
Mythological story

I tried to be the good guy in this story. But if everyone was the good guy, the story wouldn't be worth reading.  My name… or at least my first one was Cedar North and this is my beginning. (working title so if anyone has any ideas plz share them with me.)

Cedar_north · ファンタジー
3 Chs


The Councilors sat in a boardroom waiting on the human Prime Minister so they could start the meeting. 

As the minutes ticked by the councillors grew impatient. Just as they were about to leave the humans came in.

"I apologize for being late, there was a traffic jam," The prime minister apologized. 

"Right, well now that you're here, let's begin the meeting. In the last few years, we have discussed the idea of integrating the homo sapiens and other species." The head councillor, Mr. Harriott, began. 

"Indeed we have and I feel that a test should be done before I say yes," The prime minister responded.

"And what would this test be exactly?" One of the Councilors asked, 

"That a group of students attend one year at a Human school." 

"That can be arranged. Do you have any species or people in mind?" 

"We would like Cedar North and her brother to attend as two of the students." 

The Councilors gave each other uneasy looks, and one said,"We are talking about the mentally unstable girl with the twin soul and that has been in the Eonian, which need I remind you is the most guarded facility in the world for three years." 

The prime minister nodded. "That is the girl we are talking about, yes." 

"May I ask why?" 

"Is she not getting out this year to attend a public school in this city?" 

"Yes, that is the plan." 

"So unless you are endangering your children, she is at least mentally stable?" 

The Councilors gave small, curt nods.

"Most of the time, yes."  

"Then I nor the other members of our government see the problem of her attending a Human school with a few others." 

"Well, let us talk it over and we will inform you of our decision." Mr. Harriot responded standing to shake the prime minister's hand."

The prime minister shook his hand. "Of course. Take as much time as you need."