
MYTHOLOGY : The way of the Sword

In the immersive virtual online game called "Mythology," where players experience a 100 percent synchronization rate, a whole new world unfolds. It transcends the limitations of reality, granting the blindman a sight and enabling the disabled to walk once more. This extraordinary game encompasses all mythological factions, including Norse, Hindu, Chinese, Egyptian, Arthurian, Greek, Japanese, and many others. Each faction boasts legendary, divine, and epic classes, united against a common adversary: the dark forces threatening their world. Our MC Ares, a prodigious kid hailing from an ancient martial arts family. Although the knowledge of his lineage has been largely forgotten, his innate talent for swordsmanship remains. Guided by his grandfather's teachings, Ares begins his journey in swordsmanship from his childhood. Immersing himself in the vast world of Mythology, Ares channels his focus into refining his swordsmanship. His dedication transcends the boundaries between the virtual and real realms as he tirelessly trains. Along his journey, he unlocks the extraordinary talent Sword Heart, awakening the profound Sword Intent within him . Through unwavering determination and relentless practice, Ares not only ascends to the esteemed rank of a legendary class within the game but also gains a remarkable advantage: the Mythology Interface. This extraordinary interface grants him unparalleled access to master all skills from all classes and faction and obtain Mythic rank equipment, pets, inheritances, and blood line anything. he also awakens another cheat abiity, a mythical rank martial soul.

Xitiz_Shrestha_3788 · ゲーム
30 Chs

Chapter 30: Choosing the only Archaic Class in the Game

As Ares thought he would still have to face next trial, and prepared himself, the system notification sounded:

Ding! [ trial 6: Trial of Draconic conquest has been suspended because the player obtained the Dragon slayer's Legacy beforehand]

Ding! [the User has Completed all the Trials and now is able to change into a unique class]

Ding!! [ scanning the classes suitable for user]

Ding! [scan Completed, Please choose a class from the available classes below:]


Krishna's Heir ( Archaic Class)

Arthur pendragons Descendent (legendary)

Parasu Ram's heir (Legendary)

Excaliburiar (Epic)

Odin's Runeblade (Epic)

Anubis' Soulreaver (Epic)

Masamune's Soul Forger (Epic)


As Ares gazed at the interface displaying epic and legendary classes, he couldn't help but feel astonished. Until now, he had only heard of epic classes, known for their rarity and requiring extraordinary luck to obtain. However, to his surprise, he now had the opportunity to select from rumored legendary classes and even an unheard-of Archaic Class.

The Arthur Pendragon Heir and Parasu Ram's Heir, both legendary classes, tempted him with their immense potential. Yet, the name "Krishna" triggered vivid memories of the challenging trial he underwent to acquire the mythology interface. The encounter with Krishna's clone had left a profound impact on Ares, instilling a deep reverence in his heart.

Driven by his heart rather than tactical considerations, he ultimately made his choice. Without much hesitation, Ares selected the class of "Krishna's Heir," even though, as a swordsman, the other two legendary classes might have been more advantageous for him. As he did the system notification once again sounded:

Ding![ Congratulations on obtaining the only available Archaic Class so far in the world of mythology "Krishna's Heir"]

Ding [ A worldwide announcement will be made, you have the option to either display your name or remain anonymous in the upcoming worldwide announcement.]

Ares chose no as he didn't want to be hunted and what not.

Soon a worldwide announcement was made.

[Worldwide announcement]

[Congratulations to player xxxxx to be the first one to acquire the only highest ranked archaic class available until now]

[Worldwide announcement]

[Congratulations to player xxxxx to be the first one to acquire the only highest ranked archaic class available until now]

[Worldwide announcement]

[Congratulations to player xxxxx to be the first one to acquire the only highest ranked archaic class available until now]

Ares saw that his name was censored in the announcement. After the trail was completed he was teleported back.

The momentous revelation reverberated through the entire game world like an earth-shattering thunderclap. The anonymous player who had acquired the fabled and hitherto unheard-of Archaic Class, "Krishna's Heir," became an instant legend, sending shockwaves through every server and corner of the virtual realm. Whispers of their remarkable feat spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of players and non-players alike.

Top guilds, renowned for their prowess and ambitions, were thrown into a frenzied frenzy, their leaders and members tirelessly searching, with unbridled determination, for the elusive figure who had obtained the divine legacy. It was a global manhunt of epic proportions, with the stakes higher than ever before.

As news of the unprecedented event made its way to the real world, media outlets erupted in a sensational storm, covering every aspect of the phenomenon. Journalists scrambled to uncover the enigma behind this legendary player, their origins, and their extraordinary journey to attain the mythical class. TV screens displayed breaking news, headlines flashed with awe and intrigue, and pundits debated the implications of this earth-shattering development.

The game forums and social media platforms were ablaze with discussions, theories, and speculations about the hidden power concealed within the coveted "Krishna's Heir" class. The world was captivated, enchanted, and astonished, all at once, by the mystery that had unveiled itself.

Players across the virtual realm were divided into factions, some viewing the anonymous player as an enigmatic idol, a deity-like figure whose mere existence disrupted the norms of the game. Others were fueled by envy and jealousy, their egos stung by the realization that someone had surpassed them to claim a title that had only been an elusive dream until now.

In the real world, fans and gamers cheered on their virtual hero, chanting their name as if they were a mythical champion of ancient times. The anonymous player had inadvertently become a symbol of hope and inspiration for players who aspired to achieve greatness, an embodiment of the mantra that perseverance and determination could defy the very limits of reality.

The game developers themselves were astounded, for they had never anticipated that someone would manage to gain this class which was not supposed to be gained by player this early in the game and rise to such unprecedented heights within their meticulously crafted virtual universe. The anonymous player had defied the odds, transcended the boundaries, and become a living legend in a realm where legends were meant to be born and forged.

The servers buzzed with activity, anticipation, and awe, as players from all walks of life attempted to unravel the enigma of this legendary player, hoping to catch a glimpse of the digital marvel who had achieved what was deemed impossible.

The once orderly and structured gaming world had been plunged into chaos, and amidst the frenzy, the name of this anonymous player echoed as an eternal testament to the power of myth and the emergence of an unparalleled player who had etched their name in the annals of gaming history forever.

Meanwhile Ares who had no idea of what he had stirred was still rejoicing in the class he had chosen. Ares had not even looked at the description of class he had chosen due to his impression towards the lord Krishna.so now he took his time to go through it.

[Lord Krishna's heir]

Lord Krishna, an omnipotent genius in every field, excelled in all forms of combat and surpassed even the most skilled grand mages in magic and spells. His archery skills were unparalleled, and his weapon forging abilities rivaled those of legendary blacksmiths. With his irresistible charisma, he won the hearts of 101 wives. As a master musician, his captivating melodies could move even the hardest of hearts, and his flute had the power to tame the fiercest of monsters. Krishna's prowess knew no bounds, making him unmatched in every discipline, including martial arts.


Omnipotent Genius: Possess an innate talent and capability to excel in every field of knowledge and skill. Learning and mastering new abilities are faster and more efficient.

Unbounded Mastery: There are no limits to the number of disciplines that can be mastered. As Krishna's Heir gains proficiency in various fields, their power and versatility increase exponentially.

Divine Blessing: Bestowed with divine blessings from Lord Krishna, providing protection and guidance in times of need. Divine intervention may occur in critical situations.

Avatar Transformation: In moments of great peril or when the situation demands, Krishna's Heir can channel the divine essence of Lord Krishna, temporarily transforming into an Avatar of immense power.

{Note: The class "Krishna's Heir" is exceedingly rare and powerful, only accessible to the one who has demonstrated exceptional abilities and unwavering devotion to his cause. As an Archaic Class, it holds immeasurable potential and heralds a new era for the player who possesses it. Use this class with wisdom and righteousness, for the legacy of Lord Krishna rests upon your shoulders. May you be the embodiment of virtue and a paragon of greatness in the world of mythology.}


Strength: +2 every level

Agility: +2 every level

Intelligence: +2 every level

Vitality: +2 every level

luck +5

Wisdom: (MAX)

Charisma: (MAX)

Comprehension: (MAX)

Sword Comprehension: (Infinity)

The Archaic class comes with its own professions:

[Professions of Krishna's Heir]

1. Master of Arms

All Weapon Mastery: Unmatched proficiency in wielding all types of weapons, from swords and spears to bows and staffs.

Legendary Blacksmith: Possess extraordinary skills in crafting weapons and armors, rivaling the work of legendary blacksmiths. Able to forge weapons of unparalleled quality and imbue them with special properties.

2. Mystic Mage

Mystic Spells: Harness the power of magic and spells to manipulate the elements and cast powerful enchantments. Mastery over a wide range of mystical abilities.

3. Charming Diplomat

Charismatic Presence: Charisma that can charm even the most resistant hearts. Persuasion and negotiation skills are heightened, making it easier to influence others.

4. Melodic Maestro

Melodic Manipulation: Expertise in playing musical instruments and using music to move and influence others emotionally. The melodies played by Krishna's Heir have profound effects on the listener's state of mind.

5. Beast Taming:

Krishna's Heir wields a legendary flute capable of taming even the most ferocious monsters. By playing its enchanting tunes, he can subdue and control wild creatures, making them loyal to him. His heightened Charisma further increases the affinity with wild beasts, making it easier to tame them. Newborn and baby beasts are directly loyal to him.

{Note: The heir of Lord Krishna does not have class restriction and can learn any skills from any class (below Archaic class) and any faction and can wear any class specific equipment regardless of class.}

After looking at class description, Ares realized that his newfound class was incredibly versatile, allowing him to learn anything and wear any items without class restrictions. This revelation delighted him, as it meant he could now fully utilize the mythological interface and expand his skills beyond sword-related abilities. Moreover, he discovered that he now possessed two comprehension stats, making him feel on par with the talented Heavenly Hound. Curiosity piqued; he eagerly examined his system interface to explore the full extent of his new capabilities.

Name: Sword Sovereign

Level: 24

Class: Krishna's Heir

Occupation: Profession of Krishna's Heir

Health: 4200

Mana: 7100

Attack: 3210

Defense: 3408


Strength: 113

Agility: 80

Intelligence: 69

Vitality: 82

Wisdom: Max

Charisma: 6

Free Attribute: 50

Skill Points: 40


Passive: Supreme Sword mastery, Weapon specialist

Active: Heavenly slash, slash, parry, cross cut, Blazing Fury Slash,

Sword arts: Val'Shara Sword Arts

Mana Arts: 1st Stance -Vanquisher


Innate: Sword heart

Gained: Sword Aura

Affinities: Supreme Thunder Affinity

Intents: Sword Intent

Martial soul: Azure Thunder Dragon

Physique: ?????? Unawakened (10% Awakened)

Equipments: Lightning Sword, Infinitude Dragon Armor, Boots of Elusive shadows, vasnav Astra