
Nagharian and Ildrain: Genesis

In an apex of transcendence, I urge you to embark on an epic odyssey through the mists of time, towards the dawn of creation itself. A reckless expedition that will take us to the ends of reality, unraveling the ancient mysteries of the universe. This arduous but sublime journey will be the key to unlocking the enigmas contained in the Nagharian and Ildrain Chronicles.

Cosmic_Observer · ファンタジー
8 Chs

The beginning of everything



In a vortex of cosmic energies, where reality bends and logic dissolves, lies a distorted cosmos, the stage for magical and wonderful realms. In this narrative, we will unravel the mysteries of Nagharian and Ildrain, two glorious and singular lands, sculpted by the relentless hand of time and shaped by the wills of their inhabitants. The first jewels to emerge from the primordial abyss, these worlds boast majestic and grand stories, which will be woven into this multidimensional epic. But before we delve into the depths of their legends, allow me to unravel the enigma of the dawn of creation, the seminal moment when cosmic distortion gave birth to these fascinating realities.

The stories of Nagharian and Ildrain intertwine like golden threads in a cosmic tapestry, chronicling epic conflicts, sweeping romances, and dazzling discoveries. Get ready to embark on an epic journey through distorted lands, where fantasy intertwines with reality and logic gives way to the charm of the inexplicable.

In immemorial ages, even before the dawn of time, when the cosmos was still in its formless genesis, there existed a primordial being known as Äerin. In a timeless moment, where the cycles of time had not yet been completed, Äerin emerged from the absolute void, an entity of immeasurable power and infinite wisdom.

I will now narrate the epic saga of creation, weaving with threads of words the story of these ancient and unforgettable worlds. An ancient story long buried in the veil of oblivion, so obscure that half of mortals would not even dare to whisper its name, while the other half wander in search of fragments lost in the mists of time.

I invite you to transcend the limits of the blue planet you call home, to imagine a primordial time, before the rise and fall of heroes and cowards, inventors and explorers, kings and commoners, creators and destroyers. Imagine a time when emptiness was everything and everything was emptiness, and in that emptiness, only Äerin reigned supreme.

From the ineffable and hidden abyss of the eternal thoughts of Äerin, the Primordial, sprang the Enorim, the primordial ancestors, who came to populate the once silent vastness. And Äerin, in the fullness of his omnipotence, rejoiced in the offspring he had begotten.

Four Enorins were molded from the immaterial substance of Äerin's thoughts, each of them shaped from a singular idea, be it far-fetched, remote or indecisive. And so, through the immeasurable power of the Primordial, the Enorins came to life, united by an ancestral link, but imbued with characteristics that distinguished them from each other.

Among the numerous offspring that inhabited the ancestral quarters, Azuly, the youngest, stood out for her immeasurable sagacity. Immersed in a seemingly endless sea of knowledge, she delighted in pondering the mysteries of the universe and the complexities of existence. Her mind was a labyrinth of ideas, where every corner housed a treasure of wisdom.

[Azuly Image]

However, Azuly's erudition was accompanied by an almost unparalleled indolence. Her laziness, a trait that distinguished her from the other Enorins.

Although this indolence could be seen as a defect by some, Azuly considered it a virtue. For her, contemplation was the key to true understanding. It was in the stillness of the mind that great ideas flourished, and it was in the passive observation of the world that the secrets of existence were revealed.

Azuly's laziness was, therefore, a form of resistance to the tyranny of action. It was a refusal to submit to the frenetic rhythm of time and cosmos, a search for a state of inner peace where wisdom and understanding could flourish.

Although Azuly was known for his unparalleled intelligence, it was his avarice that stood out among his primordial brothers. This obsession with accumulating wealth consumed her from within, blinding her.

His greed was like a bottomless abyss, which was never satisfied with the achievements he already had. He incessantly searched for more, always dissatisfied with what he had at hand. This obsession made her cold and calculating, unable to feel empathy.

Adryel stood out for his intriguing duality. On the one hand, it boasted a serene calm, which made it a refuge for those in search of peace. Her voice, soft as a celestial song, calmed the storms of the soul and inspired confidence in the most shaken hearts.

[Adryel Image]

But behind this facade of tranquility, a storm of emotions burned. Adryel was prey to uncontrollable anxiety, an inner turmoil that prevented her from finding true peace. This restlessness manifested itself in sudden changes in mood, like the wind that changes direction without warning.

Although Adryel boasted a serene calm and an aura of unparalleled power, a bitter feeling simmered inside her: envy of Azuly's intelligence. Despite her unshakable pride, Adryel could not deny the admiration she harbored for her sister's profound wisdom and keen insight.

Her pride was like a relentless shield, protecting her from any kind of vulnerability. She refused to admit her weaknesses, preferring to maintain the image of a perfect and unshakable goddess.

This stance, however, came at a high price. Adryel's pride isolated her from others, preventing her from forming true bonds with her peers. She found herself surrounded by admirers who venerated her for her strength and beauty, but who never dared to question her authority.

Among the primordial brothers, Flurym stood out for her uncontrollable anger. This burning fury was like an inextinguishable fire that consumed everything in its path, transforming him into a ruthless being feared by all.

[Flurym image]

His anger was fueled by his own nervousness, a constant state of restlessness and anxiety that made him easily irritable. Any small annoyance was enough to trigger an explosion of devastating fury.

Flurym wore her wrath proudly, as if it were a symbol of her strength and power. He loved to frighten his brothers and subjugate the weakest to his will. His lust for power blinded him to the consequences of his actions, and he did not care about the suffering he caused others.

In the pantheon of primordial gods, where wisdom and strength reign supreme, arises Ilian, the god of the serene mind, calming storms with his calm.

[Ilian image]

Endowed with an aura of wisdom and benevolence, like a lighthouse raised in stormy seas, he led his fellow men with righteousness and compassion. His presence was a balm for afflicted hearts, a refuge in the midst of the reigning chaos.

However, beneath the mask of virtue, a dark secret was hidden: gluttony, a voracious and insidious monster, gradually consumed his noble soul. The insatiable desire for food, a cruel and corrosive addiction, undermined his inner peace, transforming him into a recluse tormented by the shadows of guilt and shame.

Ilian, in his fruitless search for redemption, sought refuge in the opulence of food. Each bite, however, was a plunge deeper into the abyss of self-destruction, a poignant reminder of the weakness that stained his heroic soul.

In ages lost in the veil of time, when the dawn of existence was just dawning, the Enorim, beings of unparalleled power and majesty, served as constant companions of Äerin, the Primordial, both in moments of solitary contemplation and on occasions of grand communion. Throughout this primordial era, the Enorins performed prodigious feats, shaping reality to their will and weaving the fabric of existence with threads of pure magic.

On a day of uncertain fate, the Primordial summoned all Enorim to his grand chamber, a place of power and mystery that defied mortal understanding. With an imperial bearing and a gaze that penetrated the depths of the soul, Äerin revealed to her subjects images of celestial beauty, never seen or conceived by any mortal being. The images, woven from the essence of creation, pulsed with vibrant energy, igniting the hearts of the Enorins with uncontrollable fervor. A feverish expectation took over the assembly, as everyone sensed that a task of immeasurable magnitude would be entrusted to them.

However, despite the grandeur of the images and the intensity of the emotions they aroused, the Enorins found themselves faced with an indecipherable enigma. The complexity of the Primordial's thoughts exceeded the limits of mortal understanding, and the images, although stunningly beautiful, hid their innermost secrets in a labyrinth of symbols and metaphors. A fog of uncertainty hung over the assembly, for the Enorins, no matter how powerful they were, could not unravel the mysteries contained in the Primordial's visions.

Thus, with hearts burning with expectation and minds swirling with doubts, the Enorins awaited the revelation of the task that would be imposed on them.

Äerin, the voice that echoes through the eternities, rose in proclamation, weaving words from the substance of stars and the radiance of constellations. His voice, a cosmic murmur, reverberated among the Enorim, beings imbued with the essence of creation, calling them to a grand challenge. - "Oh, Enorins, my ethereal children, for ages you have danced in my celestial concert, now the time has come to demonstrate the magnitude of your power. Behold the creations that emanated from your own essences, but know that in order for them to transcend the realm of abstraction and become palpable reality, you must prove yourself worthy of leading them to infinity in my company. To do so, you will engage in a cosmic duel, where strength and bravery will be the instruments to determine your worthiness. "

A sepulchral silence fell over the Enorins, as Äerin's enigmatic words hung in the air, weaving a veil of uncertainty over what the future held for them. The incomprehension was palpable, but the seed of ambition and desire for glory had already been sown in their hearts.

And so the cosmic conflagration was unleashed, a spectacle of unimaginable proportions that stretched over countless eons. My eyes, which have witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, the construction and destruction of colossal cities, and even my own being consumed by flames, have witnessed battles in which the greatest wizards of the era intertwined in egregious spells, but This strength and power border on the impossible.

In the infinite void, the battle stage transformed into a kaleidoscope of light and destruction. The abysmal darkness was torn apart by explosions that lit up the cosmos with a blinding glare, only to be engulfed in darkness seconds later. The fury of the Enorins echoed through the void, each blow reverberating like cosmic thunder, tearing the fabric of reality and weaving a new destiny for the universe.

Despite the immensity that separated me from the battlefield, I could feel the tremor of the explosions that echoed through the confines of creation, resounding like a funeral lament for the changing universe. With each blow, each explosion, each scream of pain and fury, the fabric of reality groaned and writhed, as if on the brink of annihilation.

In the cosmic void, where the shadow reigns supreme, titanic gods collided in a deadly ballet, weaving a symphony of fury and destruction.

Azuly, the first there unleashing his devastating fury, he struck down Adryel with a brutal blow. Flurym, opportunistic and cunning, took advantage of the breach to seriously injure Azuly, setting off a whirlwind of retaliation.

In a dreamlike kingdom, once a stage of harmony, a funeral lament echoes, weaving the story of those who disappear from reality itself.

Adryel, the first of the Enorim to fall, had his body pierced by a relentless whirlwind of air, which, in a thunderous roar, broke free, now wandering like a specter through the shadows, a ghostly whisper of what was.

Azuly, the second to know the glory of death, followed Adryel on his journey into the ineluctable abyss. His fall dissolved into countless celestial tears, cascades of sparkling water that spread across the cosmos like a funeral pall.

Flurym, the next to join the sisters' choir, had her departure marked by a cosmic explosion. From its inert body, stars and nebulae erupted, illuminating the once-dark void with the vibrant colors of a new dawn.

One by one, the luminous entities extinguished themselves, each weaving its funeral melody in the silent symphony of extinction.

Amid the immeasurable vastness of the cosmos, where newborn stars sparkled like diamonds on a cloak of black velvet, Ilian, the primordial deity, hovered in deep melancholy. His eyes, once resplendent like twin suns, now resembled abysmal pits of despair, reflecting the growing darkness that permeated his being.

With a mournful gaze, he beheld the latest creations of his brothers, beings fashioned from the blood and ambition that gushed from his own death and desire. They were grotesque forms, distorted by greed and violence, a dark reflection of the decadence that was taking over the universe.

Deep inside, Ilian felt an abysmal emptiness, an echo of the vibrant essence that once defined him. His desires, once vigorous and passionate, now twisted into nauseating urges, and his thoughts drowned in a sea of sadness and regret. The guilt for the disorder that plagued the cosmos consumed him, eating away at his soul like a voracious worm.

With a solemn and tragic gesture, Ilian raised his divine hand, adorned with dying stars and shattered constellations. In a final act of desperation and redemption, he conjured all of his remaining energy, condensing it into a beam of cosmic power of unimaginable proportions, taking his life in a blinding flash that erupted from the center of his divinity, eclipsing the light of the stars. and silencing the darkness momentarily. An explosion of cataclysmic magnitude, deafening and at the same time mesmerizing, swept across the universe, releasing shockwaves that echoed for eons.

With the great explosion Ilian succumbed in a cataclysm of cosmic proportions. Its colossal form, once a pillar of strength and majesty, disintegrated into a myriad of rocky fragments, dispersed across the ends of the universe like falling stone stars. Amidst the chaos of destruction, Ilian's heart remained intact, although broken in half. A colossal wound, opened at the very core of the divine being, serving as an eternal monument to his fall and the regret that consumed him.

Eons passed, and the rocky fragments of its heart, once dispersed like cosmic tears, coalesced into two colossal plateaus that were destined to face each other eternally, sculpted by the fury of cosmic winds and bathed in the light of distant stars, which will in future be the home of the first beings in existence.

His death marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter, a chapter written in somber tones and imbued with the indelible mark of tragedy.

In the epic annals that chronicle the genesis of the universe, the battle of Ëngoren stands like an imposing obelisk, a titanic landmark that separated the primordial void from the dawn of existence. Its name, derived from the archaic Elvish language, resonates with the grandeur of the event it represents: "The Battle of Creation".


Eons passed, and the rocky fragments of its heart, once dispersed like cosmic tears, coalesced into two colossal plateaus that were destined to face each other eternally, sculpted by the fury of cosmic winds and bathed in the light of distant stars, which will in future be the home of the first beings in existence.