
Mythlandia Origins : Colors [Draft]

When Norman Valor just finished his daily routine (of studying, exercising, etc.) of his College life. Before going home he noticed someone was walking near the street. it was a little girl chasing her doll that dropped in the middle of the road. When Suddenly he heard a loud beep. He noticed that a vehicle was dashing from the direction to where the little girl was. So, he dashed to carry the girl with the doll & swiftly (Safely) threw her to someone who seemed to be her mother. When He was about to return to the other side. That Vehicle hit him. Alas, when he woke up. He woke up in a strange place. A forest, as he tries to recall how he got here. Unfortunately, He only remembered the name "Nova", strangely this name he recalled was a bit familiar. Like someone called him that way before. To understand where he was. He suddenly heard a loud noise nearby that seemed to be the sound of a person using his pickaxe to mine some minerals. Nova followed the sound...Hoping someone could guide him on who he was.

Mystic_Magnificous · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Spell-Blade Academy Adventures

However, Nova felt the mana sight deactivate as he felt a headache or migraine he realized his eyes were not used to this ability yet he prepared a new wrapping to use a spell mixed with his SPIRITUAL arts he dubbed it to himself as it felt natural and fitting as the nature of his mana is different from his peers such as Tim, Lady Scarecrow, King Lion, Red Prince and other people of this land mostly accustom to Dark and Light mana use it differently (and now thanks to that glimpse of mana sight, he realize why he is so slow to catch on magical casting despite Tim being magic-less perform better and faster), as he finished wrapping a Bouquet of The flowers he revitalize and prepare to preserve it by using the Litho element to shelter a crystallization as he hid it under his bedroom bed (shared dorm with Tim that just returned and ask if his friend manage to safely harvest that secret flowers he was tending to?)

Nova smiled at Tim's concern as he carefully hid the bouquet of revitalized Saruté Aurealis flowers. He couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement about his newly discovered abilities. However, he also realized that he needed time to get used to this enhanced mana sight.

"Yeah, Tim, I managed to harvest them safely," Nova replied, his voice filled with a mix of pride and curiosity. "But something incredible happened while I was doing it. I unlocked a new aspect of my magic, something related to my soul's mana type. It allowed me to revitalize these flowers extraordinarily."

He paused for a moment, contemplating how to explain his recent experience. "I also encountered a mysterious voice, Tim. It guided me and helped me unlock this ability. It mentioned something about the Central Holy Emerald Palace. It's a clue we might need in our journey."

Tim's eyes widened with curiosity. "A mysterious voice? The Central Holy Emerald Palace? This sounds like an important lead, Nova. We should investigate it. But let's not forget that we have the upcoming tournament to prepare for as well. We need to stay focused on our training."

Nova nodded in agreement. "You're right, Tim. We can't afford to lose sight of our goals. Let's keep training and preparing for the tournament. But this new ability... I have a feeling it will come in handy in more ways than one."

With that, the two friends settled into their evening routine, their minds filled with thoughts of the mysteries of Mythlandia and the challenges that lay ahead.


Then Tim fiddles with his fingers as the boys prepare to sleep again "Yet still, Nova..is the voice like a Young girl? Or it's something divine? Eitherway it's lucky somesort of SPELL or something during evaluation of your mana type of Luminous(light) and you hid it so well and I kept that truth your a Ecto-mana user a secret" he says with a huff "here I wish I can get better , the only improvement was my physical strength and use with the Celestial Regalia (term for rare divine objects , create or was used to create from deities or higher realms of power) , Eitherway my own mentor mentioned earlier for now the powers of the dual shields we found and therefore an old tale base on these shield were called Skull-crest Aegis , I guess it explains why there's skull-like crest shaped into each center of its plating…along which is cool why it's spiky in all edges with symmetry and soon I maybe able to awaken it's power of decay like how it formed those weird fissures that maybe the reason that sleeping dragon is fossilized in that cavern near our village remember?" Nova nods as he yawned "yet this also mean your Mentor is as cool as mine…Plus remember you still better at me during magic classes…despite me having better mana pools than you" he says with a sigh as Tim feels better and giggles "Just pay more attention and don't be shy to bother me for help again?" Nova giggled back "seems like my influence got you being dauntless aye?" Before he fainted (he probably used a lot of mana to revitalize the powers and mana sight in his eyes..) Tim notices "Nova?" Before he smiles and sees his tired friend (we can find answers and soon one more year we can become seniors…train Juniors before Graduating to become Faction Knights to find Answers for Dorothy).

Tim watched over Nova as his friend fell asleep, a mixture of concern and determination in his eyes. He knew that their journey in Mythlandia was far from over, and there were still many mysteries to unravel. With newfound abilities and the upcoming tournament, they had a lot to look forward to.

As he settled into his bed, Tim couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the friend he had found in Nova. Despite their differences and the challenges they faced, they had come a long way together. With a quiet resolve, he closed his eyes, ready to face whatever the future held for them in this fantastical world.

Little did they know that their adventures in Mythlandia's Emperial Nation Coloria they reside in were only just beginning, and the Emerald City held secrets that could change their lives forever.

The nickname the people of Coloria in all 7 Kingdoms considered to refer it as Cathedral Castle due to its mixed structure, moving on the off days already passed idly until the next week's Tournament time skip happens (Lady Scarecrow at least during this finally won the Tournament against a fellow upperclassmen Red Prince as they both respect each other, Both Tim and Nova overpower the BULLYING nobles as fellow commoner students like them cheer on such a way to show off to respect them more), until after that week another off day as Lady Scarecrow invited Nova and Tim to visit her place along with Zeke (Tim's mentor ) to celebrate and mark almost the end of their roles since. Next month their mentors would graduate and they as apprentices become Elite Combatants with their ranks evaluated like she and other upperclassmen (Nova nodded but requested he can drink wine, despite in this fantasy world he was told by time once they pass HUMAN age 16 they can drink) which currently they are 17 years old

The day of celebration at Lady Scarecrow's place arrived, and Nova and Tim, along with their mentors, were eager to join in the festivities. The gathering marked the almost end of their roles as apprentices, with graduation just around the corner. As they approached her residence, Nova couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the time they had spent training and learning under Lady Scarecrow.

The day of celebration at Lady Scarecrow's humble house arrived, and Nova and Tim, along with their mentors, were eager to join in the festivities. The gathering marked the almost end of their roles as apprentices, with graduation just around the corner. As they approached her residence, Nova couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the time they had spent training and learning under Lady Scarecrow.

They entered her home, which was adorned with simple yet elegant decorations. Inside, the atmosphere was festive, with delicious smells wafting from the kitchen.

Lady Scarecrow, dressed in a beautiful gown that was a stark contrast to her usual warrior attire, greeted them warmly. Tim, Nova, and Zeke were shown to a cozy sitting area, where they could relax and enjoy the evening.

The celebration was a mix of laughter, stories, and toasts to their successes. Lady Scarecrow praised Nova and Tim for their dedication and progress over the years, and Zeke shared stories of their training that had the group roaring with laughter.

As the evening continued, Lady Scarecrow raised her glass for a toast. "To the bright futures of our apprentices, Nova and Tim, and to the bonds we've forged over the years. May your paths be filled with strength and honor as you embark on your journey as Elite Combatants."

They clinked their glasses together, and Nova and Tim couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the incredible mentors and friends they had found in this magical land of Coloria.


 They all cheered back to the celebrated occasion for all of them. Afterward, As Tim and Zeke sleep on the couch while Nova and Lady Scarecrow chat in joy, she thanks Nova for the flowers she so preferred and is curious how long he works on it.

Nova smiled warmly at Lady Scarecrow as they chatted in the cozy living room. He appreciated her appreciation for the flowers he had tended to so diligently over the years.

"Well," Nova began, "I started tending to those Saruté Aurealis flowers shortly after you mentioned your preference for them during one of our early training sessions. They've been my secret project for quite some time now. I wanted to express my gratitude and admiration for all the guidance and support you've given me."

Lady Scarecrow's eyes sparkled with appreciation. "You have a kind heart, Nova, and a true passion for nature and magic. I'm deeply touched by this gesture, and I'm glad to have been your mentor and friend during your time at the academy."

Nova nodded, feeling a sense of fulfillment. "I've learned so much from you, Lady Scarecrow, not only about combat but also about life and the importance of staying true to oneself. I'll always carry those lessons with me."

Their conversation continued late into the night, filled with laughter and camaraderie, as they celebrated the bonds they had forged during their time together.

Next was how Lady Scarecrow admired that Inventive Neo-Heim style that is flexible for any weapon for combat (which she wished if the school allows it ever for a person to wield more than one class of weapon) before chuckling as she mentioned she felt proud sharing her rare Primal Style to Nova after witnessing his duel with Red Prince even though it's for abolishing a punishment (and she added it even help her gain confidence in deafening a fellow senior with respect and Red Prince even said despite all of them graduating they can meet in the future) she also explains the history of the style , she said the creator that is like a parent to her (the elven scholar alchemist that made her the one of a kind sentient gollem) "my Parent was , well he used to be a Emperial Baron yet he was punished by one of the Leaders of the Elven tribe due to whatever reasons of their ideals and forbids him to practice the Elven Colorian Arts…as he decided to create a new style of his own for a century and cannot conceive an Elven child use to being infertile or no interest of romance as he adore his scholarship…yet he desires a heir to his work so he created me base on the resources of the land of forest and steampunk mechanism , I even had a magical core under my outfit (mix with her eyes are also mana-crystal) but the sources of her sentient is unto her chest safely locked away "plus before I met you my current lifespan is 5 years old!!!" She says innocently as Nova is shocked before she explains not to mistake her age for a human age as she is a fast-growing golem of sentience and doesn't age mentally as a human does, plus she is a non-typical sentient being as she is a SCARECROW looking lady of her Scarecrow detailed looks before Nova spoked "no no, it's just-well it's just impressive your parent created you not in the usual Golem sense?"

Nova listened with great interest as Lady Scarecrow shared the history and origins of her unique Primal Style and her creation. He was particularly intrigued by the fact that her creator had been an Imperial Baron and had faced punishment for his pursuits.

"It's truly fascinating," Nova remarked, "that your parent, despite facing such adversity, was able to create a sentient being like you. Your existence and your martial style are both extraordinary."

Lady Scarecrow nodded, her straw-like hair swaying with the motion. "Indeed, it's been an unconventional journey for me. My creator was a brilliant scholar and alchemist, and he poured his knowledge and love for martial arts into crafting my essence. I owe him a great deal for my existence and for teaching me the Primal Style."

Nova then smiled warmly at her. "Well, Lady Scarecrow, I'm grateful that I had the chance to meet you and learn from you. Your style has not only made me a better fighter but also a more adaptable one. I look forward to the day when I can continue honing my skills and maybe even develop my unique style."

Their conversation continued late into the night, with Nova feeling a deep sense of respect and admiration for his mentor and friend.

Scarecrow then sipped her wine more and added "Plus, Nova dear…as comrades and fellow members of arms of this Academy I hope you and your friend Tim may succeed in your quest after this….and you Neo-heim style mix mine has proven that you are a worthy apprentice to inherit it, Hope you find a new Junior after next month of me and other senior's graduation alright?" Nova nods with a smile as they cheer as he gets his third wine sip and sleeps as he can't take it anymore for the lady scarecrow giggled (and if he ever desires a time of rest like love, may he just be fortunate enough to find the one that deserved of him)

With their glasses raised, Nova and Lady Scarecrow shared a heartfelt toast. Her words filled him with determination, and he nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Lady Scarecrow," Nova replied, his voice sincere. "I promise to uphold the legacy of our martial styles and continue the tradition. And, who knows, maybe I'll find a talented Junior who can carry on the Neo-Heim style as well."

As the night continued, Nova enjoyed the camaraderie and warmth of the gathering. It was a rare moment of relaxation and celebration, and he couldn't help but feel grateful for the friends and mentors he had found at the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy. Eventually, the wine and fatigue caught up with him, and he drifted off to sleep, looking forward to the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.

 More as a month passes, finally..... [Also note Nova gave an extra graduation gift other than flowers for Lady Scarecrow here using his talents of the arts that originate the secret time of his life in the real world]

Graduation day arrived, and it was a bittersweet moment for Nova and Tim. They had come a long way from being newcomers to the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy. As they received their diplomas and graduation gifts, Nova couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Tim, with his new set of armor for Zeke, expressed his gratitude for the mentorship he had received. Nova, on the other hand, presented a beautiful self-portrait of himself and Lady Scarecrow. It was a heartfelt gift that showcased his artistic talents and the bond they had formed during their time at the academy.

After the graduation ceremony, they said their farewells to their mentors and fellow students who were also moving on to new adventures. Nova and Tim, now officially Elite Combatants, were ready to face the challenges that awaited them outside the academy's walls.

Their journey was far from over, and as they left the academy behind, they knew that their next chapter would be filled with even more trials and discoveries in the colorful and diverse world of Coloria.

Now a week after the usual examinations , Nova and Tim received their trainee apprentices (they are twin sisters , One is named Rose Red Under Tim…the Other one is Snow White that is under Nova's mentorship) as they thank the head Wizardess of the academy and promised to take good care of them , as now on present day the girls (twins , but their personalities are based on their fairytale as sisters) willingly do daily chores as their duty to repay the mentorship of their seniors yet Tim as he read a book to pass the time told his own apprentice Rose Red (she is Redhead) to end her time and can rest back in her dorms with Snow White (Silvery-Black auburn hair) the Apprentice of Nova to no need to wait for her mentor as lately he really is taking advantage of the current status of such a role to slack off a bit since the rules cannot be to strict with mentors , but Snow White insisted to stay with a soft gentle personality (then Rose Red stayed for her sister's sake) until came by the Window as Tim ask where he has been as it's MID-NOON already [between 13 DayRise (AM) and 1 Nightfall (PM) ] , until Nova spoke with a smile and says there are Pineapple buns on sale nearby so he decide to TAKE a shortcut since this is the last day before offday tomorrow , he ate one and lend another for Tim as he says thanks you (the girls stare at his paperbag full of Pineapple buns) "Here , go ahead take the rest and share it with other juniors near your dorm!!" They smiled as Rose Red happily Held it as Snow White spoke "We are honored Elite Combatant Nova and Elite Combatant Timoetheus Richmond-" as her sister Redhose finished with the other hand salute "we shall share what Sir Nova given us for lunch so to speak we're going to be off now , thanks for the snacks as we shall eat before it gets cold" as Snow White nodded as they left after she told her daily chore report as Nova spoke it's fine and Tim says take care. afterwards of all these dialogue He ask his friend why after a month that marks their 3 year time as students of the academy (now as seniors) he still acts more of a slacker than usual before Nova tease about they are lucky their apprentices aren't so clingy or overwhelming like how most girls react when seeing them

Tim and Nova had settled into their roles as senior students at the Arcane Spell-Blade Academy, and they were now responsible for mentoring their own trainee apprentices, Rose Red and Snow White. The twins were diligent and respectful, which made the transition into mentorship relatively smooth.

One day, after Tim had finished reading a book, he decided to allow Rose Red to take a break and rest in their dorm. Snow White, however, insisted on staying with Nova. When Tim finally found Nova later in the day, he questioned where he had been, as it was already mid-afternoon. Nova simply replied with a smile that he had discovered a sale on pineapple buns nearby and had decided to take a shortcut to get some. He had brought some back for Tim as well.

As they enjoyed their snacks, the trainee apprentices, Rose Red and Snow White, looked on with interest. Nova generously offered the remaining buns to them, encouraging them to share with other juniors near their dorm.

After the twins left with their snacks, Tim asked Nova about his recent slacking behavior, noting that even after a month as seniors, Nova seemed more relaxed than ever. Nova playfully teased that they were lucky their apprentices weren't as clingy or overwhelming as some girls could be. It seemed that Nova was taking advantage of his mentorship role to enjoy some downtime, at least for now.

Truly appreciated to keep those readers/veiws rolling in , but still going to keep posting my finished draft as much as I can with this specific set of arc that is this Colors arc volume 001 wohoo!!!

Mystic_Magnificouscreators' thoughts