wet and warm one.

Done enjoying herself, her face flushed, her breath hot and bated, she arranged her robes, smiled with embarrassment, thinking:

'Sorry, Hashirama, but I never felt so good...'

'...Maybe I should start teaching a few things to that boy lest he gets taken advantage of by the village's kunoichis...'

'...There are too many horny and desperate cougars in this village...More than in Uzu...'

'...Some of those licentious witches would probably resort to anything to get their hands on Nawaki's thing...'

Mito's old-fashioned thoughts turned delinquent and anxious when she cleaned the squirting juices spread over her floor.

Moments later, she went out of the room with the same solemn and refined bearing everyone knew.


Konoha Academy,

The teacher had yet to come, and Nawaki sat in class with his friends.

Apart from a few children his age with civil backgrounds, those coming from Shinobi clans like him were Inoichi Yamanaka, Choza Akimichi, and Shikaku Nara.

In the memories, those three were also surprisingly his besties.

"Looks like the teacher is coming late again this morning. What a drag...If I knew, I would have slept in." A child with tanned skin, two scars on his face, and a pineapple-black haircut muttered. This was Shikaku Nara.

"Shikaku, how is it a drag? Everyone knows you don't like class. Also, you can still sleep in the meantime..." Inoichi said. He was a child with long, spiky, ash blond hair reaching his lower back. He wore that hair in a long ponytail. Other noticeable things about him were his light green eyes and strong facial features, which included a well-defined, husky jawline.

No matter how Nawaki looked at him, he only had a child's body. His face looked already middle-aged.

The red-haired, chubby Choza was eating potato chips in silence when Shikaku scratched his head and replied unreasonably:

"...Forget it; I'm too lazy to try and sleep now."

"You...Are you really a genius?"

Seconds after Inoichi asked, frowning, the door opened, and a lady entered the room, making a nice announcement—one all the children liked.

Speaking of the lady, Nawaki still felt odd seeing her here, but he recognized her as Koharu Utatane. She was the school's current chairwoman.


"Something unexpected happened, children. Your homeroom and substitute teachers are all on special leave today…."

When the chairwoman announced, the children cheered.

"Don't cheer early. You can go home now, but you'll have a written and field test tomorrow." When Koharu added, the previously excited children now turned downcast.

Before they could ask any questions, she turned her face. Looking at a student— which Nawaki surprisingly identified to be him— she said:

"Nawaki Senju, come with me."

"Me? What's wrong, Utatane-sama?" Nawaki knew the black-haired and middle-aged woman. She had come to the Senju clan for lunch or dinner several times with Hiruzen.

Usually, behind doors, he would refer to her as Koharu-san since she didn't like to be called grandma or auntie.

But in public, he called her Utatane-sama or chairwoman like everybody else. She wasn't just the school director. She was also the Hokage's advisor.

Though Nawaki's identity was great and royal, his status wasn't above the village and village codes.

"Just come with me," Koharu said. The next moment she walked out.

"Nawaki, have you done something bad?" Inoichi asked.

When he did, Shikkaku and the rest of their classmates stared at the Senju curiously.

"Not that I know of...See you later, guys." Nawaki said and stood up.


The still young and beautiful Koharu led Nawaki outside the academy before turning and saying:

"This stays between us, but the class was canceled because of you."

"Really? Why?" Nawaki was astonished.

"I need to get you to the Hokage building. You'll know once we get there." Koharu said.

'Hokage building?' Nawaki was shocked when he heard.


At the same time, Inside the Hokage office,

Tsunade, who had come from the future, came with all sorts of memories and opinions.

One person she was very wary of and wanted to put in jail directly was Danzo. But without proof, she couldn't expose him.

Something told her to kill him secretly, but she had to get her Yin seal first. Even with the new abilities she strangely was reborn with, she wasn't confident of not making a mess.

Her mind was powerful, but her body was her 21-year-old body. She had to train a lot to get back to her old peak.

Looking at the teacher she both missed, loved, but also despised a little, Tsunade said:

"Sensei, I don't want to discuss my request...I'm not asking you things very often..."

"...Please graduate Nawaki immediately."

Tsunade wanted Nawaki to graduate so she could be his jonin sensei. There was no way she would leave him in the hands of Orochimaru this time.


Hiruzen wasn't sure what was going on with Tsunade today, but he answered:

"...Tsunade, your brother is coming over with Koharu."

"Let's at least give him a test before we make any hasty decision, shall we?"

"Graduating at eight is unheard of….Furthermore, we don't even know if he wants to graduate..."

Hiruzen didn't care too much about Tsunade's request. In fact, he was glad that she finally decided to work harder and contribute to the village her way, like Orochimaru and Jiraiya did.

But Hiruzen first needed to make sure whether the child was talented.

He was the Hokage, he needed to look at the big picture all the time, and he couldn't waste Tsunade's time and talent on anybody…Especially for years.

That applied to Nawaki too.

At eight, it was difficult to tell how young Shinobis would evolve...But the child was neither a talent nor a great genius the last time he watched him.


Minutes later,

Nawaki finally arrived at the Hokage office with Koharu.

After he greeted the Hokage and his sister, which he was very surprised but not dumbfounded to find here, he said:

"Grandpa Third, why did you summon me?"

In private, Nawaki called Hiruzen in many affectionate ways, such as grandpa Hiruzen, grandpa Hokage, grandpa third, etc.

Hiruzen was barely middle-aged, but he liked being called that way, unlike Koharu...Nawaki had to say men were different.

In the memories, the most used nickname was this last one. Grandpa Third. That despite Mito often reminding Hiruzen how shameless he was.

Hiruzen was older than Tsunade and Nawaki's deceased parents but not that much.

The man just loved seniority in general...

Anyway, the 8-year-old boy liked that nickname because it reminded him how Hashirama and Tobirama came before the Sarutobi.

…Obviously, the Senju prince he was was very proud of his identity. And he wanted to become Hokage too…

Hokage, however, was something the new and mentally 23-year-old Nawaki gave no fucks about.

He was too selfish, too much of a pervert, and too much of an asshole to work for strangers.

When Nawaki recalled how he was a simp for his dad—Dad, which he was freed of and left along with all the family debts— Tsunade spoke:

"I want you to graduate from the academy, Nawaki. That's what I asked Sensei."

"...Also, I'm going to take care of you personally. As your jonin sensei."

'What?!' If Nawaki wasn't too stunned by Tsunade's promise to cut down on drinking this morning, now he was startled. Though not in a bad way.

When he was asking himself many questions, alarmed and curious, his grandpa Hokage said:

"Tsunade, I said not to be hasty… Let me evaluate Nawaki first."

"..." By now, if Nawaki didn't understand what was happening, he would be stupid.

Silently, as he listened to Hiruzen, Tsunade, and Koharu bickering closely, almost like family members, he thought:

'This is an AU, right? You thought you could fool me great ROB, but your opponent is me, the great DIO-sama!'

Thinking he'd found out why his sister was so different from her canonical version, Nawaki grinned stupidly.

Noticing his expression, Tsunade asked:

"Nawaki, why are you smiling so much?"

"...You want to graduate and have me as your sensei, right?"


When Nawaki infected Tsunade with his smile, and she started grinning, Hiruzen sighed and thought:

'Look at these stupid siblings… It's almost as if they're in love….'

'Wait...If Nawaki can infect people with smiles like that, maybe he's also gifted with that mysterious smiling-Senju gene….'

Hiruzen was more of a joker than people thought. So were a lot of Sarutobis.

Recalling how his teacher the Second also smiled like Nawaki was doing now in private. And how dumb he could look around his brother the First sometimes, he made cringe internal jokes before asking:

"Nawaki, is what Tsunade is asking true? Do you really want to graduate?"

Hiruzen saw the boy nodding and saying:

"Yes, Grandpa Hokage."

'Strange, why is that boy calling me grandpa Hokage now?'

'...Did he finally decide to suck up to me?'

Hiruzen was also smarter than he liked to show.

Scoffing internally, and smiling, the next Second, he said:

"Let's have you graduate then."

"What about that test?" When Hiruzen said, Tsunade asked, frowning attentively.

"Forget about it; I'm in a good mood," Hiruzen replied.

"I'm giving you three months to make something out of Nawaki. At that time, I'll come to see his progress."

"If you idle around and waste your brother's time, I'm going to spank your ass, personally."

Hiruzen, who liked praise and sensible children, said. Nawaki looked very handsome right now…

Koharu, who saw everything, and understood, gave him a knowing smile…But Hiruzen didn't care; he was happy with this good boy Nawaki.


Tsunade, who had complicated feelings for her teacher, mostly because of Danzo, was happily surprised.

Seeing how he was still the kind old man she knew, and who died for his sometimes soft choices and decisions, she said:

"I didn't misjudge you, old man."

"Old man?" Hiruzen was confused. "Call me Sensei."

Recalling that she wasn't supposed to call him that way yet, Tsunade gave a clumsy excuse for doing so and turned to her brother.

Watching him with the biggest smile, her tits bounced when she put her hands over her hips and said:

"Nawaki, you heard your grandpa. You're not going to regret this, are you?"

"I'm a lot stricter than I look. I won't go easy on you just because you're cute."


At that moment,

Nawaki was too captivated by his sister's bouncing breasts and firm nipples to care about her cute-sounding warnings.


…Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a greedy lion. All the other animals were scared of him because he hunted every day and killed the animals in large numbers even when he was not hungry. They knew that soon, none of them and their children would be left alive.

The lion had many other forests which he could hunt from. They didn't understand why he liked theirs so much.

Anxious and hopeless, the animals met and decided to offer one animal to the lion daily. They went to the lion and said, "Your Majesty, please hear us out. We have a humble request. The rate at which you kill us, soon none of us will be left in the forest. We ask you to stay in your den always. Every day, we will send you one animal as your food. This way, you won't have to hunt for your food, and we, too, can survive."

The lion agreed, and from that day onward, one animal chosen to be sent to the lion would become his daily meal.

One day it was the turn of a young rabbit. This rabbit, however, was very resourceful and clever. He did not want to be eaten by the lion. He also wanted to get rid of the lion for some time, if not forever. He thought hard and came up with a plan to trick the lion.

On the day he was supposed to go to the lion, to become the lion's meal, he got up very late. Taking a long detour to think, he started walking slowly towards the lion's den. He even slept on the way, reaching the lion's den by sunset.

In the meantime, the lion had grown angry and impatient. When he saw the tiny rabbit coming toward him, he roared, "I have waited an entire day, and the animals send me this puny little rabbit! You are too small for a meal. I shall teach the animals a lesson. I will kill and eat them all with my wives!"

The rabbit remained calm and said, "Oh mighty lion, may I say something? The animals had sent a group of six rabbits for your meal. But on the way, another lion stopped us. He said that he was the new king of the forest. We told him that we already had a brave lion as our king. He kept the five rabbits with him and told me that I must leave the forest at once or he would slay me."

The lion, upon hearing this, became very furious. He asked the rabbit to take him to the new lion's den so that he could see which other lion was so courageous.

The rabbit agreed and led the lion to a deep well.

"He lives in that fortress, My Lord," said the rabbit to the lion when they arrived. The lion went to the well and looked inside. But what he saw was his own reflection in the water. Thinking he was tricked, he roared in anger.

But thankfully for the rabbit, the echo of the lion's voice made him assume it was the other reckless lion. He jumped inside the well to kill his new enemy. But sadly for him, his own enemy was his ignorance...

When he jumped, the lion's head crashed against the rocks, and he fell into the water and drowned.

...With a big and somewhat dark smile, a strange and green gleam in his eyes, the little rabbit rushed back to tell the other animals how he had saved the forest…


Lunchtime, Somewhere in Konoha,

Upstairs in a luxurious and large tea salon,

Tsunade was stirring a cup of tea with a spoon when she told a very drunken and meditative tale to the boy listening.

That boy was her brother, Nawaki, who sat right next to her.

The salon where Nawaki and Tsunade sat didn't just serve tea. In fact, in the backside of the building, some…queer things went down.

Like many of her other wealthy possessions, it belonged to Mito and used to be managed by their mom.

Nawaki was digging into a roasted and wild piece of meat when he stopped.

Cleaning his mouth with a towel after listening to Tsunade's weird story, he asked her:

"Since when do you know how to tell stories so well? And why are you telling me this one?"

"Because rabbits are interesting animals," Tsunade said with a smile and drank her tea.

"Yes?" Nawaki said. "But what does that have to do with us?"

"Hehe…" Tsunade chuckled and put down the empty teacup. Then she said, "..This is where you're wrong."

"Really? How so?" Nawaki asked again.

"Finish eating, and I'm going to teach you something…." Tsunade replied and thought aloud, "...You seem to like wild boar, but I hope you have no bias against rabbits and genjutsu."


Living for 95 years came with a few perks.

The reborn Tsunade had those.

Waiting for her brother to finish his meal, she ordered another cup of the bittersweet tea.

Looking at him eating with appetite, what she didn't tell him was something that didn't just have to do with her new meditative power…

Long after Naruto became Hokage, Tsunade learned that all living creatures could become sages. Even trees and plants…She just had no clue how to make that happen.

Sage mode wasn't easy, and Tsunade herself never learned it.

…Speaking of trees and plants—the wood release was so special because it was something alive…

Staring at the windows Nawaki taught her how to open, Tsunade smiled, thinking:

'... I'll watch over and teach Nawaki well in this new life.'

'He's awakened his wood release years earlier than in the last life...But I can't allow things to go wrong…'

'...If I must go against and kill thousands to protect him, so be it….'

[Drunken meditation: A drunk and sagely art. Both active and passive. Meditate over wisdom to heal from mental and physical discomforts. Connect to spiritual, summoning, and sage lands in and out of battle.]

[Drunken fist: A drunk and fighting art. One of the most brutal, misleading combat skills besides sage modes fighting techniques. Enhances perception and senses when used. Reach near-future sight when mastered.]

[Gambling heal: The witch doctor's favorite therapy and treatment technique—Both a healing and exorcism technique. Works better on tipsy, drugged, poisoned patients.]


At the same time,

Koharu returned from the Shinobi academy for a second time to have lunch with Hiruzen in the Hokage building.

The two were talking about the academy courses and program when Koharu brought up what happened this morning with Tsunade.

"Hiruzen, you shouldn't worry. I think Tsunade will do a fine job as a jonin sensei…."

"...She may even take on other students in the future years after she's done teaching Nawaki…."

"... Don't you think that's a good thing for the village?"

"It is." Feeling pleased, Hiruzen ate the bento his wife Biwako made them with appetite.

He was using his chopsticks to grab yellow egg rolls when Koharu spoke again:

"Speaking of your students, what are Orochimaru and Jiraiya up to these days?"

Hiruzen ate a bite and munched slowly before telling:

"Those two are on a mission outside."

"What mission?" Koharu asked curiously.

"...Come on, Koharu." Hiruzen drank water. Then after a burp, with a faint smile, he cleaned his mouth, saying. "...You know the protocol. Even if you're my advisor, there's stuff I can't easily disclose."

"...You tell me all the non-important matters, though. It must be somewhat significant to the village if you're not saying anything." Koharu replied.

"Y-yes…Important." When Koharu said, Hiruzen's face turned strange for a moment.

Seeing him cough, blush, and circle his face to the other side the next instance, Koharu eyed him. Thinking secretly:

'...Did he send those two on some pervert errand again?'

'...Well, I just need to wait. It won't be long or hard to know if he did.'


Koharu was young, but her duties were mostly executive. She wasn't extremely busy even as the Hokage's advisor or the academy chairwoman.

When she left the Hokage building, recalling the morning again, she felt like saying hi to someone she hadn't seen in a while.

That person was Mito-sama.

Arriving at the Senju clan, Koharu sat in a large living room after the maids went to announce her presence.

Before she was served tea and snacks, Mito-sama came out and welcomed her with a large smile:

"Welcome, Koharu."

"...You look good. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"


"Haha," Koharu giggled and replied flatteringly, "Stop overpraising me, Mito-sama; you're always doing a lot better than all of us,"

"Stop jesting, you little girl..." Mito sat and said with a growing smile. She and Koharu knew each other well, and the Uzumaki saw her grow up.

Mito knew Koharu always had a talent for sucking up to strong and influential people. And she didn't dislike that talent despite how she pretended to remain unmoved and modest.

The truth was that she was very satisfied with Koharu and treasured her and her visits. They always made her happy and sweetened her old mood.

Koharu continued instead of stopping. She said:

"...No, Not just me, Mito-sama..."

"...All the world's Kunoichis want to find out the secret behind your striking youth and beauty..."

"...Speaking of... I've had the privilege to visit Uzu quite a few times recently. Yet, nobody was as gorgeous, strong, or well-kept as you, Mito-sama….Not even out of your sisters and cousins..."

"...If you allow me to say more, you only look more stunning as time goes by..."

"...It shouldn't just be about being an Uzumaki, should it?"

...Here, Koharu smiled with curiosity when she praised Mito again. Then, rubbing her cheek with a worried face, she remarked:

"I also want to age like you, but my skin needs care, and time is cruel...Mito-sama, could you share your secrets with me?"

"...Just this once, please...I won't share them around..."

'Here it is...Hehe, this little girl doesn't change...' When Mito heard, she tittered inside and thought.

Though she loved Koharu, that little girl had always bugged her about this. Even back when she was a teen.

Kunoichis were too precocious...And none of them understood that she was born like that...

...From birth, her vitality was already extremely powerful— unlike any Uzumaki— and with the nine tails, it was taken to new levels.

"There's no secret, and never been one Koharu," Mito sighed inside but replied like she usually would. She then remarked, "But if you want to look young for a long time, you should listen to me and marry soon."

"Happiness and life fulfillment help keep away from stress and other physical burdens..."

"...Especially for us women."

"...Eh? Marriage?" Koharu's face changed when she said. Chuckling, she seemed to give up when she noted, "...Haha, happy to see you're doing well, Mito-sama,"

"Don't dodge the topic, you lass..." When Mito said worriedly, the snacks and the tea were served.

Telling the servants to leave, Mito picked up the steamy pitcher. And personally poured the hot beverage into two cups.

During which she told:

"...Your long-overdue marriage aside, you're not here just to chat about beauty and happiness, are you?"

"...Or are you just here to peek at my old face?"

Koharu didn't remind Mito of her youth or praise her again when she said:

"I'm here to talk about Tsunade and Nawaki, Mito-sama."

"What I wanted to ask was about Tsunade. Did you instruct her this morning?"

"Instruct her? What about?" Mito was confused.

"Thank you…" Koharu thanked Mito when she put the filled and warm teacup on the table. Then asked, "...You didn't, did you? I thought you would."

"Stop keeping me curious. What should I know?" Mito said.

"Ah... That's about Nawaki graduating from the academy," Koharu looked awkward and a little uncomfortable when she picked up her teacup for a taste and said. "...I thought Tsunade would consult you before graduating him this morning...Please don't say I told you..."

"What?!" Her enchanting, mature-looking eyes spreading wide and bulging, Mito cried emotionally.

When she heard the next announcement about Tsunade becoming Nawaki's Jonin sensei, she had her first ever nervous breakdown and fainted.

Passing out, Mito had a very random thought in mind.

...This morning, when she was worrying about licentious witches eyeing her grandson, she didn't think she could be talking about Tsunade.

Had she seen it too?

...That monster.