
Mysterious Survivors(Taehyung's Pov)

⚠︎☠『Taehyung highschool student who has been trying to survive alone. One day, in a risky attempt to get food from an abandoned store, he is attacked by a zombie. He nearly dies but is rescued by a mysterious gang of boys, who take him back to the highschool where they've been hiding.』☠⚠︎ ⚠︎This whole story will be on Taehyung's Pov☠ ♥︎Daily Update So Please Stay Tuned♥︎

Temptress_bella · ホラー
7 Chs

I am not Alone Anymore

Jenny : If more than half of us vote against him, he's gone. Agreed?

Bogum : Hey, stop being so mean! He's my friend. Do you treat your friends like that?

Jenny : Well, why don't you just leave together with your friend then?

? no.7 : Yeah, that'd be perfect! At least you guys won't be alone.

Bogum : Are you being serious?

Jimin : You guys, cut it out!


Just as I was getting comfortable in here.

I was too nervous to say even a word.

Just then, a girl who looked as nervous as I was, walked over to me and asked.

? no.8 : Uh...where have you been staying all by yourself?

Me : Ah, I've been just hiding in different houses. The ones without anyone in them.

Jenny : Hey, don't even bother. You're not gonna be able to find out if he's infected.

? no.8 : ...

Jenny glared at me again. Her eyes were very intimidating.

Jenny : I don't trust you. Not even a bit. Don't you get it? Nobody wants you here. I don't understand why we even have to vote. Everyone here is dreading the idea of having to make it through this situation. And I know for a fact that someone like you will just make it harder.

Yoongi : Oh, shut up.

Jhope : Let's talk when Namjoon and Jungkook get back. We'll vote.

? no.7 : You guys are unbelievable. Jenny's totally right, isn't she?

Bogum : I can't believe you guys are being so selfish.

Jimin : ...

No one spoke after Bogum.

The atmosphere was tense. I started getting more scared.

When the silence was about to get even more unbearable.


Bogum : AAAAH!

A loud bang suddenly broke the silence.

Jhope : What was that?

? no.7 : Oh, shoot. Is it more damn zombies?

? no.8 : Wait! Can't you guys smell something burning?

Jenny : Oh, that's just great! All this is happening conveniently after you came here!

I refused to let her get to me. At least until the situation was resolved.

But really I could smell something burning.

I quickly rose from my chair as the few others rushed to the door.


? no.7 : What the...?!

There was smoke in the hallway.

Everyone panicked and sniffed, trying to figure out where the smell was coming from.


The smoke grew thicker by the second.

Through the plume of smoke, I could barely make out the room number of the classroom in front of me. 1-F...

I was afraid to open the door.

What if something terrible happened to those two guys...?


Me : !!!

The door suddenly opened, showing two blurry silhouettes appear in the smoke.

Namjoon : *cough*...Damn it.

It was Namjoon and Jungkook. Their faces were contorted as they kept violently coughing.

Oh thank God. They were okay.

? no.8 : Wh-what happened here?!

Jungkook : I don't know. Something just exploded.

Jenny : What!?

? no.7 : Shouldn't we do something?!

Me : ...

But we couldn't just watch the fire spread.

If we don't do something about the flames before they grow any bigger.

Fortunately, the lack of ventilation in there was slowing down the spread.

Namjoon and Jungkook were still catching their breath.

The others were either looking after the two guys, or were standing still, panicking.

Someone had to step up, and it had to be done right away!

Bogum : What should we do?! What do we do?!

Jimin : We can't just stand around doing nothing. What the...?!

Jhope : Hey! What are you doing?!

I could hear them screaming behind me, as I ran into the classroom.

But nothing could stop me.

I wanted to show them what I was capable of.

Me : I'm scared...

The heat from the flames was intense.

Me : It's okay. I can handle this. I remembered fire safety training back in school.

I hadn't just run into the classroom without a plan.

I had seen a fire extinguisher in the classroom when I was with the other guys.

This is a school, so there should be another one around.

Yes, there it is!

It was difficult to breathe through all the smoke. To be expected, since all the windows were barricated and sealed shut.

I picked up the fire extinguisher, and pull the safety pin.

I remember all the steps from the training, but it wasn't as easy as I imagined.

I put down the extinguisher on the ground and pulled the safety pin.

I had only seen videos how to do it. I calmed myself down and aimed the nozzle at the fire.



As soon as I pressed the nozzle, a cloud of white gas was released. I couldn't see anything.

Was the fire put out? The fume made me dizzy.

? : Damn it!

Someone roughly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from the fire, making me drop the fire extinguisher.

That voice that must be...

Jhope : What the heck are you doing?

It was Jhope.

Me : I was just trying...*cough*...to put out the...*cough*...

My eyes were filled with tears because of the smoke. But this time, Jhope wasn't yelling at me for crying.

Jimin : You really scared us!

To my surprise, it was Jimin who scolded me this time. His face didn't have the smile he had worn earlier.

Me : *cough*...I couldn't just stand by and watch.

Yoongi : Hey, it's all good now. See? No more fire. Why are you getting so angry, Jimin?

Jimin : ...

Like Yoongi said, the fire seemed to have died out.

All that remained of it were the dark scorch marks on the floor.

Thank God it was only a small fire.

I had survived everything so far. If I can survive getting attacked by zombies, it would be embarrassing to die from a small fire.

Yoongi walked over to the windows in the hallway, and opened them to let some fresh air in.

The air felt cold, but was still refreshing and welcome.

Me : Phew...

I felt a sense of relief, And then I was stricken by all pent up exhaustion.

I collapsed helplessly onto the floor.

Jhope : Hey, keep it together!

Me : I'm too tired to stand.

Jhope walked over and crouched down in front of me.

He started talking to me bluntly.

Jhope : How did you manage to put out that fire, when you're this weak?

Me : I'm as surprised as you are.

Jhope : Still, you did it. Are you hurt?

Me : No...I'm fine.

Jhope : If you actually want to stay alive, then you should act like it and try to stay away from danger. Don't make us worry like that.

Did he mean that I could stay?

Jhope : How the hell did the fire start, anyway?

Jhope asked the guys on the other side, as he walked toward them.

Namjoon : No clue, I was just looking for some cookies.

Jungkook : *nod*

Yoongi : I found a lighter in there.

Yoongi joined the conversation holding a piece of a broken lighter in his hand.

Namjoon : What's that doing here? Was that in that classroom?

Yoongi : I went in there to open the windows and found it. Man, it still stinks in there.

Jhope : It must have exploded by itself.

But it's not even hot enough in here to trigger such an explosion.

As long as we know where it started, I guess there isn't much to be worried about.

? no.6 : I'm so glad you guys are alright.

Bogum : I know, right? What a relief!

Jhope : Oh, and by the way...

Jhope hesitated. But he finished his sentence as he turned back and looked at me.

Jhope : Screw the whole voting thing. Let him stay.

? no.8 : I was about to say the same.

Jenny : ...

Jhope scratched his head and held out his hand toward me.

Me : H-huh?

I reached and grabbed on his hand and he pulled me up.

Everyone was looking at me.

I was still nervous. But the tension in the room didn't seem as serious as earlier.

? no.7 : Damn it...how could I tell him to leave when you guys are like that?

Namjoon : I agree with Jhope. He risked her own life to put out that fire. I mean, none of us was even attempting to do it.

Jungkook : We can't force him to leave.

I felt my heart rush hearing them arguing for me to stay.

Jenny : This is so annoying.

? no.6 : Jenny, come on. You're being selfish.

Bogum : Please don't make him leave.

Bogum sniffled as he held my hand.

He was such a good friend and hid good heart was so touching. I was about to burst into tears.

Yoongi : We could use an extra hand when we go on patrols, don't you think?

Me : Patrols?

Yoongi : You never know what's out there. I mean, this place might look okay but it's basically falling apart. We have had to go around and fix it up and maintain it ourselves. There are still some places we haven't managed to check out yet, though.

Me : Oh...

It was no wonder they were so hostile at first.

This place was not as safe as it seemed.

Me : I can totally do my part on the patrols!

Jimin : I am for it too. You know, he's staying here.

Jimin finally broke his silence.

I thought he was still upset with me, but I guess. he's okay now.

Jimin : As long as he won't get himself in any more danger.

Me : O-okay. I won't. I promise.

Jimin : ...

He must have been so worried, I felt bad for causing all that trouble.

Bogum : So we are all on the same page?

Namjoon : Jenny, what do you say?

This time, everyone's eyes were on her.

She bit her lip in frustration.

Jenny : Well, what's the point? I'm keeping my eyes on you. The minute something's off with you. I mean, any slightest sign that bothers me, you are out. So annoying.

Geez, I wasn't sure how long I could let her treat me like that.

I figured it would take some time until we could get along.

Still, I have to thank the other guys, though.

Me : Thank you for letting me stay.

Namjoon : Don't mention it.

Me : Let me know if there's anything I can help with.

Namjoon : Actually, there is one thing you can do.

Me : Sure, why not? What is it?

Namjoon : It's very simple. Get some rest.We all have our own room here. You can pick any empty classroom for yourself, too.

Namjoon smiled softly.

Jhope : I think all the classrooms on this floor are taken, The only one available was just destroyed in the fire.

Bogum : I think he should be with the rest of us on this floor. We can share room!

Me : Really? Are you sure?

Bogum : Of course! I didn't enjoy being by myself anyway.

Me : Aww. Bogum~!

Bogum grabbed my hands and swung them in excitement.

Finally, I'm not alone anymore!

Although I still was not quite comfortable in the school, I believed that this was more than enough for the moment.


Hey guy it's my new story. I hope you all liked the story. Please tell me in the comments should i continue or not and also about your opinion for this story and support my stories by votes and comments so that i can continue and write more stories.

Thankyou ♡♥︎♡

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Also daily update so stay tuned✓

I love you ❤︎