
Killing The Raven

"I suggest using everything you can since I'll be doing the same. If we can kill him now it would be good. I have a tracker on him but I don't know how long it'll last." Shiro said as she started to walk towards the Raven.

"Nan Tian, come with me, like usual. Khionah, watch out since this is outside of your powers." She ordered as Khionah nodded her head, she disappeared into the ice. Secretly pulling out her phone, she started to play some games.

"Full power?" Nan Tian asked as Shiro nodded her head.

"Full power." She confirmed.

As the two were walking towards the Raven, Niphim joined them.

"I should tell you about my time limit then. I should be able to fight at full power for 10 minutes. Anything beyond that and I would run out of energy."

"That's fine, 10 minutes should be enough."