

Two years passed…

Falynn bolted upright in bed gasping for breath, she couldn't have a clear vision of her nightmare, but all the physical effects of the dream reflected on her.

Her skin was sticky with sweat, her heart was pounding hard against her chest, and the palpable tension between her thighs.

The confused Falynn merely took time to notice the conspicuous changes but a part of her yet felt at peace.

Her eyes flickered in a short while, as she recalled receiving a mail in the night but was too drowsy to check.

"Oh, my God! I must have forgotten!" She dashed towards her laptop, and checked her most current mail, only to realize the fast rate at which her heart resumed beating.

The mail had started posting her for a job at Brant Jones's home, opening her browser for further investigation, she realized her soon-to-be boss was the CEO of Leonard, a multi-billion dollar, a biotech company.

The article painted him to be a badass, but also a genius who uses his pain to bring his company to the top five in the world and save lives.

Adding to that, at the top of the article had a picture of him, inwardly she bit her lips hard to have realized how hot he looked despite the huge responsibility.

Then she felt like she knew him from somewhere, then Falynn found herself drooling over him, yet in a short while, she shoved the thought aside.

"No come off it Falynn, you will make a fool out of yourself."

The moment her eyes fell on the wall clock, she dashed towards the bathroom for a quick shower.

The mail had stated the interview time to be 8:00 am, and here she was even at 7:00 drooling over his picture.

In less than an hour, she was in a short-shouldered blue gown, revealing her slender frame and exposed shoulders.

She picked up her bag and checked the time again.

"My gosh! I hope I don't miss out."


All through Falynn driving in the taxi, she felt nervous, with lines of sweat visible on her forehead, while she checked her time consequently.

"Goodness Lord I don't want to lose this job!" She found herself saying.

The house was quite a distance and she spent an hour in the vehicle.

Her nervousness increased twice initially, the moment she alighted the vehicle, and clicked the gate bell.

Just once and a masculine voice spoke briefly and concisely. "Your name!"

"Falynn Ward." She replied briefly with a lifted chin.

"Do you have an appointment?" The man asked again.

"Yes, with Miss. Jones. The job of a nanny."

"Alright, please give me a minute." Taking another glance at her wristwatch, she was exactly thirty minutes late.

While he was gone, Falynn's nervousness doubled, the thumping rate of her heartbeat was audible, and her expression proved how tense she was.

The security spent more than a minute as expected, almost giving up on the job. The voice came.

"Come in."

Falynn introduced herself with a tentative smile and a handshake, as she tried keeping away her nervousness.

Accepting the handshake meant a lot to Falynn, it only dawned on her then, that her appointment was still intact.

Then Miss. Jones turned and led the way, the click-clack sound of her shilottue making a rhythm as they walked.

She walked confidently and elegantly. Boldly stated in the mail was referring Brant to a single father the lady in front of him wasn't his spouse, perhaps his sister.

That had made Falynn nervous once again, in her perspective she would have preferred Brant take her interview.

Females were known to be too protective and picky, unlike the males, she thought.

She led Falynn past several roomsssss until they came to the study room and the door was shut behind them.

In the middle of the room was a brown table and a chair, then a sofa.

"Please sit!" Miss Jones gestured.

The moment she settled, another question came from Miss. Jones. "Anything you will like for a drink?"

The tensioned Falynn rejected. She couldn't wait to get the job, for good three months, she's been jobless upon several rejections, and she found herself looking for a better-paying job.

"Alright, Falynn, I guess there are some things you would need and love to know as regards the job."

"Yes, I'll be delighted. The only thing I knew was that the six-year-old kids needed a nanny."

"Alright, the most important thing is, the kids are identical, but never mind it's a boy and a girl. Andrea and Bella. With this, you wouldn't have an issue identifying who is who."

"Wow, they are twins! A boy and a girl?" Falynn was awed, her love for kids had grown since the day she lost her child.

"Anyways, that's fine, I would be asking less, but the decision lies with the kids and their father…" Miss Jones wound up saying.

"The kids need someone to act and offer them the love of a mother… fully committed to them and understands their needs…"

Those words brought Falynn thinking. I've been abandoned to the cold by my father, allowed to beg on the streets and eat at the remnants of tables just to fend for two mouths, passed through hell until the baby was born, and in a jiffy, the baby was gone. Falynn thought to herself.

"Can you do this?" Miss Jones asked breaking the silence.

Excitedly, Falynn replied with a grin. "I'll give them my commitments and love as you requested Miss Jones," Falynn assured.

Miss Jones had her gaze stationed on Falynn, she could tell she already loved Falynn, but it wasn't hers to decide. Followed by half a minute, she spoke. "Let's go meet the kids."


Falynn felt a lump in her throat, as she tailed right behind her interviewer.

She couldn't care to think of the aftermath if the kids do not like her. The job was the only thing she relied on as a means of survival, only if she got it.

"Okay, be natural Falynn, just be yourself. Remember the kids hate two things: softness and being too sensitive." Miss. Jones tipped as she led the way to a room, decorated and designed as a large playground.

"Softness and being too sensitive! What does that mean?!"

"They don't want you to be a hypocrite, be yourself." Miss. Jones advised.

The kids were on the floor, trying to build a piece with their Lego toys.

Falynn simply setting her gaze on theirs could tell how striking their resemblance was even though they differed in gender.

The same brown curled hair, emerald green eyes, and the same facial structure only that the girl had her hair flowing down to her shoulders while the boy was just a short brown curl.

Falynn froze to the ground, she could tell such kids will be difficult to please, then she had the drums of defeat beating through her chest.

"It's so hard Miss. Jones, I can't do this anymore.." She said with a deep frown. The kids were yet to notice them in the room.

"Falynn please don't give up, I promise they are cute to abide with." Falynn was quite unsure but Miss. Jones's words gave her some courage.

Falynn took a few steps closer to them and leaned forward as she picked the manual, only then did they notice a third-party presence.

The twins looked at Falynn terrified, only to feel at ease at the sight of their aunt.

"Why don't we use the manual?!" Falynn proposed with a smile.

"Does that work at all? We've tried a million times but it failed." Bella spoke leaving Andrea silent, he seemed to be more of a talker but an observant.

"There's no harm in trying once more right?!"

Andrea's gaze locked with his sister then they approved. "So what will you both love to build?"

"A doll house!" Bella said, Andrea merely approved with a nod.

"Alright then, let's get to work." Falynn laid the manual to the floor, following every single step the trio set to work.

Miss Jones took her time to observe Falynn's relationship and choice of words with the kids.

Half an hour later when she noticed how tall the dollhouse had been constructed, she went closer.

"This is awesome guys! It's a job well done."

"Not without her help!" Bella Said referring to Falynn, shooting her a smile then she added. "Would you like to see my book?"

Falynn's tension died down a little bit more but not totally, only one of the kids spoke while the other remained silent.

She peeked at Miss Jones, only those eyeballs seemed to give her some peace.

In a short while, Bella Was back to hand over a princess story to Falynn. "See, my dad, has always said I'm his princess, so I'm saying every girl is a princess and so are you."

"Nice meeting you, I'm Bella, and that's my brother Andrea." After a chuckle, she rendered the handshake.

Quickly but surprisingly Falynn grabbed the little girl's hand. "I'm Falynn, nice meeting you, Bella and An


She expected a response from Andrea, yet none came, he only marveled at the bonding between Bella and Falynn, curved a smile, and strode off.