
Naruto - A New Kekkei Genkai

Kuuro_6988 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Preliminaries begin

Temari peered down at the unfolding battle with astonishment and disbelief. Her eyes widened in shock as she witnessed Gaara, her own brother, being wounded by his opponent. The sheer disbelief was palpable, causing her entire body to tremble. She thought Gaara would never be

Meanwhile, from the stands, Guy bellowed at Lee, his voice filled with urgency and support. "LEE! NOW EXPLODE!" He thrust his arm high into the air, a visible symbol of his unwavering encouragement.

Responding to Guy's command, Lee saluted with determination and shouted back, "Yes, sir!" In the blink of an eye, Lee vanished from sight, leaving behind only an afterimage. Gaara's protective sand rose near his back, reacting to the illusion of Lee's punch. Swiftly, Lee reappeared in front of Gaara, channelling unwavering conviction through his entire being. With unyielding determination, he launched a powerful right hook that made direct contact with Gaara's face, propelling him forcefully across the arena.

The surrounding genin watched the battle unfold before them in a state of utter shock. The Leaf genin, in particular, found it difficult to believe their eyes. Yet, their awe-stricken expressions quickly transformed into expressions of fear as Gaara rose to his feet, fixing his gaze directly on Lee. Where Lee's punch had landed, Gaara's face appeared to crack, revealing the presence of a constant sand armour protecting his body.

As the sand armour crumbled away, an expression of pure insanity emerged from beneath. The sand, now free from its previous form, swirled and crawled towards Gaara, meticulously reconstructing the protective sand armour around his body.

Observing the scene from above, Naruto couldn't contain his surprise, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Is that some sort of defence jutsu?" His gaze remained focused and sharp as he continued to watch intently. Naruto wondered if he could ever acquire such control over an autonomous jutsu, adding this astonishing display to his ever-growing list of techniques he aspired to practise and master.

"It's sand armour." Naruto turned his head and saw Kankuro speaking, his gaze still fixed on the battle. "Gaara can create a thin shell of sand to cover and protect his entire body, controlling it by force of his will. It's Gaara's ultimate defence." Kankuro continued. Naruto shifted his gaze once again to the battle as he watched Lee attacking Gaara to no avail. He wondered if Lee had any chance against Gaara.

Despite his concerns for Lee's safety, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and pride for how far his friend had come. When Naruto first encountered Lee, he knew he was much slower in comparison, but now...well, Lee seemed almost slow in Naruto's eyes. Naruto's perception had sharpened to the point where he could discern even the tiniest movements in Lee's body.

As Naruto watched intently, Lee began to unravel his arm bandages. Naruto immediately recognized the significance of this action. It was the same taijutsu technique Lee had used against Sasuke, and it appeared to be incredibly potent. Suddenly, Naruto felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe Lee had a chance against Gaara after all.

In an explosive burst of speed, Lee propelled himself towards Gaara, appearing beneath him in a flash. Before Gaara could react, Lee unleashed a powerful kick that struck Gaara's jaw from below. As Gaara's body was sent flying through the air, Lee swiftly leaped behind him, wrapping him up in bandages.

With a swift change of motion, Lee inverted himself while still holding Gaara, executing the Primary Lotus technique. Gaara was forcefully driven into the ground, creating a shockwave upon impact. As the dust began to settle, Naruto noticed Lee panting heavily. He couldn't help but wonder if the technique had truly drained him to that extent. It didn't seem like such a taxing technique, considering Naruto had witnessed Lee blitzing around Gaara earlier, relentlessly throwing punches and kicks without breaking a sweat.

Finally, as the dust completely cleared, the aftermath left everyone in shock. Gaara appeared to be lying motionless in the centre of the arena. However, the figure that resembled Gaara began to crumble, revealing it to be nothing more than an empty shell of sand armour. Meanwhile, Lee stood there panting and in pain, while Gaara, somehow, had managed to get behind him. The revelation left everyone astonished, and the Leaf genin couldn't help but question if Gaara was even human.

Guy's voice rang out in surprise, "When did he slip out of that shell!" Sweat trickled down the sides of his face, his eyes wide with astonishment.

Kakashi, his one uncovered eye focused on the unfolding battle, responded deadpan, "It happened while your eyes were closed in prayer. The pain caused him to flinch for just a moment."

Gaara's rage consumed him and he began to toy with Lee who was weakened by the immense strain on his body, knocking him around and attempting to humiliate him. Despite the relentless assault, Rock Lee refused to give up. He was determined to prove that even without the use of ninjutsu and genjutsu, he could still be a splendid ninja.

Lee continued to dodge Gaara's attacks, desperately trying to recover from his injuries. Gaara unleashed a barrage of sand, relentlessly bombarding Lee.

From the stands, Naruto watched with concern as Lee was repeatedly struck by Gaara's sand. Just as it seemed that the fight would come to an end, Lee's speed suddenly returned.

"The lotus of Konoha will bloom twice," Guy spoke with determination. Sakura, who had overheard his words, looked back at Lee, realising she had heard that phrase before. As she glanced down at Lee below, she was astounded by the chakra radiating from him. The ground shook beneath him, and a vibrant green aura began to envelop his entire being.

"The third gate, the gate of life. Open!" Lee's voice reverberated through the arena as he screamed with determination. Clenching his fists and bending his knees, he unleashed another cry, "The fourth gate, the gate of pain. Open!" A trickle of blood fell from Lee's nose, but before it could reach the ground, he vanished from Gaara's view, moving at an incredible speed.

The entire arena shook as the ground cracked, heralding Lee's reappearance. He delivered a powerful kick to Gaara's jaw, taking the offensive stance and launching a relentless onslaught of attacks. Even Gaara, known for his impregnable defence, was caught off guard. With all of Lee's strength, power, and will, he unleashed his final move, the reverse lotus. The strain on his body was evident as it visibly broke under the intensity of the attack, but Lee pushed through, determined to deliver his blow. Wrapping Gaara in bandages once again, he prepared to unleash his secret technique. "The fifth gate, the gate of opening. Open!" Lee's chakra surged, growing stronger. Before Gaara could even touch the ground, Lee ensnared him in bandages and pulled him toward himself. With a scream of pain and determination, Lee struck Gaara, sending him crashing into the ground with unparalleled force and speed, leaving most unable to follow the movements with their eyes.

From above, Naruto watched in awe, his hands tightly gripping the handrails, causing them to break. How strong was Lee? What kind of speed was that? Despite his own progress, Naruto couldn't help but feel that he hadn't closed the gap between them. He knew he couldn't match that level of speed or strength.

However, Naruto couldn't dwell on these thoughts any longer as the dust settled, revealing that Gaara's gourd had transformed into sand, shielding him from harm. Although breathing heavily, Gaara remained unscathed.

Struggling to his feet, Lee was unable to move further after pushing his body to its limits. Gaara directed the sand toward Lee, intending to ensnare his leg. Sensing the imminent danger, Naruto moved with blinding speed, pulling Lee away from the encroaching sand and shielding him from harm.

Lee looked up at Naruto with a mix of gratitude and sadness in his eyes before succumbing to unconsciousness. Before the situation could escalate any further, Guy appeared and expressed his gratitude to Naruto. "Naruto Uzumaki... Thank you... Thank you for protecting Lee."

Naruto nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze shifting back to Gaara, who had already begun making his way back up to the stands. The magnitude of Gaara's strength was unfathomable. Naruto knew he needed to grow stronger. He had to protect those he cared about and become a pillar that others could rely on, just like a Hokage.

Medical ninjas swarmed around Lee, swiftly carrying him away. Guy received reassurance that Lee would make a full recovery. As Lee was being taken out on a stretcher, a voice resonated through the arena. "Gaara is the winner and will advance to the next round," announced Hayate, confirming the outcome of the intense battle.

Naruto's mind had been consumed by his thoughts for so long that he was jolted back to reality by a loud shout. "Human boulder!" He immediately shifted his gaze downward, focusing on the arena where the voice originated. It was Choji Akamichi, his teammate, in the middle of his match. Beside Naruto, he heard Ino, Choji's teammate, cheering him on. "All right! Crush him, Choji!" she screamed with enthusiasm.

Shikamaru, ever the strategist, observed the unfolding situation with a discerning eye. Choji's opponent, Dosu, was notorious for his powerful sound wave attacks that could inflict damage without direct physical contact. However, Dosu's attacks were primarily effective when targeting the opponent's exposed ears. Choji, on the other hand, had his head buried within his own body, effectively blocking his ears. How could Dosu attack a rotating, earless meatball like Choji with sound?

With determination in his eyes, Choji propelled himself toward Dosu in a rapid charge. However, Dosu effortlessly evaded the attack, causing Choji to roll and collide with the wall behind him. Taking advantage of the situation, Dosu leaped high into the air, his fist cocked back, ready to strike. As he descended, he unleashed a powerful blow into Choji's body while channelling sound waves through his arms to enhance its potency.

Shikamaru's eyes widened as he realised something crucial. "Over 70% of the human body is composed of water," he muttered to himself. "A great conductor of sound. It's not difficult for Dosu to transmit shock waves through a wall of flesh. As long as Choji isn't rotating, Dosu can approximate where to strike and incapacitate him."

The announcement rang out through the arena, interrupting the intense battle. "Dosu Kinuta is the winner of the final round. The preliminaries are now over," declared the announcer, confirming Dosu's victory.

Naruto watched the scene unfold, a flicker of sympathy in his eyes. He knew Choji had given it his all, but the outcome was not in their favour. As the crowd began to disperse, Naruto's mind shifted to the challenges that lay ahead. He vowed to become stronger, not just for himself, but for his friends as well. The preliminaries may have ended, but the journey was far from over.

The remaining eight contestants were called to gather in the arena, and the proctor of the preliminaries addressed them first. "Congratulations to those of you who won your bouts and qualified for the third phase of the Chunin Exams, although one of you isn't here," he remarked, casting a glance toward the third Hokage. "They are all yours, Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the revered leader of the village, stepped forward with a warm smile. "Well then, I shall explain the finals," he announced, clearing his throat to capture everyone's attention. "Each of you represents the battle strengths of your respective lands, and we want you to exhibit and showcase your various talents to the fullest. Therefore, the finals will commence one month from now."

Following his explanation, each participant was required to draw lots to determine the order of the matches. The pairings were announced:

Match 1: Naruto Uzumaki vs. Neji Hyuga.

Match 2: Gaara vs. Sasuke Uchiha.

Match 3: Kankuro vs. Shino Aburame.

Match 4: Dosu Kinuta vs. Shikamaru Nara.

Match 5: Temari vs. the winner of Match 4.

Shikamaru couldn't help but let out a sigh of resignation, dropping his head in sadness. The prospect of having to fight an extra round seemed like too much effort for his laid-back nature. "What a drag," he muttered to himself, his usual apathetic demeanour apparent.

On the contrary, Naruto's face lit up with an insane grin. Neji Hyuga as his first opponent was exactly what he had hoped for. His hands trembled with excitement, and for a moment, his eyes flickered with a crimson hue before returning to their familiar blue colour.

The Hokage spoke once more, addressing the gathered genin. "It is now time for you to plan and revise your strategies, rest up, or do whatever you please. Are there any questions?"

Raising his hand, Shikamaru posed a question to Hiruzen. "You mentioned that this is a tournament, so does that mean there is only one winner? Does only one person get to become a Chunin?"

The Hokage chuckled lightly before answering. "No, that is not the case. In the finals, you will be observed by many judges, including myself and the Kazekage. Based on your performances throughout the tournament, these judges will assign you an absolute value. Those who are deemed to have sufficient ability will be granted the rank of Chunin. So it is possible that all of you could become Chunin, but it is also possible that none of you will. Advancing further in the tournament will provide better opportunities for you to showcase your skills." His gaze lingered on Naruto for a brief moment, after noticing the change in his pupils, however brief it may have been, before he continued. "Well then, good work, everyone. You are all dismissed."

With that, the genin dispersed, each with their own thoughts and aspirations, eager to prepare for the upcoming finals and prove their worth as potential Chunin.