
My Year Abroad

Cameron Waska grew up in rural Alaska with his mother. Not long after his thirteenth birthday, a tragedy occurred that left him orphaned. Being a tight-knit community an elder took him in, but CPS had other plans. Against his will, Cameron was taken from his hometown and put into the foster system. This took him all over the country for he couldn't stay in one place for long. The reason was Cameron's unusual demeanor and cold expression led to no family wanting him. The final family Cameron encountered wanted him for the extra money they received monthly. Knowing they were foul people Cameron worked hard in school and got a job as soon as possible. After a month of hiding wages from his stepparents, he went to court and filed for emancipation. Being on his own offered some relief but it left Cameron in a difficult situation. He had to stay in his current city and maintain his school life to keep his freedom. With one day left till his 18th birthday, Cameron is ready to start his life. --- This story is rated Mature for sexual content, violence, substances, and the occasional terror factor. All of which is legal in my area of the world. This is also done to provide some realism to the story's location.

MrBrightside · SF
55 Chs

Chapter 11

Megan was prepared to throw a fit, but Jordan covered her mouth. He attempted to step back, and explain later, but a branch cracked beneath his foot. The hunkered figure before them slowly stood revealing its enormous height.

It resembled a bony human that was approximately seven-foot-tall, but its skin was grey. The limbs were unusually long, and its eyes were dark red. Along its body were patches of dark fur, and its fingertips resembled three-inch claws. Its blood-drenched chin began to quiver as an eerie growl was released revealing razor-sharp teeth.

'Wh-what is t-that?' Megan's hands began to tremble.

"Get to the car!" Jordan shouted.

They both began sprinting as fast as possible, but escape wouldn't be so easy. The moment they turned around to sprint away the creature dropped down on all fours and gave chase. Even with a head start, and a good distance between them the creature caught up.

It pounced towards Jordan, but he slipped on some ice as the creature crashed into a boulder. Jordan recovered quickly and narrowly missed a swipe from its claw. This environment was a frequent hunting ground for the creature, but the deep snow and ice were new.

If not for the change of terrain its prey would've never seen it coming. Jordan continued running but glanced back to see the creature closing in. With the disproportionate limbs one would assume it would be clumsy, but no. Right on their tails was an apex predator.

Being a track star Megan reached the vehicle first and went for the glovebox. The creature swiped for Jordan, but he was running at an incline. Its claw narrowly missed, but still stripped the leather of his jacket, and left light claw marks across his back in the process.

The creature swept Jordan's leg and lunged for his throat, but met a rotted log instead. As the log shattered between its teeth a jagged rock struck its eye. It winced momentarily before growling in irritation.

"Stay down!" Megan shouted as she took aim.

Megan pulled the trigger, but only a click was heard.

'You dumb bitch.'

"Pull the top all the way back first!" Jordan shouted.

Megan awkwardly pulled the slide back and racked a round into the chamber to try once more. As the shot echoed through the canyon a light shriek was heard. The creature was struck in the chest but didn't falter. It glared at Megan rushing her way as another shot hit the center of the head, and the creature fumbled.

"Get in the car!" Jordan shouted as he rushed past the beast.

Rushing for the car they failed to notice it returning to its feet. Jordan just barely closed his door when the creature slammed into the side. The force of its pounce sent the vehicle barreling over a hill.

Without their seatbelts, they bounced around the front seats as glass flew through the air. While rolling Jordan noticed the greyish figure tumbling with them. Several times it met the earth being crushed under the weight of their car.

When they hit the base of the hill Jordan's vehicle rested on its side. He regained his senses to see blood trailing down Megan's head. Jordan desperately tried to wake her, but the sound of bones crunching made him freeze.

'N-no way.' Jordan desperately looked for his pistol.

"You need to get up now!" Jordan shook Megan while looking around.

The crunching sound ended as something forced the car to shake. Being a van from the seventies it was made from real steel, but it didn't stand a chance against the creature's claws. Sparks were flying as the roof was pried open.

Once the hole was large enough gleaming red eyes stared them down. While it was reaching in a large rock was hurled down from the hill striking the back of its head. It didn't even have time to respond before another two struck its neck.

"Over here!" Cameron shouted while hurling another one.

The force behind the throws was abnormal and caused the rocks to be reduced into rubble. After a roar that awoke Megan, the creature dashed up the hill as Cameron took off. Megan climbed out of the van to give chase while Jordan looked for the pistol.

It didn't take long for the beast to catch up to Cameron. He returned to the camp hoping they would take the car. They weren't ready to abandon their friend and caught up in time to see him cornered.

Jordan took aim and unloaded the mag into the creature's back. It turned towards Jordan as Cameron rammed his blade into its spine forcing out a shriek. The creature was collapsing, but it backhanded Cameron as he went tumbling across the ground.

Jordan was attempting to reload as the creature turned to finish off its prey. It pounced onto Cameron as he attempted to fight it off. They desperately tried to come to his aid, but being unable to see him made Jordan uneasy.

Out of ammo, Jordan picked up the closest thing while running and hurling it in its direction. It turned back with a face covered in Cameron's blood before charging. Megan wailed when seeing his body opened up in the snow.

Jordan saw Cameron's body lying on the ground and froze. He came to the realization that their story from yesterday was how they came to terms with trauma. Witnessing the fear on their faces the creature walked up brandishing its claws.

The way it resembled a human's stride would be intriguing if not for overwhelming fear coursing through their bodies. This creature was once a man and has hunted these grounds for centuries. His father was a powerful medicine man, but he forged his own path.

Choosing to walk the dark path brought on new gifts, and one of them allowed his form to shift at will. As conflict arose in the west these shifts occurred more often, and eventually, he lost his form. He now roams the land like a beast sustaining itself on raw meat. For the most part, he instinctively chased after wildlife.

This changed when a band of cavalry forces arrived in his domain. They were planning a night raid on a nearby tribe and took a shortcut to avoid detection. While scouting for the village they stumbled across the creature feeding and fire ensued.

Not a single soldier survived the night, and the warriors went searching for the origin of the screams at dawn. What they found were the shredded remnants of the troops' clothing and weapons. The majority of the horses were split into pieces, but one remained trembling at the base of the hill.

The sun was still rising when they witnessed red eyes peering out from the boulder. They could see its blood-drenched claws draped along the edge. Since that morning the natives never crossed this ridge again of fear of crossing paths with the skinwalker.

They knew if left alone it would attempt to sate its hunger offer the land. Trespassing in its territory was already bad enough, but interrupting its meal was unforgivable. It wouldn't be satisfied till its claws were stained in their blood.