
You're mine... for all eternity [R-18]

Neriah nodded eagerly and crawled forward until she straddled his waist while keeping eye contact throughout. Then she leaned down and kissed him passionately while reaching between them and guiding his cock inside her wet depths. Once she had taken all but the tip deep within herself she sat upright on top of him while grinding herself gently on his member. Tristan moaned softly when he felt how tight she felt around him; squeezing tightly enough to make it difficult for him to breathe properly.

"You feel amazing," Tristan whispered huskily as he reached out for both sides of her body and held her close to him as they began rocking together in unison. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony as their lips met again in another passionate kiss that left no room for anything else in their minds other than each other's touch. They were lost in that moment where nothing existed except themselves... or perhaps even better yet, everything that came before that point simply didn't matter anymore because there was only now!

Bouncing up and down upon his cock like a wild woman, Neriah threw caution aside completely along with any sense of shame at what was happening right now. She wanted him so badly! It was almost painful sometimes just thinking about being able to have sex with someone so resourceful who looked at her with such lustful eyes every time she saw them. And then finally having the chance to actually do something about those feelings without having to worry about anything? That thought alone made her want to scream from excitement: "I'm going to cum!"

Tristan's hands gripped hold of her hips firmly as he thrust upwards into her hot depths causing an intense sensation deep within her core which made her cry out loudly against his mouth once more. Her entire body shook violently beneath him as waves of pleasure washed over her making her toes curl against the bedsheets underneath her feet.

The feeling caused Tristan to grunt deeply against her neck while holding onto her tightly; not wanting this feeling to end anytime soon either. He continued moving slowly back and forth inside her while watching her face closely for signs of impending orgasm; waiting patiently until it happened naturally instead of forcing it by using some kind of technique on her.

Neriah cried out louder than ever before when she felt herself getting closer to climaxing until suddenly it hit her hard enough that it took away all coherent thoughts in her mind leaving behind nothing but pure bliss in its place. The world around her faded away entirely as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed through her senses one after another in rapid succession. She could feel each nerve ending tingle intensely throughout her whole body, especially between her legs where they were connected directly with Tristan's throbbing member buried deep within hers.

She couldn't believe how good it felt! How amazing! She had never experienced anything like this before! Not even close! It was like a dream come true! A fantasy! An impossible wish granted! Her face scrunched up when she felt him thrust deeper into her tight depths sending a fresh surge of heat rushing up from below straight into her belly button causing a new set of sparks to fly across every inch of her skin: "I'm going to cum again!" Neriah moaned breathlessly against his lips again just seconds later: "I'm going to cum again!" This time however there wasn't any shame or embarrassment attached to the words coming out of her mouth any more because there simply weren't any other emotions left inside her anymore other than sheer pleasure... or perhaps better yet... love?

Tristan smiled down at her lovingly as he continued rocking them both together gently at first then picking up speed gradually until their bodies began slamming back and forth violently once more. His hands gripped hold of her hips firmly while grinding himself harder and faster against her clit until finally reaching that point where everything came crashing down upon them all at once as they both climaxed simultaneously.

Their eyes met briefly right before they broke apart for air; sharing an intense look filled with passion while breathing heavily through parted mouths. They stared deeply into each others' eyes for several long moments; lost in each other's gaze completely unaware of what was happening around them outside of themselves for those few brief minutes.

"That was... that was amazing," Tristan whispered softly in awe after breaking eye contact only to find Neriah staring intently back at him instead, still panting slightly after having reached orgasm so quickly after the last one had already passed by. He could see how much she wanted him now too which made him smile happily, knowing full well how badly she had been wanting him since she had abducted him. "You're incredible." He added playfully when she blushed brightly beneath his compliment.

Neriah nodded shyly but didn't say anything else due to being unable to form words properly under such circumstances. She merely leaned forward slowly towards his lips again without taking her own off his neck this time though: "I want you..." Her voice trailed away in a whisper as soon as their lips touched again: "...inside me again!" The thought alone caused a fresh wave of heat to wash over her body making it difficult for her not to moan loudly against his mouth as their tongues danced together hungrily once more.

Tristan smirked against her cheek and pulled himself free from within her grasp once more causing another empty void inside her core to ache desperately for its return.


"You're awake," Tristan said softly, looking down on Neriah who still lay naked beside him on top of the bed sheets with a content smile plastered across her face. He reached forward, grabbed a nearby pillow, and placed it under her head so she could rest comfortably without having to worry about falling asleep right now since she was already exhausted from what had happened earlier last night.

Neriah snuggled up close next to him while resting her hand gently upon his chest; feeling how warm he was underneath.

She smiled dreamily before turning her gaze back towards Tristan whose eyes stared back at her lovingly through half-closed lids.

With only seventy-two hours and thirty-two minutes remaining until the level's conclusion, Tristan felt slightly anxious about the underlying fact that he still hadn't been able to fix this bug in the person of Neriah.

'What am I missing?' His mind asked itself in confusion as he continued staring into those beautiful blue orbs which were filled with unfathomable love.

"Charming one," Neriah whispered sleepily after several moments passed by where they simply looked deeply into each others' eyes like lovers do when gazing out onto an endless ocean during sunset: "I'm glad you came along when you did... because if you didn't... I wouldn't have found my one true mate."

'Woah... I don't plan on settling in this realm that could be the end of me if I screw something else up.' Tristan thought worriedly but then shook his head quickly afterward realizing just how safe he needed to play things with her, although he had put a taming mark on her, he couldn't tell for sure whether she would stay tame forever even though she seemed very much attached to him right now.

Neriah still had a smile on her lips as she straddled his waist and whipped her hair around herself slowly while looking downwards between them both. She leaned down slowly towards him again while reaching down below and grabbing hold of his member firmly; stroking it slowly while looking deep within his eyes once more. She leaned down further until their mouths met once more; sharing another passionate kiss full of passion before pulling away again: "You're mine..." Her voice trailed off once more leaving behind nothing more than silence once more before finally breaking eye contact completely: "...for all eternity!"

'You've got to be joking!' Tristan's mind screamed at himself internally yet there was no denying what was happening here either since everything was so real!

Pulling away from the kiss, Tristan searched her eyes before asking, "what about the treasure of your tribe promised to the winner?" He asked curiously since he knew that Neriah wasn't going anywhere anytime soon unless he could steer her attention elsewhere.

"I'll keep my promise. I'll show you," Neriah replied softly without taking her gaze away from his own. "We can do that... only after you stir up my desire enough."



¶ Any idea on what the treasure might be?

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