
Before I met him

My name is Amina, I'm 19 years old and I'm studying to be a Nurse and that's how I introduced myself to the whole class and what happened next shocked me. The whole class erupted with laughter and I felt ashamed. The students said.."You can't be a surgeon because you'll be married off" and the rest of the children laughed. In my hometown, people don't believe girls my age could go to school and it always hurt my ego even with my amazing grades when I hear such comments. But I never took it to her heart because I knew dad loved me and will allow me to go to school. I went back to my sir dejected and embarrassed, I didn't talk in class till the end of the day. I was glad it was time to go home and I was very excited. A boy named Khalil walked up to me when I was about to go out of the class and I was shocked . Khalil is one of the richest boys in my school, He's father is one of the most influential men in Dubai but he was always quiet and he does not talk or relate to people especially Girls. I was surprised he was standing in front of me with his dazzling face, he had a pair of Grey eyes, curly hair and he was at least 6ft tall, he looked like he has a good physique from the sight of his uniform. He always looked good when coming to school, he was looks clean and handsome and I love that; while I was gawking at him like a fool, I didn't realize I was staring at him like a hungry dog.

Khalil then said: Hey, Amina, I like what you Said today in class. My mom also studied to be a Nurse and she works as one in her own clinic. You can come get some lessons from her id you're interested.

I then said: Sure (in awkward face)

Khalil: Bye then.. and yes stop staring at me like that, you look like you're gonna cry.

He then walked away and I finally exhaled . I ran so fast back home that I thought my hijab was going to fall of my head.

My mom saw me from a distance and I new I was going to get a scolding as usual but something weird happened instead; she just looked at me with a sad sigh and I was very confused but I just kissed her as usual and I went to my room.

I pulled my clothes and prayed my daily prayer. I went out to help my mom out with some chores. But she asked to let her do it and I was starting to get a weird feeling. Then I asked her; "Mama is anything wrong? Did I do something to you mom" and she said nothing but they was some hot tears in her eyes but she didn't pour them out. I concluded that definitely something was wrong but I decided to let her be for some time. Dad didn't come home till 8pm and that's the latest he has ever been back but I didn't want to bother him, so I just gave him his daily hug and kiss on the cheek. I went back to my room to study and finish my homework but I heard no words at all from Mom or Dad, which was strange because they both talk about their day every single night. I went to bed with a lot on my mind but I didn't say anything .

My first book. I hope you enjoy it.

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