
Naruto’s Strongest Force [translation]

In the hidden villages of the ninja world, a seismic shift occurred when Uchiha Natsuki harnessed a newfound power system, resurrecting the Uchiha clan and establishing the most formidable force in the shinobi realm. "Exclude Uchiha? I'm out!" "Kakashi, Danzo played a part in White Fang's death and was supported by the Third Hokage. Funny, how you were working for Konoha all along." "Itachi, I'll awaken the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan for you this time." "Haku, your combat skills need work. Enter the infinite Tsukuyomi and train for a few years." "Sorry, Uchiha has the sharingan per capita." "Who needs group fights? Get on my shoulder!" "Otsutsuki is on the horizon, but you're still running for Hokage? Something's off." "We can't let the Uchiha gain more power!" "Hokage-sama, Uchiha Fugaku steps down as the leader of the Konoha Military Police Force." "The position of Hokage won't be handed to you, Uchiha!" "Hokage-sama, Uchiha withdraws from the campaign." "Uchiha has established his own country!" "It's not uncommon for Uchiha to treat a Hokage as a treasure. Let's wait and use him as a target." ps. Hizashi lived, all for the sake of Neji having a father. ------ ps. This is only a translation so I do not own this, if you want to read the mtl, search "Naruto’s Strongest Force" in mtlnovel. thank you

profesure · アニメ·コミックス
104 Chs

Hyuga Clan's Meeting

In the conference room of the Hyuga clan's land in Konoha Village, the head of the clan exuded strength, while the head of the branch family displayed great fortitude.

Other elders filled the room, all seated in solemn silence. The fourth elder, maintaining a composed demeanor, knelt down.

However, a heavy atmosphere pervaded the room, stifling and melancholic. Clearing his throat, the elder broke the silence, "I believe it's beneficial for the Uchiha to withdraw from the police force. Our Hyuga clan now fully controls the police force."

A sudden eruption of emotion broke out as Hiashi pounded the table with a rare display of assertiveness. "Great Elder! I never supported this decision from the beginning," he declared.

"The majority of the police force consists of our own Hyuga members, granting us great power. Having the Uchiha involved sometimes proves inconvenient for us to intervene directly. Wouldn't it be advantageous to have their assistance in resolving issues?"

"Now that their entire clan has split apart, what purpose do those positions serve?" he questioned vehemently.

With the Uchiha's ascendance, they had become the most dominant family in the entire ninja world.

If the Hyuga clan, as part of the police force, encounters individuals with complex backgrounds, they may struggle to handle such situations.

However, with the previous relationship between Hyuga and the Uchiha clan, seeking assistance from the Uchiha would have been a straightforward solution.

But now, everything has changed. The Uchiha clan vanished suddenly, leaving not even a trace behind.

Witnessing his fury, the great elder felt a pang of bitterness in his heart.

Previously, Hyuga and the Uchiha clan had a strong connection, often collaborating effectively on difficult tasks, thereby significantly boosting success rates.

However, driven by his desire for the honorary elder position promised by Danzo, the great elder became fixated on the idea, dismissing the potential consequences of altering the clan's relationship.

The Uchiha's reaction was unexpectedly intense. Members of the Root organization, loyal to Danzo, adamantly refused to engage in business, causing widespread dissatisfaction among the villagers.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the great elder repeatedly begged the Third Hokage to keep Danzo's commitments.

Ultimately, the Third Hokage clarified that those were Danzo's personal assurances and held no official weight.

Consequently, the honorary elder position remained unfulfilled, with only the vacancy left by the departure of the Root members being offered.

In hindsight, the Hyuga clan could have mitigated their losses if they had acted promptly.

However, Danzo sought out Kaito, the fourth elder, in the midst of these developments.

The fourth elder, Kaito, is a rare individual who prioritizes his family above all else. He holds a remarkably indifferent stance towards the hierarchical distinctions within the clan and its branch families.

When it comes to nurturing young members, regardless of their origin from the main family or a branch family, he treats them with equal care and attention.

Despite his physical disability, Kaito remains a shining beacon of support for the Hyuga family.

Unexpectedly, even though it was the great elder who initiated the situation, the fourth elder, Kaito, took full responsibility for the incident. "Clan Leader," he addressed, "this incident is solely my fault and does not implicate the other elders."

Then, he presented a scroll to Hiashi, the clan leader. He accepted the scroll with a hint of confusion, unrolling it to discover it was an appointment letter for an honorary elder, with the name left blank.

"You didn't utilize this appointment for yourself?" He inquired.

"The role of an honorary elder holds no significance for me. The clan leader can appoint a more suitable candidate," Kaito responded calmly.

Hiashi was taken aback by his gesture. While aware of the arrangement between Kaito and Danzo, he hadn't anticipated him actually relinquishing the appointment.

Upon learning that Kaito declined to use the appointment letter, the other elders exchanged various expressions.

Setting aside the letter of appointment, Hiashi prompted, "Please elaborate."

Over the years, Kaaito had consistently contributed to the family, leading to speculation about his motivations for this particular action.

Kaito nodded solemnly before presenting an investigation report on the Uchiha clan's earnings, provided by Danzo.

He distributed multiple copies to all the elders, causing a stir among them, including the clan leader Hiashi.

After everyone had processed the information, Kaito spoke again, "I received this information from someone with close ties to the Uchiha clan."

"It appears that the Uchiha clan no longer needs to undertake missions for income. Instead, they receive regular payments from the family."

"In the past, they took on missions in Konoha solely to refine their skills, without seeking financial gain. Furthermore, Uchiha Natsuki has issued a reward order to incentivize childbirth, offering monetary rewards for every child born within the clan."

Kaito's revelations sparked discussions among the Hyuga elders.

"It's no wonder we rarely see Uchiha clan members taking on missions. I initially attributed it to Itachi's actions, but it seems they no longer rely on missions for income."

"Receiving money for childbirth? Are the Uchiha clan members truly that rich?"

The prosperity of the Hyuga clan stems from the formidable Byakugan, a powerful detection tool that has proven indispensable in various ninja conflicts.

Whether through village subsidies, Hyuga's mercenary work, or mission assignments, the Hyuga clan has amassed both wealth and renown, ensuring their influence wherever they go.

The hierarchical structure within the Hyuga clan grants the main family absolute control, safeguarding the secrecy of the Byakugan and preventing betrayal.

However, this structure also limits the branch family's ability to gain greater privileges, regardless of their military accomplishments.

The clan elders, largely confined to rear positions, rarely launched onto the battlefield, making it nearly impossible for them to have military accomplishments.

Consequently, despite the Hyuga family's esteemed reputation, individuals within the powerful echelons are low. Aside from Hiashi, no other clan member can hold an honorary elder position.

Many elders harbor desires to secure an additional honorary elder seat, prompting the great elder to consider creating such an opportunity.

Observing the attentive audience, Kaito resumed his analysis, "With the family assuming control of the police force, we are facing a shortage of personnel."

"Though we are familiar with the past dominance of the Uchiha clan, the spotlight now shines on our Hyuga family."

"The security team currently monopolizes the majority of our manpower, rendering us unable to accommodate mission assistance requests from numerous families."

The elders began to grasp the gravity of the family's predicament.

The Great Elder, striking the table for emphasis, declared solemnly, "We foresaw this issue when we assumed responsibility for the security team."

Hiashi affirmed with a nod, "The situation wasn't dire initially. During this peacetime era, personnel shortages seemed inconsequential."

"Once we weather this period and await the emergence of the new generation to assume their roles, our Hyuga family will soon experience rapid growth," He concluded optimistically.

The elders exchanged glances, unanimously agreeing with his assessment.

As the elders contemplated the information in their minds, which indicated a rapid development trajectory for the Hyuga clan in a few years, the looming rise of the Uchiha clan also became evident.

"I accepted Danzo's appointment as an honorary elder, not for personal gain," Kaito asserted, touching his leg. "My aim is to secure greater rights for our family. In a few years, our Hyuga clan won't be left far behind."

Kaito's clarity of purpose resonated with the assembled elders, who recognized his selfless dedication to the family's welfare.

However, Hizashi voiced a concern, "Aren't you afraid that Uchiha Natsuki will return to retaliate against us?"

The mention of Natsuki's formidable power evoked apprehension among the elders, acknowledging his strength despite his strategic acumen.

A serene smile graced Kaito's face as he outlined his calculated approach, "I considered multiple outcomes before taking this action."

"Firstly, if we obtain all the formulas smoothly, we can collaborate with Lord Hokage to deliver them to the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. Together, we can engage in this venture. Even if Natsuki returns, his power would be limited."

"Secondly, if I only acquire part of the formula, the Uchiha clan's losses would be minimal. They would merely need to hold me accountable to satisfy their demands."

"Thirdly, if our actions are swiftly discovered, the Uchiha clan would incur no losses and could deny any involvement. In any scenario, the Hyuga clan secures the position of honorary elder."

"All I risk is my own well-being, as an old man nearing the end of his days," Kaito concluded calmly. "Clan leader, if the Uchiha clan demands retribution, please hold me accountable."

Kaito's unwavering resolve left the elders solemn and contemplative. Despite the gravity of the situation, no one dared to interrupt.

Finally, after a moment of silence, Hiashi spoke, "Let the Hyuga Guards disseminate the narrative that these actions were coerced by Danzo."

The elders nodded in agreement, acknowledging the gravity of their decision and its potential consequences.

"The fourth elder, Kaito, is relieved of his duties as an elder and is currently confined to his residence for further evaluation and treatment..."

"This letter of appointment for the honorary elder position..."