
Nakaba High's S-Class

Rebels...Geniuses...Super-humans. All over the world there exist men and women who are looked upon as outcasts by the rest of society; Men and women who have the potential to change the world in unimaginable ways, possessing powers and abilities that make them feared and shunned by those around them. At the dawn of the 21st century a unique program was put into place by an ordinary Japanese High School, through which such men and women could be found and placed among their peers; So that they would never have to face the world alone. This is the story of Nakaba High's Special Class.

YoemonWN · アクション
11 Chs

Our Hardworking Class-Rep (2)

Kasugai Soba was a small, family run business located along the main street of Tsubaraya. It was fairly well known amongst the populace for its wide variety of dishes along with its friendly staff. It was also well known for a strange customer wearing a funny helmet that would always eat alone, and always order the same dish every time; plain cold soba topped with seaweed...

Said customer was currently digging in to several plates of his favorite dish and, to the surprise of many of Kasugai Soba's regular customers; he was not alone. Seated across from him was a dark-haired boy wearing a matching uniform, his face firmly planted on the table. An untouched plate of seaweed topped soba in front of him.

"This place really is the best." Godou grinned, swallowing a mouthful of soba, "Come on boss, if you stay like that your food will get warm."

Kotaka groaned. The past few hours he spent with Godou had been trying to say the least. Never mind the fact that the number of awkward stares he got from passers-by had increased tenfold thanks to Godou's presence, but since it was so early in the morning most of the places he had intended to go were closed. And in the end, the only place they found that was open was…

"Don't tell me you're so tired from batting that you can't lift your head up to eat! You hardly came close to hitting my score."

The Batting Center.

"Obviously…" Kotaka mumbled, "Hitting a hundred consecutive homeruns in the span of an hour is a little beyond me."

"Aw don't be a sore loser boss." Godou laughed, patting Kotaka on the shoulder, "Come on, give em a shot."

Grumbling unintelligibly, Kotaka reluctantly broke apart his chopsticks and grabbed some soba. After swirling it gently in the sauce, he opened his mouth and slurped up the noodles. In the next instant he froze, his eyes widening like dinner plates.

"Delicious." He said softly after swallowing, "This is the most delicious soba I've ever had."

"I know right?" Godou grinned, "Today's lunch is on me so order as much as you want."

At those words Kotaka dug in, there was absolutely no conversation at all as the two gorged themselves on soba. In a short time the number of plates in Kotaka's stack had almost reached the same number as Godou, and it was at that moment a thought occurred to the former.

"Oh right." Kotaka paused, "I've been meaning to ask, what did you mean when you said you wanted to form a 'Special Class' made of people like us?"

"Huh? Isn't it self explanatory?"

"Well kind of, I guess." Kotaka shrugged, "but you meant it unofficially right? Like a club or something that meets after school?"

"Why would I settle for something as boring as that?" Godou replied indignantly, "I meant a real class, a real one."

"You're not serious right?"Kotaka questioned, taking a long look at Godou before heaving a heavy sigh, "Of course you are."

"Look", Kotaka frowned, "I know that Nakaba is pretty lax about rules and regulations, but there's no way the board will set up an entire new class just because some random student requested it."

"Do I look like a random student to you?" his voice was dripping with sarcasm, but this did not amuse Kotaka in the slightest.

"Ha ha, sorry. " Godou chuckled, stirring his noodles sinisterly, "Seriously though, there's no need to worry because…"

Before he could finish Kotaka heard a soft buzzing coming from Godou's direction.

"Hold on," he said, putting his chopsticks down and sealing his helmet shut, "That's my phone."

Kotaka watched with deadpan eyes as Godou reached up and pushed another button on the left side of his helmet, silently telling himself not to be surprised that the thing had its own built-in phone.

"Yeah?" Godou's greeting was followed by a series of small nods, "Got it, see you there."

"Who was…" Kotaka started to say before he was interrupted by buzzing coming from his own pocket. He pulled out his phone, the screen displaying a number he did not recognize. His brow furrowing in suspicion, he answered the call.

"Shuyaku Kotaka?" the voice on the other end was stern and harsh; it was also rather distinctively female.

"Um…yes?" Kotaka replied uncertainly

"3.35, outside the school gate." the girl replied without a moment's hesitation, a hint of satisfaction in her voice, "Goodbye."

"Hey hang on!" Kotaka cried in vain as the phone went dead. He lowered the phone slowly, wracking his brain to come up with an answer as to who that stranger was.

"Let me guess," Godou said, leaning over the table, "Some girl you don't know wants to meet outside the school gate at 3.35."

"Yeah." Kotaka replied, "Same with you too?"

"Sharp as always boss." Godou chuckled, folding his arms, "Any idea who she is?"

"Don't know," Kotaka held his chin, "I'm more worried about how she got our numbers."

"Well then," Onimaru pushed a button on the side of his helmet and his "mouth" slid open once more, "All we can do is do what she says."

"You do realize it's probably a trap right?" Kotaka sighed

"Maybe," Godou grinned, slurping up another mouthful of noodles, "but whatever the case…"

"I bet it'll be real interesting."