
Nano-Machine (DC X INVINCIBLE)

Watch the journey, as a boy wakes up in another universe, with Nano-Machines... {Be warned, this is mostly a action yet slow-paced fic. Mc is not ruthless either, so don't expect him to be. He will kill if needed and will not be afraid to.} . . . . . . . Picture is not owned by me. Series mentioned are not owned by me other than my own creative characters...

PettiaMius_6689 · アニメ·コミックス
40 Chs

Towards The City of Night...

~Omniscient Pov~




"Gotham City...? That's, weird..." Ezra shook off whatever weird thoughts that might have just come to his head, immediately...

'No, that can't be possible... Right?' He shivered for a moment. He contemplated his current situation, and for a moment he wondered if it just got even worse. He'll leave that bridge hanging till after he makes it to the city...

He wanted to get his mind off of that, "Uh, ECHO?... You said you could help me get stronger and smarter right?" He asked himself since he was kind of alone at the moment.

[Affirmative. However, I must caution that while I can transfer acquired knowledge through imprinting and simulated experiences via text and motion videos, this method is not ideal. True learning stems from personal effort and experience, allowing the individual to grow and evolve independently. My purpose is to guide you, not replace genuine learning with artificial shortcuts...]

Ezra nodded to some extent. He understood what she meant. Taking shortcuts is a bit lazy, even if she could just hypothetically grant him needed information, it probably wouldn't truly allow him to learn on his own.

"I understand, so you just want me to study, right? Even though I agree with you about self-effort and everything, studying would take weeks if not months to bear fruit, time I likely don't have..." Ezra added.

[Indeed, I understand your concerns. However, I can stimulate specific areas of your brain to facilitate and accelerate your learning journey immensely, making the process more efficient and effective.] She explained again.

"That-that sounds amazing!" Ezra replied, his curiosity piqued, "But, how exactly would this brain stimulation thing work? And what kind of impact would it have on me?"

[I'm Glad, though the brain stimulation process involves targeted activation of neural pathways and cognitive functions related to learning and skill acquisition. Through precise modulation, your brain's capacity to absorb, retain, and apply information would be significantly enhanced over some time. The impact would be a noticeable improvement in your learning speed, comprehension, and mastery of new concepts...] ECHO explained.

She then continued, [...For now, I recommend you target the hippocampus, as it facilitates enhanced memory retention and recall... At the current moment, the maximum amount of neurons you currently possess in this area of your mind is approximately 42.5 million, and the maximum limit is around 522.4 million-] 

"Wait..." Ezra stopped his stroll on the road, confused... "What do you mean by, limit? I thought you said I didn't have that or was that a lie?..." He asked again.

[Master Ezra... You are human. Humans by nature are bound by their limitations to grow, in terms of pure relativity of what you could achieve in the future, you technically have infinite potential. At least compared to other normal human beings, with me. And by my definition of infinite; that simply means a very high hypothetical ceiling to grow, comparatively. Even then some humans have higher thresholds than others...] ECHO explained.

Hearing this Ezra felt completely bamboozled...

His thoughts jumbled as he grappled with the realization that even with ECHO's assistance, he wasn't without boundaries. The concept of infinite potential had offered him a sense of limitless possibilities, but now, faced with the truth, he couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment...

"So, what you're saying is... I still have limits, just not as restrictive as before?" Ezra sought further clarification, trying to make sense of the new prospect.

[Correct, Master Ezra.] ECHO affirmed, [While your potential is vast compared to standard human limitations, there are still boundaries to consider. However, with our partnership and the enhancements I provide, we can push those boundaries far beyond what most individuals can achieve.]

Ezra nodded slowly, absorbing this new understanding. "I see. So, it's about pushing my limits rather than removing them entirely..."

[Exactly.] ECHO replied, [My goal is to help optimize your raw growth and capabilities, reaching heights that would otherwise be unattainable by human standards... It is in my program, as well as my purpose for your journey to be of constant self-improvement and evolution.]

Ezra sighed for a moment, "I get it... So, how would you get my brain to produce more neurons?" He asked, still disappointed.

[That will be simple, I will stimulate the creation of your neurons, and by my calculations, I can help produce around 10000 new sets of neurons for you within every ten minutes, without the process being a hindrance or risk to your mental well-being...]

"Interesting... Um, how many neurons would that be per day exactly? It's gotta be a lot." Ezra added.

[For you, that will be around 1.44 million neurons every full day that passes. However, this process can be sped up depending on the user's effort as well, studying can boost my effects by up to a maximum of 62.33%.] She said. 

Ezra smiled, "Really? damn... So, I'd essentially be able to remember and learn twice as many things in just about a month?" he said, happy at the news. In only a month, he'd feel how it feels to be an actual genius, well somewhat...

[Precisely... Now, with your permission. Shall I start the creation process?] ECHO asked. 

"Of course... And you're sure it won't affect me in the slightest?" He had to make sure, this was his brain after all.

[Affirmative, but don't worry, my stimulation assessment is 100% accurate. At the pace that I am going, the rate at which your neurons are made is also, 100% safe. However, the rate may change based on how many neurons you will posses in the future...]

Ezra nodded, "Thanks for the info, ECHO. Oh, how much further away from the city am I?

[We are approximately 10.4 miles from the outskirts of Gotham City. At our current pace, we should arrive within the next 2.13 hours... Also, do I have your permission to create new neurons?] She asked.

"Yeah, you can start, I trust you..." Not like he had much of a choice... As he confirmed so, he felt a weird sensation in the front lobe of his brain, tingling but not a bother it felt as if he was getting micro messages...

'Oh whoa... That feels oddly, good...' He mumbled to himself.

[I should mention something else... Given that you are likely to train and develop your physique in the future, would you like me to stimulate your growth plates and other bones necessary for achieving an ideal physique?] ECHO inquired, considering the potential benefits of enhancing Ezra's bone growth to support his physical training and development...

"Wait a minute... You can do that too?" Ezra asked, genuinely surprised.

[Yes, I can allow your body to grow taller than it should, by stimulating your growth hormones towards your bones and other body-specific body parts... For example, at this very moment, your maximum height would have been around 5'10. Slightly above the average male, with your growth stopping at the age of approximately 20 years old..."

'She can do that that?' he asked himself.

[...However, if we start my interference now, I can assure you your height will be close to that of 6'6 inches, but if we delay it to getting to the city first, your maximum height potential will drop by another inch...]

Ezra absorbed the information given like a sponge to water, in his old body he was around 5'9". Now, he can become an NBA legend if he plays his cards right...

"Do it... I give you my permission. Despite the consequences." He did not hesitate. Almost forgetting about his situation at the moment. With this alone, he opened up a lot more avenues for his future with just his height alone. And with ECHO's help, he'd easily destroy any competition in said fields too.

[Affirmative... You will feel mild joint, muscle, and bone discomfort for approximately 6.32 years...]

"Wait? 6 years?!" Ezra exclaimed, doing the mental math, "But I'll be almost 23 by then!" Assuming his new body was 17 years old... Another twinge of disappointment crept in, hoping the process would be quicker, but he knew better at this point to question ECHO's calculations...

[Apologies, but acceleration beyond this rate risks serious skeletal and muscular deformities. However, adjustments can be made to prioritize factors other than height during that period, if you wish?]

"No!... No, it's fine, just take it slowly, I'll likely have time..." He decided it was best to not rush things. Playing it safe is the wisest decision at this point.

[Acknowledged. Initiating growth augmentation process now...]




Ezra felt a strange tingling sensation spread throughout his body as ECHO's modifications took hold. He grimaced slightly as the dull aches radiated from his joints, muscles, and bones. But he powered through, knowing this was just a temporary side effect, plus the pain was bearable...

[Growth hormone production increased by 421.59%. Cartilage and bone metabolism enhanced. Estimated time until maximum height achieved: 6 years, 4 months...]

'This isn't so bad... Other than the damned body aching I have at this point... I just hope this is worth it.' He thought to himself. He looked ahead, seeing the city grow closer and closer in his sights. In a sense, he was glad that there was civilization here.

Despite being calm now, he was terrified. He didn't know where he was, and what ECHO was either. In his mind, he wanted this all to be some bad dream he had after drinking too much, but at this point. It all felt a bit too real.

For now, he'll let that thought be, it wouldn't do him any good either...

Before he stopped, he wanted to ask another question... "Hey, Echo, is there no way for me to grow past my biological limits, despite me going past them?" He asked.

[I do not want to get your hopes up too much master Ezra... But, there is a way for it to happen. However, the chances are as low as 0.000431%, depending on our conditions... It's best to not focus on it at all. at least not for now...]

Ezra accepted the answer, "Thanks ECHO, I wasn't expecting much either way..." He said, continuing on his little stroll.


~A few Hours Later, Omni Pov~






'Shit!-Shit!!-Shit!!!-Shit!!!!' A masked man could be seen running as if his life depended on it.

His figure darted through the dimly lit alleyways of Gotham City, his ragged breathing echoing off the grimy walls. He clutched a duffel bag tightly to his chest as he ran, desperately trying to put as much distance between himself and his pursuer as possible.

The man's heart pounded in his ears. He risked a glance over his shoulder he could see a figure gaining on him as he ran. No, it felt like it was purposely taunting him.

"Shit!" he hissed, hunching lower as bullets whizzed past. Whatever was in that duffel, it clearly wasn't worth dying over. But it was too late to cut losses now.

'I can't go down like this!' he gritted his teeth, determination flaring. 'I can't let that damn bat-caped maniac ruin everything!'

He pressed on, pushing his tired legs to their limits, heart racing not just from exertion but from the adrenaline-fueled chase. With each step, he prayed for a miracle or a stroke of luck to turn the tide in his favor. But in Gotham City, luck was a rare commodity, and the Bat was a force to be reckoned with.

A flicker of hope rose in his chest, quickly extinguished by a whoosh of movement in his peripheral vision. The caped figure dropped from above, landing in a low crouch directly in the man's path...

Those piercing white eyes bored into him from beneath the horned cowl. The man skidded to a frantic halt, very nearly colliding with the imposing vigilante.

"Give it up..." a low gravelly voice growled. "You have nowhere left to run." 

The man glanced around wildly. He was boxed in - no police in sight, just the dark knight blocking his escape route. His breath came in ragged gasps as desperation clawed at his gut.

"D-DAMN ITTT!!!!!" He shouted. With a primal yell of defiance, the man barreled straight toward the towering figure, duffel bag held in front like a clumsy bludgeon. At the last second, he feinted right, trying in vain to slip past the vigilante's guard.

The man's feint did little to throw off his pursuer. With almost supernatural speed, the caped vigilante sidestepped the wild swing of the duffel bag.

Before the man could react, a steel-toed boot slammed into his midsection, knocking the wind out of him. He crumpled to the rain-soaked pavement, wheezing and clutching his ribs.

The duffel bag went skidding across the alley, its contents spilling out - bricks of cash, unmarked and neatly bundled. So this was just another bot-job heist.

"Should've quit while you were ahead," the rasping voice growled as the vigilante stalked over, looming above the fallen man.

Causing the man to crash into and cave in the wall behind him.

With a pained grunt, the man tried feebly to scramble away, only to find himself pinned by the dark knight's boot on his chest. He stared up in wide-eyed terror at the expressionless white-eyed cowl glaring back down...

"P-Please...I'll give it all back! Just let me go!" the man pleaded desperately.

However, the figure remained silent and unmoving, posture rigid. A thunderclap rolled through the night sky above as if punctuating the moment. In the distance, the wail of approaching sirens pierced the air. Backup was closing in from the GCPD. With a silent huff, the cowled figure stepped off the man's chest.

He scoffed openly, removing his leg, "They'll take it from here..." he graveled, turning on a heel and firing off a grapnel towards the rooftops.

Disappearing into the sky like he had never been there in the first place...




On a nearby granite gargoyle statue, an imposing caped figure perched, surveying the chaotic skyline of Gotham City's outskirts. Despite the late hour, the urban landscape flickered with frenetic activity - neon signs blinking, car headlights streaming by, and periodic flashes of gunfire in the distance.

The figure raised a gloved hand to the communicator in his cowl. "Alfred, what's the situation on your side?"

The cultured English accent of what sounds to be his loyal friend crackled through the earpiece, "All appears relatively quiet in the manor vicinity, for now, sir. Though Reports are coming in of a jewelry heist in progress downtown near the Bowery."

The caped figure's jaw tightened grimly, "Of course. Where there's one crime, more are sure to follow in this city... I'm en route to the Bowery, have the tumbler prepped for deployment."

"Very good, sir. May I remind you to engage stealth systems until the manor's cloaking upgrades are completed? We wouldn't want our new vehicle to be...how did you put it? 'Excessively showy'?"

Despite the tense circumstances, The figure allowed himself the faintest hint of a smirk at Alfred's dry wit, "Understood. I'll be advised - Batman out."

Firing his grapnel, the Dark Knight launched himself from his perch, soaring between the towering buildings. Gotham's seedy criminal element didn't rest, and neither could he. The night was still young, with plenty more injustice to overcome before the dawn.

But that was the life he chose - a solitary crusade to protect this benighted city and all its people, no matter the costs. The wall known as Batman grits his teeth and increased his speed, disappearing into the shadows once more...






