

With Kuromi taking command of the battlefield, the tide was soon turned as the attackers realised that they were being pushed back.

Kuromi had set it up so that only 4 people were needed to defend the carriage and the other 22 guards were free to kill the attackers.

Pairing up each of the guards so that their strengths complemented each other, they were able to finish the fight in less than 10 minutes, forcing them to retreat.

Watching the entire process happen, Shiro had to admit that the sight was quite scary in a way. From her perspective, Kuromi was like a conductor as everyone was under her control. Working together seamlessly, they overwhelmed the enemies despite their disadvantage in numbers.

Closing her notepad, Kuromi nodded with a satisfied smile.

"Everyone, stick with your pairs from now on since you'll be working with them in the next battle." Kuromi called out before walking back into the carriage.