
Mystery of the gone

Xiu Fei, she was currently transferred to Country Huaxia after working as the new Chairman of the Social Affairs of U.S.A for working there on the same post. Coming back to her own country after years should have felt good but she was anything but happy. She was filled with the desire to take revenge. She was weak in the past, so weak that she lost everything she had, so weak that she could not even save her own child, so weak that she could not even save her career she dreamt of since she was 4. But now she was no longer like that, she was stronger, stronger than more than 99.99% of people out there. Li Shi was a doctor, the heir of the Li and Mu family, a prodigy with hidden identities but most of all he was Xiu Fei’s childhood crush. They met, they rekindled their feelings, but he has a child. A child who looked a lot like her child would have looked if still alive and he faces the same problem because she has a daughter who looks resembles his daughter whom he lost. But this is not done yet over here. Not only do they have to solve multiple constrictor knots of their past and make their present smooth but they also have to face the world when they are blamed for the massacre in which 60% of the human population died. Join them in their journey from strangers to friends to lovers to childhood sweethearts to enemies and more. ___________________ EXCERPT:- Li Shi:" Love, how many children more do you want to have with me in the future? " Shocked by the sudden question and the content of the question she glared at him with wide eyes before saying "Are you mad? I don't want more children. Two are enough. It's gonna be hard to handle more it already is tough enough to handle these two naughty kids. Please I don't want to be tired to the bones everyday" "My love, don't you worry, I will help you take care of them. You can't get tired just with two kids. Remember your love letter. You yourself said that you want a whole cricket team of kids. We will surely create one. After all everything you ever dreamt of is my command to fulfill. Right?" And that was the moment she knew she was fucked up.

Be_novelish · 都市
2 Chs

The Return

On the runways of New York International Airport, a majestic plane could be seen standing and ready to board the passengers. In the VIP waiting area four people could be seen seating on a table. Among them were two woman, a man and a little girl who looked no more than 4 years old. A woman with black hair with silver balayage, hair reaching till her mid back could be seen talking to a man with a super clean high fade haircut with silver textures and a little girl who had armpit length long brown neset hair.

These three were talking or more like the two adults were fighting and they had made the little girl the judge.

The woman, "Obviously you copied my hairstyle, this little devil Lili must have told you about my hairstyle and how I looked so good in it that you copy mine."

The little girl who was suddenly wronged¯\_(ツ)_/¯... What did I do? Why am I getting involved in these children's fights?

The man," Xiu Ai, how many times do I have to tell you that I did not copy your hairstyle I even had it the day before yesterday. I got it earlier than you who got it yesterday only. It must be you who copied my hairstyle."

Xiu Ai, "How is that even possible? I did not even see you since the past few days, how can I copy it? Mo Yu I am warning you stop false blaming me."

"How many times have I said do not call me with that name. Call me Manny."

"Why? It sounds pretty good. It sounds like a fish. Exactly like a you - a stinky fish" (In Chinese the name Yu has two meaning fish and surplus)

And finally little Lili could no more bear with it and turned to look at the other person with them, a troubled look on her face, but the woman looked lost in her own thoughts and didn't look like she would come out of them soon hence the little girl took the matter in her own hands.

"Ai yí mā, Manny jiùjiu are you guys sure you are older than me? Even I don't behave like you guys. Let's just call it a co..co..coisi..coinchidense, okay? You both look good like this." (Don't come at me telling me it is a spelling mistake it is deliberate to show the little girl is unable to speak such a huge word after all she is just 4 years old.)

And just a few words from our Lili and the people who previously looked like they would kill each other any second stopped fighting and were instantly smiling at Lili like two little puppies.

"Okay I will forgive her for my Xiao Li but baby tell me, Manny jiùjiu looks better right?"

"Dream on, obviously her Ai yí mā looks better right Little princess?"

"Ai yí mā, just now you called me a little devil but now when you need me to praise you, I am a little princess? Humph! I won't talk to you for 10 mins and my Handsome jiùjiu looks better."

Manny-1 Xiu Ai-0

"Yo! Xiao Ai, you lost! Hahahaha!! You heard what my honey said right? I look better than you."

Xiu Ai wanted to retaliate but then her gaze went to her little sister who was sitting with them silently the whole time. They didn't try to disturb her before because during their way to the airport she had been working in the car, then when they got to know that the flight was delayed by an hour they sat their and had their dinner and her sister doesn't like to speak much while eating and now they were talking since past few minutes so she didn't realize because though her little sister wasn't aloof but she didn't like to speak much since very long time.

But now she could feel that her sister's silence was quite unusual today and already had an inkling of the reason and though she wished to talk her sister out of her thoughts she knew that she could not do it because se knew that the thoughts she must be having at the moment she needs them. She needed the thoughts of her revenge.

Xiu Ai knew that Xiu Fei, her little sister, whom she knew since the childhood was no more, rather in her place was that sister of her who was only a mother. A mother who was working hard to fulfill every desire of her daughter and though she had made enough for that already that a hundred families could be idle their whole life and have 5 luxurious meals daily she was still working hard to take revenge. To take revenge for her son.

The Xiu Fei she knew 6 years ago was not a pessimist, she was not a person who would wear multiple layers of coldness and aloofness in front of people, she was not a person who gave the vibe as such there is no soul inside her, she was not a person with no shine in her eyes. She was bubbly, optimist, carefree, she never thought too much about her decisions, she had the shine in her eyes- shine which could light up the whole room, smile which could make everyone forget their worries, personality which would make people be in comfort around her in a second.

The Xiu Fei then and the Xiu Fei now were not just total opposites, if one had seen both of them they would say that they were two different people even if they were presented with a DNA test one would still think that they were twin sisters rather than the same person because the change was huge as if from the top of heaven to the bottom of hell.

But she could not blame her. Xiu Fei had already suffered a lot since her birth but she could still manage to be such a jolly person back then, but losing her son who could not even live for a week whom she could not save, losing her career for which she dreamed of since she was three for which she fought her whole family for for which she abandoned her inheritance worth trillions; no one should have expected anything else.

Xiu Fei was deep in her thoughts but that does not mean she was not aware of her silence, she was aware, she was aware how her daughter had stopped the fight between the two adults and how before that she had looked at her troubled, she was aware of her sister's thoughts as she went in a daze looking at her since the past few minutes.

She knew this gaze very well in the past 4 years but she never ever asked her what she was thinking because she knew that if she attempted to let her sister put her emotions out then they would talk about past only and how she wants her sister to just live for Lili and herself and not for her revenge. She knew she was being selfish by doing this, by not letting her sister talk about her worries when all she did was get worried for her but she also knew that she might not go so hard in her revenge if she talked about that with her sister.

And Xiu Fei could not afford that. How could she afford to have 1 reason of her living when she only had two- her daughter and revenge.

She let her sister be in her thoughts for a few minutes because she knew in a few minutes the announcement would be made. She let the announcement make her come out of her stupor if Lili and Manny didn't because she didn't like to break anyone out of their stupor when they are thinking about something deeply as she herself didn't like it when she was made to come out of her thoughts.

Anyways it was already 7:58 p.m. and according to the delayed time they were supposed to board by 8:00 p.m. Two minutes won't hurt. She would never let her sister think about the past too much and hurt herself. Thinking about the past was only her right and duty.

Just then an attendant came to them and politely took them to board their flights.

The flight was for 14 hours and Xiu Fei didn't want to have a headache with Manny and Xiu Ai's fights hence she and Lili settled near the two seats separated by a knee high partition and the seats were only at arm length distance from each other so Xiu Fei didn't bother letting Lili seat at a far away distance.

Manny sat with her on her side and Xiu Ai sat with Lili on her side. This was not the only reason for this arrangement but there was one more. They did not know that the arrangements like this with which they have gone habitual for the past 4 years just as an extra caution on Xiu Fei's side would have saved them from so much trouble in the future.