
Chapter 8

“Once, when I was a young lad back on the farm, I had a weird dream. I’d dozed off in the hay after milking the cows. And I dreamed…I dreamed I was my pirate ancestor and the ship was indeed, sinking, with all hands. I knew that I was going to live however, and one other, but not the man I loved—yes I dare say loved. I knew he would not be that other one.” I woke up just enough to look at Frederick and ask him, “Isn’t that the saddest thing, dear?” and then I was back out of my own reality once again.

“But see, when I was on the plane, and we were in the flak, that feeling came over me once again, and I knew we were going down, not into the ocean such as the original Cagafuego did, but into the land, the forest below. And all would die but me, and one other, and not the one I loved.” I woke enough to look at Frederick and cry, “Tis so, so sad!”