
The Name And Path Part 1

The night was beginning its creep toward the sky, offering an orange glow that poured over the treetops in the outer rim. On the forest floor below hidden between two bushes was a young wolf. His size was rather small compared to most wolves his age, but his features made him seem far more dangerous than the average.

His sleek black fur waved slowly with the wind that, along with his piercing silver eyes made him look like a ghost from a painting. It had been 6 years since his birth and along with the passage of time, his appearance had undergone a minor change. Now he had small black horns that were almost unnoticeable and dark scales underneath his eyelids.

His eyes were trained on a beast a couple of yards away. He witnessed the sparks of lightning rolling off its dark blue fur. It was twice the size of a bear with claws 4x as large. It was feasting on a fresh kill.

He was sure that it didn't sense his presence, but he still didn't feel it was the right moment to strike. He lay there patiently as he contemplated what he should do. As he was thinking he felt a light tug in his mind. Instantly his small horns lit with a dull grey light.

'That is a Mikai, the humans call it Dreadnaught Bear. Its bloodline is at the peak of the mortal level, which is considered very strong in the outer reaches.' A feathery yet strong voice spoke into his mind. 'I know mother I'll be careful It's just... He looks so tasty.' He responded back through there soul link with a greedy grin.

Far away in her cave, the she-wolf shook her head in silence. Ever since her child had been born, he was a glutton. He ate far more than he should have been able to, forcing her to hunt far too often. But his gluttony brought about many changes over the years that still shocked her to this day.

'Focus, this beast uses might as opposed to speed end it quickly. If you let it injure you, I'll have you bring it back for me to eat instead.' The young wolf nodded as he instantly refocused. He took few things seriously, but he put his best paw forward always when concerning food.

He drew in a deep breath as he raised his hind legs preparing for a long pounce. He leaped with little hesitation and at the height of his ascent, he clawed the air, sending forth 4 flaming blades toward the Dreadnaught bear's neck.

He hoped this attack would be enough for the kill, but Beast's senses were far too keen. Before the blades could connect with its body a dense wave of purple lightning spread, coating the beast's entire body like chain mail. The blades crashed into the shield causing small ripples in the lightning but it delt no real damage.


The Dreadnaught bear was furious for having its meal interrupted and instantly rushed toward him in a howling rage.

'Oh, did I forget to mention it's also widely known for its defense as well? It has an inherited skill called, Dread Armor...' With a giggle, his mother's voice trailed off. He chuckled, laughing at his mother's attempt to scare him, he had been on far too many hunts now he couldn't be frightened.

Seeing that his Darkness Flame wasn't cutting through its armor, he landed instantly to try close combat instead. He raised his speed to incredible heights causing his lean frame to become wispy. Witnessing his charge, the beast snarled aggressively as it aimed its claw forward, charging it with an electric current. The lightning was packed so densely that its claws resembled a long purple lance.

Seeing its stance, the young wolf knew he couldn't be careless, or the results would be tragic. His silhouette flickered as he flashed once more behind his target. With a guttural roar, black flames poured from the wolf mouth engulfing his enemy.

He sped up again after finishing his attack, he was aware that it wouldn't cause much damage but blocking its vision would help. The beast flailed its limbs angrily within the flames, throwing arcs of lightning through the air randomly hoping to snag his target.

With the young wolf's speed, its attempts could only be described as laughable, but he wouldn't let his guard down. Although the Dreadnaught bear's intelligence is low it still had a peak Mortal level bloodline, he had learned early never to disregard an enemy.

Knowing that the flames would be cleared soon he rushed inside them with no hesitation and a fiery glint in his eyes. The beast was unable to sense his presence even when he was once more behind it. The wolf's eyes began to glow, and his body darkened further as he bit ferociously toward the beast's neck.

A Strange suction force erupted from the wolf's maw at the last moment, eating away at the Dread Armor allowing him to sink his teeth firmly into the beast nape. He ripped out a large chunk before flashing away once more.

Blood flew out from the beast neck leaving it grievously wounded. As the flames and smoke cleared the beast had already turned tail to run away its rage being sucked away by the fear of death. It let out mournful howls pushing its body and speed to the limits to escape the young wolf.

Oddly enough the wolf hadn't chased after it yet even when it seemed to be almost out of sight. He only licked at the bloodstains around his mouth as his eyes gleamed in excitement. "So good, I think this beast is even worthy of being roasted!" He lowered himself before flashing toward the bear using more than twice the speed he had in the battle before.

He appeared like a shadow behind the beast quickly finishing it off. "Great I managed to keep it intact too, it will be much easier to carry it back now." The young wolf was aglow with happiness as he dragged the beast away. He made his way through the forest dragging along the large half-ton corpse with him yet strangely his small lean body managed this with ease. He had passed by many beasts along his journey that were eyeing his kill with greed but oddly enough they didn't attack.

The young wolf wasn't bothered by this scene and continued forward. After a couple of hours of dragging the beast, he finally made it back to his home A large familiar cave hidden by an equally large waterfall crashing over it. The young wolf dragged the beast closer toward his cave near the river and quickly jumped inside for a quick rinse.

"Hurry and eat son and when you're done come here we need to talk." His mother's voice echoed from within their cave.

The young wolf noticed a hint of seriousness in his mothers' tone, so he quickly washed and decided against roasting the beast and decided to devour it directly to save time. A familiar suction force came out of his mouth and the nearly half-ton beast floated toward his mouth. A strange glow hovered over the beast's body as it was drawn into the darkness within the wolf's mouth. Even more bizarre the Dreadnaught bear's body seemed to shrink as it entered the wolf's mouth until final, he disappeared, completely consumed.

After this, he quickly made his way into the cave and was greeted with a familiar sight. A 3-meter-tall wolf lay silently gazing at the bundle of flames before her. The flames gave her pure white fur an orange glow that made her look even more mysterious.

"Come and sit son." His mother looked over before staring at the fire again. In a flash, he appeared before her on the opposite side of the flames. He stared at his mother quietly, but his inquisitive gaze betrayed him.

"Have you ever wondered why you don't have a name?

Sorry for the speed but my uploads will be sporadic im a beginner so its hard to hit a stride but I hope I improved a little.

Thanks for reading!

Day_OPMcreators' thoughts