
Naruto: A Mother's Love [HIATUS]

Uzumaki Kushina survived her son's birth and the Kyuubi's attack. Now she must do everything in her power to protect him and help him reach his dream, to be Hokage. Pairing: NaruXHinaXYugito Note: This Fanfiction is set in AU (Alternate Universe). ————— Follow my Reading List ----------> [My Fanfiction]

Leviackermann · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Bell Test

As they headed to the academy for their assignments Hinata and Naruto walked hand in hand like always. But when Hinata looked over at him she was looking at her boyfriend. "Naruto-kun what will we do if we aren't on the same team?" She asked plaintively.

He smiled at her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "It'll be all right Hinata-chan."

"But I don't want to be away from you Naruto-kun! Now that we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend I don't want us to be apart!" She felt panicked at the thought of being away from him. He was her courage and over the last four years they had been together nearly every single day. Now she was facing the very real possibility of having to go days or even weeks without seeing him. She didn't know if she could bear that.

Naruto stopped and pulled her into a comforting hug. "It'll be o.k. Hinata-chan, whatever happens we will still see each other, even if it's not as often as we want. Even if we are apart I know how strong you are and I know you'll do great."

"Thank you Naruto-kun." She was still worried but felt a bit better.

Kushina walked behind them and didn't say a word. It was not a bad thing for them to go into situations considering the possibilities and the worst case scenario."


As Iruka came out with his clipboard the two of them held hands and whispered silent prayers that Kami, or Iruka-sensei, would be kind.

"Well I know you're all very anxious to find out your team assignments and I won't keep you in suspense any longer. Team one will have…"

With each team announcement they held their breaths and waited. As Iruka read off team after team the tension built until finally…

"Team seven will have Namikaze Naruto," Naruto sat bolt up right and looked at Hinata fearfully. "Inuzuka Kiba, and," Naruto and Hinata both leaned forward begging and pleading to hear… "Hyuga Hinata."

"Yatah!" Naruto jumped into the air and pumped a fist over his head.

"Yes!" Hinata cried out.

"All right!" Kiba shouted.

"Noooo!" Ino wailed in despair.

Iruka shook his head. "All right everyone now settle down. Team seven your Jonin sensei is Hatake Kakashi."

"Great!" He looked to Hinata who was beside him and Kiba who was one row behind him. "This is going to be awesome! We get to have my niisan as sensei!"

"Naruto," Iruka called out. "If you don't mind I'm not done yet."

"Oops sorry Iruka-sensei." He quieted down but shared wide smiles with his new squad mates.

"As I was saying," Iruka continued. "Team eight will have Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Aburame Shino. Your Jonin sensei will be Yuhi Kurenai."

"Yes!" Sakura shouted.

Sasuke grinned and looked over to her. "I told you that fate would be kind if you truly devoted yourself to me."

Iruka frowned to see how Sakura was carrying on about how lucky she was to be on the same team with Sasuke. Obviously Sasuke had failed to mention that it was the Uchiha clan and not fate that had brought them together. He was tempted to tell Sakura the truth then and there. But that would only upset the Uchihas and not accomplish anything. So he simply finished up the remaining team assignments.

"No, no, no," Ino began slamming her head against her desk. "What evil did I ever do to deserve being stuck on a team with the lazy idiot and human vacuum cleaner?"

Shikamaru lifted his head a few inches off his desk. "How much time have you got?"

Not being in a good mood Ino immediately attacked him mercilessly. "Iruka sighed. "All right you are all dismissed for lunch when you come back you will meet your senseis." He hurried up the steps to keep one member of team ten from killing another.

Team seven soon was together outside the main entrance. "This is going to be so great!" Naruto said excitedly. "We are definitely going to be the most awesome squad around!"

Akamaru barked excitedly. "Yeah! The three of us are definitely going to kick some major ass!" Kiba said excitedly.

Hinata was standing beside Naruto smiling happily. "I am sure we will make a great team."

"So let's go get some lunch, my treat!"

"Where do you want to go?" Kiba asked.

"I've heard of this ramen place called Ichiraku's that's supposed to be really good. I've been dying to try it."

"Sounds good." Kiba said.

"Uhm Naruto-kun aren't you forgetting something?" Hinata spoke up.

"What Hinata-chan?"

"Well aren't you going to contact your mother to escort us?"

"Actually I wasn't planning on it." Naruto said. "We're ninjas now. The three of us are a Genin squad who will be doing real missions soon. I think we can be trusted to survive a lunch at a restaurant."


"Come on Hinata, Naruto has a point." Kiba said. "Do you really think we can't just go there and come back without Kushina to watch out for us?"

"Well I suppose not." Hinata admitted.

Naruto had a huge smile. "Well let's go then team seven."


Sasuke approached his new teammate with Sakura at his side. "Shino, I know we don't really know each other very well. How about we all have lunch together? It'll be my treat. As teammates now we should really get to know one another."

"Yes Shino please join us!" Sakura added.

Shino nodded once. "Very well."

As they headed off to eat Sasuke wasn't too upset at the choice of his squad's third member. Shino's abilities put him somewhere in the top third of the class. His personality was such that Sasuke didn't see him as fighting for leadership of the group the way say Kiba might have. Sasuke nodded to himself, there was potential here.


They had a good meal. Naruto thought the ramen was very good (though not as good as his mom's) and the cook and waitress were very friendly. They made it back to the academy on time and watched as the other senseis picked up their squads. Ino left with a longing look at Naruto. Hinata activated her byakugan so she could more effectively glare at the girl. Once all the other teams had cleared out Naruto stood up and cheerfully went up to the blackboard. With some chalk he wrote out. 'Niisan see you at the house.'

"All right let's go." He said once he'd written his message.

"Go where?" Kiba asked.

"We can go back to my home and start planning for the test."

"What test?"

Naruto shrugged. "Before we become Genin we have to pass a test from our instructor. Each sensei gives their squad a test to see if they're really ready to be ninja."

"What?! But what about the graduation test we took yesterday?" Kiba was clearly upset at the news.

"Oh, well that was just to make sure we were at least competent. I mean come on, three bushins? What sort of idiot can't do that?"

Hinata giggled. "Naruto-kun, you can't make three bushins."

He pouted at her. "But I can make shadow clones that are way cooler!"

"So what is this test going to be?" Kiba asked.

Naruto shrugged. "There's no standard test. Each sensei gives their squad some sort of challenge or task to accomplish to test their abilities."

"O.k. then, what sort of test does Kakashi give?" Kiba asked.

Naruto looked embarrassed and rubbed the back of his head. "Uhm, I don't know."

"What?!" Kiba was on his feet glaring at Naruto. "What do you mean you don't know? The whole lunch it was, my niisan this and my niissan that. How can you not know what kind of test gives?"

"Well," Naruto admitted to his chagrin. "He never actually told me and I never thought to ask."

"Great! Some ninja spy you turn out to be."

Naruto shrugged. "Well there are a couple things I can tell you about the test though."

"Like what?" Kiba grumbled.

Naruto smiled. "Well to begin with this test has a 66 percent failure rate. Of the ten squads that were formed today no more than three are likely to actually pass and become Genin."

"Naruto-kun," Hinata asked nervously. "What happens if we fail?'

He frowned and shook his head. "A fate far worse than death. If you fail you get sent back here for further instruction."

"Oh no!" Kiba whined and Hinata looked worried.

"Hey come on!" Naruto said cheerfully. "There is no way that this squad could possibly fail! The three of us will definitely do great!" He saw that his confidence cheered his teammates a little.

"Uhm, Naruto-kun?"

"Yes Hinata-chan?"

"You said there were two things you could tell us. What's the other one?"

He sighed. "Well niisan has been assigned a squad each of the last five years. He's never passed one."

"You mean they all failed his test?" Kiba said.


"Great, just great." Kiba muttered.

Naruto shrugged "All the more reason for us to start planning now. Come on let's get going."

"But Naruto-kun won't sensei get mad if we just leave?" Hinata worried.

He sighed. "Hinata-chan I love my niisan and there are many wonderful things about him. But punctuality is definitely not one of them. He is always at least two hours late to everything but missions." Naruto gave a pout. "He was even late to my birthday parties! So do you really want to spend two hours just sitting here or would you rather be at my home eating cookies and coming up with ideas for the test?"

Team seven soon got going.


"Naruto-kun why didn't you call me to escort you?" Kushina asked her son with a severe look.

He looked up at her and took on a firm visage. "Mom I'm a ninja of the Leaf now. I think it's safe for me to go about the village without an escort."

Kushina looked a bit scared. "Son do you remember what happened the last time you weren't escorted?"

Naruto nodded. "I remember mom. But I'm not an academy student anymore. I'm a ninja and I have a hitai-ite and a katana that you gave me. If I'm not ready to go around without an escort when will I be?"

"Naruto-kun you know you are a special case!"

He nodded. "I know that mom. But before long I'll be leaving the village to go on real missions in other countries. I'm trusted to not only survive but to help my teammates and accomplish the mission goals. If I'm expected to do that how can you not expect me to be able to walk the streets of my own village?"

"But Naruto…"

"Mom there's always going to be danger, but I really am ready now. Please trust in me."

And suddenly she was weeping and holding him tight. "Oh my little baby! Oh my little Naruto-kun!"

"Mom please don't cry! It's all right I swear! I'll keep my radio with me and you know if anything ever happens I'll call you."

"I know that Naruto-kun I do." She slowly let go of him and wiped her eyes. "It's just hard for a mother to let go." She gave him a little smile. "But you really are an adult now and you're becoming a man. All right Naruto-kun no more escorting you but promise me you will call me if anything happens."

"I promise mom."


A little over two hours later as team seven was sitting around the kitchen having cookies, going over contingencies, and making plans Kakashi walked in. They quickly covered up the notes they'd been making and stood up.

"Hey niisan want some cookies?"

Kakashi shook his head and chuckled. "You know Naruto it's been quite awhile since I've been stood up."

Naruto shrugged. "If you were going to be on time we'd have waited."

"Well I would have been on time but there was this little old lady who needed to cross several streets you see."

Hinata chuckled, Kiba stared at him, and Naruto frowned. "Kakashi niisan why do you bother lying when it's obvious you're lying?"

Underneath his mask Kakashi smiled. "Because when I do tell you a believable lie it'll be harder for you to spot it." He looked over the three of them. "Well now I've met you all before but let's start out with some introductions anyway, just to break the ice."

"Uhm, will you go first Kakashi-sensei and show us what you mean?" Hinata asked.

"Sure," he answered cheerfully. "My name is Hatake Kakashi. I have lots of likes and dislikes. My goals really aren't any of your concern."

"What was that?" Kiba complained. "The only thing we found out was your name!"

"Yes." He smiled beneath his mask. "Why don't you go next?"

"Fine, my name is Inuzuka Kiba. What I like best in this whole world is my dog Akamaru." The small dog on his head immediately began to bark. "I also really like being a part of this new pack. I hate cats and any food I can't chew. My goal is to be a great ninja and help my pack succeed."

"All right, good, now how about the little lady?"

She felt completely comfortable and confident. "I am Hyuga Hinata. I like healing people, pressing flowers, and being with Naruto-kun. I dislike bullies and people who hate others for no reason. I have two goals. I want to be a great medic nin like Tsunade." She looked over at Naruto and smiled at him. "I also want to be the wife of the Rokudaime Hokage."

"Wife?" Naruto said a bit nervously.

Kiba began laughing. "Hey Naruto you better be serious about becoming Hokage or you're going to lose your girl!"

Kakashi couldn't help but laugh seeing Naruto's distress. "And now you."

"I'm not telling you my name since you already know it. I like my mom, Hinata-chan, and my annoying older brother." Kakashi smiled. "I dislike bullies, assassins, and arrogant bastards who think they're superior because of a stupid blood line. I have only one goal in life. That is to be the greatest Hokage ever."

Kakashi nodded. "Well, I can honestly say I look forward to being sensei to such an interesting bunch. If you can pass my test. Otherwise you'll be going back to the academy." He sat back and waited for the explosion. Whenever he mentioned a test they always went crazy. But to his disappointment the three of them just calmly stared at him.

"Naruto-kun has already told us about the test." Hinata said.

"Yeah he also said you would try to psyche us out by telling us about the sixty six percent failure rate and the fact you've failed all five teams you've had." Kiba said.

Naruto suddenly slammed both hands down on the table and glared at his older brother. "I say bring it on!" Naruto shouted. "We don't care about the odds or about other teams! Me, Hinata-chan, and Kiba-kun are going to be a great team! Whatever the test is we're passing it no matter what!"

Kiba suddenly slammed his hands down as well. "Damn straight! This team is the best! There's no way the three of us can lose!" Akamaru barked loudly showing his support.

Hinata nodded. "I agree with Naruto-kun and Kiba–kun. We will pass your test."

Kakashi was amazed to find himself facing such a strong united front. Naruto and Kiba were glaring at him and Hinata was looking at him calmly but with determination. They were all unified against him. They already get it. They already understand about teamwork. Maybe I should just pass them right now. He thought about it and chuckled. Nah. "Well I'm glad to hear such enthusiasm. We'll just have to see how much enthusiasm you have after the test." He reached into a pocket and pulled out three sheets of paper handing them out. "Meet me at training ground seven tomorrow at eight a.m. and don't have any breakfast."

"Why not?" Naruto asked suspiciously.

Kakashi smiled. "Because if you do you'll end up throwing up." He began to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow kids."

Once he was gone Naruto looked at his two teammates. "All right, let's meet here tomorrow at seven thirty. We'll have a big team breakfast and go over a few things. We'll get to the training ground by nine thirty."

"But Naruto-kun Kakashi-sensei said we had to be there by eight and not to have breakfast."

He sighed. "I know what he said Hinata-chan. But I know him. He won't be there before ten trust me. And if he was really worried about us throwing up he have told us we needed a really big breakfast."

"Great so we can't trust our sensei?" Kiba asked.

"Once we pass this test we'll be able to trust him. But right now his mission is to try and weed us out." He pulled his notes back out. "Let's keep working. Anyone familiar with training ground seven?"

"I've been there a couple times." Kiba spoke. "It's heavily forested with lots of underbrush."

Naruto frowned. "I'll bet whatever he has in mind will involve ambushes." He chuckled nastily. "Too bad for him our squad has the byakugan and an Inuzuka's sense of smell. Now what I think we need to work on next…"

They stayed until the early evening coming up with scenarios and possibilities and imagining possible replies. Naruto did everything he could think of to get his team ready.


At ten the next morning Kakashi showed carrying a large alarm clock under his arm. His three students were patiently waiting under a tree's shade. "Hello everyone! I hope I haven't kept you waiting long."

Kiba shrugged. "Not really, we've only been here about half an hour."

Kakashi sweat dropped. "O.k., well did you all remember to not have breakfast this morning?"

"Actually Kakashi-sensei Kushina was nice enough to make us a really big team breakfast. Naruto insisted we all eat this morning." Hinata said.

Kakashi sent his smiling little brother a flat look. "You know Naruto I think you being here provides an unfair advantage."

Naruto just widened his smile. "'When going on a mission or into battle a ninja should use every possible advantage. There is no such thing as an unfair advantage if it aids in completion of the mission.' That's the fourteenth ninja rule."

Kakashi just shook his head and put down the alarm clock. "I've set this for noon. You have two hours to successfully complete your assignment."

"And what is that?" Naruto asked.

Smiling Kakashi held out a pair of small bells. They jingled softly in the breeze. "It's very simple really. All you have to do to pass is take these bells from my belt. Anyone who fails to get a bell before noon fails the test and is headed back to the academy and to disgrace. In addition, whoever fails gets tied to one of those posts over there." He frowned. "I was going to tell you that who ever got tied wouldn't get to eat lunch but that seems superfluous now."

Hinata noticed something. "Uhm pardon me Kakashi-sensei, but I only see two bells."

"Good eyes Hinata. There are only two bells, which means of course that only two of you can pass this exam. One of you is headed back to the academy no matter what."

"What?!" Naruto screamed. "That's not possible! There's no such thing as a two man Genin squad!"

Kakashi laughed and shook his head. "Of course there is Naruto. There are also four man squads and on occasion a Jonin will go out with an apprentice."

"Naruto frowned. "I've never heard of any such thing!"

"Naruto, do you really believe that you know everything?" Kakashi said reasonably. "Did you ever ask me or Kushina if squads could only have three members? Three is considered the ideal number with a sensei, but it certainly isn't mandatory. In any case if two of you pass this and another team has only one person pass they'll simply form a new three man squad."

Oh crap I never thought of that! Naruto felt his stomach turn to led. He turned to look at his two teammates and saw the same panic in their eyes.

"Kakashi-sensei this is not fair! You are not giving us a chance to stay together as a three man squad!" Hinata protested.

Kakashi shrugged. "I'm sorry Hinata but you should already know that there is nothing fair in either life or in being shinobi." Under the mask he smiled. One little lie had completely shattered the unity they'd shown him yesterday. Now let's see how strong their teamwork is when they're really up against it.

Hinata looked at the two boys. "What are we going to?" She asked.

Naruto took a deep breath and came to the only decision he could. "We're going to get those bells Hinata-chan. And we're going to do it as a team just like we planned. Then you and Kiba will each get a bell." He turned to face Kakashi and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'll go back to the academy."

"Naruto-kun no! What about your dream to be Hokage?"

He smiled at her reassuringly. "I'm still going to be Hokage Hinata-chan. I'll just have to wait an extra year to get started that's all."

"No Naruto-kun!" She shook her head. "Of all of us you're the best and most deserving!" She took a deep breath. "I'll go back."

"No Hinata-chan!" Naruto stated.

"Hey! What's wrong with you two bakas?" Kiba grinned. "Like I'm really going to let you two love birds be apart. Except for Shika I was the worst in our class. I'll go back. Hey who knows, maybe I'll even learn something this time."

"No! It's my responsibility to get the two of you through!" Naruto declared.

"Who says?" Kiba demanded.

"Naruto-kun I won't let you fail no matter what!" Hinata said with a tearful heart. She wanted to be with him but she wanted him to succeed and move towards his dream more.

Kakashi coughed and got their attention. "This is every touching but please stop and think about it. Whoever fails will not be allowed to try out again for a year. Are you really willing to spend an extra year in the academy just to help others?"

Naruto looked at him and frowned. "Those who violate the rules and fail to follow orders are lower than garbage. Those who do not care for and support their fellows are lower than that! You taught me that niisan! When I am Hokage I will be ready to lay down my life to protect the people of this village. What sort of ninja would I be if I weren't willing to sacrifice myself to help my teammates?" He shook his head. "I'll always watch out for the people who depend on me no matter what!"

Hinata nodded proudly. "I feel the same way Naruto-kun."

Kiba put a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "Every Inuzuka understands that you must work for the good of the pack!"

Kakashi eyed them carefully. "So each of you is ready to sacrifice yourself for the good of your teammates?" He watched all three of them nod. Finally! "Well then I guess there's just one more thing to say." He paused dramatically. Then stuck his thumb into the air. "You all pass!"

"What?" Naruto said.

"Excuse me?" Hinata said.

"Huh?" Kiba said.

Kakashi smiled at them. "I said you all passed."

"But… but what about the bell test?" Hinata asked confused.

"The point of the bell test was never to see if you could actually acquire the bells. It was to see if you would be willing to sacrifice your individual wants for the greater good and for your fellows. You've clearly shown me that you all understand about caring and watching out for your teammates. So there's no point in having the test."

"Wait a minute! That was it? All we had to do was show you we would work together?" Naruto asked.

"That's right." Kakashi nodded.

"Then why did you fail you previous five teams?"

Kakashi sighed. "Because Naruto none of them ever showed themselves willing to sacrifice themselves for others. There are far too many veteran ninjas who have trouble with that concept never find ninjas fresh out of the academy. Believe me Naruto, you and your teammates really are something special."

With a huge grin he looked to Hinata and Kiba. "Yeah we are!"

Kiba laughed. "Hah! The man knows talent when he sees it!"

Hinata just stood there and smiled. Happy and relieved to know that they would get to stay together and be a team.

"All right team seven the exercise is now complete. Let's head back. Oh and Naruto by the way you were right."

"Huh about what?"

"There are no two man Genin squads."

"Hah! I knew it!" Naruto proclaimed.

Kakashi smiled. "No you didn't which is why you were so panicked." He chuckled. "I told you it would be hard for you to spot my lies."

They headed back as official Gennin. Team seven was officially born.

Thank you for reading...

Leviackermanncreators' thoughts