
Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Transmigrated into a Minato Namikaze Self-Insert with the bonus of the Pika Pika No Mi, plus a special body from the One Piece world with Chakra. -------------------------------------------- This Fanfic's Schedule for the week, updates on: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. ---------------------------------------------- With gratitude and enthusiasm, Raccoon! And your raccoon welcomes you to the Raccoon League! An exploration across different universes, be prepared for adventure! With over 1 million words published! ---- Current explorations: One Piece: I am a Different Luffy! (7 Chapters/Week) Danmachi: Infinite Mana System! (3 Chapters/Week) Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Artica! (3 Chapters/Week) Naruto: Light Ninja! (3 Chapters/Week) Naruto: Minato Namikase SI! (3 Chapters/Week) The Witcher: As Uchiha Madara! (3 Chapters/Week) HP: Shadow Monarch! (3 Chapters/Week) Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! (1 Chapter/Week) ---- Explore the Unexplored! Become an exclusive supporter on Patreon and unlock advanced chapters -> RaccoonLeague | Patreon https://www.patreon.com/RaccoonLeague

RaccoonLeague · アニメ·コミックス
130 Chs

 Chapter 23 - First Year 14.

[Chapter Size: 1400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Ninja Academy, Konoha, Year 32.



As Minato and Akame, both only 6 years old and in what would be the final fight of their first year at the academy, entered the ring, the crowd was eager to see how both would perform. Minato, the number 1 rookie, had earned an enviable reputation among everyone in the past few months, although no one knew of his special and unique ability in this world.

Akame, however, had an arrogant look plastered on his face. He was determined to defeat Minato and prove that he was the best in his class. He would not allow a nameless civilian to take the place he believed was his by right.

The examiner, sensing the tension in the air, stepped back and declared, "Begin!".

Minato immediately took a fighting stance, his expression focused and his body agile. He was ready to demonstrate his skill and show why he was considered the number 1 rookie. His confidence was palpable, and the crowd knew they were about to witness something extraordinary.

As the last and most anticipated fight of the day began, Akame Uchiha, representing one of the most respected and feared clans, did not hesitate. With fierce determination shining in his eyes, he advanced toward Minato with a speed and confidence that could only come from deep training and an unwavering belief in his abilities. Each of his steps was charged with clear intent, a promise that he would live up to his clan's legacy.

The crowd watched, holding their breath, as Akame launched into a series of quick and precise attacks. But Minato proved to be a formidable opponent. Somehow, he anticipated and dodged Akame's attacks with a grace and precision that defied understanding.

Spectators exchanged looks of surprise and admiration. "How can he do this...?" ninjas around murmured among themselves, unable to understand how Minato could predict each of Akame's moves without the aid of a famous doujutsu from some special clans. Curiosity and astonishment spread through the crowd like waves, all fascinated by Minato's apparent foresight of Akame's movements.

The Hokage, with his calm expression, yet clearly impressed, watched every detail of the fight. Beside him, a jonin, unable to contain his curiosity, questioned: "Hokage-Sama, can you tell how the boy is doing this?"

The Hokage turned slowly, his gaze still fixed on the fight. "I am as surprised as everyone," he began, his voice reflecting his amazement and admiration. "I heard that the boy might do something similar from his teachers, but seeing it in person is truly astonishing. The boy is predicting the attacks without even looking at his opponent. He seems to have an exceptional mastery of his perception and instincts, almost as if he could sense the young Uchiha's intentions before they materialize."

Minato switched from defense to attack, pressing the Uchiha and making him retreat at that moment.

As Minato dodged and counter-attacked with a skill that defied logic, the confusion and fascination among the spectators grew.

"He's using that ability again..." Tsuna spoke with crossed arms among the other children.

"It's like he has my clan's Sharingan. But it's strange..." murmured Mikoto Uchiha, her forehead furrowed in confusion each time she looked at Minato in the ring. She was not alone in her thoughts; many around began to whisper comparisons, trying to understand the source of Minato's almost supernatural ability.

While Akame launched a series of quick and precise attacks, Minato responded with agility and foresight, counter-attacking the Uchiha and making him receive hits from Minato.

Applause and exclamations of admiration echoed through the arena, the crowd vibrating with each fluid and precise movement of Minato. He was the favorite in this fight. However, Akame Uchiha, refused to be overshadowed. Feeling the pressure of the fight and the need to respond to Minato's exceptional skill, he did something no one expected. With a burning determination and intense focus, he activated his Sharingan, a tomoe standing out in his red eyes. A murmur of surprise immediately swept through the crowd, gazes fixing on Akame's intense and shining eyes.

"The Sharingan..." Minato murmured, his eyes fixed on the determined visage of the young Uchiha before him. The recognition in his voice was mixed with a hint of surprise.

"See, civilian, this is the power of the Uchiha clan, the power that will defeat you!" Akame exclaimed, his confidence inflated by the activation of his Sharingan. The determination in his voice and the glint in his eyes revealed a deep pride in his legacy and abilities.

The crowd reacted with surprise and admiration. "At just 6 years old, he activated the Sharingan? That's incredible!" a spectator exclaimed, their voice laden with shock and admiration.

"Indeed, impressive for an Uchiha, as expected from this clan..." commented the Hokage, a subtle acknowledgment in his voice. Though his words were calm, there was a certain gleam in his eyes.

Meanwhile, among the members of the Uchiha clan, surprise was mixed with satisfaction. Many looked at Akame with newfound regard, while others, already aware of his potential, nodded with quiet pride, seeing in him a potential elite shinobi of the clan.

With the Sharingan active, Akame now possessed supernatural vision. He began to read and anticipate Minato's movements with a precision that rivaled Minato's intuitive ability. The fight, once dominated by Minato's agility and foresight, now became a balanced clash of extraordinary skills.

Spectators followed with wide eyes, the tension and excitement growing with each movement. Both young fighters were now on equal footing, each using their unique abilities to outdo the other, the blows and counterblows occurring at an impressive speed.

Minato, feeling the pressure of Akame's Sharingan, murmured to himself, acknowledging his opponent's skill. "My Haki is even better than your Sharingan, but he has a far superior style of taijutsu than me, this is getting bad for me, I need to end the fight as quickly as possible..." As he dodged a kick from Akame, his eyes sought an opening, a moment to reverse the tide of the battle that now balanced precariously on the edge of a thread.

Each moment a testament to the talent and potential of two of the most promising young fighters of the year. As the battle between Minato and Akame intensified, the crowd watched, completely captivated. Akame moved with lethal precision, his red eyes tracking every movement of Minato, anticipating and responding with quick and accurate physical blows.

"Damn it... How can he compare to my Sharingan?" Akame couldn't help but murmur in frustration as the fight continued to be balanced.

Minato, in a spectacle of agility and grace, danced around Akame as if he were as light as air. His movements were a blur to the onlookers, fluid and unpredictable, each step and dodge so harmonious and calculated that it seemed part of a complex dance. Even in the face of the Sharingan's predictive power, Minato's ability to sense Akame's intentions and move accordingly, a mastery he called 'Observation Haki,' allowed him to be always one step ahead.

Akame, feeling the pressure to maintain his Sharingan active, which required a constant amount of chakra and focus, launched into a frenetic assault. Each of his attacks was quick and precise, a determined effort to corner and defeat Minato. But Minato, with a dexterity that defied belief, dodged each attack, his form gliding through the ring with the ease and grace of a leaf in the wind.

Then, in a critical moment, Minato noticed the opening he had been waiting for. Akame, in his determination to end the fight and under the strain of maintaining his Sharingan, became slightly more predictable. Minato, with impressive agility, slid under a particularly aggressive blow. In a movement swift and lightning-fast, he kicked to the side of Akame's head, a non-lethal blow but sufficient to make the boy fall unconscious, ending the fight.

The crowd, which had been held in collective suspense, erupted in applause and exclamations of admiration and respect.

"Victory for Minato Namikaze!" the examiner announced, his powerful voice echoing over the clamor of the crowd. That announcement sealed the outcome of the fight but also marked the beginning of the legend of Minato Namikaze, a name everyone knew would one day be synonymous with greatness both within and beyond the village's boundaries.


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