

What if a so called 'Ninja,' from a modern earth was misplaced into the world of Naruto with one order to get his way back home... "Destroy the Ninja world and bring chaos to the Gods." ~~~~~~~~~~~ Just a little idea I came up with while on the toilet, thought it was pretty good.

_bones · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Misplaced, Chapter 1.

In the darkest of nights, a city out shone even the moon... It's bright city lights, the flying cars that drove around in the air neatly and in order... The different sets of all glass skyscrapers, lit up on the inside due to late work hours or those there for over time...

It was a beautiful city. It was a city people from the twentieth century could only dream about.



"Get him! He's exhausted! The bounty on his head is more than enough to keep each of your family's wealthy for generations to come!" Upon the tallest of the skyskrapers were a group of fifty men, all wearing suits of black.

Each equipped with either a set of katanas or tantos, or one of each. Some were even equipped with one of their choices. Each wore a mask that resembled that of a fox, colored white and red. Hearing their leaders' words, they let out a set of confident and greedy grins.

Clapping their hands together in unison, and not a second later, a pure bluish white aura surrounded them, dancing in the wind like a raging flame. The energy pooling out of them was more than enough to act as a beacon in the night sky, alerting the people close to the building of the ongoing fight.

On the opposite direction of the group of masked men was a boy, lengthy lime green hair that hung off his head, covering his forehead and a bit of his piercing red eyes. His pale skin lit up with a bluish tint due to the energy radiating off of the men in front of him. but even then... His indifferent expression never faltered.

Adjusting his black backpack that rested over the back of his yellow hoodie zip up jacket. His pants were that of black joggers and black shoes, he also sported a mask with a row of teeth on them, bringing his outfit together.

Sighing, the boy grabbed the hilts of the two katanas that rested in-between his backpack and his actual back, one hand on each hilt. With a satisfying, SHNNG! The boy revealed his weapons which glinted with the light of the other men's chakra.

"Let's get this over with, I have a place to be at the moment..." The boy spoke, his indifferent tone causing the men to be angered. Gritting his teeth the leader of the group shouted loudly.

"Get him!"

A smirk plastered on the boy's face as he slowly walked towards the oncoming assault...


"Arrrrgh!" The last of the men let out a loud roar as he swung his blade down swiftly, intending to cut the boy straight in half. Seeing how the boy was littered with cuts, gashes and visibly torn off parts of flesh, the man's confidence skyrocketed.

Since his other teammates were dead, he would get all the prize money owed for the boy's bounty. Thinking this, the man's anxiousness and impatient attitude skyrocketed, making him gain a sense of tunnel vision.

Before the man could even correct his mistake, it was too late. The boy clumsily side stepped the man's blade and brought up his own, cutting off both arms as well as the man's head in one swift motion.

The man froze in place, a pained expression taped on his face as his arms slowly slid off his body, eliciting a fleshy thump as well as a geyser of blood shooting out of his stubs. The next to follow was the man's head.

That too soon slipped off, sprouting another geyser of blood, drenching the dying boy. The one in question stood straight up, his head held to the sky as his eyes glazed over, a feeling of passing out washing over him.

Even with his massive reserves of chakra, it couldn't heal him nor keep him alive for much longer...

'It was a fun run I guess... Can't believe I'm going to die to these bastards...' He thought, a dissatisfied scowl on his face... The boys breathing slowed, getting lighter and lighter, his oxygen intake dwindling every second...

His heart beat slowed, letting out loud thumps instead of fast, quiet ones.

Accepting his death, the boy let his body fall over backwards, his backpack had been destroyed in the fight, meaning the only thing there to somewhat cushion his impact would be the sheathes of his swords, but even that wasn't anything.

As his body hit the ground, and his eyes closed, the clouds in the night sky suddenly compacted, blocking the moonlight from shining upon the boys dying body. It was strange, but something even stranger happened...

Thunder crackled from within the clouds, lightning bolts shooting down, striking some of the other taller buildings. It caused so much strife that civilians started to use their basic chakra techniques out in public, which was a criminal defense.

As the lightning and thunder roared through the sky, a change in the clouds happened, just above the boy's body. A surge of an unimaginable amount of chakra took place in those very same clouds, eliciting confused and fearful emotions to swirl within the modern-day shinobi scientists.

The chakra source continued to grow until it wasn't even able to be monitored anymore, and within those clouds, an avatar appeared. Its form was that of a lightning storm with long devil like horns, its eyes were that of a beautiful mix of white, yellow, and light blue flowers, overlapping eachother but leaving a mix of all the colors.

His eyes immediately landed upon the figure of the passed-out boy, and without a slight second of hesitation, the avatar reached out with its clouded over hand. Picking up the boy, it swiftly brought it into the stormy sky, disappearing from the face of this earth...

The chaos the avatar caused made a giant change within the worlds fate... Bringing it a few centuries closer to destruction due to the large amount of chakra that was concentrated on it.


Within a white space with mirrors that weren't really mirrors... Instead of the normal reflective glass we all know, these ones had worlds inside them, somewhere seemingly grey, dull of all life, while others were beaming with life. Bright green plants and extremely blue waters.


A bright blue portal like gate opened right in the middle of the room, and out came a figure dressed in a royal robe lined with black Tomoe like inscriptions. The color of the robe was that of white, with a bit of a light turquoise.

The figure held a boy with lime green hair with battered and bloody skin. The boys clothing was all ripped and revealing. However, the mask was in perfect condition. Throwing the boy on the ground, the figure walked over in front of the boy while his hands suddenly lit up with a bright lime green.

Hovering it above the boy, the figure watched on with a plain expression as the boys injuries healed up within moments. Something else that happened was that the boys clothing started repairing itself under the light of the man's hands.

This elicited a surprised and wonderous glint in his eyes but that quickly disappeared as he fell into a fit of coughs. Covering his mouth with his hand, he coughed into it violently before he settled down.

At the same time though, the boy's eyes started to flutter, signaling that he was still alive and started to wake up.

"Ugh..." The boy groaned, slowly sitting up with his left hands palm covering his face.

The figures eyes trailed the boy with interest before it changed to the same old indifference. Not even waiting for the boy to fully understand what was happening, the figure suddenly disappeared from his original position and instantly appeared in front of the boy.

Startled, the boy immediately reached for his two swords on his back instinctively, but the figures speed was quicker. The figure gripped the boys head with his right hand, and spoke.

"You shall be my vessel, if you wish to go home, resurrect the God Tree and eat the fruit it bears. Become stronger than you ever thought you could become, destroy worlds, pillage them, control them, do all you can but you must not be captured by the Bamboo tribe. I will leave my gift with you; I hope you use it well... Ryusei."

Ryusei's eyes widened with shock and confusion. He went to speak, but the being didn't give him a chance. A sharp pain immediately took over all of Ryusei's senses, causing him to fall into a state of shock.

The figure let go of Ryusei's head, his beautiful eyes gazing at the boy for a little while longer before he sent chakra to his eyes, and not a single moment later, a bright blue portal appeared under Ryusei, sending him off to his new destination.

The figure watched as Ryusei slowly came back to his sense's midair, but before he could see Ryusei hit the ground, he suddenly felt weak.

His eyes narrowed as he once again fell into a fit of coughs, but this time, his body started disintegrating. Turning to dust, a look of resolution flashed through his eyes before his life ceased to exist...
