

Tap continues to tell about his days doing his business after Veo tells him about Nan. All meetings with clients, and etc. Veo listens to Tap and giving a deliberate response. Veo is happy that Tap is enjoying his time. Tap seems a person with a lot of anxiety, but he's different since doing business in Singapore. He had a lot more confidence.

Tap needs to finish his job and about hung up the video call. Veo reminds him to never skip his meals and call if anything happens. Tap answered, "I won't skip meals and I'll call you without reason haha!" Then he hung up. Veo chuckled and go back to his routines.


Din feels uneasy to behave normally around Nan because of what she said last time. He didn't want to make things complicated, but he just can't let it go. It is a matter of feeling. Din thought that he needs to improve his skill in controlling his emotions. This could bring trouble if he keeps it that way.

P'Toll notices from the rearview mirror, when Din makes a puzzled expression. P'Toll thought it must be something bothering him. He asked, "What's wrong?". Din answered, "Nothing" directly.

It is the first time that he makes this kind of expression. Different than last time he overworked himself, P' Toll see anger and confusion in Din's eyes. P' Toll decides to pull over and stop by a drink corner and bought Din a brown sugar bubble milk tea. "Wha-? Didn't I suppose not to drink this?" Din looked at P'toll in confusion. "People need a sweet supply to feel better. Whatever happens, cheer up, okay?!" P'Toll responded encouragingly.


Nan is having her best time. Her job as a director went well and getting better. She felt so lucky to have these people around her. The cast is so talented plus they're a fast learner. Sometimes Nan explains the characters feeling and what kind of expression that needs to portray the stories better, Nan did it based on the cast comfort but she'd rather explain it in private, through call or personal meeting. It's possible to do it on set, but it wouldn't be a clear discussion, just a short brief.

Tan the actor who played as 'Det' make a call. He tells Nan his opinion about some parts he wants to improve. Nan is open to these opinions, as long as it doesn't change the storyline. Unexpectedly, Tan gives extraordinary improvement. Changing lines to fit his way of the act into the character. This produces a strong character. Tan is an intelligent actor. He succeeds in both career and education, is what makes Nan doesn't take lightly his opinion. Actors and actresses rarely involved in this kind of thing, because it's risky. Changing lines is like a gamble. If things go wrong, time is wasted. If it's good, both parties get the advantages. After Tan's performance, Nan saw him as a different person than last time. Other than a talkative person, he can be a great support for the project. Nan considered him as a co-worker.

Nan saw Din in his dark blue shirt, who sits in his chair while memorizing his lines. Nan happy to see him working passionately. At the moment, Nin approach Din, and sit beside him, communicate to work on their chemistry. Nan wondered why she turns her face instantly after nin took a sit. Nan leaves her thoughts and continued to work.

Working to make my story better and finished it well! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ssun_aracreators' thoughts