
Namikaze Naruto

Namikaze Naruto, The eldest son of Namikaze Minato and Namikaze Kushina. Born as the child of prophecy with talent equal to none, only to get neglected because of his three younger siblings who are the Jinchūrikis of the Kyuubi. Follow his Adventure as he throws the elemental nations into chaos.

JyuDViola · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Uchiha part 1

Kushina looked at Minato with a smile and was about to call to Naruto.

Naruto was walking silently before a hand touched his shoulder, he turned around and saw a lady.

The woman had long, straight black hair with bangs hanging on either side of her face to roughly frame her cheeks and black eyes. She wore a simple dark purple blouse with a red-plum skirt.

She looked at him with a smile and said: "Hey, Naruto." Naruto looked at her bowed and said: "Hello, Mikoto-san." Mikoto couldn't help but smile deeply and think 'This boy is always so formal.' before saying "Congratulations on becoming Genin." She said with a smile.

"Thanks, Mikoto-san." He answered. Mikoto was one of the few people that was speaking with Naruto and could be considered close to him. Mikoto treated Naruto like her own son. She knew that he didn't have a close relationship with his family, so from time to time, she invited him to dinners which he mostly refused. It didn't stop her from forcing him, though, cold or not even Naruto couldn't say no to the scary smile of Mikoto.

"Naruto-kun, congratulations." Said another voice behind that came from behind. Naruto looked and saw two people, one was a young man, he had onyx eyes, under which were long, pronounced tear-troughs. He had jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail and his face was framed with center-parted bangs that extended to his chin. His clothes consisted of a black shirt with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back, bandages around his ankles, and black sandals. He wore tan pants with a weapons pouch strapped to his back.

His name was Uchiha Itachi, he was the eldest son of Mikoto and the elder brother of Uchiha Sasuke and Satsuki.

The other one was Uchiha Fugaku, he had short, brown hair that reached to his shoulders and onyx-colored eyes, with visible creases. He wore a standard flak jacket, along with a black shirt with the Konoha Military Police Force symbol on the shoulders, shin-guards and a black, open-front apron with white diamonds on the bottom.

The one that spoke was Itachi. Naruto bowed his head and said "Thanks Itachi-san." Fugaku looked at Naruto and then said "Naruto, how long do you intend to keep this facade?".

"What facade are you talking about Fugaku-san?" answered Naruto. Fugaku half smiled and said, "Brat, I will never understand why you are doing this, Why no showing everyone what you truly worth?"

"What's the point? It will just drag more attention to me, I rather have my freedom and space." Fugaku looked at Naruto and couldn't help but admire the boy, despite being looked down by so many people and known as a laughingstock in the entire village, Naruto didn't care at all.

Fugaku was one of the few people that knew about Naruto's strength, and he couldn't help but feel disappointed in Minato, his best friend, for failing to see the potential of the kid.

Flashback -

- The Uchiha clan Compound -

Naruto was at Sasuke house, both of them trained in Taijutsu with each other. Sasuke threw a right punch at the Naruto who merely avoided the punch. Both blocked their punches and waited for an opportunity to attack. Losing his patience Sasuke tried to kick Naruto in his stomach, Naruto jumped back to avoid him, utilizing to the moment where Sasuke leg was in the air Naruto caught his foot and slowly flew him off his feet by swinging him in a huge circle and smashed him on the ground.

Naruto ran toward Sasuke and started to hit him, Sasuke covered his face with his arms and waited for an opening which he found and took his foot and flung it into his chin. Naruto was sent into the air, Sasuke used this moment to get on his feet and tried to get into Naruto, but Naruto flipped through the air and kicked his head.

Sasuke fell to the ground and tried to stand up only to lose his balance and fell again. "Enough. Naruto won this fight." Said Fukagu who watched it.

Naruto smiled at Sasuke, and said "I guess I won again, Sasuke." said Naruto to him as he gave his hand and pulled him up. Sasuke smiled as he said "You won't keep beating me for long, Naruto. You might be better at Taijutsu, but when I will start to learn my Ninjutsu, I will take you down!"

Hearing that Fugaku smiled and said "Is that so Sasuke? If that's what will be needed to help you to defeat Naruto once, then I will teach you." Sasuke looked at his father in shock "Are you serious Oto-san?"

Fugaku said, "You two, come after me." Both Naruto and Sasuke ran after Fugaku, they started to put their shoes when Itachi came and said: "Oto-san, are you going to teach them that technique?"

"Yes." Itachi continued and said, "Can I come as well?"

Fugaku nodded and kept walking.

They walked for a while minutes cross the forest till they get to the bank of a big river. Fugaku turned to Itachi and said, "Do you want to demonstrate it to them?" Itachi walked forward and said

"The Jutsu that I am going to show you two is the most basic Jutsu in the Uchiha Clan. The Uchiha clan possesses a natural affinity for the fire nature transformation. That is why it may come easily for you Sasuke, but not for you Naruto." Naruto looked at him and said, "That's means I won't be able to learn it?"

"No, that's not what I meant. It's not necessarily that you don't have a natural affinity for it, but in a case you don't, it will prove to be a lot harder to learn." Said Itachi to Naruto. Naruto nodded to him and said wait for Itachi to continue.

"The name of this technique is Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu. (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique) The hand seals are quite simple. Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse and finish with tiger seal.

The execution of this Jutsu is simple. First, you have to take a deep breath and send chakra to your lungs. After that, while you blow all the air to outside you have to ignite the chakra that is together with the air passing in your throat so that you can form the fireball. The more chakra you will use, the more flames that are produced, both of you understood? " Itachi asked.

Naruto and Sasuke nodded together.

"Alright, I will demonstrate it to you two now.." Said Itachi with Fugaku continued him "Both of you pay close attention."

Itachi faced toward the river and slowly started doing hand seals so that both Sasuke and Naruto could see and follow him when he finished, he took a deep breath and Yelled "Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu" He blew a huge ball of flame both Sasuke and Naruto was amazed at the technique. They couldn't be blamed though.

Itachi towed around and said "Now you two try to do it. Sasuke why won't you try first?"

Sasuke nodded and slowly made the hand seals. He took and deep breath and said "Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!" He blew all the air he had in his lungs. But he didn't release the great fireball as Itachi did, all that came out was a bit of flame and black smoke. Sasuke's expression was full of disappointment.

Itachi smiled and patted his head and said: "Sasuke, it's fine, Just keep training and I know that you will be able to do it."

Sasuke eyes brightened as said "Yes! nii-san!" Fugaku didn't say anything and merely said to himself 'Maybe I expected too much when I thought he could be like Itachi.'

Itachi turned to Naruto and said, "Why won't you try now Naruto?"

Well, for the people worried about the harem tag, Naruto not going to have an actual relationship, girls will like him because of his actions. As for relationship, he won't have one for the time being.

JyuDViolacreators' thoughts