
Transferring Energy Experiment

After resting up, Shiro didn't waste any time in hunting down the soul fragments of the Ancient Terror. The first few pieces she found were actually embedded in the remaining Heroes except for Yan who was rather shocked at her mastery over souls despite not having obtained Tartarus' divinity.

Seeing her call out the Ancient Terror, bind him then seal him away in her soul lantern was quite enlightening for him.

As for the sisters that were notified of the Heroes being corrupted by the Ancient Terror except for Yan, they were rather shocked at this revelation. Especially Astryn since she didn't know when the Heroes had even come in contact with the Ancient Terror.

While Astryn and some of the other sisters were contemplating about where they had gone wrong in selecting Heroes for them to have actually been corrupted, Shiro set off to find more shards of the Ancient Terror.