
Orange Grade Weapons

Upon leaving the mountain range, Shiro pulled out her bike and made their way to the guild.

Asking the receptionist to inform the guild master of their intent to meet her due to some intel they  managed to collect, they were led to a waiting room.

However, this time, they didn't need to wait too long for the guild master to arrive.

"I heard that you collected some information? Quite quick considering how little time you spent in the mountain range." Hitomi raised an eyebrow.

"Well what can I say? Maybe I got a passive called EX luck haha." Shiro joked around before pulling out the video chip from her inventory.

"Here, you can have a look at this. I've managed to see a new boss monster making contact with what seems to be a monster city. The location was around the western side of Mount Fuji but it may have changed I don't know."

Looking through the recordings, the guild master had a serious expression before nodding.