
Mysterion's Weakness

As the boys grow older, their franchise becomes more and more popular. So popular to the point where they actually have saving the town as their permanent job. The boys with really powers and nothing getting in their way have lived up to 27 years now, some married while others have children. Freedom Pals and Coon and Friends both changed their franchise names the older they got and also changed up their outfits for a more age appropriate outlook. Everyone was living the life they wanted.. well most of them. Mysterion grows a strong weakness instead. As a single father of a three year old girl of the name Emma, he hires a nanny to watch over her as he's out fighting crime. He grows a big bond with the nanny as she's a motherly figure in Emma's eyes. Exactly what she needs. Mysterion finds out what fear truly is when the villain who as been kidnapping several children of Nother Park, actually knows how to kill Mysterion once and for all.

JessTheMess2018 · テレビ
34 Chs

Chapter 15

Waking up, Mysterion saw he was in a white room with a bunch of equipment lying everywhere. The face he was wearing an oxygen mask and had a blood bag attached to an IV in his arm. He began to panic as he thought he was in a hospital wearing his Mysterion outfit. The fact his heart rate was being monitored, as his rate was increasing, the door quickly opened. Looking over, he let out a relieved sigh when he saw Toolshed.

"Fuck.. where am I? What happened?" Mysterion groaned out while removing the mask.

"You were ambushed and they sprayed some type of gas in your face. Kyle said it infected your blood somehow so he tried giving you some blood to counteract with the infection. I'm guessing it worked considering you woke up."

Mysterion placed his hand on his head as he sat up on the hospital bed. "Shit, how long have I been here! I need to check on the girls."

Seeing Mysterion trying to get out of bed, Toolshed place his hand on his chest to stop him. "Dude, their fine. Jess went over there and they are just cleaning the house. No big deal."

Mysterion let out a long sigh as he laid back down in bed letting all his muscles relax.

"You need to stay for here for awhile and recover. Kyle said you had a bunch of shit in your system that nearly killed you. He said if you didn't come sooner you could have actually died."

"Yeah, then I'd be home rather than be here."


"Nothing, anyway how long up do I have to stay here?"

"Kyle said about 2 more hours. Then the blood bag should be empty."

"Are you sure they will be okay?"

"Do you not know my wife? She carries a gun with her at all times. I feel safe myself being around that tough cookie."

Mysterion snickered as he looked over his his friend. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For everything.. For staying with me.. For talking to me when I needed someone.. For giving me Y/N.."

"I didn't give her to you, don't be weird."

"You know what I mean. I can actually leave the house and not have to worry about my daughter."

"Really because you are still worrying about her at this very second."

The two snickered lightly until the door opened. Mysterion looked up to see Kite to his surprise.

"It's been awhile Kyle."

"Yeah, it's nice seeing you in one piece. Do you remember anything that happened?"

"Nah, it's all fuzzy to me to be 100% honest."

Kyle looked over at Toolshed and he looked back seeming a bit worried.

"Well, I would steer clear of the substance you breathed in. Apparently it had some type of chemical imbalance with your blood and it was nearly eating you alive."

"Duly noted. I'll be sure to be more careful."


Later that night, Kenny went home calling it a day as his team told him to stay home and recover and they would handle the patrol without him. When he got home, he was down right exhausted. Throwing his backpack on his bedroom floor and fell face first into his bed, he groaned out loud while rolling the blanket over him. His eyes were so heavy he felt he could sleep at that very moment and that's exactly what happened.

Waking up to Emma screaming out loud while crying, he literally jumped out of bed and ran out in the hall to see Emma in the bathroom sitting on the sink while Y/N was disinfecting a scratch on her knee.

"What happened, is she okay?" Kenny asked.

Y/N looked over at Kenny and placed the bandage over Emma's knee. "She's okay, we were playing outside and she fell on the sidewalk."

Kenny got closer to the two as Emma held her hands out, "Daddy I missed you!" She cried out with sudden tears.

"Aww, I missed you two princess." He said while grabbing her from under her arms and lifting her up in a hug. However when she hugged back, Kenny felt as if something was suddenly painfully tickling his throat causing him to cough out real hard. Setting Emma back on the sink while trying to breath, he leaned against the doorframe while coughing as hard as he could in his arm.

"Daddy? DADDY?"

"Kenny are you okay?"

The moment he tasted blood in his mouth he quickly rushed to his room without something a word.