
Naruto- Essence Of Assimilation

Forget logic, this a crack-fic. ................................ Kuroi, floating in the air, like none of the physical forces restricted him anymore. There was a bright light behind him. It looked like he was ascending to a higher plane of existence and what did he say at that moment? "All sizes makes my wood rise..."

Fire_Boy_5319 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Room tour



"So… how was your school?" 

Inside the living room, Kuroi asked Sasuke who just arrived after school. Sasuke didn't expect to see him so they got into an awkward silence. 

"Boring." Sasuke replied in a monotonous way. He was annoyed that his mom didn't tell him that she's not gonna be home.

"I get that." Kuroi smiled, he found Sasuke's behaviour to be funny. "I used to think the same before becoming a shinobi, but now I miss those days occasionally."

Sasuke was now interested after he heard the word shinobi, "How is it being a Shinobi?" 

'Getting interested after hearing the word shinobi?' Kuroi thought,, 'The village certainly does an excellent job in portraying this profession as some kind of Heroic and noble thing.'

"It's hard to tell, it depends on one's position. In my case, I have a very good success rate so I can have my own schedule of work to complete my quota. But the others may not be the same as me. They could have a family to provide for so they want to earn as much as possible." 

"Take your brother for example, he has a much higher rank than me. But he hardly has free time as an Anbu." Kuroi explained, he wanted to make Sasuke understand that 'status' doesn't mean 'happiness'.

"But my dad said Itachi-nii is the pride of our clan?" Sasuke was confused, for someone who grew up always being compared to Itachi's achievements, he thought being strong will make his father happy.

"I don't disagree with him at all. Even I agree your brother is the most talented( Behind me of course). But have you ever wondered or asked him if he was happy?"

Kuroi looked at Sasuke who was in deep thought, his whole point of view was changing. Not completely, but he certainly wasn't as naive as he was a few minutes ago.

"Are you happy? Sasuke?" 

This pushed Sasuke into even more deeper thoughts. He instinctively wanted to say yes, but he thought of all the things he could remember, his time with his family, his time with his only friend(Naruto) and finally he broke into a genuine smile.

"Yeah I am!" 

"Good." Kuroi also smiled. He was happy to hear that. 'He's not an emo yet.'

"Are you happy?" Sasuke asked the same thing back.

"Of course! I'm at the peak of happiness!" Kuroi grinned, "I'm getting paid 30,000 Ryo just to babysit you for 3 hours, how can life get more good than that?"

"Is that really more?" Sasuke was clueless. He had no knowledge of the economy, as a 'young master' he got what he wanted most of the time and his family was loaded.

'You spoiled brat…' Kuroi shook his head, "It's not a very high amount but it will be enough to feed me for this whole week."

"I see, I want to ask you something. My brother and parents always avoided answering this." Sasuke asked with a desperate look.

'Is it about how babies are made?' 


"How much does a shinobi earn?"

'I expected better'


"This room sucks…" Kuroi mutters while looking at Sasuke's room. It was totally bland and lacked any form of uniqueness. Just a normal room with a single bed, desk and a chair.

"... I agree." Even Sasuke agreed, he knew very well how much his room sucked and he thought the same. But he didn't have the balls to ask his father for money to decorate his room. His dear brother was so much of an ideal son that Sasuke is being expected to be the same.

"Wanna talk about your friends?" 

"Friends? Why?" Sasuke was confused. He brought Kuroi here to check if his homework was correct.

"Just curious. You do have friends right?" Kuroi tried to gaslight him.

And it worked like a charm, "Of course I have friends! I'm not a loser!"

"I see, who are they?"

"Um- friends may have been an exaggeration." Sasuke said with a flustered face, he was embarrassed about his lie.

"What? I can't hear it." Kuroi just played with him.

"I only have a friend, ok?"

"What about you not being a loser?"

"A loser has no friends."


"But I have one, so I'm not a loser!" Sasuke said with a proud face. He is proud that he's not a loser.

"I also have a lot of girls who shout for whatever I do and give me a lot of love letters everyday. Have you ever seen a loser like that?" 

"That just sounds like a pain in the ass."

"You can't imagine!" Sasuke almost got teary, "One time I felt like I almost had a heart attack when one girl came into the boys' toilet to see me!"

'Fuck… kunoichis are down bad, Kushina fucking me who's technically a 13 year old boy and a six year old spying on men's bathroom? What's next? Me getting raped by Kaguya?'

'Not that I would mind that.'


The rest of the day till Mikoto arrived back, Kuroi and Sasuke just spent some time chatting and doing homework. Sasuke was really impressed by Kuroi's control over his fire, to him Kuroi just did seal-less jutsu and even made very accurate puppets of hit. 

His whole view about Jutsus changed when he saw Kuroi casually making fireworks and drawings which far surpassed any art his father buys. He realised for the very first time that Jutsus aren't just for battles.

Mikoto paid him the said amount and bid farewell to Kuroi while telling him to thank Kushina for the food.

"See ya later, Sasuke!" Kuroi waved at Sasuke.

"Bye Kuroi!" Sasuke said the same and went upstairs to his room.

"Oh, Sasuke seemed to have taken a liking towards you." Mikoto smiled at Kuroi, "He's always quiet and shy in front of strangers. You're the first person he's open with just after meeting twice, Kuroi-kun."

"Well, I'm honoured." Kuroi smiled, "Thanks for the money too Mikoto-san, if you just asked I would have done it for free anyway."

"It's fine Kuroi-kun, just think of it as a thanks for taking care of Sasuke. I didn't know I would suddenly have work to do, otherwise I would have informed you sooner. I ended up taking your day off."

"It's fine Mikoto-san, I'm down to help you anytime. Can I ask what made you suddenly call me?" Kuroi asked his question, her answer was going to determine if it was what he's thinking the important job is.

"Um- It's… personal Kuroi-kun, I can'-"

"Oh, it's fine Mikoto-san, I was just curious. Anyway, I'll take my leave." Kuroi waved his hand with a smile and left the house. The moment he left the house his smile faded.

He didn't do anything weird or suspicious as he walked, he could feel many eyes on him. They were hiding almost perfectly, if it wasn't for his O.Haki he wouldn't have noticed.

'So it has started..' He took a quick look around the streets. It was suspiciously too quiet.

'Even if these guys are good at hiding, there's no way nobody in this clan wouldn't notice them' He stopped near a light pole and acted like he was fixing his hair while looking at all the places the spies were hiding.

'13 on a single street, is it because this is where Fugaku lives? The retards certainly aren't holding back…' He noted all of their hiding spots in his mind and proceeded to leave the clan's compound. While leaving he also noticed that there were no longer any guards on the main gate.

He continued to walk till he felt the spy's eye leave him and the moment it did, he vanished. He was fast enough to be unnoticed by any normal eye, his moments were fast and seamless, in addition to that he used chakra to cancel any noise the air resistance would make. 

His chakra chains came out of his palms and wrapped his wrist. Kushina taught him how to use them and about their applications. There's a shit ton of applications to it. Currently Kuroi is using them to absorb his own chakra into him, that way there won't be any chakra leaking from him, so the sensory-types won't sense him through chakra. He can just do the same without the chains but it is easier this way.

He jumped on top of a roof, directly behind a spy. The spy was wearing an all black shinobi uniform and his face was covered with a white bird face mask with red markings. Kuroi found it hard to recognise if it was a Root member or an Anbu member in the dark.

Kuroi moved without making even a single sound, though he was just a Gennin for a year he still experienced and learnt many things an assassin should know in that time. He creeped up behind the spy and grabbed his head from behind and bashed his forehead to the roof, two times just to be sure that the spy fainted.


He increased the range of his O.Haki to cover the whole clan to find the exact number of all the spies.

'So 39 more to go huh?' He thought and pressed his index finger against the fainted spy's face after ripping off his face mask. The spy's swollen forehead made a sizzling sound as Kuroi marked him. He wanted to make Danzo or Hiruzen scared. When people are scared they become desperate, and desperate people make stupid decisions. He wanted to cause a civil war.

'This way is better than just fighting them directly, after all, I'm still unaware of all the tricks they have up their sleeve'

"Hmm… not bad at all." He commented looking at the mark he left on the spy's forehead, he just wrote the number '1'.

He dropped the spy back down and proceeded to continue his assault. Most of the spies couldn't even react to his speed and the few who did react got knocked out either of heavy physical trauma or C.Haki. Kuroi did that all in just within a few minutes so even when the spies started to notice, it was too late.

By that time the captain of the operation decided to send an alert to whoever his boss was. But he was unaware of the fact that all of them were under Kuroi's perception. So all he did was just make Kuroi act quickly before he could send an alert.


Two bright cylindrical flames shot by Kuroi came straight to the leader's face and, burning it right off, leaving behind a charred corpse with an unrecognisable burnt head. The man didn't even have time to shout as the fire just went into his mouth and burned his lungs and throat.

"Oh…" Kuroi looked speechlessly at the corpse in front of him. He didn't really feel bad, knowing that this guy was indirectly responsible for the death of many innocent people. All shinobis were, that's the reason he could kill without much guild weighing his heart.

"[Ace]'s power is really underwhelmed by the absurd one piece physiques" He commented and just burnt the corpse to dust. He didn't want someone to just look at a half-burnt corpse on their roof, so as the considerate and responsible guy that he is, he decided to burn it fully. 

He was once again amazed by the sheer lethality of his power. While this world also has fire attacks, none of them is as versatile and deadly as his. He could just imagine making various attacks simultaneously in a heartbeat and they would appear.

This world's people aren't nearly as strong as One Piece's people who would tank a cannon to their balls and comment, 'I have three balls now'.

"Now for the final spy… no, the rat, Itachi Uchiha." Kuroi smirked while making a small gust of wind to get rid of the ashes and wiping the roof with water to get rid of the black marks. He didn't want to bother a random guy with it.

"Done." He stopped wiping after the roof was spotless again and stood back up. He was about to move when he suddenly stopped, he sensed someone coming towards him.


"Speak of the devil…" He looked at Itachi who was standing opposite him. 

Itachi didn't have any emotion on his face while looking at Kuroi but Kuroi could feel how anxious and nervous the kid was. He seemed to look around for the leader. 

"Looking for someone?" Kuroi asked him.

Itachi stayed quiet for a few minutes before answering, "Why are you doing this? They are Leaf shinobi"

"Then why are they spying on the Uchiha? Don't act like you don't know Itachi. We both know how corrupt our officials are." Kuroi shrugged.

"I won't just sit around when something I don't like is happening."

"How is that any different from the same people you hate?" Itachi asked back.

"I like me and I don't like them. That's the difference." Kuroi said. He is a total hypocrite and a selfish asshole, and he knew that very well and has long accepted that.

"That's a selfish point of view. Your ideal is not one that aligns with freedom." 

"Heh, freedom? You think you guys are truly free? Look around you, I just killed a guy and knocked out most of them, giving most among them permanent brain damage. All because they did something I didn't like, can you do something like that?" Kuroi questioned, his powers made him a bit arrogant.

"That's not freedom. It's just you being a dictator. I'll take you down before they assume wrong." Itachi took out his kunais and activated his sharingan. His 3-tomoe Sharingan creates a dim red glow in the dark.

"Don't worry, they won't be there to assume."


Sorry for the short chap, my laptop fucked me up so I had to write on a phone. God it was an awful experience.

And I have some options for the next assimilation, you guys pick one.


2) Kento Nanami