
Chapter 53.

The last time turned out to be surprisingly calm and fruitful, but the creative itch did not let go. The builders promised to finish the house by the end of next week, so there was no way to throw everything out on the home improvement. But I already had a plan, so many new traps would be set, because now the territory was much larger. Inside, the place will also be in bulk, especially if you put several cabinets with expanded space.

But the soul demanded to do something epic, potions and so on were not suitable for this, a memory eraser could well fit , but there was no necessary equipment for its production. At the auction, too, nothing suitable appeared, although register and leave a request. It was only after that incident that I lost my desire, because after reading several articles I found out that this couple had previously been the most honest traders with a crystal clear reputation. And if I had been registered and communicated with the others, then most likely I would have got there too, so nafig.

And the tool can be obtained in other ways. For example, answering calls, to the part of them that other demons ignore, not all of course, but for the most part. The reasons are very simple, ordinary people are the summoners , respectively, that they cannot saturate the circle with a sufficient amount of energy, as well as provide a normal passage. And it is quite dangerous to stroll along such a path, as a comparison, a normal iron bridge with a railing, across a gorge, and a small crooked tree thrown across the same gorge will do. It seems to be possible to pass, but there is a possibility, and not a small one, that on the way back this tree will begin to slide into the abyss.

But I have a lot of experience and a good affinity with the primary elements , so I can strengthen and slightly widen the passage, not that the demons cannot do that, they can, but the costs come out much more than the profit received. Any technologically advanced world will suit me. And there I will arrange with the summoner to buy the necessary tools for me. I have money, even from that technogenic world, seemingly the same dollars that I had in my first life, the main thing is not to confuse with the year of issue of papers, in extreme cases there is gold, it is appreciated everywhere.

For solidity, I decided to change my appearance, otherwise they summon a demon, and I appear. Khard took the guise , I have several captured individuals in my scrolls. For this, it is not even necessary to bring it into consciousness, just print it out and apply the technique of copying the appearance.

With another pair of hand problems have arisen, though I have thirty-six extra limbs, who have learned to manage, and then just in the Far East is, hands more than usual, a trifle.

The first call was at the cemetery at night. Apparently some students decided to play Satanists. They did not devote much time to the call, and immediately proceeded to the orgy. Well, what about - a cemetery at night, a pentagram on one of the graves, a slaughtered chicken, in general, romance.

They did not even immediately notice the appearance in this pentagram of a humanoid four - armed lion under three meters in height. But when they noticed, and then after I politely coughed to attract attention, these uncultured people, flashing their bare asses, started at such a speed that I suspected there were people with supernormal abilities .

The next eight calls ended in about the same way, only the place and degree of dress of people differed . The tenth became an exception in the form of fainting, and when trying to bring to consciousness the patient had a heart attack and had to be pumped out. After pumping out, the patient had problems with his head. I am not able to treat a mental disorder. So I called the professionals. And no, not through the pentagram, but by phone, otherwise I have nothing else to do, how to spend money on don't understand who. I just got a little wrapped up with these calls, and I forgot what form I am in. So we had to call another ambulance, already for the first crew to arrive. And it dawned on me that something was wrong only in the fourth brigade, which arrived with the police. The police turned out to be stress-resistant guys and started firing at me with shouts of "monster", and I already began to sin on a gas leak. Well, what, he leaned out into the corridor, waved his lower right hand and said, " Come in , the patient is here," turned around, and there a few more bodies lay on the floor, and so on three times.

I twisted them pretty quickly, but we didn't get a dialogue, so it didn't work out where to get the tools I needed. And then the energy in the circle ran out and I was pulled back.

Now I understand why many demons, only appearing in the summoning circle and not finding the enclosing circle, tear the summoners into small pieces without further ado.

For twenty-eight calls already, and for the last ten I have had a desire to nail the summoners with particular cruelty. And all because these ... in general, these, in the brink of hell. When he stopped using Khard's appearance and confined himself to his own, these bastards, especially from the technogenic worlds, asked stupid questions like "are you really a demon?" And "prove, show, something." And here you stand like a clown showing tricks. But this is not so bad, after these they begin to make wishes: superpowers are different, but this list necessarily includes immortality, regeneration. But when they get the bill how much it will cost them, they stare at me with square eyes and ask "what is this phone number?" What? I honestly described how much it will cost in the CD, and did not forget to throw in a small percentage for mediation.

And after that, they begin to be indignant, do they see their priceless soul selling, and I scoff. They got very excited about the pricelessness, I have always honestly talked about this. And they are offended that you won't get anything special for their soul. Although I offered quite a good list of services: complete cure for all diseases, correction of appearance, increase in strength, agility, etc. That is all that I can as a magician of life and Iryonin .

Here in the worlds less technically advanced, the people are more adequate, on such times I was called up five times, provided medical services four times, and once fulfilled an order for murder. One guy ordered his sworn friend, he took his bride away from him. He would be glad to clean his face himself, only a friend serves in the guard, and his build is like a cabinet with a mezzanine, and my summoner has very modest physical characteristics.

The order was completed quickly, you can say the work on the profile. We made our way through the shadow and kunay up the throat, that's all.

But most of all were taken out by some individuals who, being confident in their abilities, only because I tried to be polite, began to threaten with holy water and demand to sign a contract on their terms. For such figures, I put this holy water where the sun did not shine, the first was lucky - he had a bottle of two hundred milliliters, but the second had a polish .

Of course, there were more adequate ones, for example, one classical nerd asked for his soul that one of his classmates fell in love with him. It couldn't be easier, gave out a love potion, told how to use it. But this ram began to whine, is that so difficult? He pricked his finger and squeezed a drop of blood into the vial, and gave the needed girl a drink, that's it.

The same one began to whine about blood, my mood at that time was not very good, before that the guy with a half-ruble of holy water was pumping his rights, so he handed him a needle and said either he would bleed himself with a needle, or I would help, with claymore . The client was impressed, and got blood, but then he began to whine about how he could drink the potion, and maybe I would do it better?

What's so difficult? Pour the potion into tea, coffee, juice, well, if it's so difficult, and I'm not sure whether she will drink, then hit something on the head and pour in the potion, after which she will perceive the blow on the head as nothing other than "beating, means he loves. " He explained all this to a little one, and fiddled around only because he thought this dunce would buy me the necessary tools. But after talking with this, I realized that this one was unable to wipe his own ass and himself, where to look and buy something there. Dumped from him with a clear conscience, the contract is closed, it says that I will give a means for this girl to fall in love with him. So everything, and he will be able to crank case or prosret se leagues I already do not care.

But all these events drastically frayed my nerves, even the photo sessions with Hinata did not save me, I even got back an old bad habit, because for seven hundred years I had not smoked, and these nerves were tousled. So I bought tobacco at auction, clogged the pipe, and arranged a test for the artifact. And then I came up with a brilliant idea, it's not for nothing that the pipe gives a plus to wisdom and intelligence, what for am I dressing up as a demon? After all, everyone is demanding something from them and waiting for a catch. Checked on their own skin, in the guise of Khard - everyone skied, in my usual one they did not take seriously at first, they spat on their usual disguise after the first campaign, there they again took me for a succubus and began to solicit, peace be upon this idiot.

I'll try to mimic an angel. The aura of light will be provided by the armature in the "let there be light" mode, I will hide it under the clothes, otherwise the angel with the armature in his hands is somehow not right. I'll attach the wings, last week I opened the harpy barrier. Although these dreadful men have blue plumage, it won't take long to repaint, as well as attach it to the suit. It is necessary to stretch the hamster has developed a system Fuin in order to hide the wings, and when applying chakra unfolding behind him, and after the same Makar hide back.

I'll bungle the halo myself, all I need is a hoop of solar gold, a levitation spell, and a potion and a firefly, and all this is in the cauldron.

The halo turned out with a flaw, this dirty trick, constantly moved off the head. It's like you don't move your head yet, everything is hovering fine, but as soon as you start turning your head, this filth disappears from your head. And what is remarkable is always on the left side. And to put it in its place is still the task, the halo turned out to be terribly sharp, so you need to take it very carefully.

I decided to buy some more tobacco and went to the toilet, hoping that there it would dawn on me. It didn't dawn on me, but it did exactly that, although it dawned on me too. I just grew horns, and the halo was located just between them. There was no way to cut them off in the halo, too little effort was made. I went to the mirror to see what happened. Well, what inspires, he inhaled again, released the wings from the suit, after ears and tails, inhaled again, released the tentacles , inhaled again. I looked at the resulting composition, took a long drag.

- I am going to bear retribution in the name of LOVE AND PEACE !!! KU-KU -KU-KU !!!

The blue screen from the system passed by consciousness, well, not for the first time, in five days it will work again.

He inhaled again, so that it was already locked in his throat, he decided to wet his throat, the first thing that came to hand was a bubble from the party for the quest , all the usual disappeared due to a glitch in the system. But I realized this only later, when I finished off the first bottle, took a drag, and went to the next call.

Three days later.

LTD!!! How shitty I am, and where am I? And, not who I remember, but what happened after the last puff, I do not remember. So that I once again buy tobacco from a seller with the nickname GUU, even though it is a big thing, and you can't tell by sight that the tobacco is flawed, seemingly normal purple tobacco.

Inspection of the surrounding area showed that this is my apartment, just in a very broken-down state. But that's okay, Yasuka was next to her , naked, tired, and happy. Disgusting ! I don't remember a damn thing. But this was not the end, on the other hand, her friends peacefully snored in the same form. MADNESS !!!

With a sinking heart, I began to lift the blanket, afraid to find Hinata and Momo there , I was not worried about Ino , she did not come to visit me, there was another option to see Anko there , but this is generally the finish.

But thank the Player, there was no one there. I even offered a prayer of thanks to him. And this ungrateful concrete block on my head teleported , with a piece of paper glued to it, on which was a request not to address him any more prayer. That's what kind of god he is, that he doesn't need prayers, and he could send a piece of paper separately. Although I admit that the concrete block gives the written words more weight, but not lower it on your head.

Well, to hell with the player to remember what happened yesterday, and there is, according to the calendar, you need to remember that it was also the day before yesterday and pozapozavchera .

An attempt to restore the chronology of events using logs failed, the system has not yet returned to life.

Another, or rather three sources of information were now lying on the bed.

The survey of witnesses did not give much, the first thing that I learned from them was that I was just superb and further down the list. Of course I already know this, but it's still nice to listen to it once again. About how and how, I found out quite a bit.

From their story it came out that last night I fell over to Yasuka , at that time her friends came to her to discuss important matters, and offered to play catch-up, with very simple rules - whoever I catch, that you ...

Since I had the same look, and the muzzle expressed an extreme degree of inadequacy, they fled quite seriously and without giveaway. But they couldn't escape outside the apartment because of the barrier. And they ended up in my apartment because my and Yasuki's apartments are connected by a door.

The pogrom in the apartment was due to the fact that Yasuka summoned wolves, but for those the chuyka worked very well, and they quickly retreated, but these three hefty carcasses in a small space managed to make a pogrom. After that, Yasuka was caught , and her friends, looking at the fact that they were not doing anything special with her, did not rip off the skin, and did not break bones, so they also stopped running.

Then they painted everything in such details and colors that I felt very upset that I did not remember any of this. So I decided to conduct an investigative experiment and restore in detail all that had happened, at least from yesterday evening.

To their timid statement that it was not evening yet, I replied that it was okay, for the sake of completeness we will repeat it several times.

Towards the morning, he dragged the unconscious, but contented bodies to Yasuka's apartment , don't tell me , and the shinobi are much more resilient and stronger than ordinary people, although I still had to use medical techniques and magic of life.

Further investigation showed that he did not have time to do anything in the village, and the fact that he disappeared from the radar for several days is not the first time. I also found out about Hinata and Momo . The first one came to me on the second day of my absence, but did not find me, decided that I was busy with very important and urgent matters, and did not interfere.

Momo, however, did not even notice my absence, she now has a rush in the form of preparation for the exam for the "C" rank, and she did not give up training with her fire. Her curator also has problems above the roof, many found out that Momo has a well-developed chakra system, and decided to send him to the academy. And her mentor sent everyone into the forest of death, emphasizing that Momo was a weak girl, completely unadapted to the hardships of field missions. Well, well, weak, just like Hinata, at the last training session they almost killed me, barely got out of it, and then only due to immateriality.

After that, the question in front of me in full growth was - are Hinata and Momo quite strong, or am I such a schmuck? I'd like to believe in the first.

Checking other places also failed. In the valley, as it turned out, these days did not appear, but as soon as it appeared, Isamu loaded me with a bunch of urgent matters. Resurrect several kids who failed missions, give portions of the aging potion to those already reborn, listen to a report on the current state of affairs, and give instructions.

The next place I visited was the world of suckers, but everything was calm there. Chi introduced me to two of her students. She bought these two girls in the nearest village to the castle, because of the proximity of the source, they had a gift, though weak, but a gift. Chi, having the storage devices at her disposal, initiated them. I was also surprised that she succeeded, and even the first time. But Chi said, blushing, that not from the first, but from the third, she stuffed her hand on two guys, and then hammered nails into the lid of their coffin.

And after all, he left only for a few months, and she had already managed to find students, and had already taught something. Nothing special, just energy control, and work with artifacts, but still not bad for such a period of time.

She also asked how often the ritual of absorbing souls can be carried out, so she asked in between times, and so innocently clapped her eyelashes, and having received an answer, she figured something in her head and went to chase the students.

In general, it was quite interesting with Chi, teaching her the magic of fire from books I learned a lot. Although she managed to overtake me and quite strongly, but here it is not surprising that she focused on fire magic. She did not go well with necromancy, or rather she did not like it. He did not want to captivate her, and after she learned the basics, he did not load her with necromancy anymore. Well, what, to raise and rest the lower undead may be enough. But with fire, everything is fine, for another ten years in barriers and will be able to demolish cities with a "Firestorm". And if he pumps the students well and successfully absorbs then the "Eruption of the Volcano" will pull, alone.

Upon my return to Konoha, the system returned to me. An attempt to find at least something in the logs failed, this time it was specific. Then I got into the inventory, and here I got it .

The fact that there was no moonshine is nothing surprising, it always suffers during glitches, even if you don't keep it in your inventory, but where else will I carry so much? I have a whole warehouse there. The worst thing is that the entire prepared batch of moonshine on the elements disappeared. Well, I couldn't eat everything, although, no, it's unlikely, if I did, then I would overwhelmingly increase the affinity with the elements, well, or I would stick the flippers together. I need to make sure.

- Status!


Name: Naruto Uzumaki (Unknown crap)

Race: Unknown evil crap

Level: 47 (Exp: 7,271,223 / 8,500,000)

Class: Fat Shinobi Maggot

Subclass: - (unlocked from level 100)

HP: 9868 / 109.9 rpm

CP: 29992 / 139.2 rpm (-80 / min.) 59.2 / min.

Bijuu CP : 1,000,000 (partially unlocked)

MR: 14265 / 69.8 rpm

RP: 10293 / 88.7 rpm


Strength: 122 (0)

Dexterity: 101 (0)

Speed: 105 (0)

Stamina: 1153 (0)

Intelligence: 139

Wisdom: 121

Intuition: 452

Strength of the spirit: 551

Will: 599

Charisma: 91

Control: 4115

Luck: Unknown.

Body structure.

Free stat points: 0

Free Skill Points: 52

Additional characteristics:

Elemental Affinity:

Fire: 19.49%

Wind: 12.61%

Lightning: 26.92%

Land: 11.85%

Water: 15.93%

Life: 32.99%

Death: 40.56%

Light: 7.75%

Dark: 38.94%

Order: 7.0013%

Chaos: 29.44%


"Little asshole." "Fumitox S +". "Toilet Sage". "The Drunken Shaman", "The Paranoid". "LEGENDARY HORROR of the rat people". "Real Korean Gamer 0/1000". "Practitioner Zelevarno-alchemical-Himerologicheskih-Okultnyh Sciences eighties Level". "Art is an explosion." "The crooked demonologist ". "Master Shaman of Weapon- Artifact Alchemy". "Demonic Sexual GIANT". "Ada Mantovy Eggs". "Fisherman fisherman".

Active skills:

"Evil laughter of the dark lord" level MAX, "Laughter of the mad scientist vivisector" level MAX, "Face of Shinigami", "Yaki" level MAX, Meditation level MAX. "Eye irritant" level MAX. "Dive into the Plane of Shadows" level 93. "Flayer" level MAX. "Extreme Cooking" level 25. "Seamstress" level 74. "Disguise" level MAX. "Eyes of a cat from shrek " level MAX. "Underwear thief's dream" level Over 9000. "Hiding in the shadows" level MAX. " Henge " level MAX. "Attack of the toothy kolobok" Out of level. "Bite of the UNKNOWN FUCK" level is unknown. "Jaws of Steel" level 38. "Pathetic ignore damage" level of Overdrain . "The gaze of a hardened vivisector maniac" level MAX. "The smile of a hardened vivisector maniac" level MAX. "Shadow clone" level MAX. Semi-magic form " Kitsune ". "Trap of souls" level MAX. " TajuKageBunshin no Jutsu " MAX level. " Kawarimi , but Jutsu " level 78. "Immaterial" level MAX. "Spiritual pressure" level 59. "Invisibility" level MAX. " Dichlorvos " MAX level. "Resurrection" is the MAX level. "Manipulation with the shadow" level 77. "Aura of the Nameless" level 25. "Copying appearance" level MAX. "Ball lightning" level 38. " Rankyaku " level MAX. " Tekkai " MAX level. Soru is the MAX level. " Shigan " level MAX. " Geppo " MAX level . " Kami- e" MAX level.

Passive skills:

Player's Body, Player's Mind, Regeneration. "Titanium stomach" level 1. "Titanium liver" MAX level. "Demonic polyglot" level MAX. "Resistant to piercing attacks." MAX level. "Demonic perception." MAX level. "Disenfranchisement, until the end of the act" MAX level.


Unknown crap, Player, J Inchuriki , Demon, Uzumaki Blood .


Faction "Residents of Konohagakure , but Sato : - 6000 (intense hatred)

Faction Clan Aburame : - 3000.

Inuzuka clan faction : - 2500.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: - 10,000.

Inferno World Plane ( Livar ) Faction : 600.

Akimichi clan faction : 3900

Faction of the Sorceress Girl: - 3500.

Faction tentacle monsters: 10,000.


Hiruzen Sarutobi : 1952.

Danz Shimura : 5268.

Inoichi Yamanaka : - 3000.

Orochimaru : 600.

Botsume Konotori : - 10 000 (fierce hatred)

Teuchi : 0 (neutrality)

Gopher: - _ - (don't care )

Tsukiko Ichiha : 5562.

Ichiro Uchiha : - 10,000 (fierce hatred)

Jun Uchiha : - 10,000 (fierce hatred)

Yasuka Takaya : 10,000.

Raccoon: achieved Zen.

Hinata Hyuga : 10,000.

Iruka Umino : - 6309.

Chоji Akimichi : 4750.

Succubus Li Lee : 7521.

Succubus LaLa : 5410.

Succubus LuLu : 5230.

Succubus LiLa : 5733.

Edward Elric : - 5000.

Uchiha Sasuke : - 3975.

Uchiha Itachi : 4160.

Uchiha Momo : 10,000.

Ino Yamanaka : 4985.

Mitarashi Anko : 6772.

Shikamaru Nara: 7043

Sumire : 15,000.

Kamidze Toma: 2002.

So, the steel stomach became titanium, what did I gobble up, and at the same time did not fumigate, the liver simply reached its maximum , with everything else without strong changes, except that the relationship with the light has grown, well, so much with a halo. By the way, where is he?

Further inventory showed very deplorable results. Firstly , I was missing a few skill spheres, there were also shortages of ingredients. Secondly, several bottles for spontaneous moonshine disappeared, and this is a lot. Do not tell me , but keeping moonshine on necros in an ordinary clay bottle is suicide, you should not forget about the rest. I was also very lucky that the auction turned out to be a very cheap lot, for just one CD, with instructions for creating containers for storing alcoholic beverages on the first elements . Although the production of these bottles is a rather dreary and costly process, so they are worth their weight in sunshine gold of the highest standard.

True, part of the loss was found in the farthest corner. But the bubbles were full, and signed by my, albeit clumsy, handwriting, which is remarkable the inscriptions were made in blood, not mine. But these are trifles. The most interesting thing was in the contents, in one there was moonshine on the negative and negative emotions, but the second on LOVE AND PEACE, and judging by the labeling, this is the second bottle. I have a habit of signing each batch - date / batch number / bottle number.

That is, the first one has already been sent, and the reward for the quest has been received, but only part of the reward has not been found, this is the promised suit.

I also found that the scroll that contained the Krysiel is empty! It turns out that I sowed Ratiel somewhere ! Well, it's okay, take a walk and come back, silt and it only works with cats?

The next week I was busy arranging my new home, this process was very long and complicated. And this despite the fact that he used the Hamster and his clones, here they did not shit, well, it's clear you still do it for yourself, and I worked hard for five, because if the traps on the chakra and ordinary mechanical clones can cope, then here are the magic ones, it's just me. The hamster, oddly enough, could operate with both mana and reatsu , although he was also in my clone, albeit tailored to his taste.

He moved from the apartment only the most valuable thing - the closet with Sebastian, although then I had to chemise and make another closet in my apartment and connect it with Sebastian's closet. I killed two weeks to develop, and another two months to create, I got out of the barrier as evil as hell. And in general, lately nerves to hell, and all the macaques are to blame. All the time while the arrangement was going on, observers were spinning near the house, and he himself came to have a heart-to-heart talk, and the conversation had to be carried out in the ramen room .

A couple of times he was politely sent, referring to being busy, but then I realized that it was cheaper to agree, otherwise it would not lag behind.

After the Hamster finished with all the protective systems, which included a dozen barriers per fuin , six different magical barriers, as well as two barriers to reatsu from any otherworldly living creatures, one hid, the second did not allow to enter or exit. Shinigami, of course, will not stop such a barrier, but every little thing and something in between is easy. Although that very little thing stayed away from me, and skidded when I approached. Well, you think you caught a dozen others and set them up for experiments, so I just all sorts of small, unreasonable, or stubborn ones who did not want to take oaths, and the rest are alive and well, working for my benefit.

Understandably, the housewarming had to be celebrated, the more so it turned out that Anko returned to the village after the mission, and the Gopher, according to his wife, has also been toiling for several days from idleness. But this time we will sit modestly and decorously, no special moonshine, succubus, debauchery and other entertainment events, such as arranging a local apocalypse in the village.

But when I opened the door, I found in front of me a message about the passage to another loka .

Param pampam.

Congratulations !!!

Upd Aruja passage in another location.

Attention!!! As a user of the T. - 3000 version, you get a unique opportunity to independently regulate the time spent in another location.

The time you set will in no way affect the task that will be given to you after moving to the location.

This passage will close at 01:14:18.

Well, let's take a walk.