
Mythlandia Origins : Colors [Draft]

When Norman Valor just finished his daily routine (of studying, exercising, etc.) of his College life. Before going home he noticed someone was walking near the street. it was a little girl chasing her doll that dropped in the middle of the road. When Suddenly he heard a loud beep. He noticed that a vehicle was dashing from the direction to where the little girl was. So, he dashed to carry the girl with the doll & swiftly (Safely) threw her to someone who seemed to be her mother. When He was about to return to the other side. That Vehicle hit him. Alas, when he woke up. He woke up in a strange place. A forest, as he tries to recall how he got here. Unfortunately, He only remembered the name "Nova", strangely this name he recalled was a bit familiar. Like someone called him that way before. To understand where he was. He suddenly heard a loud noise nearby that seemed to be the sound of a person using his pickaxe to mine some minerals. Nova followed the sound...Hoping someone could guide him on who he was.

Mystic_Magnificous · ファンタジー
29 Chs

The Centeral Kingdom of Coloria

Where they hoped to find a skilled blacksmith who could help them with the Obsidian Boulder remains. The mention of the blacksmith dwarf from the Topaz Kingdom intrigued Tim, and he was eager to see what kind of custom items could be crafted from the unique material.

As they finally entered the lining for each POST before entering the border color line (this time Indigo) and the floor was based on a mixture of all other color linings from other kingdoms (like a rainbow color wheel of 7 this empire's land of division base of and Land of Oz) Yet understandable in context the diversity of species.

The boys were truly enchanted by the diversity of beings they encountered as they approached the borderline into the Indigo Kingdom. It was like stepping into a fantastical realm filled with Bestialkin, Elves, Giants, Dwarves, the porcelain-based Qintea, and even amphibious mere-people who could venture on both land and water. This was a stark contrast to their own Garnet Kingdom, which was predominantly inhabited by archaicans (humans).

Tim couldn't help but point out the fascinating sights. "Look at all these different creatures, Nova! It's like we've stepped into a whole new world."

Nova nodded in agreement. "It's incredible. Mythlandia truly is a land of wonders and magic."

With a sense of excitement and curiosity, they crossed the border into the Indigo Kingdom, eager to explore the Emerald City and find the blacksmith who might help them with their quest.

Then Nova said they could part ways, Tim could wander around to find (the locals call the capital here Charoite) their Academy of Swords and Magic named "Arcane Spell-Blade Academy" while Nova looks for the blacksmith shop himself

"Alright, Tim," Nova said, "you go explore the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy, and I'll try to find that blacksmith. We'll meet up later, perhaps at the central plaza?"

Tim agreed with a nod. "Sounds like a plan. Don't get into too much trouble, Nova."

Nova chuckled. "I'll do my best. See you at the central plaza, then."

With that, they parted ways, each embarking on their separate adventures within the vibrant and diverse city of Charoite, the capital of the Indigo Kingdom.

After some time passed, the boys met up again and Tim spoke he managed to speak with one of this capital's temple heads that is a close connection to their academy and informed him their enrollment was verified to suit Tim's calling by having a practical entrance exams to duel with other students that are newcomers from other kingdoms of different races as well (they forbid magic for this physical examination), as for Nova he clarified he too has a calling/vow of a swordsman

"That's great news, Tim," Nova replied. "It sounds like you're on your way to becoming a student at the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy. And, well, it seems I'm not the only one with a calling in swordsmanship."

Tim grinned. "Indeed, Nova. We'll both be pursuing our dreams, side by side. Let's do our best!"

With their paths set, the boys prepared for their respective entrance exams, ready to take the next steps in their journeys.

Then they sit in the open-field arena where they are random picks with other beings to duel with (Nova duel with his wooden sword for practice and examination with a Bestialkin, Feline [subspecies] a cat girl as they parry and Nova still manage in a clutch to defeat this student, meanwhile Tim with his newfound strength used his practice shields [a pair to dual wield] due to his weapon of choice and fought a Giant that has power because of size yet Tim also manage due to The training and labor experience he had with Nova) so more times pass as they are qualified to enroll and the ones that lost their duels were requested to return to their homes to train more before worthy to enroll in this Academy.

It was a challenging but rewarding experience for both Nova and Tim. They had proven their skills and determination, earning their spots at the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy. With their qualifications secured, they looked forward to the next chapter of their journey in this diverse and magical world.

Nova: (panting heavily) Well, that was quite the duel, Clawfur. You're incredibly agile, but I managed to keep up!

Clawfur Bestialkin: (grinning) Indeed, Nova. Your swordsmanship is impressive. Those moves are not something you see every day. You've got quick reflexes.

Nova: (smirking) Thanks! It's all about timing and precision. I had to stay one step ahead of those claws of yours.

Tim: (catching his breath) Whew, I must say, that was a rather intense bout, my towering friend.

Giant: (laughing heartily) You held your ground well, Tim. Your shields were a clever choice. I underestimated your strength.

Tim: (smiling) It's not just about size; it's about strategy too. A giant like you has power, but if you can't land a hit, it doesn't matter how strong you are.

Their opponents were equally impressed by Nova and Tim's abilities, and these duels became memorable moments as they began their studies at the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy.

Although the boys worry about feeling bad that these two cannot enroll yet if they lose to them, the Giant has a dialogue it's normal, it just means he isn't worthy of this yet while the Bestialkin just as she wants to have fun with a nya accent and just returned to her homeland for fun.

Giant: (patting Tim on the back) Don't you worry, lad. It's all part of the learning process. I'll head back to my village, train some more, and maybe one day, I'll earn my spot here.

Clawfur Bestialkin: (playfully) Nyahahaha! No need to fret, darlings! I had a blast, and I'm heading home to tell all my fellow Clawfurs about this adventure. Who knows, maybe next time, we'll meet again!

Nova and Tim found comfort in knowing that these friendly encounters wouldn't discourage their newfound friends but rather inspire them to improve and perhaps meet again in the future.

They wave at them as the qualified students gather about to listen to a Wizardess that they would now be sorted to their dorms. She indeed seems the headmistress of this school at least to Nova's eyes (Feels like a Harry Potter or magic school? yet again...this truly fits my isekai story..not in a typical way? she doesn't seem to be cliche).

The students gathered around, eagerly awaiting the instructions from the wizardess. She stood before them, a tall and imposing figure in her robe adorned with intricate arcane symbols. Her voice carried an air of authority as she addressed the newcomers.

Wizardess: "Welcome, young scholars, to the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy! I am Arcanist [Academy Staff and Headmistress] Elara, and I shall be your guide through your magical journey. But first, we must sort you into your respective dorms."

She raised her staff, and a shimmering, multicolored light emitted from its tip. The light swirled around, forming a series of orbs, each radiating a different hue.

Wizardess: "When I call your name, please step forward and touch one of these orbs. The color you choose will determine your dorm. Let the sorting begin!"

As she called out the names, students stepped forward one by one, choosing orbs of various colors. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and curiosity as they awaited their dorm assignments. Nova and Tim, ready for the next chapter of their journey, couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

Wizardess Elara: "Nova and Timotheus Richmond, step forward, please."

Nova and Tim, feeling a bit nervous, approached the orbs. Nova looked at the colors, pondering for a moment before choosing violet. Tim, following Nova's lead, also touched the violet orb. The orbs shimmered briefly before returning to their previous state.

Wizardess Elara: "Violet, a wise choice. You shall be in the Violet Dorm. Welcome to your new home, young spell-blades. You'll find your dorm rooms comfortable and equipped for your studies. Please follow me, and we'll show you the way."

As they followed Arcanist Elara to their dorm, Nova and Tim exchanged smiles. They were relieved to be in the same dorm, knowing that they would continue to support each other in this new and exciting chapter of their magical journey.

Afterwards, it isn't over yet as all students return to the main hall to hear another announcement about their mentors of certain classes of their choices would be Senior students or Elite Combatants in rank (and will soon graduate after training an apprentice for 3 years) as it would be their turn to be seniors soon and the cycles continue, plus graduates can choose to just be an adventurer or seek audience with Equinox Estelle/Estella to be Knighted to be Faction Knights. 

The students listened intently as the Headmaster explained the system of mentors and the path they could choose in the academy. It was fascinating for Nova and Tim to hear about the different ranks and opportunities within the academy.

Wizardess Elera: "Remember, dear students, your mentors will be instrumental in your growth as spell-blades. Choose wisely, and don't hesitate to seek their guidance. Your time here will be filled with challenges and discoveries, and it's the mentors who will guide you through this journey."

Nova and Tim exchanged excited glances, realizing that someday soon, they might have the honor of becoming mentors themselves. For now, they were eager to start their training and learn from the best.

As they left the hall, Nova turned to Tim with a grin. "Looks like we have a lot to look forward to, my friend." Tim nodded in agreement, ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges that awaited them at the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy.


 Suddenly, some female students (mixed with the races of Coloria mentioned earlier initially) gathered to welcome them specifically when they heard COMMONERS had such a chance to enroll here for just the first time.

The group of female students, representing a colorful mix of races from Coloria, approached Nova and Tim with friendly smiles and curiosity. Nova, always charismatic and friendly, greeted them with a warm demeanor.

Nova: "Hey there! It's great to meet you all. I'm Nova, and this is my friend Timotheus. We're excited to be here."

The girls exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by the newcomers. One of them, a cheerful elf with vibrant green hair, spoke up.

Elf Student: "Nice to meet you, Nova and Timotheus. I'm Lirael, and these are my friends, Enara, Liara, and Ava. We couldn't help but notice you two. It's not often we see commoners like yourselves joining the academy on their first try."

Nova chuckled modestly, trying to downplay any romantic advances.

Nova: "Well, we're just lucky to be here, I suppose. It's quite an honor."

Tim, on the other hand, was blushing furiously and stammering from shyness. He hid behind Nova, clearly not used to these social situations.

Tim: "H-hi... I-I'm Timotheus. N-nice to meet you all."

The girls giggled at Tim's shyness but continued to chat with Nova about their experiences at the academy. Nova was friendly and engaging, making sure Tim felt comfortable as they interacted with their new classmates.

As Nova and Tim continued to engage in conversation with their fellow students, they attracted the attention of two more girls, one a giantess and the other a mermaid with a more humanoid form.

Giantess Student: "Hey there! I couldn't help but notice your unique fighting styles during the duels. They were so cool and different from what we usually see."

Nova smiled warmly and nodded in appreciation.

Nova: "Thank you! I'm Nova, and this is Timotheus. We developed our fighting style together. It's called the Neo-Heim style."

The mermaid student chimed in, her scales glistening with interest.

Mermaid Student: "Neo-Heim style, huh? That's fascinating. I've never seen anything like it. How did you come up with it?"

Tim, still a bit shy, looked to Nova for guidance. Nova explained with enthusiasm.

Nova: "Well, it was a collaborative effort. Tim has this incredible talent with shields and defensive maneuvers, and I've always been interested in fluid and agile combat. We decided to merge our strengths, and the Neo-Heim style was born. It's all about balance and adaptability."

The giantess and mermaid were genuinely impressed and intrigued by the unique fighting style. They continued to chat, sharing stories about their own backgrounds and experiences, and Nova and Tim found themselves quickly forming bonds with these diverse and interesting classmates.

The elf girl, still holding onto Nova's arm, turned to the other girls in her group and spoke with a determined tone.

Elf Girl: "Alright, girls, let's give these newcomers some space. We were just getting to know them, after all."

Her friends nodded in agreement, and the group of girls started to move away from Nova and Tim.

However, just as they were about to continue their conversation in a quieter spot, a group of upper-class boys, clearly from noble backgrounds, interrupted.

Noble Student 1: "What do we have here? A couple of commoners trying to mingle with the elites? You should know your place."

Nova felt a bit of tension in the air but remained calm. Tim, though still shy, stood his ground beside Nova.

Nova: "We're all students here, aren't we? Let's not make distinctions based on background. We're all here to learn and grow."

The noble students exchanged smirks but didn't press the matter further, turning to leave. The elf girl and her friends returned to Nova and Tim's side, showing their support.

Elf Girl: "Don't mind them. They're just full of themselves. We're glad to have you here, Nova and Tim."

Tim gave a grateful smile, still blushing a bit, and Nova nodded in appreciation.

Nova: "Thank you. We're looking forward to our time here at the academy."


Yet as that moment was done the Schoolhorn blew to alert them to their dorms and official classes tomorrow (Nova felt this was too familiar, it's like being at his earlier middle school days in the modern world but different because not many different races . Just Pure Human races) and no magic, before he turns to Tim as they walk "why are you shy with girls? You don't seem shy when talking about Dorothy or girls in the village"

Tim blushed even more and scratched his head nervously as they walked toward their dorms.

Tim: "I... I don't know, Nova. It's just... different here, I guess. Back in the village, I've known those girls for a long time, but here, it's all new, and they're... well, they're really pretty and confident."

Nova chuckled softly.

Nova: "Don't worry, Tim. You'll get used to it. Just be yourself. They seem nice and friendly, just like the people from our village."

Tim nodded, trying to shake off his shyness.

Tim: "You're right, Nova. I'll do my best. Thanks for being my friend and looking out for me."

Nova: "Of course, Tim. We're in this together, and I've got your back."

With that, the two friends continued on their way to their dorms, ready to face the challenges and adventures that awaited them at the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy.

Henceforth they are labeled as Apprentice Combatants (labeled for Juniors and trainees), Nova is Assigned to train under Lady Scarecrow (a talented swordswoman) and she is an Elite Combatant ranked 2nd of the seniors [plus to her name is a sentient humanoid golem created by a kind elven alchemist that treat her like a human being] although it's obvious she isn't completely human looking thus she looks more like a scarecrow. Next was Tim is assigned under a great Defender to train Tim for his use of dual shields was NICKNAMED "King Lion" yet his real name is Zeke, a Bestialkin (Lion appearance) as he has a very tall height and broad shoulders, and despite his race prefers a defensive fighting style and rank 4th of the seniors [Elite Combatant like Scarecrow too] as they all introduce eachother 

As Nova and Tim met their mentors, Lady Scarecrow and King Lion, they couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Lady Scarecrow greeted Nova with a warm smile, despite her unconventional appearance.

Lady Scarecrow: "Welcome, young one. I am Lady Scarecrow. Don't let my appearance fool you; I'm here to train you in the ways of the sword, just like any other instructor. We'll make a fine team."

Nova nodded, feeling reassured by her kind demeanor.

Nova: "Thank you, Lady Scarecrow. I'm eager to learn."

Meanwhile, Tim was greeted by the towering figure of King Lion. Despite his imposing appearance, King Lion had a gentle aura about him.

King Lion: "Greetings, young Tim. I am King Lion, but you can call me Zeke. We'll work on your shield techniques together. Remember, defense can be just as important as offense in battle."

Tim gulped nervously but nodded.

Tim: "Th-thank you, Zeke. I'll do my best."

With introductions made, the boys knew they had embarked on a new chapter of their journey, one filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. They were ready to learn and train under their skilled mentors at the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy.