
Naruto: Administrator

The True Unedited Truth Schedule = Monday

Auther_Uchiha · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs

Chapter 39: Awkward

If you wish to go back to how it was like before then please say so because I tried this for Naruto and it tanked...I don't like this format for Naruto but with my other Novels, It's perfectly okay.

I don't know why but perhaps I liked Naruto having a lot of conversations between characters and this 3rd POV which is like a Viewer's POV doesn't make me happy since I liked Akashi's POV being the main until Sasuke gets in.

Just ask if you want to continue It's not a problem for me but It's still a bit weird.


As Naruto gazed at his reflection in the tranquil waters of a hidden pond, a storm of emotions raged within him. The childhood he had endured, shrouded in secrecy and rejection, had left its mark on his soul.

He had been oblivious to the truth, locked away in the depths of his being, that he was the vessel for the fearsome Nine-Tails Fox, Kyuubi.

The village had turned its back on him, their grief and anger redirected towards the young boy who held the power they feared.

They saw him as a living embodiment of their pain, a constant reminder of the tragedy that had befallen them. Their scorn and contempt had seeped into his very core, forming a barrier around his heart, shielding the world from the hate he suppressed within.

He yearned for acceptance, for the chance to prove that he was more than Kyuubi's container. The desire to change their view of him burned like an unquenchable flame deep within his soul.

{A/N: Mizuki~}

He dreamed of a day when he would be recognized when he would no longer be an outcast. Becoming the Hokage had become more than just a lofty aspiration—it was his path to validation and redemption.

But as Naruto stared at his reflection, he couldn't deny the contradictory nature of his thoughts. Beneath his brave facade, anger and bitterness resided, forged by years of neglect and abandonment.

The hatred he had buried, the pain he had suppressed, threatened to consume him from within. He questioned whether he could truly rise above the hatred and be the person he aspired to be.

His relentless pursuit of strength, and his unwavering determination to prove himself, all stemmed from this inner turmoil. Every failure, every setback, fueled his resolve to break free from the shackles of his past.

He pushed himself to the brink, seeking solace in training and combat, hoping that by surpassing his limits, he could transcend the hatred and pain that haunted him.

Naruto knew that his journey was not just about becoming stronger; it was a quest for self-discovery, an exploration of his own identity. It was a battle against the darkness within himself, a fight to find acceptance and peace.

His experiences had taught him the power of friendship and loyalty, and the value of believing in oneself. Through the bonds he had forged, he had glimpsed a flicker of hope—a glimmer of light that whispered, "You are more than your past."

As he stared into his own eyes, Naruto vowed to confront his demons head-on. He would face the hatred he had internalized, the pain he had masked for so long. He would strive to be a beacon of light in a world overshadowed by darkness.

He would prove that one's destiny is not determined by the circumstances of their birth but by the choices they make and the strength of their spirit.

And as Naruto left the tranquil pond behind, his determination burned brighter than ever before. He would walk his path with unwavering resolve, guided by the belief that he could change not only himself but also the perception of those around him.

The journey would be arduous, the challenges relentless, but he would face them head-on, for he was Naruto Uzumaki, the one who defied fate and would forge his own destiny.

However, that'd be weird if something didn't happen to him. As an old man with a white kimono and floating black orbs behind said "It's not yet time, my son" and with that left Naruto who had fallen asleep again and then woke up to find Akashi on a little run.

As Hatake Akashi approached Naruto, he couldn't help but notice the scars on Naruto's face. "Looking at the scars on your face, Naruto, it's safe to say you've been through quite a lot," he remarked, his voice tinged with a mix of sympathy and admiration.

Meanwhile, Inari, who was also present, caught Hatake Akashi's attention. "You know, Inari is refreshingly honest," Hatake Akashi noted, impressed by the young boy's straightforwardness.

Turning his attention back to Naruto, Hatake Akashi decided to strike up a conversation. "So, Naruto, can we have a few words?" he asked, curious about the young ninja's experiences and thoughts.

To Hatake Akashi's surprise, Naruto seemed open to talking. They had only been together for a few days, but Naruto had already grown accustomed to his presence. It seemed like they were building a connection, and Hatake Akashi found it intriguing.

"Now, I don't know if Naruto used his legendary persuasive skills or if it was just dumb luck, but he managed to have a conversation with such an annoying child," Hatake Akashi mused, unable to hide his amusement at the peculiar situation.

Hatake Akashi realized that for Naruto, this troublesome mission in the Land of Waves would be over with just a single task. He pondered whether he should take this opportunity to teach Naruto something valuable.

However, before he could make a decision, Hatake Akashi found himself apologizing. "I'm sorry, Naruto, but I don't have the time right now," he said regretfully, knowing that his own responsibilities and the looming threat of Kaduo still needed to be addressed.

Asuma, who had finished his meal, spoke up and announced, "The mission has been successfully completed. We will be leaving in the next few days. Thank you very much for your hospitality during our stay, Tazuna."

Naruto's arm, which had miraculously healed despite being near severed, had now fully recovered. It was time for them to return to the village.

Tazuna, visibly taken aback, seemed a bit embarrassed by their sudden departure. Hatake Akashi knew that the threat of Gato still loomed over the town, and the fear had not completely dissipated.

With the powerful protection of the ninja team, the safety of the bridge construction significantly improved. However, Hatake Akashi could foresee that once they left, many villagers would withdraw from the process, fearing the return of Gato.

After much hesitation, Tazuna sighed, unable to find the right words to convince them to stay. The reality of the situation was too daunting, and it weighed heavily on his mind.

After the meal, Naruto, still energized by the recent encounter with the tidal wave, eagerly ran out to continue his training. Asuma watched Naruto's figure with satisfaction, nodding in approval. He then turned to Hatake Akashi and asked, "Did you go out to practice your sword today?"

Hatake Akashi nodded in response.

Asuma, wanting to delve further into the matter, changed his approach. "So, where did you practice your sword?" he inquired, hoping to gain some insight into Hatake Akashi's training routine.

Asuma's question caught Hatake Akashi off guard. He shook his head, a hint of confusion on his face. "I don't know. I usually meditate while practicing my sword, so I don't pay attention to my surroundings," he admitted, realizing that his answer might not be what Asuma was expecting.

Asuma, disappointed by the response, muttered to himself, wondering if Hatake Akashi was somehow involved in the strange occurrences at the beach.

Meanwhile, Naruto, determined to overcome his own shortcomings, gritted his teeth and launched himself at a massive tree, hoping to climb it successfully. He was driven by his desire to become stronger and prove himself as a worthy ninja.

However, Naruto's attempts were met with repeated failure. He fell off the tree multiple times, his face swollen and covered in mud. Frustrated, Naruto spat out the dirt from his mouth, vowing to persevere.

"Why can't I learn how to climb a tree?" Naruto wondered, feeling disheartened by his own lack of progress. Despite being a member of Class 10, he saw himself as dead weight compared to the strength of his peers, like Hatake Akashi and Hinata.

But Naruto refused to give up. He pumped himself up with determination, launching another round of attacks on the tree before him. He practiced all night, relentless in his pursuit of improvement.

As the night turned into morning, Naruto achieved a breakthrough. He was now able to successfully reach the top of the tree and maintain his balance for an extended period. Exhausted and sleepy, Naruto longed to rest on the ground, using the sky as his blanket and the earth as his bed.

However, his peaceful slumber was interrupted by a soft laugh. Naruto rubbed his sleepy eyes, only to find a beautiful young lady standing before him. He sheepishly referred to her as "big sister."

With a smile on her face, the young lady, holding a basket of herbs and mushrooms, asked why Naruto had fallen asleep there. Naruto, still a bit groggy, blushed and replied, "Because I've been training hard!"

Curious about Naruto's dedication, the young lady inquired about his motivation. Naruto clenched his fists and explained that through hard training, he hoped to become stronger and be able to protect his teachers and teammates in dangerous situations.

The young lady smiled and revealed that she was picking herbs for medicinal purposes. She advised Naruto to go back and rest, cautioning him against catching a cold from sleeping outside.

But Naruto's determination prevailed. He adamantly declared, "No! I want to practice! I will continue to train hard!"

Impressed by Naruto's resolve, the young lady encouraged him, acknowledging his ambition to become the strongest person in the village and earn everyone's approval.

Before leaving, the young lady dropped a surprising revelation. "Also, I am not a big sister, I am a man," she said, leaving Naruto in utter disbelief. Rubbing his head, Naruto couldn't help but think, "Obviously cuter than little Sakura, and yet he's a boy!?"

Unbeknownst to Naruto, Hatake Akashi had been searching for him and had a chance encounter with someone named Haku on the way. Their paths crossed without either of them reacting unusually.

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