
Mystery of the gone

Xiu Fei, she was currently transferred to Country Huaxia after working as the new Chairman of the Social Affairs of U.S.A for working there on the same post. Coming back to her own country after years should have felt good but she was anything but happy. She was filled with the desire to take revenge. She was weak in the past, so weak that she lost everything she had, so weak that she could not even save her own child, so weak that she could not even save her career she dreamt of since she was 4. But now she was no longer like that, she was stronger, stronger than more than 99.99% of people out there. Li Shi was a doctor, the heir of the Li and Mu family, a prodigy with hidden identities but most of all he was Xiu Fei’s childhood crush. They met, they rekindled their feelings, but he has a child. A child who looked a lot like her child would have looked if still alive and he faces the same problem because she has a daughter who looks resembles his daughter whom he lost. But this is not done yet over here. Not only do they have to solve multiple constrictor knots of their past and make their present smooth but they also have to face the world when they are blamed for the massacre in which 60% of the human population died. Join them in their journey from strangers to friends to lovers to childhood sweethearts to enemies and more. ___________________ EXCERPT:- Li Shi:" Love, how many children more do you want to have with me in the future? " Shocked by the sudden question and the content of the question she glared at him with wide eyes before saying "Are you mad? I don't want more children. Two are enough. It's gonna be hard to handle more it already is tough enough to handle these two naughty kids. Please I don't want to be tired to the bones everyday" "My love, don't you worry, I will help you take care of them. You can't get tired just with two kids. Remember your love letter. You yourself said that you want a whole cricket team of kids. We will surely create one. After all everything you ever dreamt of is my command to fulfill. Right?" And that was the moment she knew she was fucked up.

Be_novelish · 都市
2 Chs

There was no knight for her.

Country Huaxia's time; 6:00 pm.

The Quartet of Xiu Fei, Xiu Ai, Manny and Lili were still in air. They still was an hour in landing. Xiu Fei had been working the whole time while the other three slept after a few hours. Obviously they would want to sleep cause since the past few days Manny and Xiu Ai had been busy preparing to shift and it was already time to sleep for Little Lili.

But even though Xiu Fei had only slept for no more than 15 hours in the past week she could still not sleep. She could never sleep with the thoughts of returning back to the country where she once lost almost everything. Her son, her career, her family fortune, her family's happiness, her siblings' dreams, her respect and a lot more.

Not like she would have been able to sleep if she were not in the flight to Huaxia, she could hardly sleep for more than 4-5 hours at a time since the nightmares would wake her up, but right now she was in a moving vehicle, though you could hardly feel the movement in the airplane but she still could not sleep because the past incidents would always let her stay high on guard whenever she was in a vehicle then be it waterways, airways or roadways.

In the beginning she had made all the documents that the new appointed Chairman of the social affairs of U.S.A might require as he was replacing her, then she started to study about the current affairs of Huaxia as she will be taking her place as the Chairman of the social affairs of Huaxia in a few days after the retirement of the current Chairman.

After she had done all that currently she was looking for good schools in Euphoria city of Huaxia. Euphoria was Huaxia's capital and they naturally would have the best facilities in Euphoria and they were going to stay there only.

Euphoria had many schools but three schools were very famous. Out of the three two were famous nationally with some fame internationally but one school was far more famous then these two, both nationally and internationally and could be ranked on 1st rank for Kindergarten and the nest 12 year education school nut being a mother she will check the schools herself first and then only will she make any decision.

By the end she had 6 schools she liked on her list naturally the best 3 on her list and she hoped she could find what she was looking for in the first one as it was called the best school in the world for a reason and there were more reasons for this.

Once all her work was done she checked her watch and realized that there were only a few minutes before they would land so she packed her devices and kept them aside and removed a blindfold and eye drops from her handbag. Though she could not sleep she could at least take a rest and let her eyes heal from all the harm that had come their way from all the staring at the screen it had received.

Not like she was a health freak or something but she needed to do these things as her she promised her mom and daughter to take care of herself. Before putting the eye drops she let the blindfold rest on her forehead, put on earbuds with her favorite music on and then put eyedrops and put on the blindfold properly.

It was one of her favorite song- 'Someone you loved' by Lewis Capaldi

This song always reminded her how she felt almost 5 years ago, 5 years ago when it all started, started the ruin, ruin of something she loved dearly, so dearly that with those things a huge part of her soul also died; she could have stopped it but she didn't cause she was weak, weak to think that someone else will come and save her, she waited for a knight and she herself became the damsel in distress, the damsel who needed the knight to come and save her.

This song reminds her of her stupidity and makes her resolve to become strong even stronger. This song reminds her of the time when she was slapped with the reality that there was no knight and she lost the chance to save herself.

Now she think that maybe, just maybe she could have saved herself even at that time only if she were a little better and a little stronger. She had learnt it the hard way that there was no knight for her, much less a knight in a shining armor.

"I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me

This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy"

The time when she was blamed by everyone but the person who should have supported her and could have stopped it all with just a word who didn't came putting her through humiliation in front of a group of people.

"I need somebody to heal

Somebody to know

Somebody to have

Somebody to hold"

When she begged him to come and help her and he made excuses.

"It's easy to say

But it's never the same

I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain

Now the day bleeds

Into nightfall

And you're not here

To get me through it all"

The day when she realized that his apology was fake and he never meant it and yet again didn't come to her aid but had fun.

"I let my guard down

And then you pulled the rug

I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to turn to

This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you"

The times when she stupidly believed all his apologies and forgave him with just a single tear of his without a fight. The time when she found him in a compromising position with someone else.

"Now, I need somebody to know

Somebody to heal

Somebody to have

Just to know how it feels"

The tears she shed over him and he was not there to hold her, wipe her tears, tell her that it was just a misunderstanding.

"It's easy to say but it's never the same

I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape

Now the day bleeds

Into nightfall..."

All the times when he should have been with her and he was not, all his fake apologies and promises, all the times she trusted his lame excuses, all the times he treated her as if her pain was nothing and she was not violated, all those memories came back to her and then came the day when he publicly lied and defamed her so he could be with his mistress.

And then before she could remember more she felt a small and soft hand gripping her and slightly shaking it. Then she heard the only voice which could seize all the bad memories away and bring a sense of serenity in her heart and mind.

Obviously it was the voice of her daughter, her Lili, her sunlight and her only life straw. She then took off her blindfold and earbuds and sat properly.

As soon as she opened her eyes the beautiful face of her daughter greeted her and a smile which only appeared in front of her daughter greeted her face and all the grief washed away.

Then she heard her daughter saying excitedly, " Momma just now a pretty lady came and said that we should put on our seatbelts as the plane will be landing soon. Momma I am so excited. This is my first time going to our home country."

As soon as Xiu Fei heard Lili, her smile faded for a second but came again before she nodded and said, "Okay dear then sit on your place properly and let Momma help you put your seatbelt okay? But put some cotton in your ear before that."

"I am already ready to land Momma and Manny jiùjiu & Ai yí mā are also ready it's only you who is left. Hurry up and get it ready"

"Okay baby"

Then she put on her seatbelt and then looked at Lili who was looking as excited a child would for her favorite festival and her eyes turned dim and then she turned to look at Manny and Xiu Ai and noticed both looked a little puffed as they just woke up from their sleep but still it appeared as if they had thoughts just like her and were ready to go on a war.

Hey guys.

Just today I read a review by someone ************************

and it has made my day worse and worst.

I can't even find the inspiration to write at all.

Such a bad review, FINE!

That's not a problem. There will be bad reviews with good ones too.

But such a bad review when you didn't even read the chapter, that is immorale of you.

You piece of **** can't say anything nice then keep your mouth shut.

I am a student. I am in last year of my HSC and hence can only manage to write a chapter in 2 days as I still have to get used to writing. Please support me and do not do this

I will be posting tomorrow if I could find the inspiration

Be_novelishcreators' thoughts