
Mystic Encounters: A Paranormal Romance Fantasy

Jason Blackwood is shattered by grief. To cope, the reclusive half-demon devotes his lonely days to his young daughter and his community. His sorrowful nights, however, are haunted by dreams of a captivating encounter with an exceptionally beautiful woman. Amber Steele dreads staying in one place. As a globetrotting journalist, her dazzling yet hectic lifestyle protects her from a persistent longing to belong—until a passionate night with a magnetic stranger. When they cross paths again and their desire reignites, Amber is thrust into a whirlwind of emotions she can no longer ignore. But her chance at happiness comes with a ready-made family, and Amber knows she isn't cut out to be a mother. Jason, on the other hand, struggles to believe he deserves a second chance at love. Will their future crumble under the weight of past traumas, or can Jason become the man Amber needs and open his heart to love once more?

PoppyBlue · 都市
3 Chs

Chapter 3 Parting


"You are delicious."

Even in my post-orgasmic state, my eyes sprung open, wondering how something said in such a gentlemanly way could sound so…pornographic. The man was a goddamned master with his tongue and fingers.

"Jason, need you." I needed to be filled and fucked. Jason raised his head, amusement and desire burning in his eyes.

"But I have not finished down here. Just lay back and let me work you into a frenzy of blissful ecstasy and the most intense climax of your life."

I trembled when his mouth found and teased my engorged clit at the same moment his fingers stroked my g-spot. My body quaked, and the room spun as I fell apart, making wordless sounds of pure, unadulterated ecstasy. Wave after wave of euphoria cascaded through me. As my body still sparked and my mind refused to stop reliving the most intense climax of my life, his covered length was already at my core, pushing in slowly. Filling me to the point of exquisite pain, the best aphrodisiac ever.

Jason paused and kissed me hungrily. My hands roamed the contours of his back and chest before fluttering down his six-pack to where our bodies met. He hissed as I stroked them both. I was desperate for him to move, but was grateful for a moment to adjust to his substantial size. I whimpered and looked into his eyes, as he started moving in long sensual strokes, escalating my need. I opened my mouth to tell him more, but he rammed in and I lost my ability to think about anything other than his cock inside me. Our bodies moved in a harmonious dance of passion. Stars flashed in my eyes as my body tightened and gave way to rapacious joy, making me cling to Jason in case I passed out from the ferocity of sensations swarming my system. Jason gave several hard thrusts and stilled, grunting his own release deep inside me.

He rolled onto his back, taking me with him, my head resting against his shoulder and his arms around me as we both took time to catch our breath and float down to earth. While I was still recovering, a kiss landed on my forehead.

"Sunshine, that was a pretty spectacular start to our night."

My eyes flew open. If that was only the start, there was no way I would be able to walk by the morning.

"Indisputably, that was only the start." There was a finality to his words that was only underlined by his deep, contented sigh.



I woke to the sound of sunshine moving around my hotel room, doing her best to be quiet. I would love to bring her back to bed, but I knew I had to let her leave. One day, this sensual and vivacious sunshine would find her mate and they would lead a life of excitement and contentment, but that day was not today, and that mate was not me. My familiar sad hollowness flowed back to replace the exhilaration of the night before. As sunshine walked out of the bathroom fully dressed, I kept my eyes closed and breathing even. Neither of us needed to endure the goodbye.



I stared at the sleeping man before me. He'd been a damned sex god and an utter gentleman. I would truly miss him and not just the sex. Although that was phenomenal, I was right, it was difficult to walk this morning but so worth it. The thought of never getting to know him or seeing the sadness leave his eyes hurt. Whoever he really was, he deserved a life of happiness, free of whatever haunted him. Leaning in close, I gently caressed his cheek.

"Hope we meet again, Jason." Then, with a soft kiss on his lips and a heavy heart, I forced myself to leave his room.