
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · ファンタジー
411 Chs

Virus consciousness.

'Virus consciousness..! What does that mean?' Nate wondered.

[Note = do not kill the virus consciousness]

'What do you mean by virus consciousness?!' Nate yelled at the system for an answer but there was none.

Meanwhile, zombie Petro had just plunged towards Nate. Its hand was behind his back as it's run towards Nate with madness written all over his face.

Nate seeing this was not getting it till the zombie was close to him. Suddenly, the zombie swung its arms at Nate who quickly moved out of the way.

Petro fall over while Nate moved to the side and glared at the zombie. 'Can he see me now?' Nate wondered.

That's when he recalled the system message and tried to understand its content.

[New quest= Defeat the virus consciousness]

[Reward= set the zombie free]

'Defeat the consciousness and set the zombie free...is that it? This might be the only way for me to turn them into high-intelligence zombies,' Nate wondered but decided to act.

Petro was already coming at him again and this time, he was a little bit faster than before as his claws cut through the air while he tried hard to hit Nate.

Nate on the other hand has no problem dealing with the strikes as he leaned back and forth dodging each strike aiming decisively at him.

'According to the system, I don't need to kill it. Wonder what will happen if I do so, but I shouldn't toy with someone close to my ally, right?' Nate urged himself.

'I need to end this fast as possible I can,' Nate concluded before reaching out for his axe.


[System item inaccessible]

'What...why can't I access my inventory?!'

Deciding not to bother about that, Nate decided to use another thing he have.


[Unable to use system functions for now]

'Is this it...you brought me here and put me into a fight. Now you won't let me use my weapon or skill,' Nate clenched his fist angrily at the system.

Just now, he wanted to summon his weapon, the system didn't allow him. The worst is that he can't also access his system skills.

'This has never happened before, and is there a chance this will continue to occur occasionally?' Nate wondered.

Regardless, all that Nate know at this moment was that the system won't help him in this fight.

'So what if I can't use my skill, I still have my first,' Nate thought.

Petro rushed in again, swinging his arm at Nate, the former slid underneath the arm before making a quick rotation and kicking Petro on his shin.

Petro lent forward which Nate continued by hitting the back of his neck, trying his best to pine Petro down on the floor.

'At this moment, if I were told to kill him, this would have ended, ' Nate thought as he saw so many opportunities he can use to kill the virus consciousness but since he was told not to, he can't.

'I just hope this moment of overpowering will count,' Nate thought, however, it was quite unfortunate that things didn't go as he hoped.

On the virus's neck, his skin started to turn green from his neck. As this happened, veins that are to appear from where Petro was bitten.

'What is this?' just as Nate was still asking questions, Petro became more aggressive and his power seems to increase as well.

With his elbow, Petro hit Nate on his nose sending the latter's head up. Petro used this opportunity to make a quick turn of events as Nate's body was flogged on the side.

Petro tried to get on top of Nate while digging his fingernails into the latter's neck trying to detach his head from his body.

Nate cocked his fist and throw a powerful blow at Petro's face sending the zombie off him.

'There is no need to hold back anymore,' Nate declared.

Although Nate couldn't use his system at the moment, however, his attributes were not saved in his system, even now he can use his skill. It's just that Nate had no idea how to use his skill without the system's help.

Regardless, there are still things Nate could do without using the system and that was his attributes.

With sixty points in agility and seventy points in strength, Petro despite being in his virus version was no match for Nate.

With his speed, Nate appeared behind the zombie and hit it from behind, he then went ahead to grab his leg and slam him on the ground.

Regardless, Petro was still able to bounce back to attack. He swings his hand like a claw aiming at nates chest.

However, the hand was caught by Nate and was twisted into an angel one might think it was impossible to recover from.

'I know as a zombie, not just a zombie a virus itself that you must have this super healing power which is why I will tear your limbs apart...!' Nate grabbed the virus on his hand and then pulled.

Petro's entire body was coming at Nate but the latter just kicked him by the side of the limbs, sending his body flying.

Nate then yank forcefully and the arm was detached from the zombie's body.

Tossing the arm to the side, Nate went for the other arm. In no time, Nate has crippled the zombie virus.

At this point, the zombie won't be able to bounce back.

[Quest completed]

[The host has defeated a virus consciousness]

[Reward = The zombie's true consciousness has been set free]

'Now what...what will happen now?' Nate wondered.

However, right in front of him, he could see as the petro limbs started to grow back and in no time, the zombie was back on his feet but this time, he was not attacking Nate.

Rather, the surroundings started to change into that of a void.

[Brain access deactivated]

Just like that Nate's consciousness returned to his body where, Lyon, Mark, and Bull were staring at him waiting for the next cause of action.

Nate could only look back at them and then at Petro who was still lying on the table.

Petro's eyes were opened as he looked around the unfamiliar surrounding for a moment before looking at the others.

"Can you speak now?" Mark asked.

When asking this question, Mark and Bull were afraid of getting the same reply as before.

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