
Naruto: An SI's Story!

Waking up and taking over the identity of a 5-year-old kid was not ideal. Especially considering that I don't actually remember dying, I didn't really have a choice in the matter, but it doesn't really change the choice I would make. Growing up a Uchiha in the aftermath of Kyubbi's rampage was hard. Surrounded by whispers and a ticking time clock, the choice to explore the wonders of chakra as it flowed through my body wasn't hard. The only thing I hope is that I will not end up in the footnotes of another war. ...or an unknown casualty of the Uchiha Massacre. Expectation: -Uchiha Self Insert! -AU! Changes to canon events will soon follow, considering MC's interactions with the world. - The start of most of the story would be set before the events of canon!

FictionWriter96 · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Welcome to Hell!

AN- Short note before we begin! 

"Words in ("") indicate the words that are spoken aloud."

'Words that are written inside ('') indicate a thought'

"Bold words normally indicate a shout or a Jutsu"

'''Triple apostrophe(''' ''') usually means words that are written within a scroll or a book'''

*Words in between (**) indicate sounds*


{Konohagakure no Sato}


I woke up screaming as I jerked back. My leg was burning. My eyes scanned the burning building frantically as I tried to move. 

"Tyson???? Aria????" I screamed as I tried to look for any signs of my roommates when I noticed something. 

I was not in my room because I was pretty sure that the ceiling was wrong. Instead of the ceiling fan that I was used to staring at before the ceiling, I was staring at a wooden roof... a burning wooden roof.


A broken piece of log collided with the ground, and a deep roar reverberated through me, shutting me up. An instinctual feeling of dread washed over me as I shuffled back on the bed.

"ROAAAAAAAAAA~" The roar was loud, and it stayed, leaving behind frozen silence as the world stopped for a moment. Through this eerie silence, I realized that even before, when I was not paying attention to it, screams and shouts were coming from all directions.

I decided to take a chance once again as I shouted, "Hello! Anybody There!!!!!"

I coughed as a handful of smoke rushed into my throat when I took a breath. The hacking and coughing noises were followed by the tears that streamed from my eyes as the heat from the fire caused blurry vision. 

It was that moment when it happened. I felt someone grip my shoulders before his other hand curled around my waist. A sudden rush of wind forced me to close my eyes as I felt myself being flung around in the air.

Before I could even begin to scream, I found myself being tossed onto the floor. A shot of pain erupted from my ass as I tried to stop myself from cursing. The result was another round of hacking and coughing as my lungs and throat protested with the lack of oxygen.

"Gomnesai#@!$!# #ungs must have been damaged from all the smoke. Plus, he has a head injury. I felt blood leaking from the back of his head. Is there an Iryo-nin nearby?" I heard someone speak. I nodded at the words...

'Wait, what?' I thought. My brain finally caught up to what was happening as I whipped my head around in the direction of the sound, even if my brain was hurting from the sudden emergence of a headache.

I opened my eyes and looked at the one who was speaking. The likely culprit for my rescue looked barely over 13 years old. The teen was wearing a loose T-shirt and pants. But above all, it was the gleaming piece of metal that was shining on top of his forehead that caught my eye. It was a simple symbol. The spiral with its left bottom corner didn't have much significance to most people in the world, but for an avid enjoyer of the 2D world, I immediately recognized it.

'Konoha...' The absurd thought popped up in my mind, and I couldn't shake it away because behind my alleged savior was a thing of fantasy and nightmare. The concept that a nine-tailed fox would provide anything but a sense of wonder begged to differ. The malice in its eyes, the sharp, pointed teeth, and the growing ball of purple energy gathering in its mouth begged to differ. 

Even though it was probably miles away, I couldn't help but shuffle backward. my actions were noticed by the teen as he looked at me and frowned, "Stay still, or you will aggravate your injuries."

Another spike of pain went through my brain as I understood his words, even though I could tell that the boy was not speaking English, "What injuries?"

The words that tumbled out of my mouth were definitely in English, and hence confusion ensued. I started at my savior, who looked at me and frowned. He looked behind me for a moment before he spoke, "He's speaking gibberish. His head injury must be more severe than I thought. Himiko-san, I'll be putting him out so he won't worsen his condition."

'What do you mean putting me out?' I wanted to scream. The situation was as confusing as it was, and the spike of pain whenever I tried to understand whatever he was saying didn't help.

The boy informed someone behind me, and before I could protest, his eyes shifted. Gone were the dark orbs, and instead, two beams of red light emerged into the dark night. Before I could comprehend what was going on, I felt myself fall back, and someone's hand stopped my fall.

The last thought that went through my head was the fact that somehow, from the million other dreams I could have, getting knocked out by the accursed Uchiha Bloodline was not one of them.




Could anyone possibly have a dream within a dream? The only other situation that explained what was happening to me was too far away to be true... Right?

Kohaku Uchiha was nobody. He was born to branch members of the Uchiha clan at the height of the Third Shinobi World War. Kohaku Uchiha was a spare tire, a failsafe to keep his brother out of the war in case both of his parents died. In the worst-case scenario, if all of his family died during the war, someone would make sure that a stick of incense was burnt on their tombstones.

In that case, the burden of continuing the male lineage was to fall on his shoulders. And fell on his shoulders it did. Like predetermined lore, the Third Shinobi World War claimed the life of every member of his family, not that he was too old to remember his parents. The only memory of family that he had was of his brother, who bid him farewell before re-joining the war when he was 3, as the conscription order just couldn't be ignored as an excuse anymore.

Even before the supposed death of his brother, which was never confirmed as there was no corpse left, Kohaku had already been shifted to the Uchiha Orphanage. His life was dull as he was taught how to read and write, but other than that, he was left to his own devices.

As far as sad stories go, it was one of the sadder ones I have seen, even though through the broken pieces memories of memories that I now remember, there were worse-case scenarios in the orphanage itself.

What boggled my mind, though, was the fact that all these strange memories and absolutely useless knowledge that I have confirmed just one thing. 

'That I am fucked...' As the slide show of memories of a 5-year-old boy named Kohaku Uchiha finished, I felt my senses return to me. I felt a warm blanket covering me, and as I became more awake, I realized that it was more than that. My whole body felt warm, not the worse, sick, warm, but the happy, comfortable one.

My movements apparently were noticed, though, as I heard someone say, "Ah, it seems like you are awake. How are you feeling? Kohaku-kun?"

My eyes traced the face of a middle-aged man with plenty of wrinkles. His glowing hands hovered over my chest, explaining the comfortable warmth present in front of me.

'Medicinal Chakra, or what was it called, Iryo Ninjutsu?' I thought. This time, I could comprehend what he was saying before the accompanying stab of headache. As I was about to try to talk to him, I felt it for the first time. I could feel something cold spreading throughout my chest. 

'What the fuck is this? Is it his chakra?' I thought as I looked down at my bare chest. The burn marks and bandages covered my chest. As the reality of my new situation began to set in, my only hope resided in the fact that the Sharingan bloodline was one of the cheat codes to survive in this world.

'Even if by arriving this early late into the timeline, I have a very limited amount of time to live...'


AN— I hope I didn't bore you guys too much with the introduction. The timeline, as you can guess, would be before canon, and if I'm being honest, canon is very far away. I want to try to catalog what would happen if someone with all the foreknowledge was dropped into the world. The Uchiha clan, though, was a selfish choice because the desire to write about the cheat code is too great to ignore.

However, considering the Sharingan's inherent advantage. Everything that the M.C. earns would have to be developed through blood, sweat, and tears!

Hope you guys enjoyed the introduction, and let's begin on a new adventure!