
Mythlandia Origins : Colors [Draft]

When Norman Valor just finished his daily routine (of studying, exercising, etc.) of his College life. Before going home he noticed someone was walking near the street. it was a little girl chasing her doll that dropped in the middle of the road. When Suddenly he heard a loud beep. He noticed that a vehicle was dashing from the direction to where the little girl was. So, he dashed to carry the girl with the doll & swiftly (Safely) threw her to someone who seemed to be her mother. When He was about to return to the other side. That Vehicle hit him. Alas, when he woke up. He woke up in a strange place. A forest, as he tries to recall how he got here. Unfortunately, He only remembered the name "Nova", strangely this name he recalled was a bit familiar. Like someone called him that way before. To understand where he was. He suddenly heard a loud noise nearby that seemed to be the sound of a person using his pickaxe to mine some minerals. Nova followed the sound...Hoping someone could guide him on who he was.

Mystic_Magnificous · ファンタジー
29 Chs

Rising Day to Reach 'til Nightfall

During the day Tim asks Nova to train him to be a versatile fighter like him since he realizes not only he is good at swordsmanship, he is also flexible in combat like able to use a pair of shields.

Nova agreed to help Tim with his training. They found a quiet spot near the temple to begin. Nova started by teaching Tim some basic martial arts techniques to improve his flexibility, balance, and agility. They practiced various stances and movements to build Tim's physical conditioning.

Next, Nova introduced Tim to the art of using a shield both defensively and offensively. He showed him different ways to block and parry attacks while also teaching him how to use the shield as a weapon. Tim was a diligent learner and quickly grasped the fundamentals.

As they continued their training, Nova incorporated magic into their sessions. He taught Tim how to channel his mana to enhance his physical abilities and even gave him some tips on basic spells that could be useful in combat.

Tim was determined to become a versatile fighter like Nova. He trained diligently, and with Nova's guidance, he started to show significant improvement. Their training sessions became a regular part of their routine, and Nova was proud to see Tim's progress.

Due to Tim's weak mana pool, he can't do the same buff method as Nova so he uses steampunk knowledge to invent special gauntlets or tin-metal armor light enough to be under his usual cultures to substitute his magicless state.

Tim's determination and ingenuity paid off as he successfully created a set of specialized gauntlets and light tin-metal armor that would enhance his physical abilities and compensate for his weak mana pool. Nova was impressed by Tim's resourcefulness and dedication to improving himself.

With the gauntlets and armor ready, Tim felt more confident than ever. He had grown stronger physically and had developed his combat skills significantly during their month of training together.

The final test, as Nova had mentioned, was to destroy the other half of the boulder they had been working on. This would not only demonstrate Tim's newfound strength but also serve as a testament to his perseverance and growth as a fighter.

Tim took a deep breath, gripped his shields, and swung with all his might. The boulder shattered into pieces, and Tim stood victorious, his hard work and determination paying off in the end. Nova couldn't have been prouder of his friend's progress.

Then all of a sudden the EARTHLY issues that blocked the growth of some forest (there is a reason lots of miners tried to keep mining this for generations before , then animals finally are able to spread out and flourish with the magical plants) as Tim smiles and also realized Nova rushed to Inform the villagers the OBSIDIAN boulder with the latest passed down miner Tim MADE THE FINAL blow and it can make generations of labor worth it as his current calling/vow as ended ,Oz. Catherine and the other villagers as they had a feast of Tim's Success while Mr.Stone the chief of the village (Oz' father) announces to listen and asks what the new calling/vow of his choosing, then Tim glances at Nova before he speaks "my new calling is to become a combatant just like Nova!!! And will follow him to set out to the main capital of Coloria of the Emerald City, the core and has the Indigo road flooring to distinguish it from the Purple brick colored roads of Amerite and other places of the Garnet Kingdom" as Nova came forth due to the village chief's cue to present himself as how much time Nova spent to be part of their community before setting out to prepare starting tomorrow to set Out.

Tim's announcement was met with cheers and applause from the villagers. They celebrated his success in breaking the obsidian boulder that had blocked the growth of the forest for generations. This achievement was seen as a significant turning point for the village, and Tim's determination had finally paid off.

As the villagers feasted and celebrated, Mr. Stone, the village chief, called for Tim to announce his new calling/vow. Tim's decision to become a combatant like Nova surprised many, but it was met with support and encouragement from the community.

Tim's choice meant he would be leaving the village and embarking on a new journey with Nova to the capital of Coloria, the Emerald City. This decision marked the beginning of a new chapter in Tim's life, and the villagers wished him well on his path.

Nova, having spent considerable time becoming a part of the community, was ready to set out on this new adventure with his friend. The excitement and anticipation of their journey to the capital filled the air, and the future looked promising for both of them.

Before Nova and Tim left with their packed things (Both of them carry large knotted bags with their different items) Catherine the Head Haddah of the Temple in Amerite.

Nova and Tim bid farewell to Sister Catherine and the villagers of Amerite, ready to embark on their journey to the capital of Coloria, the Emerald City. As they set out with their bags packed and spirits high, they promised initially Oz that they would do their best to find Dorothy and bring her back.

The promise hung in the air, filled with determination and hope. They knew that their journey would be filled with challenges, but they were ready to face them together. With a final wave to their friends, Nova and Tim set off on the road ahead, leaving behind the village they had come to call home.

Nova and Tim set forth on their journey towards Kansite, the main capital town of the Garnet Kingdom. With their secret handshake and a sense of camaraderie, they were ready to face the adventures and challenges that lay ahead on the road to the Emerald City. Their bond and friendship would serve as their strength as they embarked on this new chapter of their lives.

Nova and Tim arrived in Kansite after their long journey on foot. Exhausted from their travels, they decided to rent an inn to rest, replenish their supplies, and enjoy some much-needed comfort. After days of walking and with fresh clothes from the local market, they were ready to explore the capital city and continue their adventures in Colorian Terrain.

Suddenly Tim commented it was weird that he felt something Familiar with Nova even though they just met 5 months ago

Nova smiled at Tim's comment. "Yeah, it is kind of strange, isn't it? But sometimes, you meet someone and instantly click. It's like destiny brought us together for a reason." They both shared a sense of camaraderie, knowing that their journey together was just beginning, and there was much more to discover about each other.

Then, they finally tucked in their beds in a place where they stayed for slumbering. transitioning for Nova in this dreamworld-like domain as only his memories with Tao Yusha rekindled for this moment.

After that, Tim decided to yawn and sleep as Nova thought with guilt (whatever it is the reason felt so Tim familiar..I am certain this is more than just a lifelike vivid dream..) as he sighed and prepared to sleep. Inside the dreams submerging [then of course only in the dreamworld he can remember his comatose state and interactions with Tao Yusha who is playfully awaiting him and spoke how his journey so far before Nova got serious "I understand you wiping off memories of my coma, as I am aware the girl I saved back in the modern world that day and you explain a hint of what Mythlandia is, currently I am At the Imperial nation Coloria under Garnet Kingdom, plus my dreams of Isekai and stuff it may change…tell me the truth Tao Yusha-sama….Why pick me during my comatose state and most of these NAMES I recognize In those weird dreams as If I was living in that world yet it goes vague once I wake up again..Care to explain?"]

Tao Yusha looked at Nova with a serene smile in the dream world. "Ah, Nova, you have quite a curious mind. I chose you because you possess a unique connection to both the world you come from and this one, Mythlandia. Your journey is not just a dream; it's a bridge between these two realms. The names and memories you experience are fragments of both worlds, blending together in this extraordinary journey. You may uncover more as you go along, but remember, the threads of destiny are intricate and not always revealed in their entirety. Embrace the mystery, Nova, for it is part of what makes your journey so special."

With those words, Tao Yusha faded away, leaving Nova to contemplate the enigmatic nature of his adventure.

Nova spoke, "But hey why can't you do the GODLY thing is you are a god?" Until Tao Yusha sighed "fine fine, you know of Polytheism gods right in your modern world education? Well Mythlandia is that kind of fantasy world , additionally..." he got serious as well "I am a God or deity messenger-like Hermes/Mercury although different from that MODERN WORLD god..I am a Deity of informing between the higher tier and lower tier gods…plus can only interact through dreamworlds since I had the title of stars (a metaphor for thousands of Dre's) and rebirth as I can handle souls and the cycle of reincarnation, not that Isekai you think of..anyone that wants to be reborn through meeting me first in this realm...Dreams are between life and death.. at least to me, so I had limits to my role"

Nova nodded, absorbing the explanation. "I see, so you have your divine responsibilities. That makes sense. Thanks for shedding some light on this, Tao Yusha-sama. I guess I'll have to continue on my journey to uncover more of these mysteries."

Tao Yusha smiled again. "Indeed, Nova. Your journey is just beginning, and it will be a remarkable one. If you ever have more questions or need guidance, don't hesitate to seek me out in your dreams. Until then, safe travels."

With that, Nova's dream began to dissolve, returning him to the realm of restful slumber.

Nova then spoke "Still, can you at least tell me if my family is aware that well despite my comatose body of the other world…my sister and parents…they understand my role in this? Rather if what you hinted is true does that mean originally just a theory my family (De Valor's last name) used to live in the same village as Tim and Dorothy , is that why my YOUTHFUL body matched this dimension's timezone was well dunno it may have something to do with whatever memories got altered!! You didn't mention you can do that-" Then Tao Yusha said "Yes, but I can do that with permission and assistance…just be patient you may meet another GOD like me but more powerful to clear out why YOU AREN'T allowed to recall our interaction but your subconscious or intuition can sense to remember yet cannot describe..same goes for anyone's memories altered of your family's existence of the land"

Nova absorbed this information, understanding that some of the mysteries surrounding his situation might remain unanswered for now. "I appreciate your explanations, Tao Yusha-sama. It's a lot to take in, but I'll do my best to navigate this journey. Until we meet again in the dreamworld, then."

With that, Nova's dream continued, possibly filled with more hints and revelations from the enigmatic deity.

As Nova gasps awake first, he cannot remember what he dreamt about [again tied to the rules with the god disconnecting such memories of interaction] but he knows deep down he would uncover the truth with Tim to save Dorothy and investigate the system of this empire as he notice to help Nudge Tim awake mumbling in his sleep of trying Dorothy's baked goods 

Tim slowly roused from his slumber, blinking as he woke up. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Nova, what's up? Did you sleep well?"

As Tim asked, he tried to shake off the grogginess of sleep and prepare for another day of their journey.

Nova nodded despite breathing deeply (maybe the dream I had was a nightmare from college studies? Either way as shall focus right now) "Yeah all good, now let's get ready for Inn's breakfast before we keep going alright?"


Tim stretched and nodded, sitting up. "Sounds like a plan. I'm starving. Let's go grab some breakfast and then hit the road." He began to gather his things, preparing for another day of their journey.

He chuckles to join along for the meal (but dang I miss home, I wonder if this world has an alternative for Udon, Ramen, or any cuisine back in the modern world)


As they made their way to the inn's dining area, Tim and Nova enjoyed a hearty breakfast. Tim couldn't help but think about home and the familiar dishes he missed. "You know, Nova, I can't help but wonder if this world has any food that reminds you of home," Tim mused as he took a bite of his meal. "Maybe we'll stumble upon something familiar during our journey."

Nova nodded as he was in awe of Tim slowly getting to know the fellow as he munched "Mhm!!! Anyways, we're a good duo and hope with your new vow/calling I can help you find Dorothy.." then Tim added, "and Retrieved your memories on the way!!"

Their determination and camaraderie were evident as they enjoyed their breakfast, fueled by the shared goal of finding Dorothy and uncovering the mysteries of Nova's past. With a renewed sense of purpose, they finished their meal and prepared to continue their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


The Innkeeper asks the boys if they brought currencies (meaning Mana-lics, a term for jewels filled with magic but also currency of this world shaped like coins meaning lower value, but like prisms are higher value/price) until Tim realizes the price as they don't have prism mana-lics to pay the price yet Nova spoke: "how about we repay the Inn with manual labor for our breakfast and one night stay?" The innkeeper is in awe of how creative Nova is and how generous despite Tim's mistake and the innkeeper replies happily as he said "well boys how about tending to the rooms and passing the new food supplies for our storage room as I can see you both are strong enough, how 'bout it?"

The innkeeper's proposal was gladly accepted by Nova and Tim. They saw it as an opportunity to repay their debt and help out. Determinedly, they set to work, tending to the rooms and helping with the inn's food supplies, their spirits undeterred by the minor setback.

Tim during their repair labor apologized he didn't pack much money from his family's inheritance due to being the youngest child of his steampunk family and lest it's embarrassing to ask much money from his strict parents, then Nova doesn't mind yet is concerned he isn't close to his family compare to Oz and Dorothy.

Nova understood Tim's situation and assured him that they would figure things out together. He mentioned that they were like a family now, looking out for each other on this journey. Tim felt a sense of belonging and gratitude for having Nova as his friend and companion on this adventure.

After some time they finally were able to leave and of course, Nova took a while having a long chat with the innkeeper before rushing to Tim waiting and explaining he was asking to clarify if there was a blacksmith that was talented enough to craft custom items for every material, Tim wonders why yet Nova because one of the village hermits while it's during the time Tim finally broke the Boulder to complete his calling/vow that he was dragging a conversation that May pique interest as this hermit it sense Nova was the reason Tim improve his strength, got confidence and finish the job with combat and says collect the remains of Obsidian Boulder chunks that manipulated the earth and ruins the flow of Herbal element of the forest around it and maybe it can help Nova in the future (Tim chuckles in awe so that's why after talking to Oz afar he suddenly vanished before finally returning to join his side when the Chief welcome Nova's worth more than just a lost child for Amartia)

Tim was impressed by Nova's resourcefulness and the connections he had made, even with a hermit in a remote village. They collected the remains of the Obsidian Boulder chunks as advised by the hermit, not fully understanding their significance but trusting Nova's judgment. As they continued their journey, Tim felt a growing sense of admiration for Nova's ability to navigate this world and connect with people.

Then make the journey on their walk Tim refers That's why Nova carried the chunks of Indestructible Oblivion (Obsidian) Boulder into his special knot bag with magic imbued to prepare carrying it and be used in the future Nova comments like they had a dialogue "the Innkeeper said since the main capital of the Charoite (Indigo) Kingdom interconnected with Emerald city where the center of the empire were going at has blacksmith shops, even the best and lend me a letter to have verification to enter this BALDIE blacksmith dwarf that hailed from Topaz (Yellow) Kingdom from the Northeast location of the empire's regional COLOR wheel based borders" (as Amerite village within the Garnet Kingdom came from Southwest Location of the regional division)

Tim nodded, understanding the plan. They continued their journey toward the Emerald City of the Central Charoite Kingdom. As they walked, Tim asked, "So, Nova, you think this blacksmith in the capital can make something special out of that Oblivion Boulder?"

Nova nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "I believe so. The innkeeper said he's one of the best, and with the Oblivion Boulder's unique properties, we might be able to craft something extraordinary. Besides, this is just the first step in our journey to find Dorothy."

Tim smiled, grateful for Nova's confidence and resolve. They pressed on, eager to reach the capital and see what opportunities lay ahead.