
Naruto- Justice For The Immortal

MC wants to give Justice to Kakuzu!! MC dies!! GOD is in need of a mortal to save him!! MC is chosen!! MC goes to Naruto world!! MC is OP!! GOD loses to MC!! MC is OP than GOD!! MC has really big Small MC!! MC is after Other's Heart or Body!! MC is also called Heart Robbing Shinobi!! Author-sama is amateur!! The Cover was robbed from ( https://s1.zerochan.net/Kakuzu.600.889072.jpg)

The_Lost_God · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs



Drake was smiling when Mark was going towards Naruto universe. Anyone who could see it would know, this smile is hideous. "Mark-The Devil. Wait you piece of shit.", thought Drake-The Silver God.

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Somewhere in a village hidden inside the cave covered by the waterfall, In a secret lab underground some people were watching a small kid in a green liquid inside a glass chamber. There were other chambers and kids in there but they were all dead. Only the kid in front of them seemed to be alive. They were elated. They were elated that finally their experiment succeeded. "Finally, we have a super weapon to go against those Senju and Uchiha Bastards. We can create a lot of these weapons. The immortal weapons. We will rule over the world."

"Huh? Ouch, where am I ?? wasn't I supposed to be born as Kakuzu? Where am I? What is this liquid around me?" thought Mark. He felt weak that he could neither hear nor see around him. Then, he hypothesized, "I must be in mother's womb. Yes, this is right. "

Mark was asleep. After unknown time he was woken from his sleep. He felt air. The outside air. It was cold. "Maybe I'm born.", thought him. "It's time for me to meet tits-sama to get some milk." But his aspiration was flushed down the sewage when he felt pain all over his body. Then he opened his eyes. He could see four people holding a lot of very thin microscopic thread in their hand. There was another person maybe leader doing some hand seals. Then, Mark tried to move but he found he couldn't move. He was strapped in cross like Jesus. (He was strapped not nailed.) He was in middle of a formation and once the leader slowly spoke some words the formation lit and following the man 4 people around him also did some seals and the threads in their hand was coated in Chakra. Then slowly the microscopic thread all around the body pierced his body. He was in pain. Wasn't he just born? Wasn't he supposed to become immortal on his own. "No, What The Fuck Motherfucker GOD? why am I suffering??????"

Then Mark heard a sound in his head, "Integrating System to Host. Please bear the pain until system is integrated. Integration commencing in 3...2....1.....". Mark couldn't bear the pain in his Body and his soul. "Ahhh... Ahhhh... Ahhhhhhh..." Mark was crying and his cry was sounding all over the village hidden in the waterfall. All the elders were happy that the experiment was being successful as he hasn't lost sanity and pain. Mark passed out GOD knows when. Then after sometime Mark was awake by the system's notification sound.

"Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification..."

"Motherfucker System Open the notification panel"


"Motherfucker I said open the system.", Mark was angry that he had to went through the physical and mental pain at the same time. And, finally he got rest and he was disturbed by this motherfucking shit form the motherfucker Drake.

"Host Please speak nicely to me.", system spoke in robotic voice.

"No, motherfucker I ain't gonna speak to you shit nicely.", Mark spoke rudely. He was angry at Drake and his product. Nothing happened to the system. There was no response. So, Mark once again went to sleep. He was tired mentally as he went through System Installing in his soul. When he was about to sleep he was awaken by the Motherfucker System.

"Motherfucker Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Host has unread notification...Motherfucker Host has unread notification...Motherfucker Host has unread notification...Motherfucker Host has unread notification...Motherfucker Host has unread notification...Motherfucker Host has unread notification...Motherfucker Host has unread notification...Motherfucker Host has unread notification..."

"Stop this shit. Stop.", Mark screamed in his head. "Fine, System Please open the notification."

Finally it stopped,"OK.. Host."

Suddenly there was a blop sound and a blue screen with lots of menus were there. Then Notification panel glowed and opened. In notification there was few notifications like, congratulation for reincarnating, congratulation for surviving the surgery and like wise. There was a golden one too. It picked Mark's eyes. It was, "Message form the GOD."

"Open", Mark had a hunch that it wasn't something good. Still, he opened it.

The message was as follows.

"You piece of shit. You motherfucker trying to over-smart a god. (....Smirks....) You might be good but I'm still God. How was the torture... Oh! Sorry.. I mean the surgery for the immortality. I thought you would like to experience it yourself so I reincarnated you at the time of the surgery. Hahahaha. Learn Something My friend(Motherfucker)"

"Motherfucker.. Fuck... I will kill you Motherfucker Piece of shit myself. Wait for me.", Now Mark was thinking so loud that other people were also stunned listening to the kid.

(Oh! now talking about others, Mark after the Surgery or the joint Jutsu from the elders, He was locked with chains all over his body. Since he would regenerate the chains were heavy, painful and hot. There were round mark in his arms, neck, Chest, abdomen, legs, ankle. Literally he was a slave to them. A valuable slave. )

Mark was making plan at the same time. He knew his body was weak ad fuck at the same time. So, for few days he practiced Haki. Yes, He had insight since he has soul akin to a god. He loved one piece in his last life too. He had spiritual energy in abundance. So, He tried to use it to the guard. At first they thought it was just a wind. But, Mark was happy that it was working. Being half-immortal, he had a lot of chakra. And, Chakra has spirituality and other energy mixed in fixed ratio. So, He willed and was able to extract a little bit of spiritual energy and his will made it a stronge Conquer haki. His body was weak for other haki but he was able to copy aspect of haki from OP and made something similar. He then knocked the guards guarding him. Suddenly they fell. He knew he succeeded. So, he had to wait for a perfect time to run away from them. He knew after sometime he would return for the revenge.

"Hehehehe..... Ah... Drake, Madara, Hashirama, Kagyua, Momoshiki, Kinshiki, and all of you motherfuckers. Wait for this lord...Hahahaha. I kakuzu the immortal Demon is here... I, Mark The Eternal Devil is here. hahahahaa....."