
Naruto: A Change From Memories

Naruto, after being left tied to the post by his team in the Genin exams resorts to using a secret technique to escape the ropes that bound him. Yet the technique didn't work as expected, resulting in him bringing significant changes to the Elemental Nations. Fuinjutsu/Jutsu-Shiki Naruto, Eventual strong/OP Naruto. Anything headcanon will be labelled as such. Romance unknown. Crossposted on FF.net and Ao3. Keyboard broken so will be delayed this week!

Redsnowball · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Encountering Ninja on The Road!

The moment Team 7, alongside Tazuna, stepped outside the village gates, Naruto subconsciously relaxed slightly. It wasn't because he underestimated the mission, as Iruka had just given him a lecture on that very topic.

Instead, it was more because he had never left the village before. Naruto guessed that nobody outside Konoha knew of him and the burden that he held.

As a result, anyone he encounters wouldn't just stare through him like the civilians in Konoha do. But instead, treat him like he had always wanted to be treated, as a human being.

The group walked down the dusty path with Naruto in front, Sakura on the left, Sasuke on the right, while Kakashi was trailing behind, his head buried in his orange book.

Naruto was glad that he was in front, as he could freely experiment with his new ability and not be scolded by his team or client for closing his eyes during a mission. The blonde entered his newly dubbed 'awareness mode,' although he figured he could later come up with a better name.

The Genin figured that since this new ability allowed him to sense chakra, even if he was closing his eyes, he wouldn't be caught off guard as long as he was alert when he felt a chakra signature that wasn't his team or client. Maybe he could learn some new things about this ability he had just awoken in the meantime.

Naruto had very little knowledge of what natural chakra sensors were and what they could do, but he at least knew the basics. Sensors moulded their chakra into 'sensory mode chakra', which allowed the user to detect other people's chakra and whether they were lying.

Yet, even this small piece of information allowed Naruto to determine that his ability wasn't as simple as chakra sensing. The main reason was that his chakra wasn't being moulded into sensory mode chakra; instead, there was no chakra involuntarily being moulded at all.

In addition to this, Naruto knew that his kunai and nearby rocks didn't have a shred of chakra, yet he was still able to sense their existence and position.

'If anything, it reminds me of the Byakugan.' Naruto thought of the dojutsu that the Hyuuga clan had. It allowed the user to have a 360 degrees field of view, monitoring anything and everything within the user's range.

However, there was very little information he could find stored in the library about Kekkei Genkai found in Konoha so it was hard to make a comparison if he didn't know what exactly the Byakugan was capable of.

Naruto figured that they didn't want their weaknesses and abilities to be easily accessible to anyone; instead, they preferred to keep them as clan secrets.

While Naruto was testing his new ability and drawing comparisons to already existing abilities, Sakura, who was bored, started asking Tazuna questions to alleviate her boredom.

"Tazuna-san, you're from wave country, right? Why did you ask ninja from Konoha to help protect you? Do you not have any ninjas in your own village to help?" Sakura asked, drawing the attention of the other two Genin of Team 7.

"Wave country doesn't have any ninjas, and Konoha was the closest village to wave," Tazuna grumbled. If they had ninjas, there was no doubt that they wouldn't be in this situation.

"Don't worry, Sakura. There isn't any ninja combat on a C-rank mission." Kakashi reassured Sakura, who looked relieved.

As the group continued to move forward, Naruto felt a tingling sensation in his head, causing him to wince unnoticed by others in the group. 'What's happening?' the blonde thought wearily. He didn't want to repeat what happened this morning.

Naruto closed his eyes to check everything in range of his perception before tensing up. Approximately 90 meters in front of the group, the blonde could sense 2 chakra signatures that seemed to have a reddish tint.

The blonde thought it was strange that two different shinobi had the same red tint to their bodies, and he didn't know what it meant. 'Is it because I don't know them? Does the red tint mean they are a threat?'

While he didn't know what the reddish tint meant, Naruto raised his guard, anticipating a fight. He didn't want to make the first move as he didn't know if the two ninjas were hostile or not. 'Maybe they are hiding, waiting for us to pass to avoid conflict?'

After leaving his awareness mode, Naruto could only see a puddle on the side of the road. If he hadn't sensed the chakra signatures inside, the blonde had no doubt that he would have overlooked it. 'A water release technique? Genjutsu?'

Naruto ran through several possibilities of the means that the two ninjas were using to hide in plain sight but turned his eyes away from the puddle, not wanting to alert the ninja that he had spotted them, in case they panicked and attacked them.

Looking back at Kakashi, who was still nose deep in his book, Naruto didn't know if the silver-haired Jonin had sensed their presence or not. Kakashi did just say that there were no enemy ninjas on a C-rank mission, so maybe he had let his guard down?

In the end, Naruto could only inwardly prepare for combat, his muscles tensing while his right hand drifted towards his ninja pouch, ready to take a kunai out at any time.

However, all preparation was for nought as the group walked past the puddle, with the ninjas inside not moving. Naruto relaxed slightly, sighing in relief.

While he had been training extensively since the graduation test, Naruto had no idea how he compared to any other ninja because he had taught himself. So he was subconsciously relieved and happy that there was no combat.

Yet things didn't seem to go as Naruto was hoping for.

Suddenly, Naruto felt a sharp stinging sensation in his brain that caused his footsteps to pause for an instant. Almost immediately after, he sensed the chakra signatures move from the puddle, aiming their arms towards Kakashi.

Still, under the impression that Kakashi had completely dropped his guard, Naruto instinctively jumped to the back of the group, channelling earth chakra to his hands and slamming them on the floor, lifting a thick sheet of earth. Earth Release: Earth Shore Return.

Seconds after the sheet was raised into a wall, two clanging noises resounded as the chains slammed against the defensive technique, alerting Sakura, Sasuke and Tazuna of the sudden attack.

Simultaneously, Naruto made a clone sign, conjuring a clone into existence, which performed its own jutsu, moving underground before the smoke dispersed. Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique.

Meanwhile, Kakashi stayed quiet, observing how his team would handle the sudden attack from the side. He was amazed that Naruto had picked up on the enemies' attack so quickly and the blonde's use of earth release since elemental Ninjutsu is a High Genin/Chunin level skill.

After sensing that his clone had gotten into position, Naruto shouted, "Sasuke, use your fireball!"

While he doubted the fireball would hit the target, after the large number of teamwork training that the group had undergone, Sasuke instinctively followed Naruto's words, quickly flipping through the 3 hand seals to make a fireball.

Fire Release: Grand Fireball Technique, Sasuke blew out a fireball that quickly sped towards the Chunin ninjas, who were already preparing to dodge after hearing the blonde shout to his teammate.

However, before they could dodge, the two Chunin could feel that their legs were caught on something. Looking down simultaneously, they could see that two hands had emerged from the ground, holding their ankles.

One of the ninjas stamped on the hand, which caused it to turn into a puff of smoke, freeing them and allowing them to attempt to escape from the fireball's path. But the slight delay ensured that both shinobi were well within the fireball's range, which promptly slammed into them.

"Aaaahhhhhh!" The ninjas screamed in pain as they twitched on the floor, feeling sudden bouts of pain, drawing a wince from Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. Sasuke, who had yet to cause serious harm to anybody with his fireball, was the most shocked of the group.

"Right, that's enough, team. I think they are incapacitated." Kakashi ordered, preventing Naruto and Sasuke, who were about to attack the downed ninjas once more. Unbeknownst to his team, the Jonin was proud of his team's performance.

Naruto and Sasuke's teamwork was practically flawless. While Sakura had no direct part in the counterattack, after overcoming the shock of the ninja's sudden attack, she stayed guarding Tazuna despite her shaking.

Naruto's disguised clone that the boy named 'Haruto' also stayed by Tazuna's side, watching carefully for any other attackers.

"Well done, team. You have all progressed since the Academy. Especially you, Naruto." Kakashi complimented his team, receiving a bashful look from Naruto, who was happy to see his efforts had been noticed.

"What was that wall, and why couldn't the ninja avoid the fireball?" Sasuke asked curiously. He knew that the Fire Release: Grand Fireball Technique wasn't known for its speed, yet even after the enemy ninja received a warning in advance, they still got hit.

"Well, the earth wall is a C-ranked technique that I bought from Konoha library." Naruto began explaining nervously, not used to people recognising his accomplishments.

"At the same time I created a wall, I also made a shadow clone that went underground using another jutsu.

Then I made it so when you had just cast your fireball, the clone would grab their ankles preventing them from moving, so it was practically a guaranteed hit." Naruto finished his explanation, happy that everything had worked out just as planned.

Everyone looked in shock at the boy who had planned everything from when the ninja appeared. Sasuke and Sakura were by far the most affected of the group. They were happy with their progress since the Genin exams, but they had found out that it couldn't begin to compare with Naruto's.

Kakashi noticed what they were thinking and quickly diverted the topic. He couldn't have them doubt their skills during a mission. Looking down at the unconscious ninja, he made a single hand seal before spitting water at the two Chunin, making them groan in pain.

"Oi, wake up." Kakashi lazily droned, looking at the ninja through his 1 visible eye. After confirming both were able to hear them, he continued talking. "So, are you going to tell us who your target was? If not, I will send you back to Konoha for interrogation."

"So, Tazuna-san. Would you care to explain yourself?" Kakashi glared at the old man. The Jonin suspected that the bridge builder was the target the moment they were attacked, as the attackers were far too weak to be targeting him.

However, Kakashi was still unhappy that he was lied to by the old man about the mission details, potentially getting his team injured if a stronger ninja had appeared.

"The mission wasn't a lie; I needed protection. These people are under the orders of a businessman to prevent me from building the bridge." Tazuna exhaled a sigh, beginning to explain the details of the mission.

"You may know the businessman called Gato. A multi-millionaire who is the founder of Gato Company.

"However, most people don't know his true nature, thinking he is just a businessman. In reality, he is a corrupt scumbag who participates in shadier activities such as smuggling and trafficking drugs.

"He currently has the Land of Waves in a chokehold by taking control of our shipping routes to create a monopoly so he can earn even more money. So we are revolting against his rule by building a bridge. It is the only way we can connect to the mainland to start trades again."

Tazuna became more and more heated as he continued explaining before eventually breaking down into tears at the horrors that had taken over his once-peaceful country.

"While I can understand and sympathise with your circumstances, my Genin are not equipped or trained enough to take enemy ninja as of right now. These two are Chunin-level, and although my team had managed to subjugate them, I have no doubt that the fight could have gone very differently.

"In addition, you have lied about the mission detail, which is a breach of contract. As a result, we have the right to abandon the mission and return to Konoha." Kakashi explained.

Kakashi sympathised with the man, he really did, but his Genin's protection was at the top of his priority list. If he could secure their safety by abandoning the mission, it was a choice he was willing to take.

"Wait, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto stopped Kakashi from dealing the final blow to the almost broken man, causing everyone to look at him curiously. "Isn't it strange that Tazuna was only attacked on his way back from Konoha? If Gato had ninja on his side, how did he make it out of Wave?"

"Hmm… you're right."

Ninjas were expensive to hire, and while missing ninjas were cheaper, they were also more dangerous as they had a higher chance to betray. If Gato was as greedy and as fearful as Tazuna stated, it was highly likely that they could have been hired once Gato got the news that the bridge builder had left to request aid from Konoha.

"However, changes in the mission's parameters still need to be dealt with accordingly. I will confide with my team to determine if we will continue the mission or not." Kakashi pulled Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto to the side for a small discussion.

"I say we help the old man. He didn't lie about the mission details, and it wouldn't sit right with me leaving the people of Wave in such conditions when I had the opportunity to help." Naruto first stated his opinion before listening quietly to the others.

Sakura looked unsure, she felt helpless against the enemy ninja, but she could see that Naruto was determined to continue, while Sasuke also looked like he was on the verge of accepting.

"Hn, I also think we should continue." Sasuke accepted. Who was he kidding? This was the first mission he had where he could fight enemy ninja and not paint fences. He didn't want to return now, especially after he was shown up by Naruto.

Hearing that Sasuke agreed, Sakura reluctantly nodded her head but was reassured by Kakashi and Naruto's following words.

"However, while we should continue, I also believe that we should ask for backup from Konoha. I can send a shadow clone if you want, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto suggested, taking another note from Iruka's lecture, receiving a nod from Kakashi.

"Backup is a good call, Naruto. However, there is no need to send a clone. I have a better idea." Kakashi flipped through several hand seals before slamming his hand on the ground. Small text, which Naruto recognised as Jutsu-Shiki, appeared at the point of contact.

A puff of smoke appeared in front of the group. As it dispersed, it revealed a miniature brown pug that saluted at Kakashi. Strangely it was also wearing a Konoha forehead protector, which amused Naruto.

"Pakkun, I want you to take this scroll to the Hokage's office as fast as possible," Kakashi ordered, strapping a scroll onto Pakkun's back, who quickly scampered off to Konoha.

Kakashi and the group returned to Tazuna, who was anticipating and dreading the upcoming words.

"We will proceed as usual and have also called for assistance. However, because the mission parameters have changed to a B-rank, the remuneration you need to pay after completion will also change accordingly. Do not worry, as a payment plan can be set up, allowing you to pay in instalments."

"Thank you… Thank you…" Tears of joy streamed down Tazuna's face as he thanked the ninja for assisting him in freeing Wave from its tyrant.

Author's note: Whaddup! This chapter was more complicated than I thought it would be to write as it contains my first fight scene. Hopefully, it is good.

As you can see, Naruto has been exploring his new awareness ability, which will also be utilised in the next chapter. It combines Haki from One Piece and Danger Sense from MHA (or spiderman, if you prefer).

Submit a review for name suggestions, or I could just call it 'Awareness mode' or something simple.

I am glad you guys are enjoying the story so far. It has popped off far more than I had ever anticipated, and I am thankful for your guys' continued support. Thanks for reading!