
Narika: The Ghost Bride

~Together they created a world of chaos, in search of love~ They are two worlds apart! An unlucky fate. Destiny played an unfair game towards Narika,  by entangling her fate with the dead. She was marked out to be the bride of a restless ghost, and now Narika Singh must endeavor to fight her way out. ADRIK IVANOV!  A ghost driven by nothing, but revenge against the family that ruined his life, and that of the woman he loved. He has only one goal, to ruin the lives of the Singh family but that is until he sees her, Narika Singh. An enemy that he fell so hard and deeply for, or so he thought, because of her uncanny resemblance to his past lover? But would it ever be possible to fall in love with a ghost? After all, love conquers all, right? What would happen when Narika meets Adrik, the ghost groom, and learns of the twisted fate between the both of them? Would she waver in her decision to ban him forever in the underworld?  And Adrik, would he ever let go of the woman given the second chance he got,  or move ahead with his revenge? With Lucifer, king of the hell in the picture,  who would do anything to get Narika to bear him a baby, hell's saving grace. Adrik would have to do more than protect the woman he has fallen in love with, a second time. Warning: Everything in this book is fiction, any resemblance to anyone is all but a mistake. No part of this publication should be published by any external company. ~~ "What do you want from me!"  She shouted, watching from where she sat with her hands bound, leaving her all completely at his mercy. "The right question  should be, what exactly do you and your entire family owe me?" He breathed right at her face, grabbing her jaw in his palm to keep her eyes on him.  He had been keeping watch on her for a while, but now he's come to claim what rightfully belongs to him. Another daughter of the Singhs! This was a means to an end, and Narika would be the compensation for what they had done to him. "We owe you nothing, I have no idea what you are talking  about, let me go!" She cried. "Shh sweetheart, it's okay. " He cooed, patting her hair while giving her those creepy looks of his, that scared the hell out of her. "Let me go!''She shouted, but it was too late for her to see that he was not here to joke with either her or her family. He grabbed her  hair, and pushed her up against the wall of her room, "I will be coming for you soon, and when i come. No one will stand in my way of getting what i want…not including you princess!" "I pray your soul rots in the deepest part of hell where you came  from, I detest you!"She yelled. "The feeling is mutual, I hate and at the same time feel things for you, that i am sure don't make any sense to me." Adrik complained, before covering the space between them. "What have you done to me, Narika?" A/N:My Official story for the WSA competition, your support is massively needed. ~~~  Other books by the same author: *356 days to love*  *A Mommy For Hire:The heiress must get married* *Dangerous Love:Two can play this game* Discord ID:Jayden222#1883  My Discord Server:https//discord.gg/6kxjMKR2 Instagram ID:IrreplacebleSassy 

Jayden222 · ファンタジー
257 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Seven:The Name Is Killa, Sweetheart.

Adrian staggered into his penthouse, while tugging at his tie to let it loose so he could have a breath of air.

With his frame balancing on the door, he knew that he had drunk a lot tonight and he was clearly going to have a hangover in the morning.

But he didn't care, the relief he got from drinking out his sorrow tonight was worth it, he tossed the drink in his hands to his left hand side, without caring where it landed.

While he observed the house, he turned the light on to see that his house was in a good condition. Someone was here earlier, and by someone it could only mean one person who knew the passcode to this place.


When he walked into his sitting room, to see that there was no sign of anybody here, a sigh left his lips. He would have loved having her company tonight.

But he has forgotten so soon that they were both having issues, Camille would have made a fine wife, a pretty good one at that.

She was every man's dream, but yet she chose someone like him. A man who had many demons that not even bringing Polina back to life, would change that something was wrong with him.

She knew that there's no way he would settle down with her, but women are such dreamers but the thought of hurting her made him feel bad.

Camille has been there since after Polina's death, her family status wasn't much pretty standard unlike him, who's the son of a presidential candidate and a world recognized billionaire.

But that didn't stop her love for him, he had come to suspect that she was there only for his money but he knew Camille better.

She's a sweet soul, that  she would get hurt if she stayed  further. Did he forget to mention that his father had to mention her name?

Clearly it wasn't that he was asking about her whereabouts, anyone who knew Alex Singh, better would know that he had only done that for him to know his stand in his life.

He was practically threatening him using Camille, so he would have no other option than to cut off everything he has with her, that would be for her own good.

While he took a drink from his fridge, he nearly jerked where he stood when he felt a pair of warm hands go around his waist. She was here, she didn't leave.

"I have missed you," She confessed, hugging him with everything in her as if he was going to leave if she doesn't hold him that much.

" I have been waiting for days, but you didn't show up.' She added, letting him go when he tugged her hand from his body and turned to face her." If this is because of our argument, I'm sorry about…"

"I have been busy, this has nothing to do with you," He said, closing the space between them and cupping her chin to tilt her head up to meet his gaze.

"You are drunk, did something happen with your father?" She asked worriedly.

Adrian had forgotten so soon how nosy she could be, but at this point she guessed right that he was feeling this way because his father mentioned her name.

He couldn't help but get suspicious of her, what if she was playing spy for his dad? 

Everyone could see that he was not a normal human being, he's sick in the head, just like his father but he was still hanging a little on the last bit of humanity left in him.

Did she approach him because of his father?

Was his father keeping tail on him through her?

He couldn't help but think, and with her looking at him while batting her lashes at him, he felt himself getting hard from the way she's looking at him. But he was angry, but angry wasn't the right way to express what he was feeling.

Kill her!

Wrap your hands around her throat, and watch the life leave her, it would be fun right?

He heard the voices go off in his head, and he moved away from her dragging his hands towards his head in an attempt to stop it.

"Babe, what's wrong? Are you okay?''Camille ignorantly asked, coming closer to touch him without realizing how hard it was getting him to not do as he's instructed.

Something was wrong with him, he knew that and him not taking his antidepressants today didn't help matters right at this instant.

"Do..n't come clo..see,"He told her, moving away from her as far as possible but his drunken state wasn't helping because he lost his footings, and fell on the hard floor hitting his head on the floor.

"Adrian!" Camille rushed to his aid, as he groaned on the floor, his dark long hair covering his face, before she pushed it aside and helped him sit up.

She didn't know what a mistake she had made by coming close to him, until she saw his eye color that was no longer the sweet pair of blue eyes that belonged to the Adrian she knew, rather it was stoic dark green.

Was he wearing a lens?

She couldn't help but think, but she waved the thoughts aside and went to hold his hands." Are you hurt? You scared me for real, what's happening Adrain, talk to me?!"

She demanded aggressively when the sudden silent treatment he was giving her, didn't settle quite well with her.

It was unlike him to just shut her out from what was wrong with him, although she knew that his father was the biggest douchebag in town. She didn't want to believe that he had already influenced Adrian.

But  was she late to think that?


"Adrian?" He said, scoffing at the name she used on him, before he tugged her close that she landed in his thighs. His hold on her scared the young lady. " You would want to wish that it's him, babygirl?"

"You are scaring me baby, what's going on?" She said, trying to get him to leave her arms that were getting squeezed by his rough hold.

"It's good though, that you are scared of me," He chuckled, cupping her face in his hands before bringing them close to his face, a smug grin plastered in his lips that she was scared of him, unlike Adrian who had being such a dummy and lovesick of her.

"I have seen the reason why he can't let you go though, you are beautiful Mamas," He said, pecking her lips while she stood there in his hold still trying to understand what exactly was going on.

He didn't say anything, but watched her  curiously and when he saw the lines on her face, getting fixed after she had understood what was happening, he let out a snort.

"Wha..t are you?" She asked, getting scared because the man in front of her isn't Adrian. It was a whole different man, who was wearing her lover's face.

"The question should be who i am, Babygirl." He smacked his lips together, before turning to grin at her scared face. " The name is Killa, sweetheart."

What the hell?!


A/N: Clearly, you all can see that he's suffering from DID( Dissociative Identity Disorder) The story is only getting started guys, enjoy your ride here.