
Nakaba High's S-Class

Rebels...Geniuses...Super-humans. All over the world there exist men and women who are looked upon as outcasts by the rest of society; Men and women who have the potential to change the world in unimaginable ways, possessing powers and abilities that make them feared and shunned by those around them. At the dawn of the 21st century a unique program was put into place by an ordinary Japanese High School, through which such men and women could be found and placed among their peers; So that they would never have to face the world alone. This is the story of Nakaba High's Special Class.

YoemonWN · アクション
11 Chs

Our Invincible Protagonist (FINAL)

Minutes later at the police station a strange pair of students waited in the hall as the officer in charge got in contact with the school. One of them badly bruised with an irritated look on his face, the other wearing a golden helmet with three horns sticking out the forehead.

Suzaku and company had been carried off in an ambulance shortly after the police arrived, but Kotaka and Onimaru had taken a ride in a police car to the station to be interrogated. Of course, Kotaka didn't expect the police to believe what actually happened and just went along with whatever the officer accused him of. It couldn't get him into more trouble than he was already in after all.

Onimaru was still in high spirits though, and was at present complimenting on Kotaka's brilliant plan to tip off the police then get himself beat up so that Suzaku would get arrested once the police finally showed up. He would enjoy some peace in the hospital, and Suzaku would get what he deserved. Of course, part of the plan hinged on Onimaru distracting the majority of his gang so that Kotaka wouldn't have to deal with such large numbers.

"You should have told me from the start boss!" said Onimaru, slapping Kotaka on the back, "Then I could have taken my time in smashing up that Chicken-Head's goons."

"It would have worked if you had gotten beaten like you were supposed to," Kotaka grumbled, "You knew all along that was the plan didn't you?"

"Not at all!," Onimaru laughed,

"You didn't? Then why did you…"

"Go along with it?" Onimaru folded his arms and leaned back in his chair, "Simple, my gut told me you were strong, and it's never been wrong before."

"Me? Strong?" Kotaka stifled a laugh, wincing in pain and clutching his battered ribs, "What part of my state now suggests that in any way?"

"You just sent about a dozen dudes screaming home to their mamas without throwing a single punch," Onimaru grinned, "What part about that suggests you aren't?"

"You certainly have a strange way of looking at things," Kotaka sighed, "you're the one who took the boss down in one hit."

"Eh who cares who did what? We beat him right?" Onimaru replied, placing a finger on his chin, "Although if he's a member of the Shiseiju…that probably means there are another three guys just like him that might try to avenge him."

At this Kotaka hung his head and groaned, "Looks like you'll have to work harder for your peaceful high school life eh?" Onimaru chuckled.

"Honestly?" Kotaka replied, kicking back in his chair, "I don't really care anymore. Things turn out this way wherever I go. I'm used to it."

"It was pretty silly of me to think that trying to pretend to be a Bancho would somehow lead to me having less problems in my life than more." Kotaka sighed, folding his arms behind his head, "And in that case I might as well just and go back to trying to attract as little attention as possible…" he paused for a moment, staring at the ceiling, "…but what about you?"


"You mentioned it at the batting centre right?" Kotaka continued, sitting up straight "That you had a plan to give outcasts a normal life."

"You've got that right." Onimaru replied, a strange gleam in his visor, "Interested?"

"Just a little," Kotaka grinned, "Err... unless it involves more fighting like today."

"Well…" Onimaru laughed awkwardly, turning away from Kotaka, "I can't really guarantee it wouldn't...I mean...you've seen what happens when I meet a guy who really pisses me off..."

Suzaku's description of the Oni of Sugita popped up in Kotaka's mind, pondering how much was the former just trying to turn the two against one another and how much was rooted in actual facts. Onimaru Godou was definitely capable of dishing out some serious pain when he was angry, but was seemed like a pretty easy-going dude most of the time. Hardly the sort of person who would pick a fight just because somebody cut in front of him on the street. Kotaka pondered asking him up front exactly how much of the rumours were true…

"Tell you what," Kotaka finally said, "If you meet anyone like that let me try to talk sense into them and if that doesn't work, then you can fight them alright?"

Onimaru seemed to think on this for a moment, before turning back Kotaka, "Sounds good to me." He nodded, rubbing his hands together, "now how about I share my brilliant idea with you?"

Kotaka sighed, there he went again, suspecting others based on heresay and rumours. Deciding not to pursue the subject of the Oni of Sugita for now, Kotaka motioned Onimaru to continue, "Go on."

"For my entire school life I've had to spend every single day in a class full of normal people who don't understand me," Onimaru explained, expressing very clear emphasis on the word 'normal', "So I'm going to create a new class; A 'special' class in Nakaba high, a class just for people like us."

"People who don't like playing by other people's rules, People who with talents or skills that noone else understands," said the masked young man , "People who have something 'special' that makes them different from everyone else..."

"Because in a class full of weirdoes…" he paused, puffing up with pride "no one will be."

Kotaka said nothing for a few seconds, before bursting out laughing.

"Ha ha! That plan's so crazy it actually sounds sane."

"Glad you like it," Onimaru guffawed, "So you in?"

"A Special Class huh?" Kotaka stroked his chin, thinking, staring at Godou intently, "Something tells me that I'm along for the ride no matter what I say, am I right?"


"If that's the case I might as well get on willingly." Kotaka smirked, "Besides, I already said that I'd keep you from getting too carried away with the fighting."

"Then it's a deal." Onimaru declared, clenching his hand into a fist and holding it out to Kotaka "Let's work hard for our ordinary days…Boss."

"Likewise…" Kotaka replied, bumping the masked boy's fist with his own, "Godou."

"There you are." A tired, elderly voice broke the mood as a familiar old man walked towards them. He was wearing the same suit and tie that he was wearing in class that morning, with the same exhausted expression.

"Ah!" Kotaka cried, "Muramatsu Sensei!"

"Really," Muramatsu grumbled, scratching his head, "You two just had to cause trouble on the first day of school."

"It can't be helped old man," Godou laughed, "We're not normal after all."

"Hai…hai." Muramatsu replied dully, "but you really picked the worst time to get caught."

"What do you mean sensei?"

"Well normally the principal would have just let you guys off with a stern warning," said Muramatsu, shrugging his shoulders, "To him stuff like this is just part of being a young man or something."

"But he had planned romantic dinner with his wife tonight, a dinner you interrupted," Muramatsu sighed, "and he really wasn't happy."

"So congratulations boys." With a deadpan expression Muramatsu handed each of them a piece of paper, "You just got yourselves a two-week suspension."

"Eh?" Kotaka stared dumbstruck at the letter before him while Godou started cackling uncontrollably in the background. He sat there for a good long while before his mind finally grasped what the letter and Muramatsu sensei had just told him.


And so a bond was formed between the two outcasts, one that would be tested greatly in the days to come as they embarked on a mission to form a place where they would not be looked at with judging eyes or shunned and ignored like outsiders. A place where they could be considered normal, where they could enjoy a taste of regular life for once, however brief it might be.



All over the world there exist men and women who are looked upon as outcasts by the rest of society; Men and women who have the potential to change the world in unimaginable ways, many in the form of abilities, talents or skills that make them feared and shunned by those around them.

At the dawn of the 21st century a unique program was put into place by an ordinary Japanese High School, through which such men and women could be found and placed among their peers; So that they would never have to face the world alone.

This is the story of Nakaba High's Special Class

Nakaba no S-Class 01: Onimaru 'Oni' Godou.

Nakaba no S-Class 02: Shuyaku 'Boss' Kotaka.

Attendance Confirmed.