
Mysterious App

Yamaguchi Ryuichi, discovered a mysterious app installed on his smartphone. Thanks to the app, his ordinary, flat life has taken a 180% turn. An ordinary man, but not ordinary if you get to know him closely. Tag : #Gender Bender #Netori #MindControl #Harem #Romance ================== But if you feel like you can't wait, you can go to my patreon or check the link below PA TREON LINK:https://www.patreon.com/touyama I WILL POST MANY INTERESTING NOVELS THERE

Bakakeju · アニメ·コミックス
67 Chs

Chapter 26

"Yo Eiji." Arata greeted Eiji. Eiji ignored Arata and immediately approached Aiko because his passion was really at its peak. He crushed the girl's lips greedily without caring about the existence of Arata, the girl's boyfriend who was standing next to him.

Knowing this would happen, Aiko wrapped her arms around Eiji's neck spoilingly and accepted the kiss while linking their tongues.

"Wow, I actually don't want to do it now, but after seeing Ryu and Hana having sex, let alone seeing senpai being rotated. Makes my lust really explode." Arata said in surprise at the sight of a senpai Gyaru girl whose entire body was almost covered in semen.

He lifted the skirt of his girlfriend who was kissing Eiji, took out his penis and inserted it into Aiko's ass hole.

"Ahhh damn Arata-kun!!! At least use lube first or something so it can enter smoothly!" Aiko complained. But Eiji lifted the girl's legs and immediately inserted his already swollen penis into her pussy.

"Ahhhhh! I told you to use lube or let me get wet first!" Aiko moaned from the pain of her still not wet pussy. Her ass felt very hot from being rubbed by her boyfriend's penis which was already a little bigger than before.

Hana was still giving Ryu a blowjob until it hit her throat several times. Ryu pulls Hana's head and makes her sit on his lap. He can't hold himself back anymore. Ryu's penis penetrates deep into Hana's pussy with a single stroke.

"Ahhh Ryuu!" Hana sighed in pleasure. The gym was completely filled with the pungent smell of sex.

Aiko was with Eiji and her boyfriend Arata. While Ryu was with Hana, and a senpai who took care of 17 penises alone. Sometimes Ryu used Aiko's mouth while Hana licked her asshole wildly. Pulling Aiko's head as if it were her toy, while the girl's pussy and ass holes are filled by her boyfriend and Eiji's dicks.

By nightfall, Eiji and Arata had had enough of this for hours and fell fast asleep naked. While Hana licked Ryu's dick at the same time Aiko was still awake.

Some of the male senpai using the Tachibana had already gone home, or some had left due to exhaustion. Tachibana was completely full of semen as her hips still did not stop moving to satisfy the remaining dicks.

Only five men were left, her own boyfriend was overwhelmed and lay asleep waiting for his woman to finish her job as a cum toilet.

Ryu pulls Hana's hair which makes her look up with her mouth open. Ryu's saliva flowed into her mouth.

"Send each other first before drinking it." Ryu said which Hana immediately understood. Hana pulled Aiko's head roughly and kissed the girl's mouth. Sending Ryu's saliva into Aiko's mouth. Aiko accepted it and wrapped her pink tongue around Hana's before sending the saliva back into her mouth.

Hana didn't want to give it back and drank all of Ryu's saliva.

"That's cheating." Aiko complained. To which Hana replied with a small flick of her tongue as if teasing her.

"Well, looks like we've been here too long. Let's go home, we can continue at home." Ryu said. Both girls nodded, they stared at Ryu's penis which still looked mighty. But Ryu could control his lust well this time.

Aiko started to wake up her sleeping boyfriend and Eiji.

Finally they went to Hana's mother's house for the night.

In the morning, Ryu went to school as usual. That time he left alone because he wanted to do something. And sure enough the girl was there walking while listening to music with earphones in her ears and her smartphone. After entering the school area, it was Ryu's territory and he could do anything in the school.

He was about to drag the miko, but the girl immediately launched an attack without looking back.

Ryu whistled, this girl had very good instincts. Ryu parried the miko's attack and dragged the girl to an empty room that new students always pass by.

"Ahh! You again! Who did I think you were!?" Miko yelled in annoyance when she found Ryu dragging her into the empty room.

"Wait! Ahhh what are you doing?"

"Do you want to get caught by someone else?" Ryu pointed at the door that had glass. Many students passed through that room after school.

Ryu began to squeeze Miko's soft ass, Miko was completely overwhelmed by Ryu's strength.

"Wait! What are you doing, you promised you wouldn't do it again and yesterday was the last time!" Miko yelled softly at Ryu as her face turned slightly red.

Ryu ignored that and licked the girl's neck, squeezing both breasts covered by Miko's oversized sweater.

Miko closed her mouth as she felt the stimulation coming on. Miko tried to kick the youth's shin but Ryu quickly dodged.

"Ehnnnn stop... Bastard... You promised! .... I'll scream if you don't stop..."

Ryu opened Miko's skirt so that her round ass was visible and her panties were exposed, he put his hand inside Miko's panties and inserted his finger into her pussy.

"Then scream."

"Uhhhh ahhh, ishhhh... I... I'm really going to scream ahhh and tell everyone that you raped me... uhhhh." Miko desperately held back her sighs as Ryu's fingers churned her pussy.

"Why haven't you screamed yet? Then I'll scream and tell everyone that I raped you, okay? Get ready! 1... 2 ...-.."

"Don't do that! Are you stupid!" Miko immediately covered the mouth of Ryu who was about to scream earlier. Miko really didn't know if the young man in front of her was stupid or what. But clearly she could not escape from him and could only surrender to the situation.

Ryu kissed the girl's lips and released his hand that had been stirring Miko's pussy.

"Look, you're already wet!"

"Noisy!" Miko let out a small cry as she threw a punch at Ryu, but Ryu stopped it easily.

Ryu pressed Miko's body towards the exit and pulled her ass back slightly. He took off the girl's panties above her knees.

"Ahhh!" Miko moaned silently while covering her mouth to keep her sigh from escaping. Ryu's penis penetrated her pussy firmly. Ryu took out some lubricant from his pocket and lubed Miko's sensitive ass hole.

"Hahhhh... Don't touch that hole..." Miko moaned in frustration as her head filled with the pleasure she hated.

Ryu pulled out his penis that was already covered in Miko's love juices and inserted it into Miko's ass hole that was slippery with lubricant. Miko bit her knuckles in frustration at the strange pleasure Ryu was giving her.

Ryu released his penis and penetrated into Miko's pussy repeatedly. Then he finally put it back into Miko's ass hole.

"Uhhhh don't mess with my ass hole like that..." Miko moaned in frustration, but her face couldn't hide the pleasure Ryu was giving her.

Finally Ryu decided to use the girl's ass before the first lesson started.

"Uhhh ahhh Yamaguchi!...." The girl's eyes were already glazed over with pleasure as Ryu slammed his dick in her ass hole, she closed her mouth desperately so no one would hear her. She always saw students walking past the room they were using. It made the miko's heart beat faster, she didn't realize that she was getting excited herself.

As the final blow was delivered with force, the miko's stomach was filled with Ryu's semen that was still fresh in the morning.

The girl collapsed with panting breath and a limp body. Ryu thrust the tip of his penis into Miko's nose.

"Clean Miko."

Miko looked at Ryu with exhaustion, then she looked at Ryu's penis. Her mouth opened as she was about to take Ryu's penis into her mouth. But an alarm went off inside Ryu and he immediately backed his hips as Miko's mouth closed tightly and failed to bite Ryu's penis. This girl was really hard to tame.

"You dragged me here just to rape me back, and I was told to clean that disgusting thing!? Fuck you, asshole!" Miko stood up shakily while pointing a middle finger at Ryu.

Ryu just shrugged his shoulders lightly, he then cleaned his penis using the girl's skirt.

"Ahhh damn it!!! Am I really going to kill you?!" Miko let out a small scream as her body was restrained by Ryu. Ryu wiped his dirty penis on Miko's skirt. Making Miko's skirt slightly wet with Ryu's pussy juices and semen.

"Good job my little Miko." Ryu patted the girl's head a few times before packing up his things and exiting the room, leaving Miko gritting her teeth in anger.

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